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Show ThefourthBooke of | Shote fir innalion eatle ohreetes Tifetned,one Monnens Comes, fas appointento defend tholepatties an ap: * the em at hat was neteHarieti onghtto be whence , the Scorii chronographersno. sed forcuriolitie and Vanitic. "' Diohe,, tnfomiichthat "Senerts j niaitter 07-( a3'% 10 covert otthe itecll tbim ) torenteltefthe fatten,iwas'tent to fotmen, Helpe wid telioue tHitgs that Modi Banger: the The xxx. Chapter. hich bringing a fufficient power ity Yim fo? the Hate of that tintineife; then he caltié to thore places, He ditiding his avinie titto parts, patthe Sarons ii fuch feare and trouble before thep fought; that thep = Sten,this 51 the time of sonorias ty tiers of the Konane province Handards,thepfirtiabt made fute fot peace, anv at 2° F< Se length after the matter thas debate in fandite wife (becanfe ft tas tudged that it (honld be profitable for the Romane commontinealth) truce was grans Edomutt,scottang Vago mucronefecutsy Fregit Hyperbureasremis audacihus undaty paring to go their wales, diuers bands of fotmen 3° Ivete fent to lic priutlie in a certeine bin vallie fo ambuthen, as thep might eatilic breake foxth wpon the enimies as they paflcn by them. Wutit chanced bili come to the fuccouroftheir fellotwes, Then ranthep togither mozecrucilie than befne, 50 and the Konrans bending themfelues towards their eniinfes , compatfed themin ort each fine » AND twith Dratonte {words flue them dotune right, fo that there {was Hot one of themlett to returne home to their native countric to bring netwes bow thep bad fpen, No? one fuffered to tftie after anothers death, either ferued at that time in wWrtatne » Which Mould feme to beabout the peere of our Low 399. 60 © hus were the Romans > &$ commontie tn atl their martialaffaires,in this tncoun ter verie fox tunrate, the baypic iMue of the conti falling out on their Noe. And rangeit isto confoer and marke, Holw thefe peopte by a celewtiall kind of influence lucre begotten and bose as it were to prolwel fe and eux, Ognifieng potucr and mightineme + and in oly thinethep Wwerecalled Walentians,< valendo, ofpres Watling: Go that it twas no maruell though the were Dictortons of foxren people, fithens thep fuerte bp nature created and apointed to beconques Sctpsly, a" Hemarcht ypon the bubling fands ofeither {welling feas. Me fame Claudianus pon the fourth confulthip Stilico, in moftample and pithie manner tnfuing = JndeCaldonse velate Britannia monkire, Ferro PidbaCemas,cims weftigns verrit Carwlies,Oceanis afiam mentiter armactees, Ade queg, vicinspereuntemcentiles ingest, Arvnsst Stilsce,tetams qusom Scots Fybernam S Adianett infefberomasat remuge Thetis, Cebus much have we thought gaa to gatherout by the Weitatne tyziters, iweleaue that pointto the fudgement ofothers that betrauelled tn the fearch of fuch antiquitiesonclie apmontthing pou,that in the Scotith dyonicle po hall find the opinion Bbich their wziters haue concefuea ofthis matter,ann alfa mante things touching the ads of the omans bone againitdinerteof theWyitains, ahich thep pres fumetobe dohe againt their nation, though tha Bofved bnder the general namte of szttaing, o2 of 40' other particalar names,atthis Date fo mot men true Ctueltie, Lothe hich Sidonius Apollinaris thus allaveth, ziting to Pamatins. The meflenger pid allurevlie « aifitine,that latelie pebleto the trumpet to acre in cc POUe Hation,and betintrtthe office onebile of a mas mbicarne to plate the partsof rouers, that ever " now there ts gob oceation to twarne pou to betare. nade the Writains, efoe anié mention is made of Tae fore tate to be plciand, (ons Scotient khotune.But thentoeuer the Scots came into thig