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Show The hiftorie ofScotland. The hiftorie ofScotland. the kings fier; eho receiued the fatd carle of Ler: nor, andthe Caglifhmenverie courteonflie. From caftell of W2aurton, that bclonged to the laird of Corenburgh they palled to Lithquho,as inthe Gg: Wucleingh,with diuerfe ofher caftels, pties,towns, billages, and hamlets belonging to the lairosof ih bifforte it mate aypeare : and fromthencethe fwtmrenpafledto Saukirke and there loogen, Wut Fanbirke, Fernibert , Wuclewah,anv others in thofe parts : the earle of dLenmor, and the Scotith lors , tith fir L Lennorfent of Scotland at the (ante time :andliketwife bow the ling,tthere the king late ,then being in the cultodie fr witien poeienn. Diverfe other matters which bere J patleoucr,refere ;. Glafcotw, there the pube had beficged the catfell, Dtvineing tbich was balianthe defended bythe lard of Din ring pou to the faid biftozte. to andbis brethzen,, twith their feruants, being not Gut notw about the fame tine, the earleof Hen- Theearie of .alfohoww the lord Scrape inuadedthe wei borers atin faidearle of Suller wan the cattell of iaume, with . hor,bauing got licence of thequane of Cnglawto' Make bisreturne into Scotland, was fet forward, op pees and came to WBeriwike towards thelatterend of A+, gathereth a Paill, there being bifited withGickeneMe ,beremat: power, , -Hedby the (paceof fourtene dates ormore. Jn the mteane thite the Dake of Chatelerault ,thecarles of the noble men departed homefo their houtes. . Shorts 02 Ite after , there nas a convention of the los at William Wyvie anv the boriemenrove to Ste: Seer of the carle of Mar . From thence thep went to Dyuricriny Patt cightene perfons in all; and pot they keptit fiue 02 fir Daies againft the onke and bis fthole Thecatteid -_potwer, flaieng(as hath bene reported) aboufoxtic a : 0? fiftie of bis men ; butin fhe end they were in onealae honor, as inthe Cuglity hittorte we hane likewtle vp hist nated. After that the earle of Lennor and his friends that the etleof Lennor was comming out of Cng- were thus come bnto Glafcolw , finding the fiege land foith a polverof Engithnen ,bythequens miaicfies appointment; afiwell for the fafegard of -_raifed, berematnen there by the {pace of fines? fir -_-daies. During thichtime, there came to him of bis the pong king , as alfo foz the fafe conduc of the kinred and friends, thich otwght bimtheir ferutce, Fpariemene derffand,that after the earle of Rennoriwas reco' uered of bisfickeneffe,there tas apointexapowwer of hootfenten andfotmen,togotwithbiminto Scot Upand place. Ment, afivell the earle of ILernor then regent , as land, dnder the leading of fir William Durie; as greatlaros, knights,and gentlemen, fo the num: Theearieot berof eight thoufand, derie well futnifhed, inking Santlete coms Foy the earle of Wuntleis comming,according to bis ineth nonee= i ‘ ' sr Bie: Appointed oder 5a buf hecame no never than Wee. there they entred into the palace belonging to the as badcbatae as thofe that Went With himof thee one gad wils, to fe the oder of things , and fo Cepteinsann belpe to aduancetheir princes (eruice, Uh ebarge genticomen Shere twere thele ;fir George Cavie capteine of an that went bundzed lances, ienrie Auffell capteine of fiftie aig the earle lances , William Gurleiecapteineof fiftielances, ‘3s ao malffer Wenrie Carie capteine-of tive hunder * Capteine Crington was alfo lieutenant to fir George Cariescompanie oflances»Dther gentle: mien that went of theicotpnegad twils ,there were Divers; as maifer George Deuereur, fic Jerome Bowes , maiffer, William ianolles , maifter ago Be ig bela rotees Ens om able to keepeit tillvetcuecame, peloenitandbim FP ne _felfe paifouer,fo that he was kept by the Iamiltons f-,,, a in