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Show 100 The hiftorie ofScotland. &. GerwsRe faint Germane toke opon him to bane the leaving fing for recompente of his trauell andaihagaing ectletiatticall minitfers , giving commandement, bepondthe twater of Hmnber, Hhich might be recor dearththe Rarene of the fore tard ,{iberein be bad all the pretts ano Spas Zilcinia. that ten be ihoula cvie Alleluia, thep Could all anv fwere binwith one intire boice. £. a hus peedthey fost tothe attenFatteae Thehifterie ofScotland. Net, as no other nation did lightlic antic twaies firs the Pics, todeliuer bntobim all fuch lands as lap mount then, uered out of the bands of the Picts, to iniop dnfo Ccigenein bimanvbis for eucr. Colgerne accepting the offer, tethin Ay: landed thortlie after in o2thamberiand,putting the "mbrian, tihole countries onto fire and fivo2d. Tahich crucll mane bearing the kings Harvard tit the fope front , ‘dealing canfed a great number of Heotse Pits, totheeninries ,bewith the reffof a Gbich held dtuerfe caftels in that quarter, to come eae i With alowa boiceshricetogither Altelufa , was anfweredby all the hole hott , biter ro fmzth into the fielo fo defend the countrie ,andict ning batfell {with thetr entries tere difcomfiten, ring amb crieng the fame crie (0 tholictogither, Hat -their Daughter being mmc) increaten bp the com: the bevie found thereof canfenfuchan eccyo onead mingof Deca atonwares Ypon them. Faz betirk flac bp reafon ofthe hollow mounteines andcliftes talking trace twith Miter king of the Weitains,baited Aye Saxons Hardby them, that the Saronsamazed at ihisdoubs witty all {peed to toine bis potuer twith Colgerite, ab miracolouftie lednoife anbdoubting nofonelic another polver of Singstar Oe Difcomited. theirenimies tobebindenprinilie among thebilles Tovting terbebeardoncethat he was come ontanv, Thole newesbeing brought by uch as Hen atvap =ax Sbich they fatwanech five of thent ,butalfoleat the into Gallotwap and ialand, cantedboth the kings, their powers erie rocks ¢ mounfeinstwonlo bauefallen dolore Lothamd Conranus in motk (pecdic tulle toatlenible tortie Biyperbole, bpon their beads togither With the frameof the.eles sent, readie (as it feeted to themt)to bzeake in fur 20 fhetv forces, and With the fame to march feopthwith Sars. towards the Sarons:but being come within fight det, thep tobe them fo their fetinfuchazeadfullbatt, -of them readie fo gine battell > great twas the feare fhat theit breath nas notable tofutice balfethe der and terrozof both their bois,to foie in fight with fixe thep bad tocontinue their courte. Danie of uch a numtber of fierce people, as thep fato there bes them madefuch hat that running to thenert river fare theft faces. Ghich feare arole fir€ thaough the Rubee inbope to palte the fame, twere teotoned therein. Weitains, of syome no fimall numberwas HHerestt sup ies ms Zo conclude, ali of them generallie thew away -aldof the cots and picts againthe Sarons, der potinteend both iucaponanbarmour, fhemozelightlicto make _-claring mante things ofthe great palure, ffrenath ~bag aivap. Lhus through the policie- of that bietfeo man of odie end Huge fore of lints of the fame Sars faint Germaite, the diaorie remained with bing 30 ons,being fo fierce andceuell in fight, as thepalled Titer andbis Wattains,without ante blondihen. ged,that they twere able to put thet enimicsto flight Saint Beda mating mention of this battellalg: Beda diffen-eucn With, thete grim lakes and terrible counter tobe a the fick comming of S.Gerr time the neth : teth from --narices.. Cihereof {ud feare and terro2 fas {pread ?