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Show Thehiftorie ofScotland. 7 mianter of fortifierg) foas takenby the Frencyuren, anid fpotlen of all things worth the braving atwate, Capteine Coe Aifocapteine Cobios a Frenchman, hating a band place contd be put it ante ffrength, the tips pepare onanight hava faire band againtt a number of Cnalith bortemen, tome be barged fo on the fudr Stand againt the Scots and Frenchmen, if they fhonld attempt to affarle them, After the Enaglity nanie was thus Departed,mou fient de Deffe, and the quene mother being abc: denburgh , determined With all diligence toimploie bids. of fiftte light hoxfemen: Scots feruing vider bint, Dens he falo thonrout of order, that heeafilie Dit ted from thence backe towards the fea, andleftin Arowmane oS Ponfieue oe la Chapelle de Biron,was ferit forth = i" ment that belonged to manfieur ne Ctauges then To", puifomersmofineturidsenfetmen befive Scots, to makea toan into Cnglands thtchenterparle be ate iucninburning totones and vitlages , and retire tedinithout anie greatloffefutteined at that tine, weed bp the the Jland foure enfignes of Crglifhimen , andone enfiqneof Ftalimrs, to defend the pioners andthe romfited them, and toke md2e priforers (trhomiehe brought to Yeokorth) than be bad perfons in bis ro all fuc) forces as thep might make aboutthe recouc: companic toafiatic them: bpmontieur bpanonfteurde Delle, forth the compante of berles Thehiftorie ofScotlarid. Gnivith veco: HMOhuis Was Ankh recoucred out of ring of the le, before the fortification, s begunby the Cuglifpmen ould be brought to ante.perfeatos Weerebporr, monfienrde ta Ghapelle deWiron, tne La Chap barken in the gallieof monfieur de Tillegaignon, de Biron. rolwed feats to biety the maner of the Cngliihmens dealing twithin the Fle, Hbich be did tn {uch effectual wife , that approching within barqu ebufe thot, be brought knotwleage twith htmnot onelie ofthe fate Githin tino. daies After bis returne to Jedtporth, and tholecircumfFancesof their butloings, but alfo Snothermade aonlicur de Delle difionged fromthence, ¢ taking bpmonfieae" Syith binrfoure field paces, and all bis mowof tnar, 20 of the perfec nmmber of their enfignes, and the quae wesccadean nHeeTED into Cniglano,taike the cattell of Jord md litte of the menof twarre that ferued bnder the fant: At that prefent allo, monficur de Zhermeslatelie Sone. barntit, with tenfmaill villages in the countrie beforearrtued at Dunbzeton twit) an hundzedmen thereabouts ,fituat tottbin balfea mile ech of other of armes,and tive hundzed light hosTemenatier the : There was one tolver pet parcellof that cattell of mannerof -France, and one thonfand fotnien,was MCbhomasiker Fourd,kbhich was kept by Thomas ikar, fo that the conte to the queene, bufienotv to further this enters Frenchmen conta notion it, for thep had no tinte to paife. She bad got togither within Leith haven all flaic long aboutit; remouing that night ouer the the botesthat belonged te all ;the crekesoe ¢hauens Wwater,s incamped there within the Scotith ground. Wt of the Jortty fo that onthurfoaie after Drinitte fu eeah As the Scots and Frenchmen erecuted thete ens (But monffeur de Dekle hauing warning thereof, Monfienr de Welle fleeth veparted from thence firfk to Melroffe, and after furout of Zed= fher off within the countrie, fearing tobe conttret: Svozth foz nep to giue battell.cayic) be could not baue done feare of the Awifhout mantfeffloffe of bis feeble armte, bauing €nglihmen. not pall fiffeene hurd2ed finite, and flue bundzed Themiferabie fate of the Frenchmen tn Scotiand. mouth of the Jfo2th, affailen bp fatre and pleafant fymrds fo baue perfuaded the beepersof the caffell, there fanding on the beight ofa great rocke,to have peloed the place into their has. Wut perceining their perfualions toould