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Show The epiftle dedicatorie. The epiftle dedicatorie. fitadriérefpécts would haue infired and whercofthere was no doubt,if the fleet then accommpaniengyou, had according to appointmentfollowed you,oryour felfe had efcapedthe dangerousfea fight , whea manie of your companie were {laine , and your fhips therewith alfo fore battered and difabled.And albeit this hard béginning(after whichfollowedthe deathof the faid woorthie knight your brother) wasa matterfuflicient to haue dif couraged a man ofa right good ftomach andvalue from anielike feas attempts ;. yet you,more refpecting the good ends,wherevnto youleuelled yourline for the good of your countrie, didnot giue ouer, vntill you hadte- couered a land,and had madea plantationof the people ofyour owne Englifh nationin Virge#ia,, the firlt Eng~ lith colonie thateuer was there planted, to thenolittle derogation ofthe glorie of the Spaniards, & an impeach to their vaunts;who bicaufe with all cruell immanitie, contratie to all naturall humanitie, they fubduedanaked andayeelding people, whom they foughtfor gaineand notfor aniereligionor lantation ofa commonwelth Ouer Whometo fatiffic their moft greedie andinfatiable couctoufnefle, did moft cruellie tyrannize, and mott tyrannicallie and again{t the courfc ofall humanenature did {corch and roft them to death;as by their ownehi Spanith brags, {tories dcoth appeare . Thefe(I faie) doo brag and vaunt,thatthey onelie haue drawneftrange nations andynKnownepeople to the obedience of their kings, to the knowledge of chriftianitie, andto the inriching oftheir countrie, and thereby doo claimethe honorto be due to themfelues onclie andalone. But if thefe youractions were well lookedinto,with fiuch due confideration as apperteineth,it fhall be found much more honorablein fundrie refpetts,for the aduancementofthe name ofGod,the honourof the prince,and the benefit of the common wealth.For what can be morepleafant to God,thanto gaine and reducein all chriftianlike ma nner, aloft people to the knowledgeofthe gofpell, andatrue chriftian religion,than which cannotbe a more pleafantanda {weet facrifice,and a more acceptable feruice before God?Andwhatcan be more honorableto princes,thanto inlarge the boundsoftheir kingdoms withoutiniurie,wrong, & bloudfhed;and to frame them froma f2auagelifetoa c1uill gouernment,neither of which the Spaniardsin their conquefts haue performed?And what can be more bene- ficiall toa commion weale,thanto haue a nation anda kingdometotranfferte yntothe fuperfluous multitude of fruteleffe andidle people (heete at homedailic increafing jto trauell,conquer,and manute another land,whichby the due intercourfes to be deuifed,may andwill yeeldinfinit commodities?And how well youdoo deferue euerie waiein following fo honourable a courfe,not we our felues onclie can witneffe,but {trange nations alfo doo ho- nout you for thefame: as dooth appeare bythe epiftle of Ba/timerus of France.to the hiftorie of Florida :and by Iulins Cefar 2 citrzen of Romein his ea tohis booke intituled Cullombeados. Itis well knowne, thatithad beenéno leffe cafie for you,thanfor fuch as haue beene aduanced by kings;to haue builded great houfes,purchas fed large circuits,and to haue vied the fruits of princes fauours, as moft menin all former and prefent ages haue doone; had younotpreferred the general honour and commoditie of your prince and countrie before all priuat ‘gaine and commoditie: wherby you haue beene rather a feruant than acommanderto your ownefortune.And ho doubt the caufe being fo god ; and the attempt fo honorable, but that God will increafe yourtalent , and blefleoe dooings, and euerie good nan will commend and further the fame. And albeit thé more noble entetprifes aman fhall take in hand,the more aduerfaries he fhall haue to depraue