fafecuffodie bp the fpaceof tivelue mroneths at fer. Ahecattellof amilton being peloed (asve che bey haue beard) was blotwen bp twit potwver.. Divers eat 1) fir Fulbe Greuill, matter Conweie, brother to -_defdale,.) mane others,fhofenames ¥ could not learne..; She fotmentate thefirtnight at Colvinghanr, The nert dap the earle of Lennophimelfewithfir ad ouerthzofen, the loads returinen tothe palace, andlongedthereagainethat might 5 anon the MOY gyett rot, they (et fire both wpon the fate palace, andab pa fotmen,anblopged that nightatDunbar, hener& After the cafell of antilton twas thus wone fo Hponthetotone of Wamilton: and theretwith the = Englithmon fatsing leaue of the lorsin Srotland, dap thepmane {uch {ped in thetcmaccy, that they departed hanielwards;'as th the Cnglith bito:te " eatlesof Dozton, Murrete,Glencarne,the lows iwith-them sbut the earle of Lenner'anv pe came through to Goenbargh, here they found the Ruthwen,Lindleie, Sempill,Glamis, Bethueit, Dgiltre ;and Cathcart, wioiueriegentlenennke map reavesove at large.she ecicof spootonwert _earles anvilozng intth thetricompanies tobe ny} ‘ wap towards Clafcotw; anv.from thertce ra smiltonre Sent aduertifes thereof oftheir opie eftate: thich terme being erpired,pio+ -clamation twas made by the regent that ff thep woul pelo the honte jf manié ot thent ag bad not bore armies before that tineagaint the Bing ana regent, thould Hauethett Ines fauen, the rete to ree felues. Wherebpon thep were readte fo dzatp theit iyeapons one agatft another'; but pet ithe end thep agreedto furrender the boufe,and perloen theme Jatleiet felues , ppott {ich condition as the regent had pic? Ps te {cribed : iberebponfiue of them twere erecuted,¢€ all theregent, the reff tere pardoned of thetrlities . The captetite John Jamilton, lard of Coughiall, md bis tye Jn March following,the regent returtied folate 157te. -_colv, ano forthat Wilbert dkennedie With theerledar Catlils ¢ Cglenton refulen fo heb themifelucs obes dient fo the king, and wonld not conte to the regent, «=e had fennt for thenrbpletters at fundzie fimes,the regent gathered his potver-at Glatcow, anv toith -sthe fame marched foards Wiiwin and Ait , and fo the caffell of Wrechine: the earle of Wuntleie pros -forfward fo the earle of Walls citric , aho hea: Cheregent mifing before be Wentfrom them, to fuccour them Within eight dates;but they being freidlie befteged, 40 ving of the regents committer, fent forth his brother gees.cent to offer bisfubniifion. Wherebponit was conclti- Catils, and theearle notkeping poniife with thent, after -_ded,, that the meferiger thould vetmaine with the re fhofe eight dafes were expired, thep péelocd thems felues andthe caftell unto the regents metcte. gent as pledgefarbis bother, bp the fpace of tivdtts They twere inall about thee bundzwed, of Abie number one and thirtie ofthe chiefett were erecuten, -tie dates; and then the fain eatle to make bis ayieas rance befoxe the regent at Strtueling, to anfivere Home of thembad bone arms again thebingbes {uch matters as Mould be laid to hisharge. fore that time , and had bene pardoned, and theres fore tvere nolv thought by the regentandbis friends Mhefametineall ugh Pontgomerie earle of Cgleriton , and Kobert Wodteuted their banvs the moze tvozthie to die. After this, the regent ree -_alfo fo aypeate and anfluer in like fort: anv as well Secaten of caffellof Downe ,and befiegedit; beingkept by the nen)aypearediat the Day appointed; but pet nof agra turned to Strtueling , and from thence paffed tothe 50 the one as theother (accosding to their afurante gt wm F* Gatwpie,, mater William Daurie-of Suffolke -_alfo,as Roplocke, the abbat of iilteinnings Houle, -_twithatuerfe otherof the amiltons boutes in-Clivcoufine to the genevall, maifter Greuill ;brother-to William Daueie and the vooMemenouertoke the ao i. ning of thetr approch , efcaped their hands,althongh cee eric harrolwlte; in fomuch that fomeof bis fot ment tere fo put to their hitts,that thep twere dafuet for their refuge (being fo befet on the fudden)to take Crecution. bert dsnolles ,-matiter Wichaell. Carie , maifter 6o other bonfes there in therountrie about tuere burnt ai rt Gir Zohn Conweiematter Comund Werneie ,-and anie tearning of their comming,the regent folloty: ing affer iith anarmie. 