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Show Thedefcription ofIreland. The defcription of Ireland. Scotian gior, nor,fo Breland ts fearnted Scotia maior, as the head Scottaminer. fromgente the namic of Scotia mihor toke is ofs fine. The Frith altoore vamedof the foxefaid Geunreili, Gathelus, 02 Gandetius, Gavdcilf," Zn theirFrith rithmes, the tearme Sreland béric offen anno. B anno. cannot divine Ghat reafon thoulaleaa their makers fherto,bnletteif be the rivetin the countic of CUlerler ford, namedthe Wanne,there the zitons vpottthe Therites conquett frikartiued . ihe place stherinifeis called Manne, "hat cintlitte,but alt Witter and the greater part of ~ therein,md_ofthatpartition titobe fhe agyellation of Dedia, Meth. We foure parts met atacerteine aeth ote fone at Peth.nere thorattelt ofthilaire 5 BS aN irre SLE named, different meareto fenetthe four' regions," » -WButatiyengh Slants tithe beginhtig had the lealkpatcell,pettin thortfpacebe fod fo Wnell to his Ce incroded-fo-farbporehishetghto2s, that he obreined the chotemonarchicof Sretand. At apathy ep bictinieHebtonotfnghenttbrobNtatontis iniyeri- pomten tenths ‘agganbun, according to the old ancient rithme: 10 tanceof Heth; but di inlarge it, and decreed it Bing his table atountvic apenyark tothe thonardyhis Sea en s a ae Thou be Wagganbun, Treland wasloftand wun. - Fo2 He rementbaariee of abteh riner fo aintostodttel_ famofed , tt cattety great likelihmd, that the name nigts ; eaten SfaninuMiretded;pet if cinttinethttet f mu as ante of the other fonte parts compzehendeth; Should be fo the inole redline Genetellté afcrgbed.)-, but rather, by aretha tegy SritogieLatitte authors {wzite Ftetame Tnticrna; os ++ theresf Inuerna. thers luerna, diuerfe Ijerna. ~ Claudiysnamety it loan Camet- te>incap.35. atlartts B arnt th le, Fo2 chereag{nt the time of Shaatus, cach of the foure Iberna, Theatuerhtic peabit fiditieg qrety; (63 that {) (parte! Lompatteth. trod and thitte ghifttns, Peth in thefr time the frue and certeiue, name inae uot... contetngtipbut firteenccantreds.g cantredis named Canteen knotwne, fo that thep Were continttp td take if as 20fo mud)land as contetueth an hundred fotonchhips, Solini, they foundit, thicy matter is hawwled bp Hérmo-'' Shis Stanisis intomedat anbillin Beth, ahicd Hermol.Barb, 1248 Barbatus. of bimisnamed Slane, here bath bene itt anct Slane. carsinlina.? peberearefoment thermvertort Oequaintirteuc, -entsimeondGalirtneGeheuilley lovakihedthettic -1... The name $ Fongmed Jrelanvmen ; butinnowiegatymem is eee Aut-cortes, iu my fantafie {ach cuntousDiftindors and decelen tn tyepeare of nus 2.0201 31 4, the thers -tith of Daober, matoad intomedin the abbeic of Phnveatigs:; ting the name FUG and Feelmd,asthatthepwoulg Seneter, nap beberigaptlic tefembled tothefolith butcher; that offrep to baue fold hismuttonfor fitteene grots; andvot would nottake'a crown, Mhofalvillgrate of Beth. Chis noblemanbecamea {rtez-peeacher, Seneaue, the Wlacke triers. af Lett. There ts alfo another ofuition of Jreland, into the ape Eng Crit pale,and Frifbete + Ffo2 fren Jreland toas ug pair setctl xing on radypacty ealled-thereofapepia, Bet), of it was termed theCngltty pales hich tn ancient cat spaty, > ebpanrg,"" ~~ Compiling as well ea Peth,as we wMethAci fev butteth opow. England, Wiser vpon the Scotty Fllguds: tyich face with Websanes (cattered bee tpi both the realms,tbertnat this vate-the Fu) 40 tine Bretdyed from Dundatke to Cathcriagh 3 dtlkermie. Wot now what fer the Macknefle of mare chonrs,endincrocing of the Frith entire, the (cope of the Citplith pale ts greatlte impaired, tis crany cot, fucceGar of theelder Scithian, Wit, or*eoe --pernedaro concht intoan od cooner of the countrie Mhanke vivelleth, Crh