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Show 340 Thehiftorie ofScodland. WUtty Abie Maral fecute ta this eens not fo aduenture fhe neath of the cardinali the fame totone , farnt- éntren thecaffell to thetr fuport, faking bpon them tokerpe it againtt the gouernoz and bis partakers, Mot longatter the gouerio2, confrde ring that we of fecardinall | CWberevponthe thirteenth of Pate , the cardinal fenrbled the great lo2ds of the tealute, as theea ls Angus, Wuntleie, Argile, ad others , by tehofe ad: fhedin eucrie place wit the fcruants and friends boine withinbis caftellof faint Andzetws; certeine The cardis wali of faint Andzews turtbered. The hiftorie ofScotland. gins , nére fo the berie tualsofthe cattell,obichbatae2 fametn (uch fo2t, as the ditches tere nere et an ane fhe rubbith and tones of the tals deerecoufine the cardinal was thus made atwate,at ate he called a parlement,, ano forfaltedthemthat ‘ ! Mozreouer, the gallies at an high water apes nf gold and frluerplate, befide no Gmall quantitie of cardinall at the tinie then be was murthered,ata fo trealure in readie coine. Hiv James Leirmouthprouoft of faint Andzcins, kept by themthat did the muurther , tili notuthep agreed fo Deliuer bon to bis father, tit condition of the cardinallyatter be beard that the con{piratozs iucre entred thecattells but thep thetned the Dead boe pie of thecardinallouct the wails, as a {pecacle to the people, and fo thep made ne further attempt,fith Dep deliucred alo the dead bovic of the a. : nail, after it hadlaine buried aus dungbil iwithits the caftell ,eucr face the Dap in which theyflue bint. ae [ The gouernoz bid name the aibatof pale oe Pail aGiembied all te people of that towne forthe refeue that he thould raife bis feae . i thed on the riuer fine fo Meete to the caftell that toith thot of canons and other artillerte,thep fo2e annoied 1546, - the cardinal , and kept thecaftell of faint heair of bis stone frtends(as besoke them) thatts to fay, e.ca nozeivs. Leficie, Gititiant iairkane 2 Weretwithallo he vatfed a potwrer,and befieged the forfaited, maamet - atrbmicbell with po fame caftell , planting piuerfe pecces of great aril: firtene chofert men, entered the caftell verte fecrets lerie agatift it Sut it was fo tronglie furnithe he cle ot lie inthe morning, take the porter,andall the cardi {with all manner of arfillerte t ewe an bap tiecarob fant ane nalsfctuants, thanting them out of the place by a -nnall ar bis life tine , that they Lutthin care b little fs Drewsbelies potterne gate, And that Done, patlurg to bis came all the infoxcements that their apuict faries without gc, ber ithere be late in bed, as beqot vp,and twas opes coulbaduance againf them.Ciberebpon, after that ning bis chamber dave they Aue him, and fetsedbpe the fiege badcontinucd the {pace of theemoneths x onfhe artilierie and munition, tberetvith that for the goucrnoziwas glad to fake an ayointinent iwith treffc as plentifullte furntihed , and liketwile boii them within 5 to the end he might get out of thet Eye Gegerai: rich bangings ,boutholo fufte ofall forts , apparel; fonne, tho twas remaining with - fed. copes, tewels, omaiments of churdjes , great {tore 20 bandsbis eldett them twithin,and fue oiuerfe, Zhe defendants per: tefuing themfclues thus befiegedon all forth , Were admitted to talke with the gouernoz,the an on obis of ee -Ghepofferedtorerns et confpiraters thus to bill the cardinall twas thought ames iSeton kinfmanto the flaine cardibe Si fainefaiuce, and in the endtobemadetodsinke of the fame cup . Partlic it was thought they attempted it through countell of fone great men of the Fr.Thin. realme, that had concetucd forme deadlie batren.ae gainf bint. « infuing , bing Penrte the eight departed this i b " Thesis el fer fhome. fucceeded big fonne Cotward, oe oe Engine the French .kingpedecreante - ¢! io at tea Lefleuslibto peat faith , that hep were Diuerie: as the fenerall 40 tie pag.481, the defive of the goucritor of Scotland , aypotnted fownentors fenerallie franted euerie one a part ALeone StroMte prior of Capoa, & knightof the 02 forbis otune excufe, 3fo2 Moonran t John did comdet of @aita, with a nante of 16 gallies, frangbt plaine,that thep iwere wronged by him twith no tail fit) mem of warre, and munition ,,.fo pafle mt iniurie, becanfe that the cardinall bat not recom Scotlad. to belpe to tein the caffell of faint Siw penied him forthe loffe he fufteted ; trhen the car Dyelus . ; j R Dinall hav reffored to Caltwine lox thereof ( before through the cardinals countell bantihed bythe king) opinioned, andboty hoping, o2 greedilie gaping af ter the glovie of bictaric, ! ve For the goucrnioz did attempt at this tim Theprion of Cepoa, that all thep thich twere abour firtéene peares old,and -bnder firtie , {houto prefentlte (tofth thetr armo2) ree bing itawap - All thepaincipall men within it were led to the gallies , andconueiedatwateinto France the libertie of the countrie 3 tthe accordinglie came to Wulltborotw ( within letfe than ttoo milesof the -_-ppatre to 99uMftlbozoty and there be readte to defend place there the Gnglith armie came to incampe, lieng at }2zeffon) placed themfelues at Innernette Quer againt their enimies, ] thep mareped , thouying and thouting, to the end -_-thep might traine them forth from thet frength, arid with railing tyo2ts wonld Mill be in band to P20 a _uoke them thereto. But the puke of Suntmerfet, aoe doubting the gudnelfe of the Scotify prickers, gaue tith bozimen God fuecefletherein toas much) aduanced. Shoxtlie the Hcotith hortmen thould be taken, ut at length ieee -_‘fecret commandentent,that no offer of Mirmith by feared ot the atter, thenuke of Summteriet , beretofoye in this the lod Greie of Wilton, not able to beare fuch bolD Greieveti Of the pong bing his neyhue, thought god with all {peed to procure the confuimmationof the mariage, bettvirt him , andthe pong queeneof Scots, Wut percetuing that the fame could not be for him to fet them further off. The onkeat the fir by no meanes would affent thereto,telling the lord Grete,that his defire proces bed moreofaiolitie of courage, than of anie kriotys ledge of the enimie, and feemed to defend the gov, rety Theouteot boke named carle of Iertfor, bneleby the mother 4° prefumption in the Scots, aduenturing(as hetwke toincounter Simmertee Onto the pong king of England, and aomitten go» it)ouer rathlie , and moze than fod with their ofone te Scotty Patcorot wernoz of his perfon, and protecto? ofall bis realms, fuertie,made fute to the bube of Summerlet, thatif honttemnen, Crgian, Ddomintons, and fubieds, minding the abuancement thep continue in {uch beauerte, it might be latwfull ; The governog in the meane fume witha - throught to pafte without force , he femedloth to let d _nefle of the Scotith ho2llemen: but thenthe tor pafle the oppoztunitie of time then offered(ashetake tt) toferue bis purpofe ; and therebpon by aduifeof 5° Greic perfiffed in his tute, and the earle of Ware canleheWwasremmucdbp thecardinals aduffefrom taene Cnglitymers, abo neucrthelefle a epee the-king to him). bebadditdharged with great profit fothe reabac,ehonorte bimtelfe. And Kivkmichell ded the houfe tothe gouerno2: and bere! om ou peace brokers , fir bythe Scots, event oh eats offoine ofper(Scannot tell what) pollelions. all time,theerle of Mothousthen tefurned ou of a Mth aarmig [2 eigbtene thonfand men, thic) twas diuided into thzee