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Show Thehiftorie ofScotland. Dred of fhemt cante feattered bpon the (purre, twith a matuclious thout within a ftones length of the for mof trope, Thefe thinking then fo haue wheeled about, mat thinke with themfelues, that and boty manie vif Micholas fer Nicholas Gainefford, the leader of that trope, Gainelfoy, AMdlieutenant of the tov Creies bandof bis men of armesof Wullongne,cried;A charce,tbich as {per dilp on the Cnglith part as brillsed for of the Scots ing farre better to be taughtit bp the miffortunes of ofhers,thanto fele the (mart thereof by their otone >> experience. » Wherefore (as touching themfelues) if thep tall not perceiue the Scotith nation to be eftranged " being giuen,from charging at that tine in (poot, the The hiftorie ofScotland, foffate theit enterprife,and therefore fundentie, not: commodities will grotwtherebp, and to that eviil 2? Withfanding their foymer oetermination, ruhing counfels thep (hall indanger themfelues: the tich »9 fooxth of thetv campe , pafled foxtvard to incounter they maplearne bp the erampleof other nations, be- their entities, The opdering bim, led the bant-gard; George Gordon earle of Hcots were dziuen togallop atvaie fo falas theit 15 from this amtitie and conco2d , they would mitigate »> fonriubat of their formerpromifes (ixbich by late thep 5. might chalenge) and becontented that the matoen queene fhould be brought bpamongt them, andbee >? hundzed and moze (as fome baue wyitten) [at what altwaies in their power, vittill the timte that nature 5 Fr.Thin, fime the lord Wume(as faith Lefleus lib,10.pa.486) {hould tnable bir fit for martage,and bntill {uch time ,, falling from bis bozfle , was gricuoufliie wounded, as fhe might chofe bir a bufband by the aduticof the 2 andcaried to Coonburgb, and bis cloeft fonne was nobilitie.and that in the meane time(ontill the fame >> fakenp2ifoner] but pet, as diuerfe of the Cnglithmight be performed) that both the nations fhouldab-.y> men aduentaredta farre tn folloiwing the chate,the p feine fromtwarre: and that alfo the queene(ouring {were diffreffed, and fundzic of thent takenprifoners, Engi cap: among the which were foeof their capteins, as fir 20 that tine) fhould neither be conueied into anie ffrange nation ; no? that thep Gould conclude anie 99 tenstaken. dafe Bulmer, Thomas Colwer,¢ Wobert Crouch, pact o2 couenanttolth the JFrench, 02 ante other fox each of them hauing in charge the leaving of fenereine prince touching birmartage. The trhteh if the rall bandsoflight bo2femen. € Zhus much for this Hcots would mot holilic and handfattlie promtfe, > Fridaics hirmith, aberein the chiefett force of the The Scot Hcotith horfemen twas defeated, to the great difcou- Fr.Thn. se The Englarmie remaining till at Pre BuchanJib.rs. for,did froma bill beboluthe number of the Scots, ho (fupofing that theyfat a greater number than the Englith would forthwith ocpart with a quiet >» armie, And farther,that if the Cnglith had commit: ss ted ante hurt o2 {poile(fince thep came into the cour trie) thep would recompente the fameby the tudges 29 ment of gwd niet, ey) Thee letters thus fent, the gouernio2 did impart in truth there was) aflembled in the nteane fine to 30 bnito a few, and of thofe efpectallie to Jobn his bro» confult of the effate of thetr affaires, And therebpon fent letters to the Scots, oefiring that tf they might obtefne ante thing bp inffice, that thep Mould rather end the twarre tith couenants than with canons. a She effect of ub{ch letterstendedto this end. That © the Englith ofd greatlie intreat the Scots, firto <c remember that both armies tere chiftian men, to Cc MOF thome (nlelle thep dtterlie ferget thefr. pzo- ther bifjop of faint Andzetws (taken bnto him in place ¢ authozitie of the Maine cardinal.) Zhefetws fie, palling firtt through the