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Show The fiftBooke of Theftate ofthe Britains yaderthe Briti/h kings. pad learned the fopmeof bis regular ozper, that they fyould confccrate thofe places tonto the iowith pratet andfafting; thichtheplatelichadreceinedD te MDfwie in the countrte of Woioes on the x 7 kalends Loives, of December; ¢ in the thirtenth pete of bis teigne, haypened to the great commoditie and gaineof both makein the fame either durch o2 monafterite. | And ohen there remained ten daiesof Lent pet tacome, be wasfent fortothe king: therefore be appointed abzother Hbidbe bad, being alfoapzic named Cimbill,tofuplichisrome,thatbisbegun the people , fo; bp the fame be deliuered his countrie of. sRorthumberland from the crucll deftrucion mane int the fame by the pagan people of Percia, and connerted thofe pagans themfclues , and the countries neve adfoining tathenr tbolie bnto the kings bufinetle. Poty then the time was accomplt: then; heoweined amonatterie there,appointing the he fick bithop in the prouince of Perciajard allo Che arose of ILindeffertieand the Mpivdleangles twas one Diu» top of Her thep han Kept it fecvet to be their bing, and erpelling About the fametine, Diivie king of Porthuny berlanh twas foze. oppzetled by the iwarres'of yBenda king of ‘percta,fo that he made great offers of high gifts,and great refvards bnto the {aid Wenda-for -aamongefe the Southerne Scots, and o2meined bi- Me? dtop. hop by thenn , fucceeded in his rome , haning bis crotone fhauct, anv obferning the featt of Cater according to the cuffomte ofthe pouince andrite of -_-‘the Momane church. ¢Ahe fame poare there chanced Segfe agreateckiple of the furme, the third of Mate about Pu vies wali, 3. 10 ofthe clocke in theday. A great dearth and mow of Godfor vei: ma,ubodicvamongit the pionleangles, the fecond "* mito flight fothat the poftcritie of Wautereeeinedthat *Ceroaid. Dap an ticurable wound. IBut within tee peares alter,that ts,inthe nineteenth pearecf theretgneaf Miwiea plate there for the forefaid Arumbere to build that abbeie byon. ding Diwiehauing Maine king wWenda, gouet> eye iene menthe peapleof spercta, and allo other of the fouth oag procre: bing Diwiegauc wnto Peada the fonof king Dene da(bicaufebetwasbhiskin{man) the countrie of the Sarvefule to recetuethe gifts abi weofter, letos paraten fromthe o2thmercics by the riuer Lent. hips o2 fares to the building of monafferies ; and Oo with a final armie be put bimtelfe én basard of Mhe countric of the Moztymercies conteitied i -_thofenaiesi7o00 hontholos, wut Weada tn the nett Mercer -(pzing twasintkedlic murtheren through the trea fort ofbid twtchen wife (as:twas (aid) athe feat ofS of Gatkerse¢ r ag * _ 5 Thedikkes6FMercia rebell againft Of- ashe had before againt the Wettains, for the fain vfed toobferue the feait of Catter contrarie to the Moog Sloof Wight, xhtcy he conquered, utd deliueren it callie o2demmed in the pzouince of the Cateffarons he Wepifaxonsfightetbowsth the Britaines and pre-yailah phe is Wanquifhed by Wulfheres Adelwold firncd pet withhope in Cypitt Fetns, cefton ofEdelhier,Edelwafdyand atbet fon Ceghid remainod. ia hattage at that ‘thie twith Hene Cinnife... Coilwald the forme of Dfkwaty atgoucrnenDeira, ¢ ongbttohaneatdeyDMwic, aene maaot ae wae counts, and fine ofSufesburhte uleofWight given himendwhys/ue- follow. time s ; Ehe batted, bring begun, the thirtie pagan haat ats capteins were onertholwne andpytte ight, and thofe that camtc to aid {enda worealmof all Qaine, ~ home twas Coilbere king.of the Catan »that reigned after bis