1But iuntliebaning war -_dinancebeing bzought from Sterling , tere plans _-ted in batterie, sfo2then perceining themfelues in danger tobe taker by force, the capteine offered to of all them Within fauen. Which was grarited , Op Jight boofiemen , capteine Cafe lieutenant of the onpromtfe, that they thould neuerafter beare arms Generals band of lightho2ffemen, being alfo tia Hundzed; fir Robert Conftable fergeant matozof so againk their bing , and to depart the realine with imacerteine ternie,and hereunto they tere fnozne. foe fotbands , fir Thomas Manerscapteineibeiky But thep kept not long their oth, for the nighe nert twell , capteine Carnill , capteine Game,capteine infuing,they ninbefet the tow Sempill that was low dambard, capteine Grington , John Conftabie, ged at that peefent inahoule not far off; and not amd umiteie iBerwike leapers'of the, fotmen, chine. Wherebpon if teas decreed by the regent and no bilitie there, to purfue him: andtothat end,James bnder Him fiftie fouldicrs tancfendit;andivould not %ea" therefore delinerif,till that two peeces of great ov -_peeld the boule to the Gugliffinen ; but notto the lords of Scotland, with condition,to haue the lines BS munitionr, and bittels,f tole aoasv uch as ‘heecomo could ntee ef em the towne of Palleie, o2 neve shereaboats 3 spel. Dolvglas carle of Morton was fent before with a heethzen excepted , ttho twere font to the caffell of thoufand ho2tfemen to haue taken him bponthe fads 30 Dlafcotw, there toremaine it prifor, and Mhortli¢ after the faid John Hamilton was ereenten. der in the totone of eedinebefore hethoulohaue manersthe move part out of the countries of Lennoy fand Scots, and Darueleie, which mufered before the fain earle, and fir WWilliam Deuvie, generali of the Cnglith z duke , andlodgen therein that night. tn the Englith fosie ye may read moze at large. fhe nert dapthey befieqen the cafkell,whercof Ane ee catdld There were dinerle baliant capteins and gentler menthat iwent with bim in thatiournic, afwwell {uch 40 drew Pamiltonof Merinton was capteine, hauing Hania being ept by the feruants of the loz Suneives Paleic tater fetsing opon all' things thie) thep four as' fon cinae, swith bis pleature he foxtif all the refioue ofthe lo20s of both parties were funy maine at the regents pleafure . moned.@dhereofthe regent being aduertifed, canfen erebpon contention rofe among them tithin aparlement tobefumimonedin the kitigs name fo the houte: for Mhereas the moze partof them bading be Keptat Lithqubo,at the (elfe fame day thie was not ferucd in ante fournieo? erplottagaintthe king appointed bp the cavleuntlete. At thich dap there 20 before that time, would neds peeld; the other, being appeared the lords of the kings partie, ¢ alfo fundete the leflenumber, fuere notableto defend if of thenv thine, there. his done,the earle of Wennoraccompanied Stee with fhe earles andlozs before mentioned, ¢ like eng wife withthe Cnglithmen, marched to. Hanrilton, fill in Cngland,and therebpor in hir name fummoned a patlement fo oomad beboloen at Lithqubs the one andtiwentith of Sep» tonsatone tetttber thert ert following. Tinto the Hbich parle- -aacco2ding to the bfe of the countrie , the number of rater earle of Lennor home into Scotlmd:the duke and he duke