tater tn their armour, mdfo bp towards the hill; that continuing their of mattimonie (being piontifed and confirmed by aduanced With great hope of bictozie,were the canfe that thefe letters tuere fuppgeficd,bicaufe they fearen cc {be Deots than to the Englith , by how much the hope of profit, and the feare of infuries Moulo be fame quietaduife, Wherefore thep procured a falfe « uing (piead a feinedtale (though the Scotih bof) Wherefore thep Mould chiellieconfiver (and in this kind)this to be their greateft reafon, that fince Scots,and that the fame necef{itic was God order) that all had bene lof, gaue backe, and mens opinions, In the meanetime, bis friends bar Chemie of Panticie ta: <c And tfthep would defe (to their queene) ahufband Z for the publike profit and dignitie : of ahome could thep better tabe coife, thanof a king their neigh c€ boz,boante in the fame Zand,neere of blond, inffruccc tevin the fame latves , brought dp inthe fame mas nersandlanguage; not thett fuperio2 onelte in rt © ches, butalmoff alfoin all commodities and ona <c mentsof erternall things, aiid fuch a perfon which ec BD bring twith him peace,concord,amitic,and the for getting of allolpininries: %5ut if thepcall to them CC ante other (differing from them in language,mas ~ ners,and laives)to take the hingdome: let them ; : on ne truo(as the Scots haue reported)ihat ee Sets the gouernoz, and the nobilitieof Scotland mteant pmeant mot not to hazard battell totthin their ote realme, but bert rather to lie (Fill ano defend their ground.tf the eng them battel lithment fhould come fortvard to giue there, The Cnglifymenaduertifed thereof, the mov rolw afterthis great fkirmith, raifen thete field . ext rie earlie,purpoting to take an bill called pinkbill, there thep mightplace their osbinance, and to that nem into the Scotith campe, tthereby thep thould (026° toon the Seots to diflopge from thete ground of auan tage, The gouernoz and the Dcotifh loxvs,be-- ther enisnies thus marching forward, thoughthe ater the battell {ct at libertie,repared to the nuke of of Louthian,hilehe laie at Leith, offering thems felues to be at the king of Cnglands commande ment,and fo tere affured from receining burt o2da+ mage bp the Cnglith power. Zhe onke of Summers 54% fethauing remained at Letth efght dates, burnta ------ his caffell being twone,t a garrifon left thete, till he carle of {untlete and the rere-gard foowas {ofth their enfignes and banners , till the date a patf by thent ; but atlength twere defuent to make Wwaie as well as the reff,and the earle himfelfe in the Fatkcatell,landing necre to the fea fine,and places Zaecated agarrifon within it. And mozeouer, > in this meane ¢ hem, ° tine, thefr feet by fea twan the caffell of Wroughtic Wroughtte ctag, and putin like manner a garrifon within tt to 4B one, keepethe fame(as in the Cnglith hifforte tt mapfur, retire being taken o1fot , {well clad in gilt armour ther appeere) and itr chatfozt alfo all the chtefett lors tnamtelen,twas ted prifoner to the lo2d p2otectu2. Dt: uerfe other men of name,barons, and knights,vere 60 andgentlemen of the Wers and Liatdale caine in, and fabmitten themfelues to the bukeof Summers number faken p2tfoners.Zhere were Maine no fnrall fet, bpon affurance had and giuen, lo20 of perforiages of ged account.Among other, the of ¢Ben ees Furthermore , ahilett the ouke of Summerfet Oras of matffer Fleming, the maifter of Erfhin,the iwith bis armie did thus inuade Scotland onthe eae ham,the mattter of Peffitie,the matter of Dailuie, Eth part, it tons ordeined bp the fafbouke, and other of of Holle (the "sein, the matffer of Leuingifon, the maitter the councell to the king of England, Hat Matthey matffer of Argendale and WBeffane] the lard of Lo earle of Lennor, and Thomas loz Gharton, then (bere chinwwar,the lard of Glencarnocke, eothers. lo20 fwarden of