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Show Chap.46, The Conquett ofTreland. Siiwartes heasmoffbaliant , amd inpeacee -_ientbaysened to the confrarto,and he difagpointen of Was aspouident and cireumfpect. And inthetoars miffraiting and doubting of theend detent there bis ekpectation: and commontie there bagrened toil to ft, but he would foretell therofto bis friends and incanes be could detitte rather than tage the He tonsa martellons traturall father to his chil of, be would (as Terence tpyiteth) tric altthetwates -and'fanttltars. : hattell, $f belo ante of bis men tnthefight; be dzert, td loved thenitenderlie in their chilomd ano pitie him movebeing oeadthan bedin regard opac' and ripertetfe, be twas asa futher th latw, mo conlo {would marucllontite lament bis death, mdfeme to pong 'peares: but thep being grotone to fone age fcavfelie broke ante of thet. And notwithfaning courtof bim-being alfte, moze betwailing thedead fhan fanozing the lining «Jr times of Diftreffe ito ro thep twere berte hahdfome', comelie, ad noblegentlemen : pet tibetber ff ivere that be tyould not bane fafe all things iwere matt moze courteous, and them pootper to faff; 02 tthether they havenilt oefers no man moze bardoz cruel. Againt the fubbone nedof bim,be hated them;¢ it ioas fullmuchagaint gonvalie no man mozetharpe , 102 pettothebunts bis will, that thep fhonld be bis fuccetlois,02 beires ble no mantore gentle;bard totwarn bis otonemort anidhontholb;butliberall toftrangers, botmntifull a to aniepartof bis iiberifance . And fuch ts the pro bride,birt(paring at home?thom be once bated, be {peritie of man, fhatas tf can tot be perpetnall,no souldneuer 03 beriehardlitfone;emdyom heonce "morecanit be perfect atid alfred ; for by, (uch iuas the fecret malice of fortutte again€ this king, that toned, belwoulo notlightlic be ont tofthhii, o2for there he thonlo haue recefued much comfort, thers fake hint : be bav great pleafure and velight tr hawking ‘and bunting. Gould God he had ) bene 20 bad he mo fozrotw: there quiettwtle ¢ fafetie, there bnquietneffe and peril ‘there peace,there entnrities as toell bent anddtfpofen onto gon veustion? frbere cotrtefie, there ingratitude: aberereff, thers Jt teas fat that after the vifpleafuregrotonebe trouble. dnd tether this baypened bp the meanes of the (3) marriages , 02 fo2 the puntfhmentof the far thers fines: certeine it is, there twas no gud agrees He never accounted to keeps bis toozd and promife, tient, netther betivernethe father ¢ the fonnies ; noz but without anie regard: 02 care twas & common byeaker thereof. Ano true itis, hat of acerteine nas petamong the formes themfelnes, ut at length,when all his entmies anv thentftaw tural bifpofition be tas light ano inconftantof bis bers of fhe common peace twere fuypzefled ; and bis word Vand if the matter tere brought to a narrote fieic 02 pinch, be would not fficke rather toconer 30 bzethzer, bis fonnes, and all others bis abucrfarics as well at home as abzoad tere reconciled: then all his toor,than to dente bis died. And for this caule be things baencdanb befell bnto bim (though it were tallbis doings was berie pronldent and circuny long fivit ) after ant acco2ing to his otone twill and fpect, and a berte bpzight and a fenere minttfer of a+ mind. And would to God he bad ltketwlfe reconctled fice , although be pin therein greene and make bis bimtelfe onto God, and by amendementof his life frienvs to {mart. is anfwers foo the mot part bad fit the end alfo procured bis fauour and met' there peruerfe and frotard. Jultice Hhich is Gon cie! Welines' this, Hhich J had almotk forgotten, be himfelfe is freelie and tofthout rewards to be mints fwas of fudya (4) memorie, tat if bebad once lene fired, And albeit for profit andlucre all things are ad Knotone a matt,be would notforget bim:netther fet to fale , and do bring great gaines as tell to the clorgie as to