brother Auma, and was the procurer of this tuarre, .Zhis battell was fought: névte to the tuater of Jntwet,the dich being rifen as then bp reafonof great raine, nowoneD moze of the entuics than died of the Morthumbers fwmzds, Atter that Davie bad obteinedthis piorie , be performed promife in bettotving bis daughter te the puofedon of binginitic,ad alfo gaue the tinclac mae Hops,ubereot fir were in Detra,and fir in Wernicvay contelntng eucric of them ten poutholds aparce,Qk. Part alledged thocuttome-of John the enn nk t dog cys Hand. Og Peter ond Paule. at length,aben bithep Colina Pcttelued that bis ddavine was not ( much regare praifed,Englith %2,25 bethoughtof reafonit ought to have bane, ®& bang dereturneainto Scotland withthole, ubidtaking ‘Siac, Partinith bint, tefufen toobierue the feattof Eatter The xxxtij, Chapter. Fter thee pares weet coinplet, nert enfutng the < /) béath of king Wenda , the dukes of fhe courtrie of HerciaImmin, Caba, ad Cadbert rebelicd again king Ofwie, abrancing one Waulipere a pong gentle man Cod,te inffruchis hearers with the like Doings ¢ -_-smaners as hehad knowen themtodo. Giltrival (© beittg confecrated bifhop , and returned into England, inveudzen to plant the owders of the tomane churd tthe churcbesof England, therebytt -_-countrte. So( #this meanetime,king Creombert being ves SeVparted this lifeafter he had gouerned the der: Egbert titymenbp the (pace of tiventicpeares, bis fonne bing of ene, Cgbert fucceded him tn the kingdome , and retge ned nine peates. There ts little remembzance of -_bisdwings; thichin that horttime were not much Sel and of Anatholins 5 ano the contrarie fide notable, ereept pe twill afcribe the comming inta bt it pofe'sf their opinion, the.culfonte of 60 thislandof the archbithop Dheodo2us , and the abe ic its the ad, his vifitation ar Prcaitica; finging vfed in iomechits , Theedodd men happic,glaficrs brft broughs twordof Gov be was the dilciple of Atoan; and coo them of bisnation, fo that trhenthe coutrouerfiebe: eantte to paffe , that the Scots abich inhabited a: Gan to be renined for the holoing of the featt of Ga: so mongthe Cnglifhnren; were conttrcined either fet be would bp no mcanes pelo to them that to follotwthe fame,o2 elfe to returne into their otone Mouattcric of COhitbie,at the thid) king'Ditate ard fOnne Alcirid were prefent, abere Colman for office comeendudiEsbertking offenthe fee a and Adrian woorthilie 25 peares, tite of the Romane church. Hheretwas agreat vit pulation kept about this matter, and other things, as thauing o2 cuttingof heares, and fucylike in the CeaaavithopofYorke hiscourteoticeeddihennce mb d,Theodor -ueted'by his erample, and alfa bpthe example of Would haue perfiwaden him to baue folloived tae Aldulfe in thekingdome of __landscontrowericabouche obleruationofEater, about bald hereto countries'; totwnes sad villages; to pready the aneatnett obferucr of the cuftomes bien amongeft Eattangles;Colman a Sear firkmade bithop of Northumber- \d,the Bing thereofby the (pace of ninepeares, Then af bereitngouernment of thatkingdome, andreignes art Atter Finan bithop of the Poithumbers hathelo Ceam g: bis fer at 2indefferne , as Aidan did before bim,one ed idbp, Colman tas oretned bithop , a Scot bone, ind bitsPate, Yo xb algae imln So sieevete farmed in inthofe daies ; this Clini onlie erceptedand theres fore was he conftreinen ty take fuch as he wtabt get amd prorttde, Alter that Ceadda was thus ordcined, be began athivith to folloty the trae ‘rules of the curd, ‘uedrightchalklie,thewedhimicife humble anv cone ter Grelivald fuccceded