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Show 1375 | 3 1276 4 1437 5 1516 6 1430 7 8 1323 a 9° Newcollege. Corpus Chrifticollege. Lincolne college. Autiell college. The queenescollege. 10 Balioll college. 1957 1r S.Johns. 1556. 12 Trinitie college. 1316 13 Excefter college, 1513. | 14 Brafennofe, . ‘wainft here be Swherey Henrie Chicheleie archbifhop of Canturburie. toasty Richard Fox bifhop of Winchefter. Richard Fleming bifhopof Lincolne. Allfoules college. 1263 873 Walter Merton bifhopof Rochefter. it Mertoncollege. 18 Tefus college now inhand. J Walter Stapleton bifhop ofExcefter. | William Smithbifhop ofLincolne. William archdeaconofDurefine. Iohn Gifford who madeita cell for thirteene moonks, (Hugh ap Rice doctorofthe ciuilllaw. And thus much in generalof our noble bri There are allo in Drford certeine hotels o2 als, nerfities , thofe lands fome greedie gripers do hich map vightivell be called by the names of cole leges , if it were not that there ts moze libertie ti gape wide for,andof late haue(as ¥ beare)propouty ded fundzie reafons,uberebp thep fuppofen to have them, than is to be fenin the other, 3 mins opinion foe Ifuers in theleare berie like to thole that are of preuailed in their purpofes, But tho are thote that baue attemptedthis ute, ofber than {ach as either Ansin the dhancerie, thetr names allo are thefe fo hate learning, pietie, and toifedonte;o2 elfe have farre as J note remember. Brodegates, S.Marie hall, {pentall their otone,amd know not otbertuite than Hart hall. bp incroching bponother men hotw to mainteine Whitehall. Magdalen hall, NewIn. 10 themfelues?@dhen {ach a motion was madebp foe Alburnehall. Edmond hall, onto king Wenvie the eight, he could anfiver them Poftminfter hall. in this maner; Ab firba, 3 percetue the abbete lands We fudents alfo that remainetn themare calbaue dethen pouand fet pour teeth onedge,to areal' {ed oftelers op balliers. iereof it came of late to fo thole colleges.and thereas webada regardone paffe,that the right reverend father in Gon Tpomas late arcbifhop of Canturburie being bought bp lie to pull Dotone finne by defacing the monafteries, pou baue adefire alfo to onerthzoww all gaonefe by in {uch an boule at Cambzioge, wasof theignopant... {ubuerfion of colleges. 3,tell-you firs that 3 indge fort of aLondoners called. an botteler,fapoting that nolandin Gngland betterbettowwen tharthat whl bebad ferued twith fonte inbolver in the fable, and ..'-is gtuento our oniuerfities.,. for by their mainte therfore iit befpite dinerfe banged opbottles of baie 20 nattec ourrealme hail be iwell gouerned Aber we athis gate,ten hebegan to preach the golpell,abere as th Deed he as agentlemanbozteof anancient be Dead aad rotten. As pou loue pouttwelfares ther fore,folloto nid‘ mozethis "deine, but content pout houfe ¢ in the enda fatthfull wwitnelte of Zefus Chit, {clues with that pou bane alreabie o2 elfe feeke bor tithofe quarrell be refuted not tothenbis blend ano pay bp bis life brito the furie of his abuerfaries, nef meaites ahereby to increate pour linelods, for Floue notlearning fo tll,that 4 twill tmpaire the re pen S _ $ - pM nun bane bene there in ausee s "% hall, @putton ball, ec: ohote ; pet ayperte :fo that if antiquitte be to beiny: be bpholden. Inking Gowards daicslihetwite the fame fute tas once againe attempted (as 3 haus beard) but in baine, fofaith the oube of Summet? plentifullin Drfordto be feene, it onto beaneatie fo mabe anfiwertherevnto in the Rings peefence by bis aflignation;¥flerning vecaie,wbtch of twilomes -Rouse i tye . montion and reco2d of bf -_uettues of anic one bonfe by a penic,upereby tf may Gro beAveApel of ancient buildings, tbidbis verie. 30 fet among other ipéeches tending to that end,toah Grecion of Ocollegesin Drtorthe matter to conclude that Orford isthe elver prinere fitie, Therin are. alfo manie dwelling bontes of fone maketh civill, of blockithand rath perfons wile an? ‘ godli¢ counfellors, of obfttnat-rebels obedient ful Sartigne of petitanding,that haue béne hats for fEuventsof bes tic antike toorkemanthip,befi i de the alo walsof fan is, drie offer, thofe plots haue biene conuet ted thto gardens,fince colleges Were ereaed. tects,ambof enill men god and godlie chatttians;tiat {hall tue loke fo elfe but barbaritme and tumult? Jfo2 hen the lanos vf colleges be gone, it tall. b¢ hard fofaie,vote ttatte Thali trannext the dare, In London alfa the houfes offudents at then 3 donbt not but thetrate of bithops, rich fal the Commonlaware thefe, Sergeants In, Graies In, The Temple, LincolnesIn, Dauids In, StapleIn, Furniuals In. ¢ Cliffords In, = Clements In, Lioqus|In, Barnards In, NewIn, Of thepartition of England into hives and counties. Adam Browne almoner to Edward2. by 5 R.Eglesfeld chapleine to Philip queene ofEngland,wife to Edward3. IohnBalioll king of Scotland. Sit Thomas White knight. Sit Thomas Pope knight. 