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Show Chap.20,21,12; The ConqueftiofIreland. ucintoretire backe tyith all bis compare, and with imondtothe ; arn aDa a8> a; ae ot Prone thelodeof manteof bis men,anv of themone being j eric: tuellarmedspetiwas his thighcutoftcleane at aftroke withaGalloglatie ate.\btit aichard Cogan banther brute Miles, onderttanding how hardlic the matter ipaflerahdtan {ped iwith bis biother, {anders lieiand fecretlictotth: a foto me tuet) ont at, the -fenthpoftermeoggate of the citic, and ffealing bpon Chap.20. agente thenuer taken, and commandement given tobim)mave fhe backsof bistenimics maketh a great Mout, and oo his repatre with all diligence to the king, € bauing delivered bis letters dfD await fox oo therewith harpeliegiueth the onfet pon them. At Obichfunsen chance thepwwere fo Difnrated , that als bis anflocr..5utthe king being in fomedfflike with beit fomefighting before, andfomebebind,. the cafe was Doubtinilethe event bricerteine) petat length thep Hedandran afvaie; and the moftpart of thent were flaine,and namelie John Timp; hyo with ow thers Jobivof Rinenlfora twke andibilled. iafcule thevarle;eid not fauonrablie allowing bisincceffe, pifferred the time, andlingeredtogiueante anfwer. Aboutthis time (x) Shomastheardbihop of Cane turburie was murtheredozfaine ano theveate fol lotoingaboutthekdlendsof SateyWDermon Mac useing to bis thips twas. fyarpelie purfucd, gponogh, beingiof agmd age, and well triken im that bponthe fands he tyas taken,but faucn; and for peeres died,and twas buried at Fernes. the greater honanvof the bicozte Was caried backe ; ~ (x) The Romifho2popith churd:make mucyado 20 aliueinto the citi' asa captine, there be was fomes time the chiefertiler and gouernont : and there bee aboutthis man, afftming bint to be amarof mud twas kept fill _he Could compoundfor bis ranfome, AnD then he being brought and prefented to gpiles Dertucanp bolinetie; andthat hetwas martpzev foy thedefending of the libertics of boliechurcd, andfox Cogan, in theopenfightandaudtenceofall the peo thiscaufe the popecanontsed bim tobe a faint. 15at -pleand fretting tmuchfor his entll fortune and oners tho fo li to perufe and cramiine the courfeof the throw, fubdenlie and in great rage brake cut into Englith hittortes, Hhallfin that he wasafrowara -thefe fpedhes, faicrig : We are come bi ther now bot and obitinat trattozagaintt his mafferefouercigne =a finall commpanie, and a felw of bs, and thefe are but bing andprince: asamongée other toritersit apeas the begiting of our aduentares;but if God fendme rethy in the bake of the Acs and Monuments of John Fox. Gun forlomud as the courfeof this chaps 30 life, pouthall fee greater matters infuand follow. piles Cogan teen he heard thefe tuords(for tn the ter tendeth abolie inertolling of him, Fhaucomits tng ftandeth both life and death, the low abboreth tedthe fame, andleauc to trouble the reaver theres the proud heart, and berie badlie doth be cafe his greefe abich augmenteth bis fo2rotv ) commanded him tobe beheaded. And fothe hfe to him before couts with. The ouerthrowgiven to Hafculphus oe granted; be by bis fondnefle dio folithite ofc tt, and the Eaflerlings or Norwaiemenat Dublin. ‘ Chap.21. 1g TW this thine about the featkafentecott { 03 Whitfuntive, Wafculjhus, tho was fomes ped (1) Che port orhanen of Dublin is a barred ba: 40 Uen,andno great {hips dw cometo the toloneit (elle time the chiefe ruler of Dublin, fought by all the twates be could how be might be reuenged but at a fyeing 02 bigh water, andtherefoze they 00 lie in a certeinerode tfthaut the barre , ubtch ts & bout foureo2fiue miles from the citic, and the fame of(1) Dublin minding to alfaite the citie,and hoping: to tecouer the fame, And without anie delaiengs be Landed and bnthiyped bis men, the were guided ano conducted brider a captcine named Jobn Wiad oz obr Aad,for fo the tvord Tod meaneth , hep were all mightic menof twarre, and well aypointen of and Chap, 22. Sy Fter this, the Withmen perceitina that bp reafonof the Kings late pzoclamation,the catlesmen and bittels Dip tvatt, decaie, ano conftune fo; want of their wanted fuplics -_fromout of England ; all their princes affembled bilgandines facks,and fhirtsof male; their thielos, themfelues, and dm agree twith all their potwer amd bucklers,anp targets were round, and coloured red, 6° force to beftegethe citie of Dublin, being procured and bound about twith tron;andas thep wereinars moz, fo