* Hettor Boe- muanieinto this lano,abere as Hector Boctiusfollotys through both the tole armies,tat tfthamne had not tius and his ing Veremond, fnpoleth it tobe atthefecond time -_-partlie fzoughtamongeththe men of watre,manit of bis conming biter, abich ivas ii the baies of hing Utet . Wut at Hhat time Gever thisicorie -ofithers woula haue fled their tates befne aunte bats : telk ban beenieattempted at all, finschanced,cerfeine it ts, the Mbeifains waxing Ehe kings perceining uch difcomfiture amongt proud thereof , nothing regarded the poluer of the ap Coe ngs togitherand toalemble them -thefe men, cauicd Sarons , tor tokeanie bad for prouifion of fuce The ther defente; but atter that tholebolicbitjeps Gers 40 pointed que fuch as twas thought met fo the wd ee - gine tainsBrtpole, tordeclare onto thenton their hebaevem fon tothe Maneand Severusivere returneninto theic com themiclues thep coulanotbet maruell fo buderfland fac FeAte ie PS bntoailkinds frie ,thepfellteall kinds of gluttonie andercefle; afviceand - jn follotning onelie their fenfuall Inffs and flewhlie f concnpitcence: obid)abutes, the bihopsmnpother godlic mentlamenting,ceatted not tof earnefilie both the armies, confizering there toas 19 thereof, thep being fuch.a numberof able twat ours thronghlic aypointen, and therefofthall led Z {uch gonernours.and capteins, as there toas facets emorepentinduc timeany {pace Kitmefometciall and iufl-occafion of pifaduantage, fat, realon-eby-tobe Doubtfullafviaozie,betore theybe? ante other arguments tere allenged and lain Empth toremonefeare outof their beacts and to ine ambafadonrs thei haumy their anfoere, annbez tag fent home with repos), the v51itatns contrarie Brtbur prs to the Latwesofall nations, proclamen Arthur,being "ameo bing ceseis OUtage them to fight, infomud that inthe endit -_abattardbozne, wing of thet tealine, an foxibtwith, HO foytable (ud) Wile, that thep generallicrequirenbattel, of fons ofan fering to-liueandote at their capteins fet, andto ogtag folloty thentthither focuer tt Thorlo pleate their chen on againi the Sarons > in purpole to abate fone partof their frength , before the wics ( tbich impaaa twas Doubten would Mhoxtlte comte to pate) thouln the Sazong. thooaah cot: apeared the fame trought the tifhen efter, in rages. Atembling thew powers wnder bis leading, mate kings andliege loos toamointthent. eretwith the ro foie with them. Rtgs bettig fatiliicn,forth ther march folvardsthetr euintics, ihoime Hhepfoundreanietareceiue them, and that tith fuch rigorous violence, that in the Wikcds end, after great faughter mabe artboth parts, the cots and zits were putto fight;the { eaeeacae Scots Sarons pars pittadight. Mitigin the datetiilHeoarkerightcautedtyem to Zhe nert dap campe. thett _... tolthtrato ¢retutne info nifo f a i - following, theScotith king witf)therefione of bis i: armie Yafted aap. with all (ped tetvards Ballas Aherforehaning procured atd of the Armoztke Wete tains forth ofFrance,thep fought with theirentmics ZeBene= -Wihin'ten miles of London atthe fir, there the Darons being at tivo feucrall times banquithed, luete confreined not onlp to pate tribute,but alfo to recefuemagtitrates to qouerne them dy the faio Ger , articles of ars apointniont with other gricuotis -_agréement,to thegreat retotftrig of the Wzttaing. fo, thefefoluckiebeginings inthe fic erpletts ae Brthar: -4 areconsree: Moto pap tris tear DUET tbe Soap, andthe ia(aith king tithoset into Bicland. 9 lateeleaepuing, Aderwattewas Londenofcate ee Se DSavons bfiny the bicorie moff crucllic, Que alt -_-Keafon, toke aduife with his nobles how to procedin Wzitains, With, in all places betwiytLine anv Died. Their bis warres againt the ref of the Sarons, Finallic Tubs of Socthumberland:; oie reparing all fudcattels and ‘ frongheutes, ashe thoughterpedient tohaue kept, wr teon by the Britains,toerin Arthur remaining fora son *ythe fad ofthe Piaith aw Scotify nations as Hep met gerne cre- DIO Deca creatrthefoyenamed Colgerme onke of plated' garttfons of fouloiers im the fame tones fenbithe countric againft all manetof enimies. Af Haning peparedamighticarmie,he