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Show The Conqueft ofIreland. Chap.20,21,22, with 40 gentlemen, thereof 20 fuere tnder the con, duct of Ralyh the fon of Fitstteyhans,as alo tsliene fenant, and thep bauing twith them 200 houfement bent to the fwars prourd a verie baliant foulofo2, He wouldbe thefirtkin the fielo and formottin the fight; and fo ambitions and defitons be twas of bos no2, that iwere the enterprife neuer( perillous, and the feruice neuer & dangerous, pet be would gine fhe aducntore . And albeit be twere the general 02 capteine, pet fetting the petoritie thereof apart, he fwouldbe as a commonfouldioz, and ferue tn the ofa prinat feruito: ; anbmanie fines being € 300 fotmen,pafted oncrfhe river of Shenin, ¢ ine naded Connagh, abich hitherto no Cnghthman han aduentured, he Connagh men fortbiorth fer on fire md burned all thctr totunes, billages , and chute thes, as alfo all (uch come as thep badin their bag, gards, and in thetr canes, ant contd not carrie {ith amore rath than tite ,and moze haftie than circum10 them. Liketutte thep tobe Downe the images anp fpect,be bad the woz fide andlof the bicozie . And although in fernice be twere thus fortyard , earnctf, and vehement ; pet in fime of peace and reft be twas erie fober , modeff, and altogither giuen and dit pofed toferue God, and hauing the vicozte of bis enimies and god fuccefle in bis affaires , be twould afcribe the bono2 bute Gobd,and bethankefull for the fame. Sut as Tullius tugiteth, nature neuer made ante thing perfec andablolute in all points. And fo it aypearedin this man;fo2 though bis tomuch pitts ching and fparing ,and by reafon be twas berte bn certeine and buconftant , bis bertues ( atherinife great, and deferning great pratfes and commendas tions ) berie much tmperithed and blemtifhen., abe maried the Daughter of Gotred bing of aime. Andaffer that be bad fwaged manic, battels , and fought fundzic times ttth bis entmics , beat length Ctucifires, and hurled them abzoad tr the fielos; Henerthelette, the Cnglithmenmarchen ontwards, till thep came to the totwne of Thomond, abere thep fated eight dates togither; and finding the countrie fofakenof fhe people, mod barren of bittels , thep returned backe againeonce the Shenin : and bp the foaie thep micttith Rothortke peince of Connagh, ‘tthe late in a wood ere the Shenin watdhing for thent, and behad three great trops and companics 20 fwith him of the bef fighting men of Connagh. ee tiveene themi there pas along anda cruell fight, in tihich Spiles lof but thee of bis ofone compante,but manie of bis enimies were laine. Thich done, he tecoucred onerthe tiner,¢ fo cante (afclie fo Dublin, had the mafferte and conqueff over them: and ther (1) Shis bfage and cnffome és pet atthis prefent obferued, andenetie'dhurd in the countric tnffeo and filted iutth great chefts full of comme, which the bul bandmen do fo2fafette keepe therein : amd this lieth hauing brought the abole countrie toa gad peace and ref , be builoed fundzie and diverfe caftels 3° fafe at alltinies, enenin the erie warres among themfelnes : hotwbrit the fameis not fo religiouflic thoughout Tlder, in fac) mecte and convenient pono of places as he thought bef. And by the wap this one Rept and abferued in thele baies as infimes pat, thing me thinketh ts berie Grange, that thcfe the How William Fitzaldelmeis fent from ae iftue notable # the chiefett potts of Jreland,nameclie Were ueie, 1cfmond,and this Jobiude Courcie, by Gods home into England , andHugh de Lacieput in bis place : and how Miles Cogan and RobertFitz~ Sephans bane the kingdomeofCorke fecret (but not bniufk tudgement) neurr bad ante latofull (Tue. 3 might allo fap the like of geilerins, fhoas pet bath no latofull foebp bis wife. thus mud) hauing bzeeflie and by the wate fpoken of the noble acts of Zohn de Conrcie,and leaning the fame 40 (cribed, Wwe will now returneagaine to Dublin, The councell or fynodkept at Dublin; ofViuianthe popestegat, andof Miles Cogans ifluing into Connagh, Chap, 21. * the towne. Wut Zitlip albett he tere a valiant ano Chap. 22 Agod man, pet confinering tolth bimfelfe hot dart abode and being in this Llano, hapdwne no thing toozthie the commendation , faning that be canfen theffaffe called Jobnsfrafte tobe fetched from Armach, and bought to Dublin; be (3 faic) and Miles Cogan, with wobert Fitster yhens tere fent fo, by the Bing to come home. Sit Hole rome the king fentouer Wughde Lacie, and mabe bim bis deputie over the whole la, ioining A this meane time, Witeianus the 50 in commriffton with him wobert Potwze then fen fehall of THerfordand Waterford. The king,alter popes legat remained fill in Jreland , and "Say belv.afpnod at Dublin of all the clergic , in ei. returne ofthe afoxefain sFitsalpelnre and others, ‘ebich be opentie confirmed and publithed the