Gle, thep made the third, nation that inbabiten the fame,conmtingfirft out of Sctthia, o2 rather out of Spaine (as fome fuppofe) into Jreiand, and from Polydos, « Disentmicis moze ceuell than all other entities, thenceinto Ibzitaine ; nertatter the pics, thongh thefr toziters fetch a farre moze anctent beginning tiger afore band 5 be defpttetts thofe that fand a- thent to the reabing thereof, that Befire. to buders «« De allafletd at ontnares,be efcapetty bp fortering the with bloudofSaxons flaine Alegion eke there camefrom out the farcheft Britains bent, Whichbrideled hath the Scors{o fterne: andmarks wich iron brent Vpontheirliucleffelims dooth read, whiles Pidtstheir liues relent. He rebearleth the like inbis fecond Panegeryous OF 20° toningbut alfo fed to come on lain into Dis verleparts of 3Beitaine and Gallia, inuaving the ae robbing the fame toith great rage and 2 P* bold,Omanie avchpirats pe {oypote to fe : fo Dm thep ce altogither tith one accozd contmand,, ‘obcie, teach, Whatlafting cold ? what did to chem the froftie climats gaine ? And fea ynknowne?bemoifted all Dw Scote dat frana trac ferrog, notatas Frerleget exanumes Picde moriente figuras his banners borne full preit the fanie their attemtptsbp the Bzitith nd Cngltth Peres of the Sarons, of uhome as manie rovers as pe bee Scotoruin coomulos flenstglacia Wb Aiyberne. Premst Cr extremis legiopratenta Britannis, Bythy conduét,and Crfarhath Voto the furtheft Britith coaft, where Calidonian's dwell, The Scot and Pict with Saxons eke, though he fubdued fell, Yct would he enimics {eeke vnknowne whomnattirehad forbid, &c; 3 Ong, the thidh in thofe Dates inbabiting all alongit inter,aid another bfle of atoulvier, iattenabout Quid rigor aternus cals ? guid,{frigoraprofunt ? fouldiers fent fo? out of sBzitatne tn the periphatis 2 citcamlocution of the Gotith blondie twarres : Sb manic feasTentred haue, aod Aations farre by welt, bavous nations, fo toas that part of Wyitattic thir {has fubtedt to the Momane emperors grieuouflic al * the croken thores of the oceanifea againt the'fleet Jgnotiangfrettun ?madueruot Saxontfifa Orcades,incaluit Pifonumfanguine Thule, The fame pratfe gtueth be to Lotilico the forme tn lato of onoxus,and maketh mentionof a legion of Hoftes quafias quem tam natitra tetabat, Quserereplys homines, crc. fhe fea coatts of lot Germanie,cuen fromthe Elbe thuiters.d5ut tether the Scots had anie habitation Unto the Khine,otd not onelie tronble the fea Ly cons 30 Within the bounds of wyttaine,til the time fupofen fo cald,he hath fubdude, And with his wandring {woordlikewife The Orknies were : with bloud of Pi@s hath Thule waxed warme, And yfie Ireland hath bewaild the heaps ofScotifh harme,. Buderit & quargnam Scorum,c» cum Saxone Pidlum, of the Komane and other wpiters,that pe might pers cetue the fate of Wzitaine the better in that tine of the necaie aftheMommie empire, and that pe might banc occafion to markebp the wate, bow nof oncite the Scots,btitalfo the Sayons had attempted to inv failed bp the Scotsann yids, ard allo by the Sar 4° of Ponoving , faith in atetrattichon as followeth : faile the entinies as they thould patte) aduertifes by the dolefull noife of them that fought bad not {pees tonotumne ; thecourle of their dealings in the field % Tethyos alternarefluas calcauit arenas. The nimble Mores and Pi&s byright with double trophies braue, Menaried atall points (being ilike mane plas Cedin antother foe at the entring ofthe tate to at moff aptlic anfluering to their name, Fo: (as hire huypole)the Romans were called of the Grake word 296 Claudsanus. Hebrake with bold couragious oare theHyperborean waue, Andfhining ynderboththe poles ont, and being beaten Downe with great