in mindsalto they were as iron frongand -_thereonito by Laurence then archbtfhop there; ho fos -_the seale and lone of bis countrie, did beric carnefl Thefemenbeing fet inbattell araie, mdingwd Oder, Deo marc) ontvards towardsthe catt gate of of Connagh, they fent their letters to Gotred bing of the Sle of Man, and to all others the princes of ; Thatthemenof dtlerfae€ of tkencile to the inuny hero' thre thontarid perlons had belwegen Robert lie trauell berein : and (oining with Kotbortke bing and land roundabdnt bs; and ito tate ts ‘there to The oration of Matitice Fitzgerald. Chap. 23. tels faile bs,and ott proutfion twareth (cant ¢ fhozt, and tue Khoww worhow té renotw the fame . and how little conifort We ate to Tobe fo) but Of -eorigtand, and that final helpe tue hall haue fromthe Bing, 3 MO pet no doubt howilt furncagaine, and te Hall {words he repodteth well of our fertiices , but he pet thatiprofperitic and aduerlitie bo interchandeablie, toe mcane Hot, and Dondtetly OF that tid) toe thinke tot, Motrull therefore vito thei) shacare'not fo> and tofekeaduentures.cle food fomtimes 50 His ercellenci¢ oitprattety ot ont aciatties ; but pet be fauozeth not onr facce mes: be difcominendeth not pon the top of the aheleamd the gate twas on our pur baltantnelic; but pet enuteth at our glozte : in floc; but now the Abele is turned,¢ we cat Downe: then the top! FFo3 {uch is the matabtlitic of forturie, lnc) is the tncertethe tater courte-ofthis two2la, ‘mW incourfe the one follow the other. Atter date Mauuneth the night; ain ten the night is patled,the fecretlie binvereth the fame + he feareth that which 0s; toloke fo) belpe fronr them,tbo mindnot ani¢; and to biatt for Feleefe Mere nove is meant; if tere Bie returneth againd /Lhetat ‘1feth, and ubenhe buta mecte follée,aiw #1bf labo) on our parts;and in Demobowtotane at will; arendtw thutdp oneuetic ble, lnftte, ant valfeaitmeit, trie the courte of for Dathfrevhis beanies all the dae tinte,then be conv 6o theend like toreturttotd onto tone fhame,repr0cb,s Gneth to bis fa :anvas fone as thenight ts patt, be confation | Bahereforeboitig Dat ofall Hopo-oF arte thogaine ecine din veturnedto fisting againel further helpeortupplic and outof alt vowbt of ante farther comfort 02 elefe + tet 3 as becomittcth noMetbobefaw tte hae mace great triumphs, ¢ Meiyvoaronpniess Ws bedettitatecfvittels;arw Kau banenorelefewelther bp land 102. pet. bp Teas the lands, making carneft requefis, ving tel thep would come to belpe and aid themto befiege although bis nrent and people twere veriefetv,andas it were buta handfull in refpect of the otbers: pet Dublin; thepontbe water , andthe ober at land: eho were eafilie to be perfuaded thervnto, and forty bolblie gineth the aduenture andonfervpenbis ent: mites: but uber be faw bis otone {mall namber not -twith perloen te thefe requefts , not onelte fos be des fire of gaines offcred: but efpeciallic, beeanfe they WD beperbut Ingreat a forces: Wie thon 0m twe to beable torefittno: tuithitand fo great force, and thep Mul pretting ¢ inforcing vpon dim, betvasdzie --Doubted, andiwere afraid of the Cngltihmren, do bauing dailie god{uccelle thep feared leaf they ut bepcot wlétc fromm yoine 2 720 19, tho mratter fins thent like mer, ordie hete like Deatts:: fox our bits fauealteadie at large detlated bnto pou, Ahnot Sp the citicof Dublin,there minding togiue thiafanlt, _perfuaffons, anv promifing liberal! retwards , if elcape; buf Wembtt either gite the abuienture bpott were.we calicd ita this countrie to be tile, '102.t0 live-velictoullic: but fo trie fortune, warbden of the citie, a man veric valiant and Inftie, and twith forceto make centric, Piles Cogantben Chap, 24s "OA Crenowmed,andworthicenableniet, Fitseans and his few mew in his cattelldf the ( thote faine for baliemtnelle and djfdalric ts arecke, mdbnlelle thep did:helpe and refeue bine carviedand fpzead beyond and though the owithin the datesit wonld'be tolatesfos they Monts coat feas: ine are ridin to tobe well onto ont mDwonlvel(e beitaken.. At his tine there was foith the cavletwithin the citte anvice Fitsgeralt, 3° felues, andto haue gwd regard to sur honozand cres dit'. oa have heard how gfauelie nip bricle Matt Mb discdfine Wetmond, tho teas latelie returiwd ‘vice battfpeclaren, bow pithilie he bath aduifed, amd fromthe court; and thefe tuere not onelie notv trow: how pindentlie be bath courfelled bs Ghat toe Mall blevin refpectof their tune caule,but for the diftres