the laitie + pet thep are no better to a 4o pet thatfeener be bad beard, tvoulo he be buminh full thereof, And hereof twastt, that be had fo readie mans beires 02 erecutors , than were the riches of A iticinopic of bittortes thich be bad read, as 8 knob (2) Gebest the feruant to Clijens , ahole grédie ta: pi turned binfelfe to btter ruie aw neffruc: ledge attd amaret of avverpertence in all things. Lo conclude,tf be had bene chofert of (ad,and bene obs tt. fequious and' carefull to Ute tr bis feare and ater ‘He Was agreat peacemaker , andacarefull kee bislates, he had excelled all the princes of the world: per thereof bimfelfe : aliberall ales giuer, anoa fpectall benefaco? to the holte land, be loued humitlte for in the gifts of mature no one matt twas to be fie, abbozred p2toe , and mitnchoppjefled bis nobititic. compared tito him. Lhus much batetite, ano pet not mud befides the matter , 3 baue thought gad to Der Mhe hurigrie he refrethen , but the rich he regarded not. Zhe humble he woutoeralt , but the mightiche 50 Ituer,that baning tt feto tyors made mpenttic ; oO" difdained . We blurped miich dpon the holte church, ther twriters maic baue the better occation moze at andof acerteine kind of 3eale, but not according to large fo bifcourfe and intreat of this fo wortbte art Krotwledge;be afd infermingle and contoine the pro biftorie. And therefore leaning the fame to others; let bs returne fo our Jrelann, from tpenfe we bv shane with bolie things; for tp, be toonlb be all in all bimfelfe. Hewas the child of the holte curch,and gretted, bp biradnanced to the {cepter of bis kingdome , and pet be efther diffembled o2 btterlic forgat the fame : (1) The ters ate oelis elawcis : tebich fount Do for be teas flacke altvaies incomming to the church Crglith to be qreie cies, ithe the-colour of the fkte, bnito the Ditriite fertiice, end at the ,time thereof be twfth (pecks in it : but fome dw Englith it abzigdt fuonld be buficd and occupied rather in councels and 6o red,as is the colontof a lions eie, tubich is common in conference about the affaires of bis commons lie a figne 02 an argumentof a maar txbich twill be forte warmed ¢ angtic: ¢foit isto be tabensin this foealth, than in denotionandprater. Lhe ltuclibans belonging to anie {pivituall promotion, betvorty in place : for the tuors, tibtch folloty,be : 44 vam srtime of bacatton confifcat to bis tone treafurie,arp wit, Which ts to fate, grimtoking efes difpofcd to ary adume that to bimfelfe hich was due write Ghz. get : hich efes tere anftocrable to the complerion Wihert amie netw troubles oF toars did atow 0} come and difpofition of this king. ‘bint, ther tuoutd he fath ¢ potme all that ener (2) Zhisbitoriets twzitten in the Att chapter of he had in fore 02 treafarie;and liberallie bettow that fhe fecond tinke ofthe Rings,in effect ts this.Caben bport a rolffer 02 a foldier, Lbich ought to hate bene the prophet Cliths oy Clizens bad bealed Paaman gtuet trite the priet. Ye bad a berie pavent + force the Sprian of bis teproffe, be would bane retarded catting twitand therby forefiering bat things might the prorbet,s bane giuen great and rich gifts: but bs 02 luere like to infue, be torld accozdingti oder € refufed the fame and tontd nore thereof , uberefors Difpofe eftoer fo: the performance , 02 for the preuens Aaaman departedatwaie. Wut Gebesi the feruast ting thereof ; uetwithtanding manie times the ev of the proybet, being touched wit a gracbie and et tineene the bing Baetie nike ateihanie: thorough the inciting quene mother, ee Chap.46. : The Conqueft of Ireland. wetoismlnd, and aigtte that his malter hadtefr celfatie bertueina king, thant ts the giftof a quiche fed fnch rich prclerits ,fecretlie: heran after the Sp: riansendouertaking bim, nidatke of biminhisinar fershinitte atalentofGluer, ¢tertetnegarinents $ fiichbetecettten boublen, and-returned therelutth,. ‘Buthe Abas no