andhinderthe fame: yet Lam perfiraded, as no good man fhall haue iuft caufe,fo there is none fo much carried with a corrupt mind, nor fo eniticus ofhis countries honour,norfo bentagainft you,that he will derogate the praife and honour due to fo worthie anenterprife;and that fo much the fooner, bicaufe you haue indured fo maniccrofles, and haue through fo much enuiengsand miffortunes perfeuered in yourattempts,which no doubtfhall at laft by you be performed wheirit fhall pleafe him,who hath madeyou an inftrumentoffo worthie a worke. And by how:nuchthe more ‘Godhathpleated thus to bleffe you, fo much the moreare you bound tobe thankefull ynto him, andto acknow= Jedge the fame to proceed front his grace and mercie towards you. Giue me leaue therefore(I praie you)to be bold with you, not onelieto put you in mind hereof, but alfo to rememberyou,howit hath pleafed God to bring youinto the fauourof yourprince and foucreigne : who befi des hir great fauour towards you manic waics, the hath alfo laid vpon you th c charge ofa gouernement ri in your owne countrie, where you areto command ma- nie people by your honourableoffice of the ftannarie,and where youare both aiudge and chancellor, to ruleim iuftice and to iudgein equitic.Wherin you are fo much the more to be circumfpect and wife, bicaufe vpon your iudgement(andfuch as you {hall appoint to be y nderyou) the oe ofall their caufes dooth nae Pees that a hardiudgementabideth for fics as bein authoritic if they iudge not vprightlic,and doo c not yeeld iuftice tocuerie man indifterentlie + Beyoutherefore carefull in this eeltseseihat oubewell reported for your vpright dealings,both herein,&& in euerie ofall your other actionsto all men.Be youa patterne ofvertue, & an example oftrue nobilitie,whidvis grounded& hath hir foundation vponvertue,foras the poetfaith, Ex virPalingenius, t#te nobilitas na[citernon exnobilitate-virtus:virtus‘lola nobilitat.nocaronec fanguis, And therfore faith DemottDemotthencs. henes; Ifthou drawthy defcent & pedegree euen from Iupiter himfelfe, yet iftro be notvertuous,iuft & good, gnobilis mibi videris; Yn v opinion thou art no gentleman. It is a noblething to be borne ofnoble anceftors(as Ariltotle faith )but his nobilitie faileth,whenhis anceftors yertues in him faileth, Hicenim vere nobilis eff céfendxs, euinon aliena[edfuavirtus adgloriam opitulatur. Your anceftors wereverie ancient,andmenof great nobilitic, benefic iall cotheir princes. and countrie manic & fundriewaies. Andasin nature you are defcended fromthem, foit hathpleafed Godtoblefle you with knowledge in learning, with skill ofwarlike feruice , andin experience in naaritimall caitfes,and befides hath placed you among the nobles , and inthe goodgrace and fauour ofyour prince. Wherefore youare fo muchthe mofe to be carefull to reftore the houfe ofyour decaied forefathers to theirancient honorand nobilitie,whic in this later age hath beene obfcured, abiding the time by youtobereFufils, inftru- ftoredto theirfirltandprimer {tate : which you are not onelie taught bytheir old andgood examples, but alfo by méhirroflax the enfignesof theirand your nobilitie, Forthe futils,being an inttrument oftrauell and labour, doo aduertiie bours. pais youare oneof the fonnes of Adam,borneto walke in a vocation, and therein to be a profitable memyer in the church of God, andin maintenance of the common focietie: which when you behold andlooke vpor Agathocles, YOU mutt {o endeuouryour felfe,cuenas Agathocles king of Syracufa , whofe cupbords, though they were w ell tirnifhed with great ftore andvarictie of rich plate,yer he thoi ght not the fame fufficientlie fraughted , vnlefle he had alfohis earthen pitchers and ftone cups,in which he viedto drinke, to teach & remember himin the mid= dle of his roialtic,to be mindfull of his origin eftate and dutie. ; rh ie) "4 