Dov ttt thisnuroiireme and peefentneceffitie. Where of others, ann {peciallie Maurice Fitsgcralo', ho fore ine ave Well fo confiner thereof; ¢to determine tenderlietokesnn Was greued with the dfftrettco and reloluc ourfelues that Wwe tvillom, she fine is fateof bis brother Wobert Fitsitephans , and of bis Mho3t,the peritlatmiminent, andthe dangers great, Wifeandehitozert, that they being iw the mivole of and therefore no delatesx are not to be died. Ft is theft entmies, thould'be in fo weakea bolo not able no fime notw fo fit! tn long cotmncels; 02 fo fpend tokepeoutfuchacompante.: andio vifing bp ma: beth this {perch tothe catle,mtofachas were about 4° mud) tinte tn fpeeches ; but in peefent perils toe nin die prefent remedies. 390 fé the enimies both at fea bim,as followett, Yay © tuorthic mien, toe carne not hither,to. after the Danith maner, being barneted with gaa mightie. ts othertie, aid tue tivensle cate. $F03 48 We'be 6 titte would gitte the orifct on fhent, and.make a con, dious andhatcfall tothe Jrifhmen, euenfo we now quettoucr theit potfedttons. And therfore they forth: arereputed: for Brifhmen are become hatefuil to With made themfelues readie , and prepaten their Sut civic nation aid counttic; and fo are tue odious thips accoxdinglie . And as fone as the nert gop both tothe one anv to the other, Wherfore for fond twit fered, they! cante im thictic hips cf watre, as fortune fauszeth the fortoard , and helpeth the fetic wellapainten, and arriucd into the haurn of bold; let tsnotlonger velaic the matter, noz like Aueltfie, 02 port of Dublin : hole comming was fluggards lie fill; but thiles we are petluitie, ano perie thankfullann gratefull, S02 thier Capote helps bur vittels not all (pent, let Ds giue the onfet dpon are belt liken tibert men in thetr affatres bane thofe tofoine with them tbich be 02 feareto be in thelike +o our entmics : for though tue be but few tn numbet int refpect of them,per tf we twill be of valent hinds perils and datigers y Wutthe earle and bis compas anid Inftie ronvages,as tue. were,wont to be,we map nietho had beeiie: Chit bp nolw tipo moneths within bapilie haute the bidosie and carquett of thele na. thecitic, and abofe vittels failed, and twere alimol ked tuzefehes and bnarnted people . Thefe ipeches confumed, bp reaton that bpon the kings commmatt -se Died asthe ficke mattts wonttode, tho tn hope bententareftrattittoas made (and therefore non' of reconcrie of bis health; ont mante fines beare conlobe brought onto them outorGngland)werein out ag@dcountenance, jainviflemble his tntward Agreat dupe and perpleritie, andin a maner were greefe anv heautnetle, ddhen be ban fullte ended bis Attheit wits end, arin wit not tbat todo. And itt talke aw {poken bis mind, Reimond, tho was alo this their cafe-fee the courfe-andnature of forturies, hho then fhe frotoneth,fendeth nofoneenill alone, 20 tn thelike anguith ano boatimemte fpake thtiss but beapett inifcheete bpon mifcyeefe,amin trouble bps ontrouble. Jfo2 bebola Donato Mac Dernion came Theoration ofReimond, ° front ont ofthe basders of Ikencile , ¢ brought netys iscalled Minginmd;and from thence fo Yolie bed ut Wales is counted the thoztet cut betwane Cug fothe rep2och and thamre abich be bad receiued oben land and Jreland, the critic of Dublin was taken,and he then dziuen ta flie to his {hip, and to faue bimfelfe. Thisman had beene in Morwaie, andin the north Flands to feeke Rothorike prince ofConnagh for forme belpe and aid;,and baring obteined the fae otred king ofMan do behe caine with threefco2e (hips well aypointed, and full 5° fiege the citie ofDublin. fraughted with latic men of twarre bnito the coats TheConqueft ofbreland. Chap. 22,23,24. MO feuds cannot hel pe'vs and our eniimtes readie DS iLiketotle stsfterhans, wbofe balls o WD Hobie entevpitie-hatty mrade wate bnto boletisStam notes fxaliofhut opin a tweaks feableplacei¢o weoake aiNenvet to hols Sariex Aud ahetetoye poduefelinger 29s there tunic, and prone the foyccof the enitmic. Let tt ap. peere brito thenv as it is Linatben wnto-Ds ;' of that race te came,anb from ithont we defcended. Lam et(as tt is well bridtwelt) the Arif particalar bing of Cambri our natius countrte,wwas ot ancetto2,and be the nnd of that roviesbitus , the firtand fole monardj ofall Crighard,ubstoaricefto? ths ros the founder of the moltfamots citie of Brie , and hevelcenped fromDardantis the fonne of Jupiter, frdm tchom fs vertu bitt6 bs not onlie the femme ¢.ty. of |