Aloulfe the fon of Goele sues recouer-thear ownebounds, andcreate s ; Stis Cato thatperda han thirtic,campanies of 5° YWulthere: their king; Cenwald ‘king ofthe inne Alehiid » baulgbut atmrallaciple,but com buto Adeltpold king of Suffer, asa qifE at that time, tbenhe receined bint at thefontitoneatter bebadconuerted him to the fatth. ise gane onto ds deliwold that Fle, to the end he fhonlo caufe the peor ple there to receine the faith an religon of Chait, Pow after that Coelbere king of Caftangles was faine, as before is mentioned, bis beother. Coels finent, applied bis ttubdie to reaning , and trauelica foaldfucceeded him in that bingdome, reigning as 40 abzoad on fotand not on hootebacke through the battell. men of warre,fuenithen totth thirtic noble capteins Reronels , Apainteahonre cane Diwietith bis of the Weftfarons , abere be twas ovehien by PP OF Peke -bithop Tint, Lhe tketwo other bithops of the -Wutily nation tuto him tobebis allociats, thich -_prouinces, {ubvucd a great part of the 32{atithna- bang orbing Déterli¢to haue Deftroien the ibole nation of D& Wwiospeople,(o that Diwieturninghimfelfetofeke ter tobe pedicatetothedLom in perpetuall virgin rie twas dead, andnone other as pet ordeinenin Cearda owet: bis place, fo that Ceadda repaired into the prowince 1d archbi- vere Galfhere banquiing him im the field, patfen 30 enftoine of the Romane churchAbut there fas no 9 " through bis countrie toith agreat armie onto the ther Mitt, ith none ether bithop twas then eanonts tion tothe Guglit dominion. Aboutthe fame time © tie sand further tyonlo gue tiveltte manoiss low Ded in gouertoment of the hurd of Ltndefferne, othertoife called Wolie Zland, one Wilfrid, ehic) riltrin dt the fatuChentald, he hadnotthelikeluckeinbats fell againfé the foefatn Ciulfhere king of Mercia, -- poace,butPendatefutedthefamensbhethatmeant lung Penda inake offer onto hitthat knowwelyhowwts accept rand fo bindingbinsfelfe by batn,promifen'that if tobteirbidorte,betwouldofterbispaugh nigeatlarge appeare. About the beginning of king Wulfhers reigne:, that is tofap ,in the fenententh peare of thereigne twas fent bp king Ailefite into France, to beoret- Hovof Chentvalo king of the Witelifarons , the fame -nedthere, Ghontvald fought with the Weitains at Bennum, Aboutthe fame tine king Diwie, the father of there the Britains being afembled in great nuny hing Aleitty, monen with the gad erample of bis ber, proublie incountred with the Cnglit}menjamd 20 forme, fentCeanda, the brother of Cen foinetime Cap,28; at the firput thenitothe wart, buttbenthe Cn» _-dithop of the Catkfarons into Kent, to be ordetiten glithmen wouldinno tutte giue ouer,butdiotticke bilhopof Porke ; but at hiscommming into Rent he tBiting O theirtackle, at length the Writains were put ta --foundthat Deus dedit the archbithop of Canturb war betmeéne Delpeat.the hands ofthealmightie, faio:. Z€thepar 4° Southmercies,conteining 5000 houtholog, ard fe Sooutymerns king Diwie tene peares , the tthich Dereies uring the teigne ofthe faid Wiulfhere bad foure bifhops fics 10 talitie tafuen, boty in allthe parties of this ont Wt Ding to fupercolltuelic goucrning the churchof that prouince one taine, and liketutfe imareland . Amongelk other, tition. After another, as the aboue mentisned Cruinbere, the forefaid bifysy Luda pied, and tas buried in Javoman, Ceadda,and WHinfid, as hereafter Hall the abbeie of yeqnalecy. Afterthis Luda, fuccese ale << Genlin,andCeanva;of the hic) Ced.and Ceavda ° thatwas bis kinfwomangotof bir hulband king were bifhopsas before is faid. bis countrie, one Luda