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Show beThehiftorieofScotland. Geleagre Fexetinne concluded betivirt the thydenations, twas pes = being purfuen by Aurelius texte flercelte, be tons eneeagatne reneived, and anarmie prepare tun through the bovie by Him with a fpeare , and fo walla ins Ambzofe, with {ach powerashe t Stearnvation of France, & duentag thers bntos great muitituve of thofe Waitains thidybad efcapenthe Saroris bands, cither by withdrawing themfclues into Gales, ozclfe bytonueieng thems bens bp tiv nicies fp, ca (being alfofoze pounded) a tathenert mounteins, thither thep fled fo»their res fuge , leaning the dead bonieof bis father Bengit {ni the fielb,to their bigh repzoch, thereto be fpoiled ad abufed of bis evitnties. fains.goies, tievieotthem, to mectat a place ama Dap anton ee mom- -ue:Igoarene tasty Se te rs‘ , $) and Scots. oo hetter expedition of this thelr attempten :$ lo se4 a"aoOoe saeisere into the countries of the Scots andzp icts,fet= AureliusAmbzole hauing this got the oper hand guraiashe felues of bis entriesbatted fat twith all {peed bnito Lon oot foxthta feth forward toward the Scotith armte.wutfir cale don,bere hauing both the citie and tolver del{reren onde ling together thofe Writains that be had about bint, and going bp toalittle hill,aberehe might be heard 20 into hishands, berecouered the thole Jland from Sorcing Ambpoteme: pf theavall, temave alongoration by twate of conts the polleiltan of the Saxons: and fach of them as iuere aptimett, able to beare armo?, and to feruein SEU ASTI plaint,of the great infurtes and crucll practifes ofed the fwarres , he commanded to Depart foorth of the bp Hengitl,againt thelinageof king Conftantine, Ais land. Theother that were minded to tarrie bebind amb the hole effate of the SSzitity conmon-twealth; -_thetr fellotues that tere fhus forced to Depart, be alfoof the hoortbleperfecution madebybimandbis came fubieds fo the Writains, and coucnanted to bes cople the Saxonsagaink the profelfors of thedzis conte dutians. ¢ Thusmuchhaue FZ iwaitten fete Hanreligion. Al thi matter behandledin wards ching Ancelias Ambjofe , accorits to thereportof Go pithitte,bis talke pet fauozing of the Xomaneelar the Scotith writers, but mare hereof pe map 8 quetice,that the minds of thefoulbiersbeing kindlen hall fin therelntth,cequires nothing but battell , asmertnot 30 ft the bittocte of England, tere pe matter fet opti) moze atlarge. 3fo2 that Lbic) t boubting but bp bis twife andpolitike conducttoat:. foyite here, tstut to Hew in what fort the Dcotih chive forme glorisus bidorte.Andtotheendallthing -wpiters make relation of the iwarres Mich re = mtight bedone in better ozer, accopding to bisape fion hanivith the Sarons, hden thep began fir -_poittntent, fmmtedfatlic they proclamed him hing: Boreas Ambssle 920- eepich wasbpaccountot the Scotty dronicles,in Tenis the pete 408, after that Hortigertre toith bis tonnei. fetfot herein sista. >. To our purpote ther, Fu the meantethe Aurel Picts.Generall of the Scots at that time was one Comanns generallat the Convanus bother to king Congall, tho twas trow bled swith the gout.fo that hecoulonotcomebimielfe Hprots, king twas therehimiclfe the Witt ft perfon,bisLoth ion" amongt people, bette defirous to thetv fome profeof bis mantic protwetfcand manbod. Aurelius = Ambzofe tyetved all thebonorthatmightbenentfen, as iwell fo theone as tothe other of thofetwonatt: toremaine Unto the Scotisyment and Pics: avest that the Sarons thould be reputed coment- oei" miestaall the thace nations, and that bpon tn ab Gfkance. Hele thre mightic armies therefnebeing *Wettains,douldatyone the Acots, Pit"sh4 fhiptebentime ad occafion Moulvcraue