not be regarded, thep toke fheir courte bp into the Forth, and finding in their wate foure hipsof Frencymenand Scots, (eised ‘bpon thenras a twifhed pete : and the mozrotw nert infutng,at the berie bzeake of dap , hep camebefore ALeith, and faluting the totune twfth canon thot, rez mained there at ancho2 ten o2 tivelue daies, in Hhich Bntkith fortt: meane Hbile thep landed their people at Infkith, and the banquithed (God wot) are confravilie qualifien. SHortlte afterhereturned nto France with the SPonfenr de gallies and monfieur de Theres fucceeded in his 8 Sncceedeth tnt place forthe generall conductofthe Jrencharmiein hsplace, Scotland . Who by the aduife of the gouerno2,and hheredponthofe Scotih horttemen,not minding ta {uffer fucha prete toclcape their hands, came gallo ping in , and toe all the betf ffuffe thep could lap sepakiies, U°SAN to fortiie twith all vfligence,ABut beforethe to {eke remedie in that bebalfe : for the Scots twere "er -withdzatvenand got quife out of danger. Ahe Englith armie,affer that the Frenchmen -_twere thus fled and gone, paflen forth to avington, with their cariages laden with bittels , tothe great An this meane time,the Cnglihmen had increas fed theit numbers of Almaines, anv ofher fra: gers , md not onelie furnithed their forts tith new fupplies of men; but alto had anarmic tn the fielos hich lap moft anend at Dunglas , and one while befieged tpume caffell . But atter they fato theny comfort of them tithin that fortrelle, fanding in avington great neceflitie before this conueie came . his vittclied. fummeralfo,and a little before the bittelling thus of 3 eae bnotwledge had that Julian or ateOe cro With his band of Spaniards, thereof he was fy felues difapointed ofthe nteane , thereby thep fuppofed fo haue recouered it, thep ratfed from thence, capteine , feruitig the bing of Cngland, was lodged in Coldingham fir miles dfffant from Wertwike certeine bands of Almains and JFrenchmen came thither pon the fudden, and furprifing the Spants ards before thep tere aivare oftheir ayproc) , fet vp: and fpoilen the moft part of inidale and other the marches thereabout; in reuenge (as they alleged) of the thole number of thent. on them in theirlongings , foke,and luein manet } the diidialtie ard breach of promile peoued inthe ab Things pafling tn this wife it Scotland tn the The wen of dutland, lieutenant at that peelent of the nowh parts,a noble man,tight baliant,twffe, wellavuifed, and fated in bis vealings, berie honozable and cours not onelie in the meane time (ozetroubled twith conv motions raifed bp the commonsof that realme ; but alto twith the warres hich the French bing madea: fared Scots, Generalof thisarmic twas the earle 40 fummerofthis peare 1549; the Cnglit}men were feats in all bis demieano. » We twas accompanied with capteins of god effte Mation andapprouted protwelle 5 as fir Ridyard Spa: hers ;fir Francis Leake,fic Job Sauage,fir Thos Mas Wpolcroft ; fir Dial wiulttrop,+ others. Be gaint thent, within the countric of Bullognots, fo that thep hav not meanes to tinplote their foyces a+ gaint Scotland a8 thep had determined to bane done; as pattlie before , andimozelargelie in the bi Movie of England ts mentioned. Wp reaton hereof, 34a Resse anion after Pichaelmas thep gaue over the keeping neenett fobehaued himfelfc in that Dangerous time of the there, bpthe Engs bpzo2es and rebellions of the commons, though the 50 of badington, md raifing their fortifications thep returned tnto Gngland to the great refotfing nomen. mozepart ofthe realme of Cngtad; that although of Lonthiant ; to thome that towne had giten otcae the atpainted forces again Scotland were ffated, We ther, doing their bell to nefend the placcagaintt andturnied to the fupprettion of therebels, to thei eouragement (119 doubt) both of Scots and