the tocmarches of England, thoulo Were taken prifoners diuerfe noble men, the {witha power inuade Scotland on the tcf foe, to Zeltrie , the earle of untlete chancello of the the end that there fhoulo not ante ofthe tweft bozvers o.pag.487.] realme,and others, as faith Lefleuslib.x no? countries come to alfift the gouerno? againft armie remouco to ‘ppifoner, foeapons , ibofe bnaputfen fpecd twas in theend the cc Motto be auoiacd ; and the moderationtherein berie 60 canfe of their bnfortunate procedings,xs after {ha appearg. a, bard: that the oyelie poiverto cote bit a butbann \ "SC fas left brite the publike councell 02 parlement, Summerlet,with o{uerle other lorvs and gentlemei info beepeit,thep remoued fo Wockclburgh, there take them to flight; ihonte the Cnglithmenfollotv, edamaine, Gaieng the Scotithmten dotwne on heaps 5° within the compatle of the ruinous tals of mola caffell,thep built a fort; ¢ after returning into Cngs inpaffing great numbers. ante twere allo drow innd,left a conuentent garrifon to kepe tf. Thep got ned in the water of Cinderefke, through the thich allo about the fame time a ftrong fortreffe, called thep tobetheir flight. <¢ that their queene twas ofireceffitie fo beginenin mar - by bimodenifed, the Scots ranin all batt to theft C< ridge by and relic themfelues againe. An the meanefine, the battell and the rere-fvard thep could not come eafilie fortuard. And heretwith 4° peeceof it,andoemandingthe cattell of Coenbureh, Che Engiith but conlo not obteine it, departed thence the efght, armie retur= the Englith bant-gard incouraged with the como, teenth of December homewardsthe next tvaie,ouer Mth homes table tom20s and behauio: ofthe ear le of WHartwike, the mounteins of Sontrete, conning the third dap Ane and other the capteins, made fotvards the Scotity before the cattell of ume, tthere thep did fmuch bY game cater bant-gard againe :the tiich ot able ofit felfetores countenancing to twin that fortreffe, that twithin render to the fi,retired in gad orderfo the great battell of Scots three o2 foure dates after their comming thither, it Engithmen, land. Wherebpon, the multitude fearing , by reston was forrendzed, (albeitix e they Cato them in the foxe-tward thusretir bnofygrote bodte andfolit conditions, than ante ledge in militarie affaires. Dhefe foure bad fopuften bp the goueriax(tuconftant by bis otune nature,aid changing bis countell bp the wind of euerie rumo3) that be would with open cares heare all other countell ano aoutte of the earle of Angus [ Aratle, F. Thin. galledand indamaged thereby , but alfo fated, that mand becke all things were perfounen, Df hid number Were bis three hinfinen, John archbishop of <¢ greater from the ffronger to the tucaker. he gouerno2 efcaping from the battell,came to CThequeene Striueling, obere the queene regent was togtther temeucd from {ith bir daughter the pong queene. Were, by the Strineling, march with fuch (ped, as they feemed rather to trot, thant'tokeepe anie oidinarie marching pate , before of the Scotsaduanced forward with great courage, Wut there' toas a gallie 4 two pinelics of the Cngs lith fleet ; tehich front the fea thot (o terviblie at the Seotith armie , thatthe fame twas not onelie fore thatif the equall conditions of peace iwere bnotone abzoad,fhe moft part would Wwillinglic incline to the faint Andzewws,the abbat of Dunfermling, George CC thofe conditions abich were more beneficialfor the Durie, with Arcembala wWeton; and the fourth cc Deots than the Gnglith, being fuchas dio notcall them into fernitude,but into afelotwitp and liberal 50 Was ugh Migs, a lawier, rather famonsfo2 bis <¢ impartingofall their fortunes each to other. 