foner come horre,but that Discover tonfnefle vas rewarded, andbeplagued withthe le» proticdt Raaman,which cloue nto himas oyiteas the ingte. and gid memopte; foi bp tt Bnoiwleoge dwip ticreale andetperichce ts petfettcd And therefoye faith Cicero,that memibzte te the tecalnrte of all god things, and molt Hecelfarte to the life of man ; uberein the more the qoucrnozercellety,. the moze. proutdent is his geuernment. Jfo2 yp, as Plucarch writeth, the remembranceof things patt are pectall preoents and eramplesof things tocome.Divers aid funngie hoite to the erle of Poitiers (tbo before as maried to Letwes the eight andking of Fratice,but diuods } their ercellencie tnthis bertue. Paithatdates king of Pontus in Afia had Onder his domihion two and (3) thebing marten Cleans? the daughter ano 55 membaue bere famous, and mucycommtended fo, feo from bint fo, nieetenelle of blob) and after that | tivbnitie rations,anb be toas of fudh Gigular memos febapcontinued tvith bic fundsic peates, and recets rie, that be did tot ofielte Dudettand thetr feucrall ued by bir fir formes and thre daughters, yefell tr languages, butalfo {pake them perfealie; and in tndgements would Hoareeaey man to {peake in his lone With a pong wendy nahed Rofamurid ; and oiune language, and anfiver thent in the fame, Cys fhentwared tearie ofbis tuife. Ann the te be atuzeas rns king of Perfia, the fonne of Cambifes,fo excels hed, d(D not onelte tt continuance of timefind the led tn memopie,that baning an erceding great mule meansfo findout this Kofamund,ho was keptfcr stet in a houte butlocd like a labpzinth of purpofe for 20 titude of men in bis bolt, be would call enerie mart by bis proper name and furname.Cineas an amba bit fafe keeping at Wwdffocke,ubere then the queen fadoz from king 7 parbusto the Momanes,was not pad found bir, Wofamund lived not long afters: but in Kome aboue one hole date, befoxehecoula fac allo fo) afurtherreuenige,the by meansof bir fonnes inte encrie of the fenatogs, and cuerte noble nan of frbo fuere noble ¢ baliant gentlemen, caufed Wwartes Rome bp bis particular name . Liketile Julius tobe ffurted and raifen againt the king to bis great Tefar and Adzianusthe emperors of Wome were bitquictnetfe : and this ts oneof fhe mariagesof of (ncbertellent memovies, that enerte of them at thich his autho: meaneth. Dhe other tvas of bis orn one inffant could both read andtuzite, as alfo fpeabe named Wenvie, thonte be dia not onelie make and andheare. The like allo ts fainof thefamous and crotone king tn bes life time, but alfo fo, aconfirmar tonof a peace to be hav betiveene hint md Wetwes 30 mol ercellentlte learned man Erafmus Roterodamus, abo bantig alfpates 02 fo. the moff part fundzie the eight then SFrerich king, be mavied bis fafo fonne and divers clearks toziting at onetime and inftanf, totheladie gpargaret Daughter to the fatd Ifrench of fundzte matters, tould twaltie bp and dotwne a hing, Wp teafon thereof bis faty forme bettig once mong thent, and indite to eucriz one frat he Mould Comte fo peeres of age,and thinkingif to long per he Inzite, Andthis thing is neceKarie in all princes, could bane the fole goucrmment, as alto being bp the quéne bis mother intifed, and taking bit part, be that in the old ages thep twerecuer inont to haue az bout them tach men as teere of afpeciatl ntemozte 5 fled to the French bing bis father inlaw; andby bis fopnt them tt mind of all fucy things as fo thens af0, as alto of fund;ie other noblemen both Cnglith md French,tio foired twit hint,made twarres bp: fhonld be meet md requifite , andthele tuere callen Nomenclatores. Wdbetherthis bing bad anp fuch ate on bis faid father : ubfch bzed buto himnolittle trou: feriding boon bint o2 not,it fs certeine that he bint, ble ano tnquietnetfe. ¢ (4) Bhere isnot amoze comunendable ¢mioze re felfe was of anercellent godmemogie. Thusfar thefirft booke ofthe Conqueft of Ireland. |