setermnethto 2tthar rate guagaint tote which tnhabiten bepoud Dumber batedog -ttozthtvards, with thom (ashe had cevteine knot dieo, : ledge) the WBters Mere toned: for Loth comming fo Bicaguecone «agreement with Colgerme, concludedateage with cludedbe- terthis , Deca turnen bis polver againthe 15st bint, wherebythep Were boundto aidane another a: St Loth abd Pics, as before ts partlic tonched . The wr tains teceinittg a great ourrttoiu in battell , Citer uerfarics to themboth, he Writains at thefr comming into Workethire tains, hhich in the lat battell bab atved the Scots 30 gaint the Writains , as common enimiesand ave © "1S as ane theinin the Writifh king twas glaptoith (uch as mightefcape ‘Heentmies bands, to withoato into Wales leas Mcclbpthe Hing the refioue of his countries tnto the Sarons, iho therebpon recouered not onelie the. citie of -pitchen their campe not farreoff fromtheir entmties, eho Were alreadie toined togither and Incamped as broad inthe field, Apenert sapatter,knowlenge ber ing bab that thep thonlo bau battell, Arthar appoins Saori inge <LoNDoMt, peelding it felfe britthem for Donbt of ted Holwell Leader of the Acmoytbe Wzitatns to tre "Peetteaore Sows, §--fought there bettvirt them, fo that fo; a god fpaccit Was Doudtfull ehether part ould haue the aduary fayeof the Dap, but at length te picts were put to y flight,hid) aduanced the Writains to the gaine of eae at Dakeg. fometong fiege , butalfoall thofe countries mdpioe counter with the battell of the {Dtcts,anp he bintelfe "aeOGtease Eamon ree: Hinices thich engi the fir of the Saronsthat tomate) with the Ssrons. Thus they nict togithrr Nii Sebothe reigned as king within the boundsof Albton at a- 40 on both parts beriefiercelic, and a fore battell was ¢dackeofcourage, as appeared gerterallic thong _S ae ea Thethreat. toreprone, menacing defiruciontetyetholecou mingofben: trie , if the people leaning theiviwicked Iiningand geaneetofue- goheinousoftenlestotvasGorpiductanena vey vo IOI boty bo3ne and vpbzead tira fore conntric. hole hie time, bad bolden oz intoied, and cealed not af terrecoucric of the fame, to bere and difquict the Scots , Writains, and picts, with continmall meurfions,boping bp fuch meansto keepe themfill ocens Ceteathot picd. Jn the mnidt of thistronble iter. of the i5:t- bea tains departed this taozld , poifoned (asfomehaue ferry, Written) by dzinking water taken outofa fonteine be, Hid) the Saronsbadinuenomed. We died in the the tthole field. F702 the Sarons,atterthep percetued © ae potw the Plas were difcomfteo, dcading to abide he Sorong the thole bzunt bp them(glues , betwke themalfo to chafed,mave _their herles,md mape thétr race towards Wozke, ag tele race tox but that thepmightbe ouercome ivell (nous) y S21 ‘peateatter the birth of onr Sautonr 521, and utthe fatt as thetr feet might beave them, SARVO70786. -- eighteenth of bis otune reigne . After bis veceaffe, 5° Arthur parfuing themthither, befleged the citic York belleges, tee Loth king of the pias {ent bisambafladours onto almoff three moneths togither, but the Sarons dee oF Natableouccthrow, fleaing of themtetheammber -_dictories.as Gortimer thewBaitih hing a ba tx, Agreatouct- SBub pet this hicesie uasnotgreatiic pleafantto banquithenthem infudint, tat then fey - from King Seen fOrefatD Dera, beingadnancedagodiwapothoses found means bppowlan.to:make bint aWesit> ae o Reither Muere thep neteiuedhoreit s for within $6 3fo2ras touching the Sarons;thep were 18 gen fefp peaves after, Deca oftfones began to make Chew: iharresbyontheWrttainsagaine,anbgauethema tainsreceine of fifteen thonfand.twith.their general: Mathalion; wnight {utfictentlie ayeare,5 both by patet againtk them; and alfa durelius Ambz0fe, - wg the lozvs , and other the fates of the Writit) domin' att ie fiieSaraits , for inthe chafe theplottetckingthe not cftfones