principall toards , the bant-gard led bythe bas amie: to the. twelk bosders; hetwasabe a iy, FT Dacresof thenorth. and Jtalian bagbutters on bo2Mfebacke to keepe on or‘er of Shere tere certeine wings and tropes of men of 60 a wing , andto gard the bindermoft trmpe of the Rrig, atmes, demilances , andlight bo2femen , and alfo Englith bo2offemen. i of barquebufiers , that attended bpon thele thre Ie alfo gaue o2ber to the leaders of eucric trope, Did alle fay thatbetnas difpoflefted by the cardinall hich canfes weeesbut veiles Gbich thep fpread ae gaint the wind.and report of fo wickedand fhamer fulladed.. F792 bpam the fad, Porman being bered With remote of confcience, D&D not onelic labor ta So pacific the anger-ef fuch, that(either by bloud 02 be efit) tuere tieoto thecarpinall with all kindof Dur Councell levied an armie with all erpedition , amp fonre daies fege, anbienen canon vara oie dee Sain _glifymen conln havie tithe. Dozcourr,a tof Den af marke. twas acquit by.an afilte (as oss . . one -_catles andlo2bs,ofan accufation there : aa charged,as ronfederat and pattie with 0 ten swith bis hadmurthered the cardinalt. WhtletE the goucrnoz was thus - fectiledthat Thi the nine and tiventity of Julie,fourtene dates after fearrfuall there of the prtozof Capoa, abereby his Gteat valtancie, well knowen afore thattime, was fo renetwed, as bis pratte for bis fpedtenifpatchand cattell 0 palleo ta the: ett bo2vers to beftege the.i fthecaftell andpoffeiiions of Cafter wemes; Obich nt by bep at i that prefe. gham , the Hhicch ) was HLan ; was kept ingbar the king had after given to the faid Moran, The lopa Grange affirmtedthat herenenged himéelfe,ber 50 Pidacli@harton , hautng then with ane the officeof thetreatucorhip;abich(being grantenby Pr. Shich is accuftomed te be pied inte netae Tellevslibia gersofthe countrie : thich as, that he fent ont P8485. of the caffell was giuen tothe Frendmen tbo bps on the furtender entring the fame, left nothing bes Thus was the catell of faint Andzetws rendeed that mame,bing of Cugland, France,and rae ce ae- ieto - eee pat cunt cis depart , and haue their teine fummies of monic. ; -totth all diligence fent abzoad folemne fummong be souernoe inthe gallies till the peate 155 0, in thich the pat. ere we haue to vnderftand,that the Scots light foners tue fetat libertie , and the others that twere in 3° ho2Memenoftentimes would come pricking alnotf the gallies ere tedermed by their friends foycerwithin their anes length of the Cnglit}men as great troubles in the realme.| Zn the Live ASAT { siti ¥¥ But of the caufes of bis 1B Lefleus alfo, wziting they might patfoners at the Ffrency kings difcretion. Diverte of them fuere committed to fundzie prifons on the coatl of sBuitaine, and ofvers ivere appointed to row Oro2ge Dotuglalte battard forme to the - ms i gus: which things were iterinate ncca tor ~ 5 faccerned bias gouernoz of Scotland aduertifedof the conning of thts armie of Cngland thus to inuate Scotland I be was contentto pars $. Ines dfterli¢ refutingits it;at length meflengers threugh all the realme, tho cari peloeo, bon them of theivliucs, ifthe Frenchy king Mould -_fieriecroffe in Deebaiae Gide thal gue(a thinke it god,elfe to ftand to bis pleature. Zhe fpoile 20 declare ) afivell to the lattie 948 to the churchmen; (being before Labia : matter at that prefents he caule that moued the jo gaue theabbeie of Arbzoth tobe partlic in-renenge of the burning of maifice George Wiildhart ; fearing to be ferned withthe the cattell , fo lines faued fwith bag and baggage. twoulo not be granted, the gouernoz (The cattelt of Butthis : x aoe) --bzother to tye bithopztke of faint Andzews , and pagal -riuer the Cnglith feet twas arviued, and