inking aw confidering twith bimfelfe the god fer right abtch the king of Crgland bath to the realme niceof Piles Cogan, Kobert Fitsfephans, amd thers; as alfo bow neceflarie it iwere,that inch noble of Ireland,as allo the popes ratification and confir, mation of the fame; commanding and charging e feruitozs and baliant men twere placed among the uevie perfon,of tat effate, degrer,or conditionfore Ari people,terbp to keepe them in gud ower and Her he Were, that bpon paine of ercommanication butifall obcifance; be gaue to Robert Fitsteybans, and to Miles Cogan in fee for euer to be equallie dv ‘be Mhould not venie bislotaltic, 02 beeake bis alles Giance bnito bim. And mozeouer (1 )forfomudy as the manner ndcufome was among the Jrithie, that thenfocuer aniegads, cone, o2 vittels, tere put and kept in ante church, no man would medle 02 Deale tocarric the Came alwaiespet neuerthclefle, he gate licence and libertic to all Cnglithmen , that Go Mided bettweenethem all feuth Bountfter (1) Hats tofaie, the hole kingbome of Cazke,fromthe tell hhenfoencr thep went, 02 twere to go in anie bos fing , ad contd not elfehbere be proutoed of anie bittels, that thep might latofullie take what thep foundin anie church:f0 that thep left with the churdy: ipardens, 02 ftich as bad the charge thereof, the true and ini balue of f much as they toke atwaie . Thefe things thas Done, piles of Cogan,tbo was lientes the kingdomeof Limerike,fauing and ercepting the citie of Limerike it felfe tuith one cantred ther bute nantof the bandsof foldtozs bnder William Fitsals Deline,as allo conefable of thecitie of Dublin, be The Conquett ofIreland. fienalong brite Coke , fbere thep twere recetued and Oniwarescame fealing bpow them , and there traitozonflte flue them, and fiue of their companie, {with much boro2 both by the citizens , and alfo by ant ‘Bp meartes thereof the thole countrie forthinith Englith gentleman named Kichard of London, who wasin an bproare , informuch that Dermon Mat foas depntie there onder FFitsaloclme, Asfoneas thep had pacifiedand que.ted Ders Artic, and all the Jrithsie in thofe parties,as allo the traito: achture,were out; and dDenteng tobe ante mon (2) Bac Artie prince of Definond, and the res fioue of the noble men and gentlemen tn thofe pare longer the Bings lofall fubies, made wars again& FitsHepans, tho now once againe felt the courfe ties,Fitseyhans and alfo Wiles Cogan dtutded bes of fortunes difpofition. And thefe fo much annocien thoene them the feanen cantreds , hich tnere nee, 1o Dim,that becouldueuer tecouer bimfelfe againe, teff to the toturte : fox thele they kept and held in belt bntill that bis neyjue Ketmond , who lucceeded hint peace mbdreft , FFitsfterhans bad the thee cantrens tn the gouerttement there, cate and refeucd him : fibich late in the eaft part, and Cogan had the foure pet that notinfthifanding,he toas neuer bis tone tbichlaic in the wel , the one bauing the moze bee cante thep were the two2fer,and the other bad the fetus man, neither could he be at aperfed peace andreff. et cantreds that were the better folle and ground. And bp the wate this is to be noted and confioered, that as the noztherne men be twarlike and balfant; The citie it felfe remained in their foint gouernes fo are the foutherne men craftie and fubtill, the one ment, and the reffoue of the cantreds being foure md feeking honog, the other deliting in craft ¢ deceit; the finentic remained in common, and the profits theres of growing thep equallie diufoed betipcne them. 4 one baliant, the other tuflie ; theone of great cow Cantred both it Englith and it Feith ts fo much land 20 tage,the other fet all on freafon and falfhmd.isnt to the matter.cdhen Ketmond hard how fortune frote aS conteineth one bundzed billages, as ts it onr toned dpon bis tucle Fitsfexhans , and abat viftrette pographie declared, which is commoniie called an bundzed. Thele things thus oone, thep bring and be was tn,being (hut bp in the cite of Cozke,and bis entmnies affatling bia roundabout,forthivith atfem» conduc PHilip de Wufe dnto Ltmertke . Fitsfe bleth bis compante, and hauing in readineffe tivens qhans bad with him twentie gentlemen and fortic fie gentlemen, and one bundzed of fotmen and botne bortemen, Wiles Cogan had tiventie gentlemen € men,be taketh fing at Werford, and failing a: fiftie bo2femen,qhilip de Bute had twentie gentles long the coafts, maketh towards Cozke with all the mens three {core bozenien, befives a great number batt be can, that be might reliene and comfort bis MSbowmen¢ fotmen, which they all had then thep Were come to Iimerike, bic tuas about fortie o friends, and be a terra: buto bis enimies. Andin the end bauing offtimes incountered tith the enimies, miles from Cozke, € onlie the riuer of Shenin twas fone be billed, fomebe dzone out of the countric,anb betiodene