incounteruit.bun fit batte a RE Gaine. thie refinne of biscarmée, With fiue hundred mettanda ety fotmen, in puriute of bis entmics, 1 Ahern Lith the Weitainsayomethe Scotsae fonftemhanfubouep) had at fryndzie naae pet attemptedno further exploit againsbe Mxitainss Pccanephue Deeabphis AND pet for that thep wonlo not be withoutagouers to Highttnilytbern in commron defenofTN as cus. neyiicaf the faim.Deenbpebis brother:Diiengs all genmeripwgbt torudi)is eucereadictearen a.vighteous qnarrelts: ad fiiere eetge of ofercvence Salt the Wits,.ferthat Hoth.kingof thewies; Thepanger ahich twas the oneliecaute that as thenthe Sarons go thed the Sarons, tp Houlvsyoy feare in aa brother Difs Noue, theperedteiansther:Mecata ho theinsyithe RLotheontre- sun thensturnedrall thetrforcetomake wwarrests trie,and reuenge of fuch inturics as ee mongeftithean, thatteedarons es aidedthe wxt- contraric to hisicthiofctedenen, Yamaiven theseis fhaturexRNd nightie oftims,that no (ov6sOF Seems. eninthefame thephanperfecvabertkanding.::. .Mecatherfore being fierce ofnaturestotherwDin the Doatsegpiaswere tnduedsvithne -_teuesTnenbstrensthot boriethan the ATig teinsagaint tains inthelatt battell , as by certeinepeifoners tar Haron is _ nbaagebis cnimies the moresfentinto-Germa fentfopdp "nicone Colgerme o; Colgerne,amantofgreat elfinration anobirthamongetttheSaroris,tocame oner witha polverbntobinsintoCnglanv,promi filter, then it ought by courfe of the latwes of all renekuedat tecir hands .fith the righteou ee fotutthGmnpsthene;it wascerteinclic bratte _tfthevinevertptofliettomadhs. thatros oat in nature -fended the alles fo ftoutlie, making often ifucs "ons, requiring them, accoring to the accuftomed fosth dponthe Wzitains, that till hunger began to latyes and ancient ordinancesof the realme, to re, conftrcine them, thep cared little fothe lege. ¥n the cetue bim as king , fith be bab maricd the fifter and end, then thep were determinedto haue peloed bp betre of the two bzethzen Aurelins Ambzofe,anv CL the citie , they hao knotwlenge, how there was an ter, their ttuslatt kings, being as then both veceal huge arinie of j2ias and Sarons newlie afemblen, fed,without leaning behind them ante latefult iffuc, and reabie to come foztward to their fuccors;alfo that byreafon thereof their effate was fallen onto him, king :Deca‘efcaping from the battell ubercin he bad to infoy the fame during bis life, bantngmarien(as So recetued the oucrthzot at Arthurs bands , and flees ts fatd)their otyne naturali and latofull borne fitter, ing afterward intoGermanie) was nop returned and affer the deceafle of him and his wife the fain inith a new power, and arrtucd toifhin the mouth of umber. Which newescaufen them to deferre alt O*eareture Tealmes and countries to defcend bute fad ifue as communication,tn hopethat if thep mightabine the ee - beban begotof bir , thich was tive fonnes , the one tro > Named Hor;ed,and the other Maluan ,o; Gawan, 88 fome do call bim. =Bx ; Zhe Writains oifoainfullie ving the Piatt anv tebete bours that came twith this meflage, refufen not Wier 9 Snelie to come bnider {ubtecton of L oth , but alfo ves fe fiegebut for a final! tine , the Wzttains fhoulo hort, witha new lic be compaffed in on ead fine, and oppzeficd on the power. funden. Arthur heard of the comming of their faccours in like maner, and iwdging tt no twifedome to tarie the conningofbis fo puifant enimics,confivering that anumber of vifeafed ann fiche perfons be bap ~ ‘xz in the field,ratfco his fiege,anh withazew himtelte fo Std 9s Gege. fpadili¢ as was pollible With bis whole armie into By, ales, wet Med that his fonnes begot of bis lawfulwife , the = Ofer of Anrelins and Uiter, thoulp haue anie rate 02 SSiernement amongeft them , as thofe that were NO Gritains bozne, but Grangers outs them, being alreabie iy his hott , by reafon oftheir ifeng abzoay Btthar rate |