15 Vniuerfitie college. 16 Glocefter college. 17 S.Marie college. fEate of the old Wothes ¢ Vandals, tho made latves againt learning, ad twould not fuffer anie fkilfoll manto come into their councell honfe, by meanes tehereof thofe people became fauage ,tpzants , and mercileffe helbounds, till thep reftozed learning a: gaine,and therebp fell to ciutlitie. ¥ o Mets,mordants,and the iobilitie fhatl be affailed, by fuch as line to (pend alt, and thinke that abat fo euct another man bath is nisié meettap thes,a0 be at theft commanbement,thanfos the proper 4 nev that bath fioeat anolabsaren for it. sn queie Paries dates the weather tas tw tatnre for anle fuch courte tabe taken in bann,but in the time of Out grationé Chap.4. 8, Preding of ancient teiters, KareSs hn eeeeeTa > a 1 Chriftes church, 2 Magdalencollege. Founders. 5 ¢ Kin Henrie 8. > foc William Wainflet firit fellow of Mertoncc lege O alfoa then {choler at Winchefter, andafterwa rd bie ones | College, wt fhopthere. , free {chou | William Wickhambifhop of Winchetter. thipsbefnethen . Zhe goo king Aired therefore 7" (tho bad maruelloullte traneled in repelling the 2> barbarous Danes)elpieng this outrage, and think: 5 ing it no leffethe part of a politike poince, torat out the noifome fubied,than fo hold out the fervent abner>? farte : bp the adutfe of bis nebilitic,and the erample o> of Moles tho folloined the countell of Jetheo hts far ,, as Cafar,Tacitus,and others; 20 ther inlaty te the like effec) dfutded the abole realme foe find mention of fundzie regions to haue beene fome= finte in this Bland,as the Nouantz , Selgoux, Dannoniy, intocerfeine parts o2 fecions, hich (of the Saron "" {020 Schyran,figntfieng to cut)he termed hires, 02 29 as we pet {peake , fares, 02 portions, of tbich forme ,, one bath fortie miles in length(as Cifer ) and almott ¢ Gadeni, Oradeni, Epdij,Cefo manie broad, Wereford fonret tiventie in length, >> and tiventie fit beeadth, and Warwwikefir and thirtie 55 5 tZ* ay rones, Carmonacz , Careni, Vaco-~ inlengtb,¢c:and fome of them alfo contcine fen, Cornabij,Caledonij, Decanta, Logi, Mertz, tiveluc, thirtene,firtene, ttventic, 02 thirtie hun: magi,Venicontes, Texali polij.;03 Adeui 92 Elgoui, bzcds , more 02 lefle, as fone hundzeds do fipteene, >? Brigantes parifi, Ordonici alias Ordoluci, Cornauij, Coritani, Catiruchlaui,Simeni,Trinouantes,Dome- 30 tiventie,thirtic,fortic,fiftie o2 firtte totunes , out of 4, fibich the king was aliwates fo receiue an hundzed cx,Cangi,Silures,Dobuni,Attricbatij,Cantij Regn, able ment to ferue him in the Warres , 02 a hundzed oe Belgz, Durotriges, Dumnonij , Giruij, Murotriges, senable to be pleoges,and oucr each of the portions este ann Scueriani,Iceni, Fegenes,Cafj,Cenimagni, Segonbe appointed cither an earle 02 aldermatt , 02 both, £0 ainersan. tiaci,Ancalites, Bibroci, &c : and Ientifhmen , and fbome be committed the gouernement of the fame. fuch like. 1Butfith the feuerall places there moff of Mhete thires alfo he baake into leder parts, thereof ? them laie,are not pet verie perfeclie knotwne bute fome inere called lathes, of the ty030 Gelathian, hich > the learned of thefe dates, Fda not meancto po is to affemble togither; other hundzeds, for that thep ,, nounce mp indgement bpon fuc doubtful cafes, enioted fnrifidton oucr anbundzed plenges; and ojeaft thatin f noing ¥ Mhould but increafe coniecs 4o ther tithings, bicaule there tere in each of thein to ?? tures ,and leading peraduenture the reader from the the numberof ten perfons, thereof enerie one from >> moze probable , intangle bis mind tn the end tofth time to time twas fuertie for others gad abearing. +5 fudyas ate of leffe balue, amdthings nothing fo likes We proufded allo that eucrie man fhould procure lie to be true,as thofe thich other men haue remem bimfelfe to be recefued into fonte tithing,to the end, »? bred and fet dotwrte before mie, Metther will J (peake that if anie twere found of f {mall and bafe acredit, >> onghts of the Romane partitions ,¢ limits of thett that no man ould becomepledge 02 fuertie for him, legtons,abofe numbet and place of above,ercept of be (houlo foathinith be committed to p2ifon, leaft o- co the Wicoztan and Auguflane,ts to medtterlie bre therwife he might happen to dH moze harine abzoad. 