m ecu 9me ~ white a oeour a or filuer 7" mettall deoth teach ti, ynto you vertue, 5 lee,For asfiluer finceritie & godlinefl i i 2 moltt cxis cellent metrall and 1 nextvntogol d excelling all otheers,and with whichfor the excellencie thereof,theLo: gold wouldhaue his tabernacle andhis temple to be adorned andbeautified w ith veflels and ormaments the and asthe white colour,ifit be {potted andfoule,dooth Jofehis grace : euen foit teacheth youto be amanofan honettand ofa godlie conuerfation,to lead a life in all vprightnefte, without reproch andd fhouldbe feruiceable to Godand yourcountriein all goodactions : and therewith alfo Gwhich by the Jour ismeant)you be boldandvaliant forthe defenfe ofyour countrie, andfor the fafetie thereofto lifeand gands,that youfhouldbebeneficialto all men hurtfill and iniurious tono man, And {uch {p kind Were your anc eftors,who forthe famewere beloved and honoured.and their names foreuer regiftred in in tall fame and memorie.And fo {hall it be with you, ifyou doo the like,and follow their fleps. and exat aleee yows ponrel profper & florith as did a ; youfhall be honored, as was Daniell ; a pe in rt before God & man,as were your anceltors; the whole people fhall fpeake 3 gandof y your houte thall be reftored,& your talent {hall be augmented& increafed,& allt fhall gov But toreturne where weleft,Wen Thad waded as far as I couldiathe difcourfe of this hiftone, accordis and gathered;and thought chinftriftions as,partlie by my felfe,but more byother menshelps, had collectedprefents: it came vnto my thefe CORA fie {ame fromthe death ofKing Henrie the eight, vnto o beene doone in the inhad others by ofthat,which make a newreview ea AI thotightit veric expedient,to mi tenallbepPeeneGepbren| and my desings,whe rein Lfouridgreat paines had beene taken,an dthat the me badge deferued great prailes and commendations.And yet in this they were much to be blamed, that al oO "the irate. to publifh his hiltorie, ¢ eee ume were bcholdingvito Giraldus,andnotone of them wouldyeeld that curtefiecither it intoanother forme, eoaircahe ‘ He the fam¢to acknowledge it.For fome mifliking both methodand phrafe,framed thenifelues the honour andfruits aad Fe ned it in a more loftie {tile ; and vnder that colour haue attributedvito a difcourtefie was the more,becaufe they iniured{o noble and woorthie Thegenealowhich,their mansdoings.In she of petionage For Giraldus. was a noble manby birth , he being the fonne yatoMaur ius, cy) eae ee gic of Giraldus, hem ‘ales. wife the ladie Nefta , daughter to the great Rocfius prince of fout VV irald ed Windfor,and tohis verie well learned in a good lettersBoeari, He Beered his youth broughtvp in learning , anda prooued i 0 he: patrimonie in and liuec clergic, and manof f the the clergic, / he was fe fli profeflion 1d by i Ay ikewife humane : and and both of them he attens Sigasa vas chapleine to ie Jenric the fecond,andto king Iohnhis fonne, the father,he wrot the hiftoia ek sane rte Treland.and at the requeftand commandement ofthe king that this man was by birth, i th is landaccording as whache faw and knewto be true, Ihe more noble then : cuen fo much the more was he oes ' Sererecnne incalling,the morepainfull in traucls,andthe better learned beholding vnto ae ag themfelucs thinke it,nor is Gheicfut that will borrowof him andnot acknowledge of a good nature not to bi afhamec tO8Cs piiniie, Pii ie faith, i ‘enuipudoris oftfateriper quos profecerinns;{tis the part ; an old wiage in all ages, hath beene 1 knowit ena ie . better,and benefited. RES oe cotlette bywhomheis the 0 k aie would borrow of othermens writings, Bi Thre grateful saa one allthe ancient writers,both Graecians & Latinifts, that they icero of t Pl > Oll i >, rate. i out7 ot Plato, Cicer Ariftotle = neffe of the - and inlarge their owne therewith : as Plato did ofSocrates