late before "@t., the totone of Leith, but now by oer giuen came -_-backe fromthence, ano lay nerer to the armie, Zhe fives, enot for the lenteng of a new armte for2th of all patts of on abie long to hold ont , put fooztha token spona ro therealme ;fappofin g therebyto be fufficientlic far: na fpeares point, to fignifie that they defiren parle, nffhed and inablen fo the incounter ; happen then if tihtch twas granted, and certeinecfthemcomming -_fhoulo; the contrarie pat (ne doubt) being liketwife bind bin that might ferue them to ante dle in tas thep falwnomeanebomtoremedie og reurnge the Lonthian , thepcame at length tritoa place called Wuckling Wraies, tere to the Forth fide, inthich The Engh thereto. Herebpon then the loz ume twith the Scots the vert time (abich twas onthe Frivaic the land with the fame armie , cantetning feauentene uinth of September) came forth to offer the thirs mith after their antes maner, the lox Oreie tas bing twith bim cerfeine bands of boofemen, both men of armes,demilances , and al(o light bo2finen, liant carle of @alariwike, the battell by the Duke of Summertet himfelfe, andthe rere-twardby theloz rin wie allifted bis requeff,the duke in the end peloen Came to IBertwike about thelatter end of Augui®, andin the beginning of September entred Scots -sdfutved them in tropes, awpointing the Spantth thards, garded with diuerfe peeces of great artilles that to trbich foeucr the enimie thould once offer, IN pyrex ginen into France, md there by valour (in the feruiceot wils of fuch as {were againtt it } ~- suerno:, {st 3 tie, Lhelow Greie of Wilton high marthall of the anie wife, that no anfwer bp fkirmtfh tere made bp rhe torn, Wipeatwap that note of infainte, which bebadcat bpon bis familie, AN ohic)notinithanving , both withall dye nobilitie that were a po feat tpas aus fen thither foam the p2io2, and abe psica 2 atmes anddemilanees . Sir Francis Wzian, liew fenantof thelight boxfemen, tit cighthundzed of them tas aqpaintedto the bant-garo. Sft Peter Detwtas capteine of flue hundzed hagbutters, and fies: but dip.alfo,te hau the vanger thereof,palle Henrie the {econd.bing.of France endenorxd{o Heandothers:(foreafter one foztyand fomeatier an oler)were worthilie punithen for their wickenues!] Zhe fune evening that the cardinal was flatne, fhe olnlowof Grange, matter Penrie Balnanis, oneoffhecouncellof therealme,andfundaiegentler men of the (urname of the Melnins , ohn iknods amd others ,to the number of feuenfeoe perfonss the peta of Capoa twas arrtued, sing fe be cttl# tolwnedf faint Andzetos: ehereopon on har Des me -_fkronglic latoaboutthecattell werd "osatent BPs? fed certeine percesofartillerte fo pee Tous bigbet atmie had the general conduction of the men of them, but after thep hav Date them to their accu, Orcte. ffomed plate and proffer of charge , that trmpe that it was offered onto , prefentlie vpon the enimies -_eecling about Mould througblie giue it them 3ano that giuen, the nert tr@pe pzefentlte to giue it in thecaftell ; that none duct fyetw the h. Be fic Francis Fleming maitter ofthe ovdinance,twith 4 thoufand light bo2ffemen, were appointed to the the face : and fo (as occafion required) both thofe tr@pes tholte togither to helpe other toithout breas battell. Ano fir Richard Manners, with fir bundzed king. Zhe Scots comming forward, pricking anv caufed.alfo certeinecanows to be bz gins, light bo2femen, attended vpon the rere-tward. Inthis osdec marching though the Bers, and thoupingafter theft old toont,the Englitymen foy bare agreat upile, ti) egs foure 03 ee Mf, 22 _mountedion the top of a chard), otplurmp into thanthecaffell; (othat thole peeces -weno ie inals, 07 abroad in the pard within sere6 ei |