of thele fine,where thepare fra: myabletociuilitie , ¢anflwer the hnitsof the princes LAPrbsbe fundred ito thireso:counresinthismar named Ftngall, witha parcel of the king hisland, -Preth, therountries of intloare and Louth, wid parts are applied chichie with amd hufbandzie , and andcounties 410.0 Leinierlieth the counties ef Dublin, Bile of Jreland, DareyWotfefoyver Gueilford,Catherlach, iilkert taken for) the vicbett and ciutlef fotles tr Jreland. ABut Fingatl efpeciallie from fime to time hath bit wic.thecounticsof Lele ¢ Dyhatie.caliadthehings foaddicen toall the points of. bulbandate , as that Sdqueenes countios : hele two latelie fo named by thep are nichenanted bp theteneighbours , forthcit A parlemtent,in hereignesof philip Marie, har continualinzudgeric,Coltonnes,of the Ratineived Co! * ving) Mire tolunes accordant , Philips tolune any 50 Colon), nherevnte the clipt Cagltih wozd clowwuc ~ Maciebourgh, Gonnaght hath the conntie Clare; -_-fecmeth to be auflwerable, ‘Tier the counties of ILouth, Doune, Antrim, one mMoitte of the tolone of Droghedaghifo; the ret isin The now Fingall counternaleth ti Engh the race orfeptof the EngliMoreftrangers, fop that Mevth)and Carregforgus.3n Mountker lie thecouns thep Werefolie {rized of that part of the Fland, gt y palaritine of Laperaric jkerte, ¢ the crowle of Lier that fromtheconquel to (his daic the Frid crimie Us of CHaterfoyd , Uimerike, Coke, the countie katie. Pountler mas of olvtime diuinedtntoratt HPountter, Dmond,wok Pountter,Defmond;outh Pountter,Lommound. Ce orcafion utp Arotand e ping with thotr tatants (ofirmelte at ware nef, couldnewer roale them fram -thenfe, Tbe tnbabie tants of the Engith pale bane bene in oloreme f mndaddicted to thetr ciutlitie, and fo farre fcquelles j Mas parted into, chofe fue pzincipall regions arety So rev frombarbarous fauagenetfe,as thett onelte mor Pram 23h of this. Therearrivedin Jreland fiaebzethren, that ther tong was Englith. Anotralic, olong as tele * "ambrent, , Werevaliantemartiall gentlemenstowit,Ganding, Cmpaleddivellers did {mderthemfelucs as well In 4; ae ATS re, Dpan fuch mice diucrfities, in re(pect that he isiatya! 30 fubducd by the Cnglith; viuerfe of the conquerors med of his. counterion ; trulie (fn miue opinton)bis -splanted themfelues there to Dublin, and the cons counivie mate-beatjamed of bin) Sreland te pinf, finestherefPadicining, mio fo asit tecre inclefing Ded into foureregions, Leintter,cah: Connaght, urd. trvpalemy themfclues withiw certeine tts\nd Wwe; Wlter,wnth : Mounker,outhsanminteafie terettories, thep feascdatwaie the Frith; informe) plot, oefalked from cucrte fourth part, mdpetinear sas that countric became mere Graglith, aid there 4.Momonia, Myehires felnes dete,thep gogle totth thete eles hither and tite Pountker, as bp thetequele of the Frith bittorie ther, and if thepcan prie ont anie one that gtuety fhall plainlieagpeere.iButofall otherplaces,cateit, them the gaze, thep Mand lumping and lowzing, fond with the territozie bated and perclofen within -_fretting and fuming, for that they imagine that all the riuer called the Pill, was to quite eftranged their enill lucke proceeded of him ; and petif the from 4rithzie, as ifa traueller of the Brit (ttc ander bp depart, the lofer map be found as dzie {pas rare in thofedates ) bad pitcht bis fotwithin thanenas be was before, And enen foit fareth with the Pill and fpoken Frith,the Wreiffordfans would pon, becanfe pou feall thingsrunto rnine in the command him fozthwith to turne the other end of Cnglith pale, by reafonof great cnozmities inthe bis tong and fpeake Cnglith,o2 cls being bistroucy, ; 5 counteie,etther opentie peacifed , 02 couertlic tins man iith bim . Wut inour daiesthephausto ass kedat ; pouglanfepoursie on that ahich fandeth quainted themfelues toith the Frith, as thep haue next you, ebp beating Jacke for Gill, pou (mpute madea mingle marigle oz galltmaufteieof both the the fault to that ibich perbaps wouldlittle further languages, amd haue infuchmedleteorceckertwife the weale publtke tfit were exiled, Powwtrulie pou focrabbedlic fumbled them both togither , ascom, thot berie neve the marke. Wut f 3 map. craue monlie the inbabitants of the meaner fo3t fpeake pour patiencetill tine poufeme Got mp bolt, F neither gad Englith nor god xr. bope pou twill not denie, but that as mere the pricke 48 pouare,and as verie an bagler as Yam,pet the Gvitengof here was of late daies oneof theperesof Cn» vat oan gland fent to Wieifford as commifftoner, fodecide -feantling thallbemine. Fir therefore take this sig the controuerfies of that countrte ; and Hearing in. With pou,that a conquelf dzatveth,o2 at the leattwwife tit Soandins, Sagaridus,otherwwifenamedSangans bus, Rutberagus o2 Rutheranus, ¢ Slanins. Chere fluc perectuing that the countrie was not (ifficient. lie peopled,were agrerd (as tt tuere) to cat lots , ann to (hare the ibole realme bettweene themficlues. Lhe Toure elder byethzen fenering the countrie intoforre fee being loth to vie thet pongett brother the An outcatl o3 Mopfonne , condefeended that cacy of them fence thould of their otune postion allot to » Slanius a paring 03 parcell of there inberttance, rt being Asbeartilie receiaed of Slanins, as it bountitulliograntcd by them,befetlenpiméetis Landas in tanguage fromthe Ietth:rudenefle was baie bp date inthe countrie fagalanted , ciuilitie ur grafted gap laives efablithen,lotaitie obferacd, re beliton fugetied , andin fine the coine of apang Cngland twas like to (hot ti Feeland. Wet ther -_thetr potteritic became not altogtther fo iwarte i ‘Kerping,as thefranceftoas tere valant int congue ring, the Jrifh language wasfree denntyed tn He Cnglith pale: this canber tbe fuch deepe rat, aS the bodie that before twas tehole me found, was bP little anb littic frftered, and im maner tholte putt' fied, Audnot onlie this parcell of Irelanw gu > affable toile the rude complaints of the countrie slotons, beconceiucd here ¢ there fometimea tor, ought to daly to it thee things,to wit,latw,apparell, ¥ conquest andlanguage . Jf02 there the countries (ubouen, ‘mPtieth thee other uhilesafentence. Thenoblemanbeing berie there the inhabitants ought to be ruled bp the fame -_ flab, that bpon bis firkcomming to Zreland,bebn, aly that the conquero? ts gouerned, to ineare the derftod fo mante two20s , toloone of bis familfar friends, that beftodin berie great bope to become fame fathiowofattire therwmith the victo2 ts beffeo, -and{peake the fame language that the banquither fhostlie a tvell {poker maninthe Irith , faypofing that the blunt people bad peated Jrith, all he abile -_-parleth. and tf anic of thefe thre lacke,doubtleme the conquett limpeth, Pot thereas Jreland hath bin thepfangled Engl. Potwbeit to this daie, the -bylatwfull conqueft beought onder the fabiecion of dregs of the old ancient Chaucer Cnglith arebepf 4S iwell there as in FFingall, asthep terme afpider, an attercop,atwifp,atwad,alumpeofbzead, apoce Cngland,not onelie in bing Henrie the fecond his reigne,but allo as tuell before as after (as bp the vit -courle ofthe Frith bittorte thall enfoentlie be dects Ret,o7a pucket,a fillibucke,acopzous,afaggot,a phered) andthe conquett bath bene fo ablolute and bleafe, 02 ablaze , fox the fhozt burningof it (as J perfed, that alidleinffer, eth, Wier , the moze fndge)ayhpfician,alesch,agap,athard,abafecourt O}quabrangle,a batwert,o2 rather(as Yoolapole)a barton,tye houthold o2 folks, meante,harpe,bene, part of Connagh and