the lkeat: 50 mabeby ante foren powwer,, another as - - SPaberbell , aberetheytnderikodthatPengifttwith bispotweras thendinfoiome. Ghere Khenboth the camps wore pifdien , andonelfeng not farre from theother: at the fit corteine light Micmityes were procured byboth parts bettwirt the light bowtemen, fiberetvith at length being the moze pronokedtonif, thto the ficlo tite their abole bate tas erenas mud, oprather inceunterin but theirmartall ifthe biftortes fate right. ' Whesemo: gore, LeAemoxtkeWritains with anetokindof over nbeByitans {their fight; foretroublenthe Saxons, in perfing x . a fheit battels, with their men arraicd i certeine tiards,broadbebinvandnarrot beforewengeiife, he Hrots alo ePicsbaredownebhohtheivings of the Sarong,in (uch nranner,thattheftannarnsof allthe theenations, Scots, Picts, and Britains, here at point almot tomet, bauing mane inaie "3% Mhetetmta through the mivdett of theiecenimies, ve Srerang Vederetotththe Saxons(beingfore vitcouragen) be reconsted. ahitogiuebackesamb fnallie,notintihitanbing all quietneffe,now after long twarres, (ould minifter Gn the meane tine the Scotith and piaith armies ‘Matter tobhis propleof raifing fome commotion, to the diffurbanceof allciutllozder¢polftike gonernes {were come fortwardtowards Aurelius, according to -_pprontife made bnto his ambaflavours; but then bis mactetgod ment toithin bis realme,he rove as it bad bene in ‘shee circuit round abont the fame, making inquirieof * all maner offendo2s, on whome be caufed duepus nifhment to be erecnted , without refpedt either of kith 02 kin. And amongeft other enozmities tid) be bnoers -_{Muettvofonnes,, @ordeed, and GLialtwa on, doubted tn that ate and oxder things fhould fand amongeff the Hyitains now after the neccalle of _-their late king. After the death of Aurelius Inv ing eutil intreated ano mifufed at the gentlemens -sbim; but alfo to theend he might iniop hir the moe bands,durft not complaine,nozpzocure anteredyes; -_-reel,he ceaffed not to purfue bir bufband to rid hint bp reafon thereof then thep tuere opreflen,o2fuffes ont of the waie , wbome at length be toke withina Verte. Vante manerof tvr:0ng 07 tniuvie, thep weretwitty Mancedeni. OUtremedic to haue the fame reformed; beordeinedD -_cafkell into the Apich he twas Aed, ¢fozthwwith cauten int fo be erecuted,furmifing mater againt him, foz 4 @heon. thetefere, that the namesof all {uch offenders\with that he had forfaben oneofthe capteinscalled Par meat the maner oftheir offenfes,fhould be fecretlie regis -_-thaliod, in battell agatiff the Sarons. 2pthe wife fredina boke euerie peare , by ceeteme inquifts ° of this Gothlois, Citer baditue the great Arthur, tours thereto chofenand appointed, Andifitcanced that thofe {hich were thus accnfen , might afters wardsbe found guilti¢befne thekings iuftices bp Matter plainclie proucdagainttthent; they thould thon be fure to be punifhed according to the meafure of their offenfes. Chis culfome of acenfations , commontie callen inditements , continueth even bnto thele ont dates, es,ag Conranns himelfe (as isrepozted) bleoinud tobe and betaufe he hadnolegitimat fonne, he appointed that Arthur-thould fuccerd binite gouernementof Qter bead -therealme. Werelwitt) Loth theqDiaith king was Methane nota little mtwtten; Diddaining that Arthur beinga baffard, and begot of another mans wife in adultes rie, fhould be preferred before bis fons the rightful betres of the Wzitith kingdome's and therefore bp ambaflavours be.pivibat he could to difuave Gy ter from making ante (ach opdinance. Wut ahen he * ppefent at alfifes and felfions to fer the lawes duclic &9 faw that hecould not remouc him frombts opinion, minittred , either clfe to pale thetime tw banting -e thought beft tocontent himfelfe with flence , till Within fome forreft 02 hale, nere tothe placetbere the taftites fat. Pow thilet Conranus bing of of covenants,twas the more Mronslie eeadh by reafort of (uch affinitie and altance ms " os oon infued. 