Frencdy ten in Scotland, pet thep twere fo fronted and kept inaty by that armie orderthe earle of en ite of an Hi of Fale t flaine with George Aypleble efquice,a capte enfigneof fastmenfenit fostof Derb {thie, and ONE fy exao a furgia lies to be nreffen of bis burts ,byfehich bare the faid bitfels and all other reliefe. Jfir therefore, after fhat Delle twas departed tolvards France, mon fient de Thermes with bis Frenchmen and fome affatlants, Cotton, bets capteine Cotton eco ‘utfinallie,their generall named Cotton, gentleman named Defbortes enfigne , as monfieur de la Chapelle his cozortell flatne tith a pike by the bands of the fozervamed Cotton the Cnglith general. shuns and other neceflaries ; but there tvasno belpe then Scotithhorte Scots incamped at Aberladie,aberethepbegan the wna sberie: foundatton of a fort , fo toimpeach the Cnglithmen from fefting on land aniebittels there,to be conuctd from thence to adington,as before thep had done. lie :petat length by fitne force the Scots and French oneof _bit,were faine toconueie bint into n. mie conlo come backe fo the refcue. The Almains oe holantto keepe the Cnglifhmen in Hadington from Fit boil: thent witharrowes and harquebule thot berie hot fointobishead, that bis fiends th at iwere about holo bpon ,and returned in fafetie, before ante ents The baganse other of the Scotifh lords oetermined witha fiege 20 twere tnnofmall chafe for the lofte of their garments {oklentenoe that bpon the 3frenchmens apzoch, thep faluted With anbarquebute thot, and bis burguenct bralpart thzolwent off their clokes , and left the fame(with all thetr baggage and fufte thid they had about them) on prepared to keepethe enimics off from landing, afterthey Frenchmen,boty at their landing,and al(o tere entered on land. Among other, monfteur dela ponte Chapelle de Wiron was firikert the ough the band ja Chept 7 no need to bid them packeatwate. in keping of none but of their wonten and boies: ned freightwates that was intended: and thereby bad made further refiftance,although before they Scotsei rie ffout oefenfe, burt and Haine piuerfe the battell of the Almatnes {ubdenticappearingon Che Frenchthe bill top reante to come Dotone bpon them, it wag men retire, fivelling humozofthe gloric thence vedounding he - ni gained in this feafon at . eeecniete , Gafpar Pisont, that was capfeineoi f the Jtalians, thers Saint beftde diners other gentlemen, and the moff painct+ pall ment of twatre and fouldiers antong them: the Shoortlie after,in the beginning of the fummer,the icr or Englifhmen armed fiue and tiwentie fatle of men of 60 refinue twere conftreined to retire 0 nto acoz pointof the land, there thep were faken without fwarre, the Ahich arriuing at the Balle, neere to the France , being aypointed to furrender vp his place to monficur de Thermes, latelie before arriueo(as foasblowen bp; as incales of bicorte tt commeth men got onland, anddroue the Englifhmien and Re ho2riiemen ableto haue done ferutce : for {uch was the nriferie,ahich: thep bad in manner continuallie 5° talians backe from the fea frond v p to the bigher ground,abere thep fod at vefenfeon aplumpe tog fuffeined theough want of bittels,and ofher neceflas rie belps during the time of thetr incamping at Zea worth , that that though fickeneffe and burts recets ued in aflaulfs and fhirmifges , no fmall number of Ahem there Dead,and manie other fo feeble, that thep {were notable toatdthemfelues ; infomuch that now being got out of banger, thep thought themfeclucs haptlie efcaped. -amainepate, till thep foere got out of Danger : fod -_after thep once bebeloiall the tramps of the Cnglith -_-hopMemen almoff at their elbotves, an herewith fo pate in them that make a god band; thereas fing, neither among the Scots noz Frenchnten, to Theforiond Difcouering the befteis at thetr