29 krotune, Attherto matter Lambert.3Bp tiofe words we map >, Bifred St hall {uffice therfore to begin twith (nd) a ground brought as from tibence fome better certeintie of things yo gather beric much of the fate of this Jland in the Engiandinto time of Alfred j abole inflitution continued after a hires, whic Map be Derfued,and that is with the effate of our J. fot ontill the commitg of the o2zmans, ko chans the Bzitons land tn the time of Alfred, tho firft dintoed England Diutded bp ged the goueritementof the realme in fuch toife ( bp into Mhires , hid) befoxe bis daics , and fince the byinging in of new officers and offices after the mar Fantreds, 8comming of the Sarons , twas limited out by famithe fir Ss ner of their countries ) that berie little of the old re Ons bp fami=-** lies and bivelands , asthe Waitons io the Caine in giment remained moze than the bare namesoffone ies. tc time, bp hundeds of fotunes, thich then were officers(ercept peraduentute tn Hent)lothat in thefe called cantreds;as old reco2ds de Wwitnefle, batesif is hard to (et Downe ante great certeintic of Jnto hotv manie thires the fafo Alfred dio firtk things as they (foo in Alfrens time, moje than is ves make this partition of the Jland , it ts not pet found out;hotwbeit if mp contedure be anie thing at all,9 6c5 memb2ed and touchen at this prefent. fuppofe that be left not bnder eight and thirtic , fith the fitby no gad antho:, that aboue fiftenc haue beene aded by anie of bis fucccfaurs, fince the tine Sbire and Of bis deceale . This prince therefopehaning mave Hare allone. the gencrall partition of bis kingbamte into thites, oi thares, be biafoed againe the fame into lathes,as lathes into hundieds, and bundzeds into tithings, 03 benarics,as dfuers'haue written; and maifer Lambere following their authozitics,bath alfo giuen out, fateng almoff after this maner in bis defcription of Bent; The Dances faith he)both before , ¢ in the time << of king Alfred, bad flocked by the fea coafts of this cc Jland in great numbers , fometimes wafting and * (potling twit fwozd and fire, aberelocuer thep might Some as if were roming 0; roning at the namte what alathts ‘ Lath, do fate that it is deriuedof abarne , Hhtchis called tn old Cnglith a lath , as thep contedure, From thich (ped in like fort fone vertue the too Lattow,as tf it ould be tealie written Lath fot, aplace ttherein to late bp 02 late on things', of thats foeuer condition. Sut heteof as pet J cannot abfo, lutelie be fatiffien, although perabucnture fomelikey Ifhemd in thefr fudgements map feeme to be theretn, MDther bpon fomefurther confiveration affirme that they were certeine circuits in euerie countie 02 hire confeining an appointed number of tofpnes , thofe inhabitarits alates afembled to knot and bnder> ftamd of matters touching theft portions,ti to fome one eee 1539 1459 ter a fort tit taltse the third time, but tofthout fucceffe ag mouedallo out of feafor, and fo ¥ hope it Mall continue for euct,Jfo2 Hat comfort thoulo it be for Anie god man tote bis countrie bought into the e arrine,mmd fomtine taking great booties with them to their hips, without oming ante further hurt 02 damage to the chuntrie. hts inconuentence conti. >? €Englifhmen ‘nuing for mante peeres ‘ togithercanfed our hufband- noifome ta men toabandon thot fillage,and gaue occafion and thor cwne hardineffe to enill difpofen perfons, to fall fo the ltke countree. pillage, as practifing to folloty the Danes in thefe their thefts and robberies And the better to cloake ,, their mifchecfe wotthall, thep feigned themfelues to 10 be Dantth pirats,atio would fometime conte aland »? in one port,and fometime tn another, datuing dallie >> great fpoiles (as the Danes had Done) onto their eae eaa8oe Colleges. Qratiens quae Clisabeth ; FW heare that tt thas af aes Teares. 153 Thedefcriptionof England. The defcription of England. Ofcollegesin Oxford. |