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Show Maice aa ie Thefecondtable for the hiftorie Edward the eer king ofGn: note, t 70,8 60, Ehat inthe ¢ Shen it appeared died hing @reombert e theatch= bp the Danes Withdpawcth «into Glocefterfhire, 177,020, RB Cgelerdseide fonnefent ideaungu hein of Caftangles,152,0 .3eth intohis hands the erties eet Shedbaitelibe: Coan Mot Sycore Wwarrethas ft E veiferd of §2o2thur fought cataaee 1o3,b50 nen, wart volvenenin meth Mozthumberiand bnto bis owneeftate, 157,220. RB. of @ugland bp intreate con> einpeth pence Sith Danes epares ‘Daeaan igo veneered etic ts @paerD Ro ens crows i 8,103, the crowne Setetyitte, , 157, 60.wes Lore,ci,eenimalan end,278,d40.6i6 wedats Galay 0,Searsa . ane. ry spate: aman 7 Cn cine etBriet - nde Comea Fa: uae Deuldedit, 119,60 tnto@ngiand,173,44°. Fot- ee Ebert. Ce Ethervert. of x,mencal agi Onseeantes Gar: 104, bro, BMlociated of fet, oe arm punces metteth o, Coane + 199, i oe pope Bice 810, verve wife, as be oe 197,030. Py swounded in fight andput to Aigbt, ‘Maroly ahouynenealt 4 dyes ae catane ap, Sols aRnateiens pope fare, 153,860, Death #thelamentablemancr ines,hts iflue bp. roar bts death, eae ten thereok,157,060,b ro.Dimerfe and difcozdant reports ofthis paperonan at is . Canwanmn thefiel,ro6,a10 agtents ecbe Pie Deugh- -_glantd, and confecraten, 150, ged,179, 049, bis fo ire matted, 60 104,b20,60 thed,so,tbepa comfett, 16334 20,bitnnet ron: ke murthered bp bis to Ins daughter in mariage,t94, Goeigere laine by Dee,1 % Eomanv75,060, whp farnamed F k, Bzoclamed thers prorurement,163 ,a30, the Dane, 175,b60. Heedts Engih vifcomfit Cnute and land hp generali. cifent,crom neb,1 Ben 60,b go, Pgomileth to makonike wiltsm heite, : 220, Bis pedegrefe 201,830 Wakes rebell again Olmie, Ceiwnife carie of Warkelly.re fonghtat € nglefied forth the 118, b60 143,040 Danes, bright bithop { Cacricon, 90,820 Cvcloutfe king of Kent - : : = out of his countrie, 133, iting bifhop of Mandate newigent in bis profelit- icone cafteli bp _- bis Danes in 4 piteht field, 191.0 10, Mioltemreth from the 176,b 30. Be fheweth himfelfe tobisfoldicrs, partlie bela ning thet he was floine, 176, 82 y 4 20 Seienuaaseree. Dffe- furnamed Marty, 163,b3o reth the combat onto nate Edward the thro bing ot ng: Dulating anexpert chotesne €ocrus king of Scots, alias 27,830; 60 Cridiozus, Sar,73,030.apointetoput conmpante of tis: Sntfe, 187, 0 so, Dealeth trithewithhis mother Emma, 6o.$nperfon maketh out again Godwin a4o, Erattozouflie flainein MDrfordfhire, 178,10 Walentinns to death, 73,b10 Edgarke of England yis oi{poition, Fviligent proutfion for Gomund king of Eftangies in Dane ariver Where Doncetter «-B5,b60 nowftandeth, Dunmatiesfonneseicsputout ro, Mpurthereth Exhetwold emariethhis wife, 160,530. bpking Eomand, 157,430 Bip iotues Echitozen, sndin Dunttan,t What ts reported of Swbat ftate the tand Pas mn him,165,b 10.Hts prophelics, bis time,162,020, Bowedon 165,420, Sis fharpe meflace $ Wwatercight hings driving fent to. Etheired, 165, co, his barat, 159.b 40. He preDeis reftored ¢ineftimation ferredmanks to bilbopriks, Sith Engar,159,460, Wave 160,a 10.9utto feuen p gares « bithop of worceffer, 160,2 10. penance foz Deflouring wii_ Fntavonr With Evzen, 158, frid, 161220, Jn toue With bro Gp Working uriracteshe duke of