thens and the citie : the fame at their com> fone be compelled ( hich tuas the greater number) ming twas fet onfire before thetr etes bp the citisens fo fubmit themfclues and to fue for peace : and thus themfelues . Penertheletie, Steyhans and Biles of in the end after great ffozmes and tempeft follotved fered to aduenture oner the twater, and to enter the afatre etherands caline. Werte thootlie atter wt totone;o2 ifWHilip thought it {& gad,they would there chard of Cogan, bsother puto Miles,¢ nothing infes builoa caftell bpon the riners fide right our againtt giuen ynto them, Mian Fitsalvele, wha during his bnito others to be moze at large fet forth and des Chap.23. part ofthe riner at I.eifinore buto the feas , faning anbdreferning the citie of Cozke, and one cantred ot land therebnto adioining , Alf he gaue vnto DY lip de wyufe all the noth Mountter , that is tofaie, abioining , tobaue bnto bimandto bis hetres foe werinfe. Thefle men thus rewarded, co nfenerated themfeluestogither to tone andbelpe one anotbet, amb euerie of them maketh the bef preparation that becan . Which being in redinefle thrp tobe Mhipes ad arriued into Zreland in the moneth of Foueav ber,and landed at Tlaterford ; from thenfe Hep + tioz onto btm in baliantnedfe, 02 ante other refpea : came into Jreland twith a iollte picked compante and Getousthe place twas, beingin the mibdle of the enf- 40 chofen men, being fent fo the king fo {uyplte hts bor thersrome. Alf in the end of the fante fuinfer, mo mies, and farre remotedfrom all fucco2s and helpe, ihithont ihich be twas not able twith bis {mall coms panie to nefend and keepe the fame, as alfo being pattlie perfuaded bp the countell and adutfe of bis compante, thoughttt better to returne homein fafes te,than to divell in the midble of bis entmies in cons tinnall perill and danger . And it ignottobe much in the moneth of Sfebsuarie (3 )jAil{p Warrte nephue to Fitsteyhans, a verie honelk and a toile gentles man, cameouer fotth aluttie compante of chofen ment, as {nell for the aidof bis buicle, as alto for the recouerte of bis land in Diethan,thich was perforce taken atvate (4) from 3Fitsfteybans , as allo afters Matuelled that in this tourneie be bad fo enill fuce ® wards from iKafe Fitftepans fonne. An the fame Celle: fo) thie he had gathered ¢ reteined to him the paflage alfo came Gerald an other neghue of JFits left murtherers, theeues, ¢ feditfous perfons 50 texans , and beother brit Philip Warrie, tho with that were in all Southwales, and the marches of the bis god adutfe and counfell ofp berie much pleafure , and thefe ivere of bef credit with bin, anv be = belpe both bis bricle and bzother: fo) be twas lears el Band a great traueller, in fearching to learne the Wot rulen by them, fite and nature of that land, ns allo the firft opigine Abontthis time Amere duke Fitsfeyhans fon, of that nation, and whofe namethe title of the boke alutic pong gentleman and a totvarblie , died at beareth. About this time Werrie of Pont Woris Corke in qarch , to the great forrow and greefe of profetted bimfelfe a monke in the monafferte of the all bis frends. Pere abontthts time twas found and Krinitie in Canturburie, and gaue to the fame in feene agreat tobe at Waterford,therof twas made franke and pure almes all bis patronages ano im mind wondering, as is in our topograzhie declared. Sip: Alto tithin the (pace of thee peares there twas {ene 5° propzfations of all bis churches, Iteng by the fea coatts bettweene Waterford ¢ TMerford, and fobes thie ecltpfes of the fun, botwbeit thefe were not oni camea monte, ¢ltued.abolitarie life in a religfous uerfall, but particular eclipfes fene onelie tn the band. Atter that Fitsttephans and giles Cogan bad Autetlie and peareablie gouerned and ruled the kings dome of Defmonn fiue péeres togither,anv bytheir PeuBence ard modeftie bad reffrained the battic fox habit: tho as be changed bis habit, would Ood be bad changed bis mind! ¢ as be bath lato atwate bis fe. cular weedsbad caf oft bis malicious difpofition! 3 and rath vifpofition of their pong men, (1) Eheattt thich the hing gaue onto thefe tino Pong gentieman, and tryo bad marien Wiles dangly gentlemen of this countrie is pet ertant bnoer bis b20ad feale,anb twas giuen by the name of the kings bome of Corke, being bounded from the river ibid Piles ann Kafe the tonne of Fitsttepans a lutte ter, went totwarn LL ifemoze , there to meet ¢ to baue & parle toith CAlaterfov men : as they fate tn the Seles waiting an loking for them, one Madhture tut home thep thould and bad aypointed to haue Henat bis powe the nest night following, {uodeutis fleteth by 1ifenue totpards the citte of Limertke, bito tnocke Beenvon wpan the {eas on the twett,to be bolvert of the-king, andef bis hetres by thre {core nights fis. Dye citie it (cife withoat cantre of lang |