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Show ae The hiftorie of Scotland. tedae, and amplicn bis adie in paris, there be for lowed and profemed diuinttic, as appeared by bis olwne inolkes. He yas boome at Padington in Scotland, as aypeareth bp Gefnerus, of abone be ts named Iohannes Maior Hadingtonenfis, be did {waite Decifiones fententiarumlib. 4, Sophifticalia Parifienfia, Placita theologica , Commentariosin The hiftorie ofScotland. time of Famtes the Gf of that nant king of Scots, rho in bis life time did tuzfte Palatium honoris lib, 1.Aureas flatrationes lib. 1. Comeedias aliquot lib... De rebus Scoticis lib. 1, Tranftulitin patrium fermonemAcneidos Virgilij lib. 12. Dauid Linodleie of toe mount o2 hill, ofbertotfe bp bis office of princtpall beralnof the reature of gpato2 bimfelfe therein be Gould line. DF tht gator Buccianan bath verte fcoftinglie fet dotwne thefe foure berfes bere buder tuzitten as followetl: Cumfcateat nugisfolo cognomine Mator, Necfit in smmenfé paginafana libro, Brilingerus impreflit Bafiliz anno 1542. cxtant eius land, with home inbis pon) this Linoiete was brought bp, and homebe after painfullie ferued it the court. Patrike Hamilton, bormeof the noble fannilic watrikehe & elegantiffima poemata:lephtes tragcedia, Lutetiz apud Vafcofanum.Francifcanus & fratres,quibus ac~ cefferuntyaria giufdem & aliortmpoemata, Bafilie apud Guarcinuman.1568.Eiufdempfalmoramparaphrafis poetica, Geneux, Argentine, Antuerpiz impreflain 8 & 16,ciufdemBaptiftes five calumnia tragoedia,in 8.Francofapud Wechelum.Deiurereghi apud Scotos editio fecunda , Edinburgi 1580, Pfalmi Dauidis ab eodem verfibus expretli nunc uino de* 39 primum modiulis 4,5,6,7,8,vocum a I. Seruino ofthe Ipamiltons , being the nephue ofthe earle of milion. cantati 4 Lugduni 15 80.RerumScholafticarti hilto- Fon Bnokes of Scots, of whome J twill fate no more, but fet tiz. Defcriptiones ciufdem regnilib. 1, Hiftorias Scotorumlib.17. Aberdonenfium pontificum vitas, John Wonran being a canon regular, having Foon vot ayplien bimfelfeto the findte of nintnitie,abercin be much profited, did trite in bis otone language Ca- » techifinumfideilib. 1. and liued tn the peate of our eius hiftoriz Scotorumexcufx funt Parifijs, anno John Wervifora Scot, luing in the oe* 155 6:earundemhiftoriarum a prima gentis origine g faluation one thonfand fiue bundzed for cum aliarum & rgrum & gentium illuftratione non efght,being the firt peere of Marie quence of Sots, Did ayplic bis tine in the fEupie of oiuinitic a? vulgarilib. 19, Duo poftremi huius hiftoriz libri nunc primum emittuntur in lucem, Acceffit & huic {w20fe, De ampledtanda in chriftiana religione con" aditionieiufdem Scotorumhiftoriz continuatio per Joannem Ferrerium Pedemontanumrecens & ipfa feripta & edita fol. Parifijs apud Iacobum Dupuys 1580. Gatwine Dowglaffe,booneofthe noble boule of fhe Dowsglafes in Scotia, being of a rare wit and learning, toas made bithopof Dunkel; tho for contention betivene him and gouerno2 of Scotland , forfoke his countrie and fled into Cngs land, there be dted at London,in the peere of Chzfft oie Houland fiuc hundzed tiventicand one, inthe Joiner cordialib. 