Comnewals Daughter dadbis Mill When arguinets Ierideth tohir ebgut mariage, faited1634 10AR{sbiporrife, is preucntedby the meffen= r6i,a10, is difton : note a Get,160,8 60,b 19 Deleriben, @ dainietalc,157,b40. He is bas 161, b 5a are o ‘3 nithe 1§9,820 weilhmen,bis {porles, bis biDunwich adithopibe,r10,a40 ts cruellic murthered of them 144,860 Edmand the maripz gouerned the Gaftangles, , 133,bs° Sdzcd &. of Englandhis acs and dedB;158, 220, Fmpzi= foneth archbifjop wolftan, 1$8,b 6o.8e diet, ng entmie, ee area 20 Eogar ing of Englano Swouid not pig -dimbing, 196.8 4 Ergitha. He Evitha. builded, 167,410 Epgina the wife of (as fome enc tae) the concubine of king Darmo,o; rather Gurmo,aAnglicusohpfotamed, 147,840 Edward hir dzcame,153,a10 Mother of %.Cd7ed,158,b ro s E. Epbirike.{ He Cozke, Edilbaln king of Mercia figh= : FrBic hen mectaem mad,106,840. esei: Baptited , 158,b 10 Big lawes inftitater, 191,b 10, Maristh care Gwowins Dawphter,187, a 40. *utteth awaie his wife Coitharnose, 189,b40. Departeth thistile, dig manners,anv mhind;195,8 10, Canonifed by thenae of Epward Confellor, 195, 4 60, His Hvords dpobis' death bed,broDeferibed, b3° @dward the fonneot Ema Fronkine farnamed He a is death, Deati : a3st , iaw,bis areweearnveatycris ro Gpbert archbilho note,13 0,460, 0: Hal :@ clofe furtherer of Danes pall from: aRowne,b s0.dD0HS pmings, 169,30) Caketh teth this lifr, De part Mith the Danes agamntt @omund, 176,660, 177,010, qbert bing of Kent,iee :: ae Me Swbar and oa gutto death after he hadrecnealed bis traitozous hart, enti Edzike a Daneabner. ruler ofthe Git- Dureime citre befieged bp Gor- = aae a,. = from yorkethire how Durham recone Bg Ehetowne and bis complices, 190,810 armesagaintt the Dancs, he Defenfeofhistealnc,1s9,860 Enimunds wend Sine: rv Commandeth faire Gunthil= 179,b50. Egbert bingb10, of Eppel Soxthumbee Hed frorts Cozike te Htreona bis trais om pracife againt two iDanifhnobienien, 174, a40. He Sith agreat power flieth toF Daneg,174,b 20, APade vube oz carle of Mercia, 169, aso. Distreafon again Engith, 176,a.40.49ts treafon co: Wh, 176, 8 ionred WIthao.ficbnes,, 168,b'50 sopoartetigMegraze dae bing of RentCaine 110,131 aes is Liegbome by bisa8 rele 149,b60. iecettied S_ the eeHes te eeplot eno 10, apis neath, how Ne Boreal, : his ac,andeaniong biuided bis bingdom" bis fons, ai ond rot in ee engrbe ‘Oe Edlinus one enures bing of ayercia fia: archbilho Soarte s, p of Canturpeats° egelr getreD igfentak fop home #16: becommeth a chziftian, and of Britaine and England, 5 -_fpoi'en, 162,410 Engars. 184,860 bso, we ~ ofGtengies head Emma ; 5 Teno - ‘enn ef:A bBo3iatay éht ds, Coward the thurs ae peat e dieth, 191,830. Enuteof binfmenconceiuen a: guttines time: note,roz $40, - Tanv,1 21,a60, Be and Edil- Eiwer ysatieeee no iRo= ae att redfight in armes, 123,060. ee: ee gee ee tlirue mane fhould take bpon him C€nuieof Cleane aes hsemie,jie rognier as Ares meet Oe than once in anie boi= hennius: note, 53, b 60, DE Ethelard sal pee king of weltfazona t BC, 35,430 Benda again Dfwald fo; y@10, ee ip Waudes Englandfomti‘ nes taketh flight out of hts iand, calle. Ben= bisgmdprocedings, 115 210 awBKingotqids, 125,230. his death, gifHland, 98,830. Frefrom Cnwulfecarie 129, bro of Summerlet a Ethelbatn &.ot Mercia gf king of Mercia, his troubles both onfea €iandin