that hav bene Wiought bp Cuda cde thett olune confines mblibertic twithallanbfoliving infreedomte iwith their otone natural king the fore{aio Hulfjere, they alfocontiues tithgladbeatts inferniceofthe celefiallking our Goran? Danio, athere, His Gulfjere goucrned the Bercies feuen- foo fume, Bndeflerne ILindefferne ahere he twas bzought bp.Finalliethis twas Cellach, the ubich leaning his bithopzibe returr hole Fland. Hithep Ced comming wnto this monafterie afters neninto Scotland, forthep were hott of the nation wards by chanceintimeof afickneffejntenthere,amd -of the Scots. Lhe third was an Cnigii(hman named left that. monafferie to the gonernance of another fLrumbere,butinifracedann ozveinen of the Scots, iyother thich he babnamed Ceanda; that iwas after He was abbatof the monafferic of Jngethlingtumn, ov @&bithop,as aftertvardsthall bethetwedAheretwere -eing buflned iu thatplace there king Diwin was foure byethzent of themandall priefts,Ced,Cimbill, -.,, laine(asbefore ts mentioned.) Fo2zquene Cufled Beda.lib,3, cap. 24, 19 peares , After that Colman was retartey' into the lieutenants of king Dfivie, theprecoucren both id religious toarke thould not be binvered for the ,. faithof Icfus Chit. monksofthe fameto live after therulesofthemof thehiftorie of England, miant the forme of eda md baother to Peada,ahom fert mounteins,tbere be beganthefoundationof a fied alfo king Diiwies daughter twas profetied in the monatterie,afterwards called Letingbent, motatterie of erthetw , there one tilda was aby Hertethep GHherefemeaningfirkofalltopurgetheplace -_befle, which Viloa purehating a lozothip of ten outs teeMac. With praiere fatting be atkedleaueofthebing that -holosin Streanthall,now called Whitbie, builoeda Bide, be might rematne there all thedent, thi was monafferie there, in the ibich firthe fato Elfen athand,and fo continuing inthatplaceforthattime, ‘was anoutce, andafteraroler, tillatlength being Ache maner ot failed eerie daic (fundaicercepten)fromtiemoy of theageof fortie perres the departedthis life, and tyeolpfat. ning bntillenching.accosing tetbemaner,nozteiwasburied there , and fo liketvife twas bir mother ceiuedanicthing then butonlic alittle bzeadjanda Cufled, andhir grandfather Cowwin, with manie o. hens eg, witha little milke niirt with inater:forbe , 5 ther bigh effates tuithin the dyurth of faint peterthe fain that this was thecuftomeof themof home be apoftle. The bidorie aboue mentioned got by king te, sg, MOVING tothecuttome of the curdhof Wome, nor Senld-aue their crownes: Hhaner about tic) Pitta tmalireatning han bene kept. This we AL Palation twas bolvenin the peare ofonrioi 664; Sin the-peare of the reigne of hing Ofwies2, @° 20 peare after the Scotifhmenbeganfirfta te the office of bithops iwithirt Hroithumberland;, Was (as. W.Harifon faith )624. for Aivan ‘7 peates, Finan ropesres,yColmanz bat Adsiawdnto his glozie,tchichchanced in dis time, For im the peare of the great eclipfe and fore moptas litte that infuen, it chanced that both king Grcom bert)» ¢the arcybtthop Deus dedit departed this life, -fothat the fc of Canturburie was voto acerteine _-time,, info much that king Egbert,tae fucceeved bis fatherSreambert stoguther ith hing Diinte, ».4, 1, dtd fendone WLighart a prtett of god reputation fo; apy. -bis ercellent knotlenge in the fcrfptures , bntg wighart. ome,twithgreat gifts and rich ves of goin ano filuer, to be prefentedbntothe pope , requiring him that. he would ogeine the forelaid MHlighart arcbt thop-of Canturburie, to baue rule of the Gnglith hurd. Butthiscighartcomming onto Rome, ano |