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Show 28 TheEpiftle. tdesebiul ting yon ith (omedne agift , proceeding fromone, aliboaghunknowento prgle notterantbaalgoon ex. rendedtomardsthof®,tohomeI reckonmyfelfe mostbebolden. As: what sshewithinthisrealmealmoft ofanie degree, Wi eo not himfélfe boundentoyour Honor,either inhis onecafesor lusfriends? Forfuch is yourincligationtopleafureall men, nmposJe peculiar yep wieplanted inSour ioble bpaktynaningyan wa Lighthiereid is adhe notimeisthought byyour Honorbetterfpent, tbe eeeonploy in dovi sbidendtbart stoslish yalbuC ot s1sdo/i Budfhouldenter intofodargesa difcatirfeyiascmsightbeframedof this andotheryourexcellent yertuesGdvipatterfanvexkeeding imvy) finple knowledge') Iwill ceaffe-to peakefaroheribhireof,fith thefame ss pread onerall, afwell this as otherregions: for nobere doo want greatnumbers of uch as haue abundantlie taftedof your exceedingsiiake dn mat im inkonmnerthierforeofthisdbjtrdet ofthe Scotifhhaftories,, Lmoft bumblie beftechyourHonor,ifanie thing be amifve , toimpute theJameto the ims ofbetter infin, andnitear nine andfi aiddeft per[etion *"\yorablein terpretation to haue me thereinexcufed «| Such as itt 4 -°).\\ gddreeittoyourgoodLorabip withfodutifulla mindasmay beimagined, befeeching Godtopréferueyour Honor vs 00\ gppthplentifiullincrea/e ofwifedome, vertue, . andallwifhfullprofperitie. a YourHonous mofthumbleto be commanded Raphaell Hollinfoed. Scotland, | He Scotith bint itito thelanbof padian. Unto Cathelus and Sie citicor bis:people-there twas giten a citie called Thebes Chedes was Wen,accosding £Megppttaca } being taken ftom the Ffraelites. given bnta tothe manet of @ere:pou mat onderfkand that qharaos daugh Sétbelas. , other mations, terthid) Oathelus thus maried, twas calied Scota, Scotadan efteeming, tt,.a of xhome fuchas came of the pofferitic of that nas tertp ‘eoate. glovie. to, fetch fionclvere afterivards, andate atthis pzefent dap their, begining falledascors , that is tofap Scotifhmen, and the lana HOF great, ancl ubere theytuhabit.scoris , that ts fofap, Scotlano. encie, fap that » g@atbhelus thus being aduanced by (uch bonozable theft, oziginall Thehiftogte crevit of defcent cam fr6 1 maviage,lived all the daies of bis father inlaw yhar 4,9 ragDius, in great bonoz. But atter his decealle, of Gatheing the Greeks and Aegpptians:fo2 AUD im the third. generation , an other king named Sveicaneto Jhavao Chencres fucceeded in his theone, tha op- the authors. -I there iuas (as pretted the people af Heael thenabioing in egypt, jyréeloppeet the old Scotith hifforiograrhers baue. lett in torts ting) acerteinenoble man among the Oyeks, na tyithanoze bondage than ever bis father 02 grande father. bad dane before hint.Petther tas there hope Seeing; med Oathelus , the fonne.of Cectops., tho builoed of ante redzeffe , till Moles returned by Gods ay gpoteg catted the citie of Athens: 02 as.fome other would ,be ies pointntent from amongtt the adianites (there ont of apathe fonne of Argus jpealus, the fourth kingof the be badremained in erile) into Aegppt, andthere oe- Pianinto Bex Skixing gis Aroiues. This Gathelusplateng in bis youth mae 2 Sill inte twilband oneulie parts inthe countricof Gace 2° claredtmtothis yharao, Gods commandement, 2°? a > Healare, donia md. Achaia , tas divers times fharplie rebu ked bp bis father and other of bis friends: fo that in finedifdaiting their co2rectton and tryolfome adinay nitions, be tuas banithen by bis father: after thich be got tagither a number of frong and luftie pong Seine MeetAnno Met, fach as had diethe like trade of liuing , and edi i416, With them fled ouer into Acgppt ; amd comming thither in the 33 peare of Pharao Dus as then touching the delinerance of bis people. But forfomuch as his tuo2ds tere regarded , net ther with the king,noz with bis (nbies',thatlany >naa twas plagued in moff horrible maner; aid mozcourr Goons s. it twas fignified bnto (uch as fought to know hat ivas meantby twayof oracles , that fozerand moze grienous plagues (ould after follow, if remedi¢e fwere not found the foner, Cathelus therefore bes ing certified hereof, and gining credit to the ozas Seba king of that countrie, {as receined of bim in moft wy ‘ee gladfome twife,fo: that bis feruice (as was thought) 30 cles aforefato, determined out of hand to fotake garheiag ten: the countrie , and {erke him a new place of abodetit ung Beappr, me might fand in great Mead in thofe warres,abich the Aegyptians held at that time with the Acthiopians that had innaded the realine of Aeqgvpt, euen bnto Seas fomeother partics of the wold. Ciberefore he carp feketh other feva numberof fhips to be rigged, and all neceifas SNtrtes. Pemyhis . This Cathelus , tobe thort , tuent forth rie puruetance to be p2rouided, and then the fame tat With bis bands againtt the fame Acthlopians,onder %. Boles the capteine general of the armie, chofen war gtnerey Mereto by diuine oracle (as lofephus twziteth) abidy with bim bis wife aw chilozen and agreat multie ma Pee ily Poles obteincd the bicorie , and conquered Saba by force being the chiefcft anv principall eitie abi a7 fod in the Fle Beroe, twas once reabdie, andall things (ct in orer, he toke tude of people both Greekes and Aegyptians, thons he inbarkeb in thofe Hips, and boifing bp failes ; beparted outof the mouthof the riuer ais :tn= o peare of the worlds creation 2 4 5 3, then he bap pivellenin Aegnpt 39 peares and moze. Being thus cae, his For luc tokens of valiancie and tworthie protwefle ase. 45 Oathelus theived, both in thiscountric,and in beparted, affer fome trouble in the botage,thep art' Anno mundi, =. Other places , he grealfo into fud) eftimation with Seley Pbarao, that he gaue him bis banghter in martage. the regionsof Affrike , nowecalled Warbarte: but 3°43. H.B being put backe from thence bp the trout refiffance pellestrons ere See, Wat Moles was rather enuted than bonozed fohis boing becaufe the Aegvptians doubtedleaf the JL raelites thoulb increafe to {uch a putffant multitude, Sat in the end they might bfurpe and challengethe gousrnanceof the ubole realme, and bring it bp res bellinginto their otpne hands: tuherefaze Diners in were made to the king againf him, & that when be once perceiued himlelfe tobe in daw este, Str of the latwe, and lobed for no mercie at their S dams, be fied from thence out of the countris, s gat ued firft on the coats of Mumidia , hichts one of 2453. W.HL of the inhabitants , thep tobe the feas egaine, and t6arbarte . Landedin a part of Spaine, thich long after was called Lufitanta. There be that haue torltten hotw tt Houln becleped port Gathele of this Gathelus, and certeine peares te landev tn after Lufitania , and eftfoncs agatne tnamaner te yorrngats, pw gotthe former name,being fomethat cozruptte called Portingale . Wut thots able ina matter of (uch anctencie to auoud) ante thing for truth ¢. fy, Cathelus |