of what confpiratoz, tind.4oe Righe 32 20 141,860 puiffance he Spas 130, @ 30, Pao Ayedtrgi " b> aaron , but vifgufen Fis vertues and bices:note, Egwine bithop of wopcefter, out by Decree, 187.4 20,he ‘ isemane OE é 128,a60,129,010 intaecioe + sd foure notable conqucltsther: Crehenv oin firlt Bing of Catt: Glanius king of Writainehow theibyight, "ene of fet bowne tnan avuertifefarons, 99,830 Ethelbert king of Eftangles jong be teignen, 20,820 tttent,202,4 10. MWiferable Excombert the firtt of the @ngElcunugs king of weltfaxons, bighliecommended, 133 ps fate ofit bnoer the Danes, ih kings that deltroved att bis acts Gnd deDS, 122,410 *BWuildep fatut Anduewes in 168.4 60, Delkeredbp Danes idolgin bis kingdom ,114,b 40 WBochelter, 102,b 10,103,450 Elcwold. € He Akwoiln, as thicke ag graffeho ppers, Erkenwald bifhop of Gaftfars Ethelbert ivan bifhop of Lelchelter,84, king of Rent, 97,0 20, 166,460, he moze partof it ons, Heimbgaceth the golpell 99, by4o fonqueredby Swatne,172,b ErickeaDane bing 122,850 of @ftan= 860, 109, all. Snbduethb aidal Pieutherius.¢He Eintheriug Jo. Subiec to Swaine the gles, putto fight, beis mur= Ellerdukeof Mercia others the Englithfarons, 99, a50, Dane, 172,b 60, Bow manic thered ofis fubiects,r51,b60 immebiatlie after Engars Takenppifoner and releaten fhires therin $ Dance watted Erle Aigare of Orford, 191, b tn winebcomb church, 136, Death remoucd the monks € 170,820, Che caule that it 30. Bndzogens of London: 5° Dislawes,veath,and bus reftored thecantons,162,b 16, Swas foaffliccd bp $ Danes note, 30, b 30. Saldwine, rial Weparteth thstife, 165,060, 106,840 in %,€geireds tine,167,b10 {He Waldwine.Wrightned Ethelbert &. of Moztham Eaten toveath with tice,r63, bers The maettteand glozie of tt of Effex giueth battell to the bis crucitien, bio til life, «itt b30 -‘feil Swtth the dethof Eomunn Danes,Mlaine,166,8 60,2520¢8 €lfieva goucrnefle of Mercia Death,136,b 30,@42 Bivthe, 178,b50.4Darted betwene kt, male of Cheftcr,104,420,€0and € theibgit, bpi.Cywardsafiignement, Gomund and Cute, 178, a ell of Cotchetter,62,a40. faz Ethelbsight ¢ Ethelbalo dinide 252,030.24, Dlureds Dangh= 10, 60, Hrethlie inuaden by ther tothe gop empzeffe ez their fathers bingdome be» terhir continence cheftitic, S>waine,r71 ,860.Cotention len, 66,8 10. @neiwnife of tweene them, 144,860 148,460. Wir bictopies. againft about fucceMidtothe crowne Warkelhire his baltantneffe, Ethelbyit,125;b60, |Sec Ios the Danes eothers,hir Deth, therof,r 62,060, Firk accur= 143,b40.€ dol of Glocefter op ther, buriali,and eprtaph,r §2,a50 fed by the pope :note,x 53,850 Chelter.¢He Cool. Enuife Etheiburga fitter tol,Canbald Elhina, €De Eacifriva, Pckicred With wolnese how of Summerfet,r41,a60, DF mmaried to &.CGdmwin, 197, Cinethus archbthop of Canrid of thein,160,9 20, Abfolut: € flex nameieffe,162,4 to, Bo= 3°. wifeto king Jnas bir bez turburte refulcth to cynfez kein Cnutes hands,1 78,4 60 da of Denonfhire Maine, 166, aifeto perfaade bir hufbann Crate-aroin, 182,b30 Statcofthings much altered 450, Gwbwin of Kent, 182,h to fofake the Wwopid,127,b 60, Elphegus dithop of wircie: thereinbythe deth of Cute, 10.q¢ He Gwdwin, Leofrike 128,910. Delinered of achilo, er, 165,b50,166,b60 184,b60, State of tt tn bing of Chefter,180, 4.40, 188b 60, 107,060, Defiredin a letter Ciphegus archbithop