1. tebich toas tuxitten to @otard Aelt on ope imo2 dube of Soummerfetprotector of Cngland. John qabbethcalled tn Watine Toannes Maciabeus, being defcended of a noble fantlie ae of Len Heots, dtd follow bis tupie in matters Godon tie; abo flo2tthing in the peare of our L020 thoufand fine bundeed and fittie , being the be peare of the reigne of Marieai of Scots, 0 compofe, De vera & falfa ecclefia lib. T+ son vqobr, apacketyate boone in Scotland, d10 oa ne vith in Germanic itt the pere that the £020 lied iit the pere of Chzift 1569. Jobe Langeie Hohn Langeie a Scot bo2ne, follotving his tudte in Paris became a Dorbonicall doctor, tho lining John Lelle fometime officfall of Aberder, ad John Lee, bithop of xole, of Ahom F hate {pokenin fhe con finnanceof the annals of Scotland,being an obttt nate fauozer and furtherer of the Romane religion doth pet line in the peare of Cheiftone thoufand flue hund2ed efghtie + fir,in the time of Charles James the firt king of Scots,and hath written Pi afflicti animi confolationes diuinaque remedia lib 1. Animi tranquilli monumentum lib.1, Deorigine, moribus, &rebus geftis Scotorumlib.10. painted at Rome, Pinianus Celensetus,ho flourtihedin the pore Minianus and one,in the fine of Marie queene of Scots, twas Mharies James,the firt of that name king of Scot» land, and twzit manic bokes in the Scotith eng' glithamong which tere Ad Londonienfes & alios lib.r.Adeuangelii profeflores lib.2.. Qualirer fit o- 40 randumlib. 1,Contra miflampapifticam lib.1. Doétrina miflaliumlib.1.De fide euchariltiz epiftola.r. Adecclefiasafflictas epif-1 AdScotiareginam Mariamepift.1 .Concilium in his angultiis epift.r,Buccing atHatumprimum lib.r.Appellationem a fentetia clerilib.1.Ad populares Scotia librit vnum. 19 uinted at Parts by Mobert Melllline in the pere of * our Lozdone thonfand fue bundzend fiftie and tipo im 8chart.13, , of ont L020 one thoufand fine bundzed thee {core PES ing returned home be preached at the cozonattion of tbich Were thefe, Delege & euangelio lib, 1, De fide & operibus lib. 1; Johannes Altus, focatica by Gefner, beings Foannes redemption one thoufand flue hundzed footie andfir, anotn the fourth pere ofthe refgne of Paric quene of Scots. Hialib. 20. Edinburgiin folio an.1583. John nokes bore in Scotland, a great enfmie fo the Komanereligion, was fornetime remaining in England asbanthhenfrom Scotland, after ber fallie and learnedlie iwzitten, thereof thefe are the Qfitles :De duplici poreftatelib.1. ElucidationesfenScot bone, bad fome contentionwith one Culdan Ftus. tentiarum lib. 4. Queftiones vefperales lib. 1. In politica Ariftorelis lib, 8. De triplici anime poten- 4o Sorbet, tothomehe din tite in berfe a Mharpe tialib.r. De regno Chrifti eternolib.1. De triplici amdrebuking apologie tbhfch conteined one bakes befides thtch al(o be did write another bobe Contra principatu lib. 1. De feripturz fenfibus lib. 3, Ad Antifcotiton of this Boxphet, ¢Epigrammata lib.r. vocabutare theologicii lib. 1. Colleftiones Sorbonicaslib. . De difciplina Iuniorum lib. 1. De facra Be linedin the peare of Dyztft one thoufand fiue : ‘ fynaxi lib. 1. In pfalcerium commentarios lib. 1: Hundzeand thirtie brder James the fit. re cuangelia & epiftolas per circuitum BobWeliendon o2 Waltentine,who Hoatthen tt aes k ib. 2. the peare of Ghsitt one thoufand five hundzedthirtte edo Boetius of Dunde in Scotland, toas a and fir, onder king James the fit , tranflate Hecto; Woes Hector Boetius out of Latine into Scotith and Crs learned and an eloquent biffoxtograyher,tole ftile in manie parts gocth bepond the truth of times, 50 glilh, and inzote the delcrtption of Albante 03 cote land. places , andperionsin bis Scotith bifforte . ibe Dotwne Gelnerus fy0208: HcCtor Boetius Deidonatus, natione Scotus,fcripfit catalogum regumSco- : Auilitke in him,therfore will onlic fet doiwn what Onfolo the moft hard and moff obfcure places of Gefner hath tozitten of bint.Georgius Buchananus both the teffaments, hitherto bp mane enillte oie Scotus rudimenta gramatices Latine Thome Lina- 20 detfted,and thorfe interpacte: fitch tioske tas cri ex Anglico fermonein Latinumyertit : ea Nicol. Arrane by bis byother, was (as faith Lefleus lib.g. pag. 