3Fo2Ghereas Aurelius han tivoMe oi, woe onenamted Anne, and the other Ada,vitgmn ontoee Anne being the elder, wasgue in wee te bing Loth, bp home cecteine peates 4 eea death twas certeinelie knolwen amongeft them, the capteins and leadersof both thofe armies refolueyn The Scott -_toreturne home agatie, ad fothey ni0,fo>that thep onan fod to be bfed in maner through all bis countries, 3° bzofe,bis bother Citer yas made king of Writaine, this (as be thought) tas molt grieuous, that the and falling tn love with the wife of Gothloisouke bufbandmen andother commonsof the countrie,beof Coznetwall, he Div not onelie force hiv tolie with his league being concluded with thelepaves pleafure, they come maine battels,boric fiercelic incountring eth other, 6o tan,witha Daughter called Zhametes ae sae he the pwnger fitter twas maricd brito ot the = endSexons fothat(asitaypeéred) their force was not fogreat, : Ma - Ieretohe cauledthe league to bevewtetuen be Ue ieee _the Scots,Wicts, ¢Writains, the ancient o2d{n mn oom ‘for the couritries beyond umber , being OTie cu kgs was poffoned by a mulchefous monke, a Saron macys bone, named Gopao? Copa (as fomebokes hauc) tue, -that tobe bpon him to be Mhilfull in phpficke, anv a monkeby profelfion. Wis death was fore lamenten _-_of the Writains: but contraritpife, the Darons tes _-folfed greatlic thereof , fo that immediatlie after, Deca with bis power inuadeth the Wzitains, bing great crueltie inall places therefoencr became. Coranng Smante- -AHcotithmen, achuoiwleoging hot that by nseom mise chieflicbe hadgotthe ber bandot bis aie An) as Sah fo be willedtohaue tt notified amongt bis : a ast oNs,proiniting torequite them With as mudhfriends thus alleinblen,mardyen forth totwarnsaplacecalled corHB, tans, being effablifjeo bing, fir toke oder -___ that the fonnes of bis brother Congall being within age, Hould be brought op inthe Fle of Pat, bnder the gouctnance of certeine toile inffrucozs ¢ {cole maifters, to be trained inlearningandbertuons dilcipline, according to avanctent owinance theres of made and enacted, Alto doubting leaft peace and 20 2 nshantig thisrecouered the land ont of the ni Gonrtimer had teignien 17 peeres tn the thole. ons hands, mdnotwremafning at acon 9 bid Se Aurelius inthis wile being eftablienking of thebono2 hecould{magine; both onto ioth -ped MBritaine patleth forth toithhis people, adivithin ae hla fix daies after met twith the armtes of the Scots and 4o th bing , and alo onto: Conranus general raeees docatien, Utaafius. This Conranus otheriwifecallea Gor ; if === noreconctie, bebinelelfo (tm manne the la man Seemoedn fhat abode) fen liketotfebis toaies ont of the fieln, oftn€ngin futth anambutharent of hosfemient about hint, but then bethougbliefaw, ¢perceiucdthat there toas the time ferucd better for his purpofe. At length then the wars Were agatine reneiven bettvirt Uter Saieete ey Dcots thus Mupicd forthegad governement of his and Deca the Saron hing, Loth ircuenge ofthe Se eta con. people , Aurelius Ambzole the kingof Wzitaine fell ficke of a confamption , thtdy brought him to fucy inturie bone to him and bis chilozen, toined bimfelfe tothe Sarons,and was totth them at the battell, Ccctasy weakeneffe, that allrecouerieof bealthinbim twas tm tabich the Britains got the biaozie bp the pefence Btrnn, €fpaited; ubereof Deca and Patcentius fonnes to _-of faint Germane that holie bithop of Auret, as the polver of Sarors inte Wyitame,, whic) (as Hector 2 thesfamets tet foxth by Hector Boetius, becaufe tt "wm Bian, Wengilt being aducttifed, returned witha mightte 65 Meatith writers make mention. CLbld) battell as -nnerall (as is faid)of the Scotify aramie. 