of Can: gars daicgs , 162, & 20, Monnens,74,0 10. Oddo hath fromthe pope to continue tn torburie murthered bp the foure efpeciall deltrucions Denonthire ¢ Summertets the faith, 108,a 40, Returneth Dancs, 170;b10,40 thereof, 140,a 60. when the Mhire giné him,189,b 30, Rafe into ent, rrr, as0, Bn as Elis Fle Thereof tt twke the Danes rales perfecutio ceaz of Hereford, 188, b 60, St2 woman¢ proudas the dinglt, Hate andby Whomebutioed, fed init,185,b60, Che name Sward of HPozghumberiand, bir end:note,13 6,4 10,38 nw", 23,810. €Aer 4. Auverie, of thts Fle When changed € 188,b 60, Hig exploits agamntt € Se Erkenwald, Chourus king of Bzitaine az made a monerchte, 139,810, 192,030,60 Ctheipzida, ¢Apee Ethelreda, the Scots, boureth to hane his brother {De ibton and writaine. Ermenredngs bigs two fonnes Ethelgina tk. Egelrens wife, ‘ welbozed tothe Kingdome,21,4 CEnglhmen of whom thep lear= cruellie laine, 122,430 165,460, She dieth,168,0 10 1% (Caken prtfoner of his nev theit erceffine feeding , Crming fret. ¢ He High: Ethelred king of @itangles, Orne bpethren,21,b30. Delis 185,b yo. Webaue themieines Waies, 131,b10 Deredeoutot pzrfonandcromike bealts,199,b50, Their €rocus king of the Almansa CEthelred bing of Mercia becd» hed bing, 21,b60 baliantnefle and fkilfuineffe friend toConttantine, 64,410 meth a monke, 128,440 Eilathefonofwitriafirt &.of infightagaint the forma 8, Efcuinus, (Hee Cleuinug, Ethelred kh. of welkfaronn he »tra,9.5,b 10,30.ting of the 200,410, Dgderimbattelied Elleda, 7,260. ¢ See Chariots, fought with the Danes nine DHouthfards his erploits,89, brio.bee his thre fons cnter Wrtraine, 86,a20,b60. Be J20pnaNg,199,b 40.49 2euatle 147,b 60. Che kingvome ther agatntt the Danes, 145,b 10, of taketh enbd, eee, St fletemby the and becaine monks, 114,b 60, las croft in yozkethir Gian; aot e why wars, 137,420.%O2acifed in Wwarsarecommonlie bicozs, nd <Dfbeigh Dbz t bing of orbe and Hent,122,b 40. € builvetyachurch, 107,a10 beth a Erheired . of Port advert h.of M € : ; 60 becommeth amante,32,6 = Ss : erapees aee thumbers Land,i04,autofMog b30. Se difplacet h rake arth Caehie . rete 302 Eavbivus bifhop of Abie, eons yeeirrames ala, mage eftsinth 159 heeail eth againtt the iabieot row 2cane a8 @huiterinebebop otsBomebis oath to Lucws touching abomed Sith the pall,132,a20 Evifwald king of Deira bifpos Carvalfeadube taken sivon- fertadeuotion, 117,060. bev, eta Dinerle fopetobe 1658 etekes, ina Doubt KAI, HasSeIaceyto8, ibe to betallnba! 20. paniaier: Ctargerius bithop of welktar: Cartongaryankings Danghter HethPere 1109,s, Esvuling vithop of Lichfiein Earle. (He Erle. onsiicenceth wilfrivtoprecy4 conesae his fadieese Mane, 124,b40 136,030 Eottha the taughter of earle Gndwinmaried to Coward thethird ..87,e4ojOutawsi ‘ oar c burte, the fonneof banifhed 186,40 tormeth,173.080 ueenes wing Gila Lane TATp api ment,t4, 0? ee Manes, em a 8 is'bilionshote,to8 ,a 40 banghttr, aint people receiueth mineth to 145, ee Premafer: woke 11,8 ° -aroag be Tescott ‘England, iAlthie Tufk. 159,810. Be lerof Wzitaine, 11,560, He Comund king Egelrenseinele bad 21 Sines, 20 fonnes, 30 Daughters,tobe marien with Troiandloud,t1,b60,12,a10 ine athgret e, With greefe, in Heconered & | 159,050 ittans bother geteo)ibene, 17460, 90 ppt| coutpiracte ehow geferd Dane, 174,060,His a waliant crploits, 