427) AbbasFenenfis, trho bauing applied bis time in fFadie in Germanie, amid follotved the dace Nec{emper mendaxfingere Cretafalet . =" Gree WHlillfam Gregorte bore in Scotland, and flue 30 trineof Luther, oid returne into Scotland,was af fer by the bifheps condenmied for an heretike, and Dent in Paris,where he profeden dininitic, did ltue, burned in the peare of aur 3Lo2d God one thoufand as fatth Bibliotheca fancta, in the, peare of Cyt fiuebundiedtinentie and eight, as baue Gefnerus one thoufand fine bundzed and feugntene, and ab and Bale tn the time of James the Hf of that name fo, as hath Bibliotheca Gefneri inthe peare of our king of Scots. We wrote diverfe boks , amongtt Lord one fhonfand flue bundged tiventic and feucn. floxif}cd in the peare of Chri one thoufand thre bundzed tiventie and fir, onder Zames thefit king rithing in the peace of Chytt onethoufme finebun Pathe ¢ fiftie,in the time of Marie queene of Scots, pegpelt Degree of malice to bpbratd and backebite e lo nied fd furite,Devtilitate & excellentia verbi Dei, tbich uerteperfon and nation abich had offended him, as fas printed at Parts by Michael Ffesandate, and mate ayeare by bis tmmodett (peeches,, not belers Robert Graufon,in the peare of our i030 one thous ming amanof bislearning, twas {holematter to {and five hundied fiftie and one. Ie iyzit alfo De Aanres the firt of that name bing of Scotland, of vulgari facre feripturz phrafi,lib.2. ahereof the firtt frbhoim lining in the peare of Chaift one thoufand fiue doth infreat of the finne againt the olie-ghott, Hundzed three fcoze and ninetene,F twill forbeare to tbich thep call {rremiffable 02 tnto neath: the fee faie hat J conld,leatt J might offend in that tbich cond boke doth tofth great diligence ano fidctitte Nonmirum titalis quod/everacibus ornat, Belek manic boks behind him khich be bad care, ratamciuili feditione Scotiam,& redadtam muniti- fimam Edenburgi arcem fubfidem regis carmen elegiacumfbteh man being tote lining,ts archbithop of faint Anbd:elvs. ere _ Pattike Cockburne boane it Scotland, and flow progreflum lib.1, Explicationem tux fidei lib. 1. Benge wuechanan an Zrith Scot, greatlie leare moft of txhich bis works Gefnerus maketh no ments FobMato2 in this marmer: Iohannes Maior Anglus {cripfitin quatuor quangelia {cholaftica poftil- * fion, although that be affirme that be flozthen in Jam , and lived in the peace of Cyzifkone thoufand 20 the peare of @urace one thoufand fiue bund:ed and fortic , in the time of Jamesthe fift king of Scots and foure bundzed , being an bundzed and tiventic peares before the tite aqpointen by others , and by tiarum actio illuftrifl, & potentiff. principi Eliza= George Iac- ned;but mante times malictoufite affected, and that aran, fo bebementlie. sa tiat-he Mmouln not forbeareitt the Scotland, furnamed Lior, was botha knight amv a learned perfon, as map appearebpbis tuorkstupite Caxtonum Anglumtranftulit lib, 7. Be Aozithe at Paris, as hath Gefnerus, tn the peare of Grace 1° ten in bis otune tong in ber(e, febfch fuere Acta fut temporislib. 1, De mundi miferijs lib, 1. Tragoedia one thonfand fluc bundzed ¢ ttventic, brider James Dauidis Betonlib. 1. Teftamentum cardinalis Bethe fift hing of Scots, vate thome he dedicated bis ton lib.1. as bath Gefnerus (ff that boke and the opie of W5zitaine , conteining England and Scottragedie of Dautd Weton cardinall be not all one) {and.here is one Joi Bator bouded and aledged Teftamentumpfitacilib. 