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Show nie things, palnefetbpon the thiefe of thofe families ; if ntrktic theretmto) P85: pledges in Englard,d10 ( havinglicence comtinto Scotland to fer his fitter, accompanten ther viv Hidte ret ;¢ wouln not conte into mo merit, nomeof @urreteabereof bebadagiftin heritage. with fir Cbhomas Stetwkleie of England noto knight; tbo after he had remained fome daies twith -_-bisHfferin pleafuregdelight , oifchargeodis faith, families that wereby contempt neparted atvaie, bidcome topublihetnngement, where mantemd mare thesbesiaet a ya ; kote ower might bee 4 yerettetas in aninuentavie a have ie on be put .‘a"a Mar.and of the queenesiandsof Straits Die: and further twas contented to qo ourr into France,there to remainefo? the (pacrof flue peares . \But pet afe -_and returwed againe into Cngland,| Jw Julie was apartement helo at Coenburgh, 1 55 5, in the tthich manie acts and fatutes were made, Fpariement, thofenot of the meanefhGzt, paiesithe puntthment fox troubling the peace yamongetttijichone Grant Abarau being commanded to bsingeJaues Grant to paiea peerelic ‘aration to te He ant i "A ned -_treafure-houfe sia thatt aes :eae Ssagethorees‘tht be warresbe warreimiahttill of All be renounced bis-interett onto thefarmes of Dakencie and Shoatland,,'nd to the eariedome of Mill rematne within the realine.for the Ghich begaue in monte. to bir fine thoufand pounds 7 ; aes iss. The iaw for filhing. envehwme - tefforen, Ae the un~ e; by the countell of monGeur Scotland re seee8th ie eeeon did pouide to baingithel Dead dcads, hen they Decarleaf Cathy could nottake thetelinebovies,: , animestcmmcrnckheecn,compegenta WetiadsetOioutarinebstrivtntteneanani their birelings are accuffomed to go fongth) fhoulo panea peace betineene both nations 5 amd that their Aeniesmampicetapnantntantet Gprctpones:feceralighes Gneettansnie front their owneboutes, butaethen feante qreat avmie "came fanth of G t tigland to intiade Seotlano, tgovnera(ickekogsake Titojasonootsaenceeealmng ccm ne mew grees 3 iessomnsen ta in in Avenethet ataber Beenact eneeaNNaTANeAlandy motemteliins ~~ i i a ‘ # ; wus knights : and for the Cnglith,were Hhomas Com _-certeine colour of gatric,trhich fo? srereife of the bos iwailemfe, and Robert owes knights.At that time 20 die(as it twas {uypofed) was holden after the cram: there twere latves made touding ffhing , afwuell tn ple of one(Fcan notfell tho) Robert Hada til the fea, asin certeine other limited riners; by tbid) 02 bplandith man. Chirdlie, that there fhonlo be no ailoccaftonsof contention tas taken atwatc from -ppattuat leagues contracted bettwcene fubieds . Which of tratbnanerne roe Glencone stheingcallen to feeching thei not to fet fuchnew farations vpor sfudgement(forthat be ban offch wate the countrie 2. them, for thep couly not beare {uch burdens; but of sputherland nextadioining) dio cantemnethe would defendihe realme,as beforetime theirelvers > paecept, Gaberebparythequesne peoytdedagreat ate had done, notvicaning to puttheir gods tn inuens mnieteh binder teorle of Southerlanbieake into -tartesag if thepthould alrendic make their lat will 2 iecnaaqiieoniees io itn sPackeiginlikefort,head and chicléof.the tribe es. ning .. binttaper pk obuof Whemis in Fife,to the queene andlorssbes bath nations . Richard Morton, aman of great countell in profperitte ; and of great fomad) tiv ad« uerfitie » being capteine of Po2bam cattell in @ng: Tand, twas at. that time caute of the making ofthis latwes did after bring great peace, cafe, and quiet to ree the publike ftate. Au the berie fame peare 1555, in theeight kav ‘ a f lends of Augutt fell the mariage of sparie queene Feuer Dtrathnauenne, fbere he pofteded all the places of doubt,teatt ante bolentighthelett fo the theenes to paile alwaie from thence. Wibervtpom ackeie, ben be. faiv pinefelfe fo befet (as thatna place of "and feffanents + and be paff all hope of infoteng °? their teripo2atlignds, as perfons notto uclonger "nthe tyo2ld, bat to take their faretuell, and gine ov -‘uer all that they had bp lawwoffatall neceMticnot " late fo the commons ; Lhat if anie Cnglhman of England with Philip king of Spaine in thecttie ji,,16, froma Scot,o2a Scot from an Cnglifman, dio of Wlinchefter. Wherefore ambaffanors tere fent jintwarbic > and Zobn sSellermaen mn of Achnotwle fame ;-befide offer punifhntents of the common laty. Further twas agred, that whofocner by force of tempeff, 02 for anie over caufe, iwere Dziuen into Scotland o2 Crgland, he thould not by anie pes tenfe be ffaied ;buthe might fréelie by land oz fea , either on boxfebacke o2on fot returne bome.320r ufded,that bebad the tefimonieof the nert matter ting : toaither > fhould I no moze affemble b buder a , Hight was let him) pelsenbimlelfete Bughikeneie,uboles him to thequenc,bythombetpascome that commtiffioners thould be appointed to met the nert fununer in the borders, to end all conftouers fies. Jnthe meanetime, thilett the queene regent Didadminttfer the affaires of fonth Scotland, Jobn Steward earle of Atholl teas lent into the north "parts tuith a chofencompanie, to beeabethe force of JobMudtardo2 Muderace.At that time this eatle ofbis arriuall;and that during thetimenf bisabove infuchacountrie,be attemptednothing againitthe Lefleus lib. 10, laivesofthe binghome . Rot mante daies after this, Henrie Sinclere deane of Glatcow,{enator, pag.523. and bicep2efinentof the bigh court, did returne ine 1555+ fo Seotlandout of France ; being a man greatlic and bis kindged. Lowi man, the queene (inrefpec of fingular clemencie, and pietie toatl men, according to the familiar MithJames the fff ,afwell for the fingulas -_dffpofition of bir naturc) vio trholie rent all bis of riti¢ of bis twit,as theercellencie of bis learning, -_fenifes, toith this condition: that he thould faithful -ABut in the fime- of the gouerno:, the courtiers (not greatlie eftéeming (uch wifedome¢ learning) 59 lieremainepaifoner in the caffeil of Peffens, ad inthe toluneof Werth, Wut as the for (as the pro made noaccountof bim, although thequeneDow-° ager ,and diuerfe ofthe nobilitic belo bimin great uerbeisatongeft bs) carmot I{ue without bis ftav honor; afwell for hisveepe fudieinthebeftarts,as: forbisrare kustwlengenf the publikelawesand an fiquities of Scotland. This man,oponbis firkreturne, was forthinith both anthorandpertuaderto, ting holes; (0: this gpudfara and bis compantons 3 imbued with more than forlike conditions, pid( ber -_cefuing their keepers)returneto fheir onecaues, and afrefytroubleall the nopth Scotland with their and to the other {cnatozs; that there fhonlo be new thequaenestijat the dio gointo thofe parts, to and of the bithopof the Dichaves chiefe prefoent;, latwes made for the fhoxt ending of {utes inlains: _vatfed fevitions and fpoites:. Which things inforced "7 -_tutticeaf otres vin tubich the nriabt bridle the enilso for the obferuation of arightcourte of iudgmients): 6. wickedmen, and purge thofe proninces fromall aid fo2 the tabing atwate of allenillenftoms .3n the making ¢fempering thereof , be was of fo great iuflfce ; that fuch things-as twere (et dotone in the: lay , were moze holilie and perfeclie bzought: toi their ancient forme than thephadbeene before: Hhe reafonis readte 5 to- {wit ;atwell for that im ‘equall delivering latw to. all men > as.tn pleading, "here twas bp. bisimeanes mee-diligence bfen by. the magiffrats ; abnocats, {cribes: , and officers; in: cutting atwaie paine and faperfiuons formes ane 02+ ders; thich mintfred occafion ; that: thetr (utes. oD ‘Tong bang in court,before thepcouldbe defermindda At this time alfo.the marquefle of Paine(being after maveonke of Almaine)aboin the meanetime rots of fedition. Bheredpart, in the moneth of Gulie, the queetie accompanied with the earles of Huntleic, Grgile, of Aber Rothes, Callits, awd Warkhall ; the bithop den And kote,9B. Dotfell,aaubie, and others, went fo the towne of Jnuerneffe, in hid) citie(the Cormetios 5 ent, faults knotwiby publieaccufation)there was fott punitly there menttaken byon the offenders . And becaule eine mount {were mante binder inthe higher and y punifl the ce countries;: thich by theft abfen fed of the mounteine ments: fhecommanded the heads guiltte cour faunilies; tat thep fhouldbeing their rding fo 4 trimerrarin hindzcd fo fudgement jacco rine laf eftablityen by James the fit ; witha abouts,diligentlieta trquire of the mifoemeano; of And as touching the hired fouldiers , it vas a thofepeopic. At that tinte hento temper fherigoz thing fullof danger, to committhe ffateo? Scot: came to Dundez,‘and to faint Johns totwne, obfers ning the fame canfe and courfe of bir comming, When he bad thus pafied ouer the funnnerin bein: Ging the mounteine people to their auntie, fhe tent thep bare to thequecne.] Anthe meanetime there Cngland met then ‘cleus ib, xo Durham,ecerteine others for till the quenescony * at Duns, aremained there Bey, | 3 Crnrip gen dwante thing, being a thing apt fo Kindle theicdeepe a> ‘couefonfnelle, and to miniferoccafton to them to attemptothermatters, Wut to the end all other 97 things maythe better be loken onto, let themmoze the earie of iSuntleie to toine {ith the bithop of remember the deerenesof thefr countric, thantheir sd Role and D:beneie,amd tough wenedie;to thom otune effate o2 condition. 