feetting forth, thers -_by the Frenchmen a causes the (pace of firtéene dates ,the more tothe bighcons fentation of monfieur de Delle,fox that at thefame time he fod dpon his diftharge and returne into pebaue heard) tithcommiifion torecetuethefame, of Wwarce appointed that dap fo frie abat (uccetle fow fune fwould fend them, There twas no dtligence wary beffoln themfelues abroad, ¢the comfortable WOIDF pete ofthe of the quene greatlie incouraged them thereto,ber fonlurs. holding them, and deuifing with monfieur de Delle Feviworth,fhould in (uch wile avdzeffe one enterprtfe and the other capteins,till thep tere all fet fortvard. after an ofber againtt them , fogreatlie to their ave Gillegatqnon with his gallies patted on before to mofance, allemblen a potver togither at Korburgh, 4° hepethe Gnalifhmen occupied, as they ould ots purpofing to baue affailed the jfrencymenin their not perceiue the Frenchmrens meaning: but they anited by campeat Jeoiworth. concey better to conceiucofthat Abt spontienr de So that monfieur de Delle,to endhis charge with The Seotity light hoxtemen commiting ow the the glovte of this atchiued enterpaile , efteemed it 16 backe ofthe Gnglity armie,perceiucthere the AL maines (tomakethem reapte to giue battell) had mud)to ffand twith bis horo2 : and no Doubt {with the terprifes, thep inere coaftcd by certeine light hoe: 3° date, euerte thing being prepared readie fox the puly qaane, pote, in the mozning by the baeate of pap thequent men ; but nenertheiede the Frenchmen returned tr tuas cometo Leith, to fee the imbark ing of the men fafctic to Fedivorth, hauing fore indamaged the Englih bozverers bp that road :infomuch as it was fhought,the Scots (tbid) torre twith themat that Scots gaine read) gained af that time , by pillage and bofies to the balucof ninethoufand crownes. The Englithe bp fpotic. mien fore greeucd, that the Frenchmenlieng thus in the Engliths Mens hands , after if hadbeenein thetr poleMtonby fon of great troubles and calamities. Tlpon the gt ning onet thus of Padington , the gouertio2 anv the quene Dotwager were aduanced, in hope to reco _ aea ve - Englithmen held Hithin the cotland, oUNDds Wut Hirt it was thought gad to allatc the fiw ning of Wrougttte crag 5 for' it founded (as twas At one tine the Caine armie, onder the conduc of greatlie to the diminithing of the eftima the fain carle, patting forth with aconueie of vittels 60 thought) tion ,atwell of the Scotsas Frenchmen, that the fo fudvertie bpon the i Gnglity fhonts keepe fot fo far within the redlme, thevlaiehircampe, that yahether Feeuieb en ahereectatet Fesridhm ® on in defpight ofthelr abole pufffance.erevpotMoy ot-¢¥ oF nce neglige other or (covits, there of default fronat ficur de Zhermes about Candlemafle , having all Tr * Bfed bp then 62 though the great diligence and p+ mAOG things iva teabinetie for thefiege , came fhither,and hmen,the thetved bythe Cuglit UeFrench. niventfortwardrtele ter Frenchmen weet tn {uch basard to have beenebe v not donb: en | Wat if the Cnglithmenha Shere liefeddittrett move , than' byanietvas thought n@ofull , they . pio fo mad, ebat with (hot of Canon to' makeBat, terie , andother meamits of infortements; that Ot sp, cughese be ning the alfault both with Scots ano Fretithinen, crag woop FFrerdy Might have onerthiwwen.taber,¢ Mainethe4 men handfinwth(as was -- com at ni ; thep entred' the' Foyt the Fiwentith of Sebzntitie bp the Htenehe fine foyee} fo that all thofe Within were et ther falken Bae wi flaine'). hervpon thole CAiglth alto ‘thatkept -theraftell, rendzed bp the Tame folthont frther refi. ith bp the abuenturing ratblie oftentimes titieh tell the capteine was one, : fighene Socataa tieteaten of twarre, thtesfo late repentanceeattlie inlet) Gated, the : tanec ,anrionigett other patoners : fir opi Latter ‘i |