faugbter, Haddieneueric mothers fonne, ifa tape of bo2ttes fent failing bitherward. cana" otherpartsofthe fameempiretwere tratesbp bare the Scots he hath purfirde ; Tar othertuile than thep fuppoten,for certeine of thote Totmen firren with the noife of them as thep tuere 399 - _ time: hus maicit ampere, that in the time ithen the Shite Romane empire began tonecate,inlike tanner as Etgeminu fulgensvtrog,fab axe trophen; foithout {rpeachment , ¢ fo fo returne from thence they came, tho beitig riot ont ofall feare ; and pre? fo Ceuepge their rine , 02 to lament their Lotte. Mhus eve the limits of the Romane empire poe nus ‘ingiteth, in attributing terty confalatus (thtch fell in the peere 396)as thus: ile lenses Massros necfalfo nomine Pittos nicein the arres ) deliucred to the Romans accozy bing tothe couenants concluded. After this the Sarons twere permitted to depart (though not (uffictent) thep fuerte dziuch to fight if in Writatne, as aperethbp 2 = that frhicy the port Claudia- the bonour of preferuing the fame frontiers bute the faipemperour , inbis baketntitulen. Panegerycws fed dito them, and manie pong men (able fo? fers tremitie of the chance' minifring to them force the falt fea fome did flice, , Hiscare hath caufdjthar Tall feare awe. 9fScotith broiles hauebard, Nedo I dread the Picts,ne looke mycountriecoaltsto gard , Gainft Saxontroops; whom dianging winds (e/) Scots, Pics, andSarons, BA 1D eftfonesinvade the fron fiftanice , but being amazed toith the fight of the qlit? tering enfignes,s the eagles figured in the Romane Signa Calidomios trdy/ihexcst ad , Sita, Alllreland was,and enimies ores the emperont- Banoiins, fhe emperour, bidhot fo mindy astaletucapon tithandtoMabe te commitig,brake font) ont of time,and being fuboers lie Difconered fbilett they batted to Dnite and knit themfelues togither, bp the biocous crée and fhout of the Saxons thep tocre putto Ataht wet by and bpclofing togither againe, thep taien, anv the cre : 75 Tot maria intrant dace telongeg remotas Solefab occiduogentes,vitricta Cafar Refembling much the marble hew ofocean{eas that boile, Said,She whom neighbour nations did confpire to bring tolpoile, HathStilico munited {trongwhen raifd by Scots entice ofthe Scotsiri? comming. tnto thestland,andfrom $5 tation, following in Latine and in Cnglith verte, whole garments Swept the ground, »of barbarous.nations,the practic oftthe Saxons, ; DE like effectfo promfe heereof be thofe verfes fibidy he turote write Spaioztanns his panegprike o ‘Scoticane Piclum tremeremnelittore toto Profpicerem dbys venturmm Saxena vente, Then Britaine whom the tnonfters did ofCalidone furround, Whole cheekes were pearft with {cording ftcele, maneempire ,, of the Scots andPics cruellic vexing the Britains; theyare affiscicdbyinuafior, faultsofhis eniniies,he ebtetnenthisbpinforming Beeheetcapeth, Mhns offtFrans crsrisne bella timerem fate of Britaine in the decawof the"Ro2 bette erpert. 15ut then meountringwith defperate amdforlome people, henhe percetued forte of bis fouldiers tobe oniérthzotone and beaten Dotne, and bimifelfe wounded ;, notable to abfde the often at eetinigcs unnder the Scots és Pitts. the hiftorie ofEngland, Whatthe poet: Claudianusfaith ofthe ponocapenetat contintall franellin tearees el Theslate ofthe Bris: rors,and thertok han thotedenomination, .° bin.be thotweth botme the ontvarte: tfbe be be Mhaypeth thems bp that purfue him, ifbe (asin their chronicles at large apereth) referring fanb that matter as thep fet tt foozth, Theefarre the dominion andtribute of theRomans onerthis landofBritaine, which had continued (by the colletion offome chronographers) the {pace of483. yeeres.eAndheere we thinkeitcon wenientto endthis fourth booke. |