Mounfler,all the ctutties ann -burroughs in Jreland haue bene tholte Englithen, and twith Englifh conquerors inbabited;tsit oecent eftange,tnconth,cafie, eth oz éfe,adungbill,amt' (thinke pou) that thefr one anctent natiue tong sen. As for the word bater,that in Englith purpox hall be {hzotwned in oblinton,amd fuffer the enimies teth alane, bearing to an high wate, Z takett fora ,, language, as tt tere a tettar 02 ringwopme, to bare mere Frith wo2d that crept bntwares into the Cr "bop tt felfe totthin the fatues of Cnglith conquergese glith, through the datlie interconrfeof the Engitth ghotrulie. Md Zt inhabitants . And abereas commontie Ano now that J baue fallen bnivares into this & roman. me tnallcountries the women {peake moftneatlie ano §=-ffcourlfe, tt will not be farre amtffe to aun fomes pertlie, hhich Tullic in bis thirobmke Desrstere,(peas Bing in the perfonof Crafusfemed tobaucobfers Ned; pet notinithftanding in Jreland it falleth ont -txhat roundlie bpon thispoint. Xt is knowen,an -_bp the hiftozie pou maytn part perceiue, bow baaues lie Wifter Abtlom florithed . The Englith families Contrarte, 403 the toomen haue in their Engltth were thereimplanten, the Frith either btterlie ex tong an barth ¢brode kind of pronuntiation, with -_pelled 03 txbolie {uboued , the latws dulie executed, Uttoring their two2s fo peeulthlie and faintlie, as ., thereuenue great, and onelie Cnglith fpoken. But though thep were halfe ficke, anv readte to call fora that brought it tothis prefentruine and decate 2 ¥ pollet, And mof commonife in too7ds of tivo ply lables thep gine the laft the accent: asthep fate, tmarkeat, batkeat , goMfoupe, pufloat, Robart, Ris Boubf not but pou gefle before F tell pou. Thep were tnufroned and compafed with entll neighbours. Meighbourhmd bzed acquaintance, acquaintance clale,s¢: thich Doubties doth difbeantifie their Cn waftedin the Irithtong, the Jrifhboken with tf git aboue meafnre . And tf they couldbetveaned attire, attire baled rudeneffe rndeneffe tngendered fom that corrupt cuftome, thereisnonethatcouls tgntozance, fgnozance bought contemptof lawes, dillike of their Englith. the contemptof latwes bzed rebellion, rebellion ra, Bere percate fome {napith carper willtakeme hed thereto warres, and fo confequentlie the btter at rebound, and {nnffinglie (atb me fo; debating the 60 decaie anddefolation of that fworthie countrie . 3f Icih language:but trulie,ebofoeucr thail be found _-thefe chinks,uben firtt thep beganfo chap, bab bene Gooucrthwartlie bent , be fakes the matter farre ar init. Fo2a5 my fhill is berie Hmple therein, fo J would be loty to difueile my rathnes,ingining light -flfgentlie bp the dtwellers Moxped ; bir maiefie at this daie,to bir great charges, (ould not haue bene occaffoned to bam bp twith mante thoufand pounds, in anie thing tome bnknotwen : but onelte tmp thozt difcourfe tendeth to this dztft,thatitisnot pea and twith the twozthte carcafes of balfant foul, dior, the gaps of that rebellions noztherne coun epedient that the Frith tong thouln be fo briuery te gagled in the Englith pale: becaufe that by trie. rolw putthe cafe that the Jrith tong were as fay Peofe anv experience we fee, that the pale was neuer eredas the Bebsue, as learnedas the Oreke, as Mmoze foplthing eftate than tben tttwas wholte , &d neuer in tosfle plight than fince it fluent as the Latme,as amarous as the Atalfan,as courteons as the Spantth, as courtlike as the I hew mp telfe berein as frinolous asfomelofing Winters (éeme faperfitions,uben they plaie them ' ont) 3 fe not but it map be berie well {pared in the Snglith pale. Andif realon will not leap pou to thinks bath infranchiten the rity. Wnt ome twill faie,that French;vettralie (J know not whlch waie tt fallety |