1. Dialogus aulici & exin Crifopaffo Ioan. Eccij, tbich J da taketo be this perienti lib. 1, Somnium Dauidis Lindfei lib. 1. Matt. And Sixtus Senenfis tt bis Bibliotheca fancta Deploratio mortis regine Magdalene lib. 1. Df amongtt the tozitersof the bible bath fpcake of one 493 bethe Angl.Franc,& Hiberniz reging, propterlibe= ntight fortune to be the fame John Wableth befnre tanched, fp fuzite Anglorumecclefix originem & Mattheum, Hiftoriarum maioris Britanniz lib. 6. 6 ano éffed,as hath Gefnerus,PatriciiAdamfoni gra fleth one thonfand fiue bundzed fittie mn eight, bes ing the firteenth peere of the teigne of Maric quene of Scots, This man, thome Gelnerus fuppofeth a fauozer of the popes Doctrine, and enimic to John Rinokes, tohihing thom J twill fet dotwnthe tyo2ds of tivo fenerallautho2s, whereof the one is Lefleus" a Scot, and the popes and bis friend,and the other ts Bibliotheca Gefneri,tbereofthe firft faith; Hac res (wubich twas a difputationin religion)Niniano Winzeto maximam apud hereticos inuidiam conflauit,ynde cum audirent illum (utian -_ iam apud typographum calere in libro excudendo , quo cogitarat cum Knoxio de fide violata ad nobilitatem expoftulare,confilium incunt de operedifturbando, Winzetocapiendo,typographo mulétando, Magi{tratus cum fatellitibus irruicin typographiam, libros quosreperit,aufert, lohan, Scotu typographii bonis mulétatum in carcerem abripit ; fed Winzetum,qué énthe pere of Gti one thonfand fiue hundzed thee {coze and fen, did tite abaobe of the Itfe, doctrine, 50 tantopere cupie bant,pra toribus magiftratui occurrentem quod incognitus elapfus fucrat,dolent hare~ andoeath of Partin Luther and Fohn Calutn, ano tici,rident Cacholici. Dnthe other fide thus tuziteth of manie other miniffers of the net gofpell (as be Bibliotheca Gelneri: Ninianus Winzetus Renfrous, of ont feomefullic termed it) thich bokes tere S. theologix dostor,& apud fanéti Jacobi apud ScoFrench turned into Latine, anvlatelie into the tos Ratifponz abbas flagellum fectariorum gut reli@ermane tong, printed in 4 at Ingelffadetn the,,, 7IONIS pretextu famin ¢ vefaré autin alic § OLtThoc lox~ osprincipes excitare {tudent, querentes ineptiffime pere of Chiff one thoufand fiue hundzed fonre {core quidem,Deone magis an principibus fit obediendi. and tivo. Aeceliceehi atio in Georg. Bucchan. circa dialogi, Iohannes Durzus 02 Durie , thom Gefnercals apud Scotos4.Ingolftadit leth 1Burens, being booe in Dumfermling,and the 60 quem {cripfit de iure regnt ex officina typographica DauidisSartori,an.1 581. fon before be twas abbatof the abbat of Dumfermy dam wlacktwmd bo2ne tn Scotland in DumZam wWlache ling brotherto thelozd of Duries , twas bought bp fermeling, was brought bpin paris, ‘bere atteY°* ti Paris and Louan,after abtch be became a prielt, ning to manie degrees of learning, ts now lining, of pere the in did and then a Zefnit,tho now Ifuing Chrone thoufu fine bundzed foure fore and foure,twzite a babe thich was intituled Contutatio decem refponfionis Iohannis Whitakeri,ad rationes Campianus Anglus quibus fretu certamen A ecclefiz miniftris obtulit in caufa fidei : abich boke wasprinted at Parts infub8 Brunello by Dhomas Wyunclins , 10 claufo enooliuz. peare of Chit ea: Abamfon lining in the thirteene, one thonfand fiue bundzed thee fcore and was the title Did zite certeine berfes,ubereot this being aduanced to the place of one of the chiefe couny cello2s of Poitiers. Chis man bath learneolte twritten mante works, among thich are bis bokes De coniunétione r onis & imperii, Funebres orationes adm if Francia , & Jacobi Stuarti primi regentis (after that Charles Jamesthe firt, atteined tothe crotune)Scotiz . Welives thihavingtwnt ten agatnff the thozk of Buccanan intituled Deiure regni,he ts raw tn hand with a babe tuhich he inniteth againtt the conicle of the fame Buccianan. Anvzew gpeluin one of the pretbpterte in Scot' Andrew law Belum, |