99 Ny Boetius fatth) thep named at that prefent Bengifts fanb, -_ahild, tubidh alfo vicd {with the mother cs. abe Utter the brother of Aurelins laic Ale at dw fame » Wt twas therefore aboutthe feal of Catter, oben Writains being velivered thzough eaef time foze fiche of a fir in the pattiesef'Culates,f0 that to auotd Biffention that was raifesamongthe thearmiies came mto the field , the aronswith the Plasonthe onetives q the Wiltdins onthe other, of Britainsabout the apointing of a generalttago a» bho no.fmal nammber being either growen to be were licenced to remaine in Byilarwe. rijeletit Scink the enimies ,darelinseuen fiche ashe was; canted Hlinfelfe to be carted forty in alaeterwith Ohete'pretence his people were fothtantagen, that 2 tith the Sarons thep want vidorice, rddlaters thiougl conuerfation twtth the Sarons , ether els infrared twith the hercite of the jaelagians) even there incampe, by hearing fud)g@oermong abTaint Mermane prcadyedamongeft them were Garmane, wnalse{arefficeonto fools , accornis @as-gism to take truce foy-the {pace Offoure my Lived notpatt two pearesafter,butaied ~i ded thealiance of: sinrelius and Cour per meansafme relearfed fromthe crue mares afte Marons , infoiedtoffnll peace yeyerpwid but inthe meane time diners of thot counter ting to become. chuittians , dle of thegentiles .tbercof their PANTS end condensed 5 fufterco death but Miheagh with (nc lotle on there fetheAurelius Nehs arb theretoith feakiny bp hiscammpe; went ite Calinhetter ; am fentambalawonrsbrtethe tondyed the fate of the pias, we haue thought gon hereto etpzelle, i conuer to'the true beliefe, recciuing atthe fame vrtacteth Dae _timeshe facramentof the Lozpsbopie , togithor. in ' "Ye Samy companie toitlyorher of the fatthfull chrittians. Fir §=--nallte then bochpartics ~-_ togiue - tt, ‘ain e=3 sisan 23 gromife $0810 Fe cobnerten andavolithed the dyzittian profeiion sanktye Within the Writconfines, And therefore the old Teague,according to the articles amb conenants a mdHEs' cre againg the Sarons, Khobad in tahtpemlike Thehiftorie of Scotland. fenfe,accozdinglte as thelatodid ther awotntthent, Scotith an icity hingsfor ald. againthe tine Gilet thete things tere thus in hand, Congall -_aben the truce thoulderpire,which was granted,ano Cx deatho! king of the Scots being Wome withlong ficknete, fo he proutded foall things reavie for the Mwarres a» Cngel -_poparted this life, and twas buried in the Fle of Jogatnft theawsinted time of their aflemblie. Deca ha, othertvife called Colmekill , with all Kinglie -_alf fent his brother Palcerstius into Germanicfor pompe andaccuffomedceremonies. ibe reigned aioe afd, but as (ome twzite, be Was detuen bycon uer the Scotifynien about 20 peatesingreat fame -_trarie windsinto Zreland, getting agreat power and glozie. of inen togither there , be cate backeto his brother ConraAFter bis deceatle, hisheother Conranusivith with the fame . Wut tether he hathofe men out great refoifing of all the Scotit) nation twas ro of Freland o2 Germante, fure ttis that the power HS. abinitten ik. in the peareatter the birth of our Sant: of the Sarons was greatlie tneveated therewith, Conranus Jn the nicane time died Aurelius Ambzole , Hho seated a out 512, andthe 22 of thereigneoftheemperour 33? that Hengitt could faic.o2dm.to hane Tated-tyem, -thep fell to runningatuate ; and fedamaine, whi oy =Be i> HS ne 98° pfethniketdblattic, ' fon pear S She Srots tientsg thetcpotoy |