3fo2 will ante man ,, fhe dio (ubftitute a better and more commodious beleue, that hired fouldiers trill more valtantlic formeof difpateh of their affaires by others ; tho ‘fight for trangers,thanthe tuners twill fight for the a2 fhould receiue the libels andaccufationsof prinate -defenfeof thetrotwne 7Xhat a little hire o2 wages tobe abated in peace, will greatlier incenfe 22 readie perfois , anddiligentlie to inquire of them, tn the. minds of the common people ; than gads , chil "the places, andother totpnes of Jnuernefle, Clgine, -_Dzer1, tutues, and temples, will mauethe bearts of a? Mp abofe pitigence it cametopatle , that all thofe countries (veing reduced to the rule of tuffice)twere -the nobilitie 33 Uherebnto mapbe fofned, that this matter pers mMabve the moze quiet. >> Scots Kingdomeof the qadof _teineth fo the highet Were J will not (faith Lefleus) note declare hoe land, and that the fame ts of farre moze importance Honourablie ¢fumptuoullie the queene tall bir pzothan that it fouls be communed of at this time,and 22 Greffe was recetuen (Without anie chargetobir) of -t the tender age of our pong quene. Wefides ubicly > the peeves, bifgops,andother nobles andgentlemen the greater part of mendo fufpet anbfeare,that the of Scotleano, fith the Frenchmen(thich were then order fo twarre is bnpzofitable , andfuch 44 famenetw go as nefent iwith bir) haue openedto other nations -_-as cannot be performed without fone commotion Well as to their oli people(with fingularcommens of the SHcotith nation, efpectallie Mth fo great funs >» dations fo the Scots) the gorgtous thew of this of monic can harolie be wrong out by tribute fmpoSeotland,being a mott worthie figne of the fauour fwere fent commifioners to the bo2ders, asthe bf hop of Dunblane,the lardof Lethington,e matter James Macgiil : where pocto2 Cunfkall bithop of -fevonthe faite Scots, as map fuffice to nourifya > -_-hirevarmieto defend the borders. Wherefore it is to a> -_be feared , leat the end of perfuafion grow to this -point,that itbw notrather opeita gap to let inthe e- ,, nimie,than to be a barre to keepethem backe, JFo2 tf -_the Cnglith,atter this crample,being a farre rider 55 nting backe foztly of the nozth in September nert nation , (all gather a mud) gteater fume : tho pa is mieen Grange, with mat» fer Wenvie Walnaues,and others , thich were fay = that of the Scots, fudy as hall not onclte enter the 7? bogders , but ruth eves into the berte bowels "i the 55 ing, footing, 6s tobe avoided. "ye Adding further, that theirelvers Fy. Thin; of laty inith fuch courtefie, thatthe punttheathe of land fo merr tuithout {ubifance , 02 without hope of 5, ferdozs by fine,andnotbp death. JFrom thence thee, aduancement, and to fuch as for ntonie twill dare to ofthe post, 02 ofthe nert totone, totvitnes the caule 40 Dien {uch conrtefie and countell in pactfieng, and fad 55 did notonclicdefend themfelues, andthetr qadg a Buchanli.res mitted fo paifan at Coenburgh a long time,but thep 30 Sain the Cnglith,tien theytere of farre greater of Olencone put tn pledges, ¢ (being committedto polwer than thep nowbe ; but dfalfo manietines 7 fafe amd ftrong prifous) were referney to fhe tudges inake further fiuafion vpon them into theit otone 5, countric. Jor thich cante , thep being not ante iot imentof the quenesyplesfure, hol fo degenerat from their ancettors , that thep 2 dn oAtter this, the quene leaning Anuerneffe, and Lefcuslib0, progrelfing the proutunee of Kole, Hhecame to Cl: told nof, ten need required,beffolp thelr fubltance Pigs28, andlife in defenfeof their countrie, 28 gine, Bamf, Abverdens and the chtefe places there- baflano2s did require arenetwingof the league , amd -_celerifie and twifedomeinerecuting of things; that bebzoughtthelenitions Mudiard(impatient to haus ante gouernoz ) to the quene , to Hhome the [ald Pudiarddidiwillinglie pelo himtelfe, bts chilozent, ; Mo diuerte other Wicked perfons before the inages, 1, howers,and nonein that cafe to be charged to.come mon-tueale of the realine . Amongeft tbich,to pate Thin, ouct ; the teft ,thete tet feeme tym2thie to remaine : choni: va Fr Ledeen bp force take away ante fith that was taken;that be 30 from the quence regent to philip and Maric,to con --gratulat their mariage. %efines thich , thefe anv fhould paie the mule of ttventic fhillings for the mefam te Gherevpon it follotwwen, that funosie of ofuerle 7 = ; twithananteother nobles of France , had rematned Lefleus,ibss aa ferinards the quéene twas contented, that be fhould ro right profitable (as tuas then thought) for the com: Fr.Thin, Lefleuslib,t0. pag-522. ; Gieur Doifels the vied principallicin alithings. dhe 4 carieof untleic being tobedetucredoutof ward, ius pid for bis puntibment renounce bistitletotccarl houncedma- ThohitdrieofSead, The hiftotieofScotland. 358 thst tpechononops tatesanaro tatedeata eas great é comort people, tutte he ent boloert,in |