174,b20,60 pumilhyed, i 139,040 thmeg tn one peare, 142, b10, His death, 144,a 60, qe €oilred. whp thepiwentinto France Elfermenyperldenthemleluesto Crhelredahing Cgfrives wife Erelwold, 150,b60 abirgtne: nore, 125,050 Bite themfeiues with civil! Ehtangies Where planted in ECrhelfwida hing Wurthsers WG utain,82,a20.C herr king dome bzoughtinto decateandD Sorfe died in Paula, 149, b3o, © Sec Ciftriva, 150,b60,Dbtcinegrants bee fubtedt to diverfe,133,b4°. Ft Erhelwotn bilhop of winches nefictailat the imftance of &, Enate,181,b10. Their gad fernicebnder Cnute again the Clanbdalg,180,b30, Fle to the Dances take part az gain{t their owne bing, 171,b ceafeth,r44,b10, Conquered fer, 60,0 10, Putin truk to bp Dffa,133,b30. Subiet fue fox hing @ogar to (peo nto the Dance, 149, b 60, him of a Ywile, deceiueth the tingdomea when tt began,, hing, 160,8 60,b10 _fiirft called Uifines, 87,430, "Wthelwulle Te of weltfaxons, Chep haue Gurthun a a fubdeacon,#c:note,1 49,4 30 172,860, Hpardlie bandlen bp AHwaine,172, bso. Weceine bso.@betr hingdomelabous ter, 140, a 40. SMparieth the ed by bing intaraen.agetmtn 60,172,410. $n aperpleritice, DManetherking,144,b10,46 MParieth tne butlers dangle Femaietreiasasa co: -100,b40. Hie tataie,Lerne Gioeent Ae Sea eporte bices aof tion, n sats tra benterou e s to their coft, eee eae edie mek disba ndat ace etate f 159, , aes se eee me ? fomtc tisie Distt dSain, rviens Res Say wa s g Becufed of dinerle crimes $ormans, 200, a 40, Happte PAREinung Sees Gotita Guat athe Bue S Beerrre tone=1 iM ee 174,840Of 5 peace,*66 buried, 15.DT™iesgm 4 11582t yaar pa one of thE Sag 155,060 Egeltrl I SOGk eeer, . 8,4 10, Ber SryanbeGe t nnared France eno bihop of SOpirbuene andbis two TonnesSASomatwitge afterWrute,t2,a10. Fit rox -flatne, T4te re 110, 2 Emma daughter to Bichard me of Edgar wadea eens:walt man, no,remeDie,A barie, nnn,160,b 6o;Abbefle wils 60, iszeale infetting of TDAMesVP."a 6a Eanien bing Eowins137,040 dsugh- ton T6110. 110,860,Bi S5 fa Gteobyth fer bone," 107,b60 Gollcarle ofGtocefter of Che- S eoer. ratio tobisetT fC fer his baltantnefle againt 144) 40 ter matted to Waidwinearle ong, 129,b10 Cmbert « notable mane Gri eteta ree, mbenieeze eee, et, Gata bithop oferan, 125,b50 epetabir EaubatarcyilhopotCanear- pangbtergin.rs4,b20. Bate Bis, Rue Tepdboth to," £0 PORNATO ra Canfrive and Dirthebings of fonamnev, me rida King en Blureds vanghe again duke ywilltam ¢ bis Eler arriucd tn bp the Danes, E \=SebenMeneses Ree etaeee ateee 30,b30 "ait ree ca! 1,640 abiSc Os ir lag<aO fmbjch theyban renown: Gumeeus « martherer fent to Re eet baeal itnsariedhirfo Aodtcemsbt Stanesa: Se AY ee enceswhence gs Cnnter79,060 Eyendeth 139,430, yns€ ti HebeWytaing, gvopled, fonnes into Mezmandie, 176, MS itois.aDwDellnaee= Ree paar aa ons | mae 179,639, a Bingdomecealed, | 133,660 Creelter befogen bp pane, 71 b 40. Meaty bp thers Se eee ee eet howsiia Repetie.90, OMerwag oxbloot ensbee, Mesto so€obertuethonos,ss.b5> Swherol$ e S$, 860,b a60,b reall ros caik, 383, roall, 134, a all, a _30.€0 bertue thon eon 3 Banither atter hehar bene Enuieat anothers welfare,110, pant ne theirowneScore cultome,foibebler 119,450, B.tig. €0 bing bp alan , and112,beiegeD by @owin, b 50. Welegeo a ree Dmemnd hincdbat With fth,r94,d 60.@rreeteth _ Sean a caciach ies rehie Dittretied |