302 fo cc much more ould that marfage be conunodious to oftthich bloudie bap, there were nota felw frytch DIB Fr.Thin, impute tuftlie tohappen to the Scots, becanfethep Buchan lib.ty, Rotelen, and Caltles] ano diuerte other tors that L*"eus ib. x0, thep could cometo foine with the Cnglifpmen, thep were alinoff out of breath. Were alto wyithoratone thitheratter thebattell, thep *wis Portdbeit, the earleof Angus , andtheother in 20 Were conueied te thecountric of Denteith, kere thep rematnedittthe abbeie ef Gnch Dahome[pelts Fr-Thin, the bant-qard,bolblie abio the charge ofall the Eng: TeEngiity, lit horfeinen, and forigo2otllie reincountred them, uering the pong queene.to bir mother, Grikine ana wlWa eaten backe, that flatetig and beating Downeno {mall number Leuingifone tobe kept there] till the Cnglith armie both of men and ho2lles, thep putthe reff to Aight; fo Wwas.departed outof the realme, and then they re; that no finalpart of then retired backe in fuch vit mowed againe,andcamte to Striucling, [Atter that Fr-Thin. ower, that thep ran thorough the rankes of the foot: thegourrno2 haddeliuered the earle out of petfort at mentn the fore-tward,thertwith (uch feare entered as Edenburgh] the Cnglith wanie wanthe Ie offaint a ae‘ Colmes Fach [iti the meane tine] anv did fundzie o- anh Paat _ mong the Englifhmen,that (as bath bene reported) therevploits bpfea, asin the Cnglith biftorie tt may Engiithmen. = they han bndoubtedlic fled,if the manfull courage of Thebattant- the earle of CUlarivike had not bene Hewer at that 3° apere. dea prefentaccording tothe onted balure of bis often Poreouer, the carle of Wothivell, Hhome the qa- Cheearic of bike Ware Aproued protwelkeayerebp he canled thent to fate, nerito2 had before kept in paifon, andivasthe night Sotbwell. rumo?to be {pean fhzough the hott,that the Cnglith fefion) there fhould nothing be moze welcome oz to take © aofiren than peace ¢ tranquillitic, amd nothing moze 40 men were come thither iith netermination atvaie the queens bp foxce, and byftrength of armes € deteftable than warre and tniiutt force.efioes this, to bring the abole kingdome into thet fubtecion. that the canfe of this prefent warre did not grotv of For the gouernoz being faint {pivited by nature,had conefoufnetfe,batred 02 enuie,but from the defire of chofen bnto bim foure fuch other counceliozs (like ¢ perpetualpeace , abteh could notbe better 02 moze onto himfelfe)in the affairs of warre,by wbyale conv «¢ firmelie eftablithen by any means,butbpthe league S the publike confent and plenge of the nobtlitie) with fent themfelues prfoners in England bya certeine oe ae bap,they were fuftered to depart. < The calamitic omen Did atrogantlic retect {uch honorable and benefictall Wuntleie, and his friends the rere-tward; and the gov peace, and Did hope(tf thep obteined the bictozte) to Herno2 accompanied twith the carle of Argileann the baue bed moze crueltie to their otnepeople than reff of the noble men,were tn the maine battell. Zhe 10 buto the Englih , ether becavfe they would (as Cnglif}merhauing got the hilt, and perceining the inp felfe contecure) renenge ola quarels,ozelfe haue Scots tocome fortvards with great batt, trated fo, bfeo ertremitie againtt (uch as fecretlte midiken their comming : but the Scots were fo rath and has this conflict tttthe Cnglify.) hozfiemen pat bores might beave thent,lofing of their compantes that were taken and laine, to the number of eight to flight. tagementof the reff. Hheptere ofulded into thie battels; Archembaly LeDeon Dotwglatle eacle of Angus,with certeine lors with fell and trulie pate their ranfomes,agred bpori bes Che carie of tivirt them and thetr takers , 02 dane os a: tani ots nay, the Cnglith Thenert of LeithGrhere the prifonters were put intoa church, uerfe of them being fore toounded.15ut the earleof Duntleieentering born for them that thep thoulo the buke of Summerfets armie, but be driuen to res maine at home tobefend thetrotpne countrie, Beres pon, there was an armie leuied, to the numberof sad |