and Pythagoras, the fame,whidh was accounted RO ens vik them both ; and folikewife others: and thefe men wouldnot onelie confeffe tobe fo mudi the better, asthat they ters. mpenfe, but alfo they accounted their owne doings sf ee f reafon mightfuffice to perear : todbytheanthoutle offuch wife,graue,and well learned men.Thelike anie father,doctor, oranie other writer Toad wa inthi th aoe 4s which be fo curious that they will not haue yet they will not fticke to vfe & recite dre Jicapedia fermons,teadings prechings, or writings;and the fameto thernfclues, a ee eee aries ea & whole pages out ofother mens writings,and attribute gentiles:: much lefle¢ ong the gentiles d not allowecdamong gr fault a a point ofingratitude, ereat faultand A great awn thei asof aacowne Non profiteri per quos profece fhouldit be fo among chriftians,efpeciallie among themof the higheft profeflion, 4. + x ee ein a . . int, setae? asso pagent mBD all‘ieh i ressthui p But leaning everie manto himfelfe,for as rhuch as all place : Ireland haue his piacette of Irelancibauelus nt hiftone Rone authorofthis and writer it r w r firlt the t inthi dcone,vnlefle well inthis cannot be fo ations; fet foorth Giraldus his owne workes.asthey are,which,leauing all o: i in as fitan ra elifh phrafe asis nell meshes con= iedad wsehe hiftorie requireth,and : reanunidee doo Haga: things, whidi abicuns obfcure things, findrie iundrie obfcure y writt i hent onfe written,hath ng henfe e ic long i 2 reader.And becaufe the fame fo forthe uenient eur WpSed Mesaaddedto fubnected and hau fiyneceey 1g of the reader;373 I haue i the better viderftanding {c ire fome further o' ening,for uire sfied. sntituedadeneaeena beths inftructed be better I therewith the ashe fhallbe ations saeht iri fut notes and obferuati (c é feeliomigcking ang Benner mtbotof king death ne haue nat pennedfromthe my tel erw with fo muchas iyfelfc thing thus by tme doone,together Thisisthi blneieaOe fulnelieas mat want ara) to. and imperfect, er verie be 1 to maic feeme it maie whi althoughit i yntothefe prefents : whic: tight things t maic be mifreported andfet downe,otherwile( tha ; atfome things i i x Les them,through whofe defailt the =e f° pasion mesreonaghtaliord saciye &c : let this be imputed ir ne ha) and eee had at D ed;; and fome,who thi promilied andlittlep erformed ie thingswere i fo befallen; for manie fameis colapapandRoe inftructions to {uchHcepbesl CACC But formyfelfe,accotding i ute and would doonothing. i the matter,hrauerefufed reftin farthfuland fincerelie fincerelic smott hiftoric,moft an of ture ; haue after the method and nai as are come to my hands,I i ledtions asyour felfew as ep PaRaes :deag lie fet downe whatis eearedall and woorthie the w riting,And for as much can.g faithful feruitor, and therefore £the Defmonds wars,in which you were apainfull anda ener eatae Idea ye apgener in { and loue forthe Banbretore snd teftimoniec to this difcourfe, andalfo p fentlie iinmolt humble 1manet doooffer andnd prei to offerr andprefent,and prefentlie tie i farre dakean too Soins flender,and ni lender, veri e eve verie itfIfe e bbe thi git {elfe the thing eit the albeit 1 albeit ti re fent the fame vnto your good fauourr andprotedtion.And y oea iecone ies yet caliigs inferior prefentto oh offiedto one of your eftate an ) ) ¢ {hall & will be mo ereafter fhallferue,I C i vhi your © todoo able be orfhall EO tmntanoot oe I maie iene beset s the 5gsod feruices F al eeabies uo) of God, daies,to the commandement. The Lordblefle you and multiplieyour commonwelth , the the of benefit the ofhirmaicttic, fetuice good the in increafe owne your to ee comfort of your friends, and Lhonour. Exon. Octob. 12. 15 8> 6. Baek Eciilicnpfor manicthin, romifedand little perf Iome,who had and hatte an inte Your. werie goodfricadand alie at commandement, IOHN HOOKER, |