re- Carles aforefatd retired themielues from Coen ,. foure thonfandmen,eric tell appointed atter thett fore thar tireth to Giet- burgh to Olatcow , there they befiegcd the caftell bp the {pace of fiue 02 fir-dDaies, bntill the earle of cow, Lennor ayproched thitheriwards. FFo2 pe baue to bie 401 ther , repatred thither witha and, , potver trial(peedie twife, andlato fice to 5 Trcarie of And aboutthe fame time , thecarle of tuntleie hep within tuenfora fruce ; maswuscee on duntiee, toe Spon him tobe lieutenant of Scotland for the ro to them fos the {pace offir dates, the better foatutte Pattee. queene of Scots that rematned bene the moze {peedilie relicucd. But the ube and -_baake bp bis fiege and flevatwaic ,wwithlome and dit webgentith Scotland; andatierwarnsinaw oat made rtdeg the fatd carle foas made regent of -_-ris adherents,onderffanding of the comming foy Punticic,aw Caflils,the lov Flenting,and fundzie others of that faction , fering the time ferued tuell for. ward of the erie of Lennor with the Enalith forces, their purpofe, notw that the regent was faineamd tenant gaeionns. gull following, there teas ar other corinention at Cheearleot Coenburgh,wherebythe confent of thetheettates great danger tobaue bene taken, if thephad not teicrautt, Difpatehed outof the wate, gatberedapotuer,to the number of thee thonfandimen,andcame dDotwne to Godenburgh, Butatter that thep bad knotwledge ene oo of ‘Lennos was made Dah feleraults fonntes ented the h oufe of Palleté;¢ feruants of thelodof faint Colmes Inch, thopel Ded it fo the regentafter thee dates fiege. During ing to (ucharticles as twere requiredofthen 'thep niatwtaal fwere both committed to patton, the one inthe cael Gatiieern thetime of the regents being there, befentoneof bisternants calles John Done; with lettersinto of Dunbzeton, the other in the caftellof Downe, epiencon Afterwards there twas a' truce taken betivane conmautstena Cngland, directed to the queene of Englands countell: trho(fo bisfecret pracifing adconferencebad the regent, the amiltons, and their avberontstoz an» : _-tiventie daies,to wit, bnitill the lat of are, wid ss srued t0903 -truceonceended, theregent dotermincd withHY tentiensied) with fuch as fvere enimies totheking andregent befoxt bis neparture ont of Dcotland, aud foxrecets _-felfe to gittean attempt to the cattell of Dunbiétory, uing of theie letters to be conueied alfo, and bere Go tthid) ban bene long kept bythe lor Flenving a With vifcouering fundsie (ecrets tothe, the thich -_gainft the trig, and the eatle of Mpurtete late te tere committed pnto bis credit and truft) was ape prehended, ainthe fame letters which yea oe matters Dp bpon him; and i i t macnn:cioaen funn, be as bp latw erecu §-agent,, trho han beffieged it fo2 the {pace of halfe a peeve aed but cguld not by ante meanes compatte ta ; init, But now onthe firtt of Apzttl,the truce betty theit of theregitter }twcrefent into Englandcommifias hers byon the hings partie ; the bithopof Hofle,the night fent thitherward captein Zhomas Cratwfonrn, and captetne Wriine, with ati handzed boulviers,chor ted for the queene thert being in England. JnFar . Nuarie following the regent then being at Coerw -_-boutfoure of theclocke in the moznitig, came fo the caffell ,abere the fouldiers tulth landers, ropes, mo ge TSOEDAELTa al caalenatePRIeaLoeNOeROE scan, te a slo _becaufed arleof Bo2ton, ait ie tati SGresio nes ffoyped,as well by land as by water; uid theTame seyme ameter games Pacgill, clearke abbatot Siltpiming,s thelowLenington,apotry burgh, Clana ipanition , oncottheauke of Chay fen out for thepurpote: tho the econ ofApatlt, other veuites, found mnenmned to cltme bp serach, -- the Molle totwer, the fotone of Craiwling , theca' fell of Fernibert , the towne of Hotwike, amd the |