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Show i. eThe fourth Booke of (SButtoleauethecreditofthelongreignewf Der The frateofthe Bri. ano % gains; twithallbis: ab others , rule-oute the Wettainsfince thetime ofConttaw Britithann Scotty writers, lets i but ntheendbeing certified bpqartinus the'liew tentant of theie tnndcentcie ;' and fearing leak His ;emperonr Coitantine, an atiren'biand of the ‘attains race ,as bone of that todstbie lavie the » empzefleddelen ,vaughter'to Coellearicof Colder fier, and after bing of IBeftaine (as oar iftories being contenteorather to diethan fee bis countrie- tien and fabléas of theempire Io fo be abufcn . at thenvabout, anvcaufen great bicke an buge tiles forbe mabe. for the performanceof thefame, uheres ,¢, ter thisthe fald anlus retutiien backe agatte into Ftalte from tebence he came, atfer tole departure, : of thore'is great ffore to be {ene ener vet totyis tt was not long per be alfowas faine , and then all qrefeut;both in the walls of the totone and cattell of the Scots aid 42tas fore' di{quieted the Romane Colhetter, asatettimonie of the warkemanthip of tthofe attempts iw fubteats , for the of thofe dates. Gheliued 79 peares, and then dor picinus thas tent ouer out of Gallta by Fulfanus , fonnes bir of AMicephorns: parted this life about the 21 peare eecmpiete eigne. Stctt the toas buries at Rome withouttye as fall be beclared out of Amianus Marcellinus , After ive haue firl thetued that fuc find twzittenin Helen depar: fwalls of the citte with all funerall pompe, as to bit purotune triters concerningthe Scots and Picts, tethehistife. eftateawetteined: but after bit corps teas temonedandbzought te Conftantinople, tere it teas eftfores interven. Air fonne the emperont Con- 242 . ftantine lived till about the peace of Cy7ift 3.40, and oftheempe: "_culedthe emptied'32 peates and ov maneths. f fthich abbosting to icine thenfelues toith women Zle jandthat cuen tn mol outvagious maner. Mi H feitey ting bim te fend over into little Weitaine 11000 Maximiahus or Maximusi gouerneth 3 t : ry theyitespabloims thatatter Lrabherne had reduced thisland to quiet tiefle; tt maicbe fappofed , that the Wettains liucd Ix: Him poe \OnaN duke; of Gormew: Maximus tsproclaimedemperonrin Britaine, he suethusat Conansrequett afembled ‘the aypoi teonmmber of asses amongtt thent be alto aps tranfporteth the Britith youthferuiceable for warres pointedbis daughter Uirtula, a lavie of excellent inref'ouver bisgouernement, andifketuife after into France, little Briteine in France why (6 called, elewen ? eee murther,the theve were affembleyaboue 300 bifhopsinthe citie The xxx. Chapter. fatty remained Hill tn WrltatireDaring the frypofeo tinteof thts pretended kingsreigne,tt mate aypeare, tn thatamongtt the 36 provinces , out of the ibid) nf Sardicain Dacia; at a (prod belo there againt the Cufebians , Wyitaine is numbed bp AthanaGostvea apologte .i-2-- 5° nafius in an cpt ipa 8 theemperour Jontntanus reciteth,that the churches fav Writaine did content with the churches of otber Nations in the confellion of faith articuten in the Mt cene councell. Alfo mention ts made by iupiters of Cevteine goblie ¢ learned men, abich lined in offices tn thechurc in thofe daics , as Kettitutas bifhop of London,khich went oucr to the fpnod belo at Arics tnt France, ard al one Libius Coriruttus fore to - Sof the Iyunnes, and Velgabingof the Wits, » Hofarte tors font ouer by bin , twith commiffion tomake inquirie of them, and to {ce them brought to light toantwere thetrtranfgredlons; iubich Pan: anus oF bim) ‘9Parintianus 0; gpar Alex x mus(as the Romane twziters call bim) began to rule the )ASS Writains in the peere of out NGS'SS Lord 383, betwasthe forne =; 8 3 of one Leonine,ad cofen gerinane to Conftantine ~~ the great, a baliant perfonage,¢ barbie of ftomarh : butpet becaufe be was cruel of nature,and (as Fa- Wut nowy to(peake fomeupat of thingschancing lib 14, daue pantihen, becaufe thep bad taker part tottty . Rahs * > gparentinsbis aducefarie.qaulns a Spaniard and 00. + = Fter the deceafle of Det Maxrm- avy 6 Salouton duke of Comwetwall, and bithop of ans 6° bianfaith) Omekbat perfecuted the chriftians , be gGlefep, tubo inftrued the people that inbabiten the twas infanwed bp turiters : but the chiefe caufe tbp parts noty called Morthwales and them of Angles be tuas cutll reported, was for that be Que bis four: Cop aforefatd veric diligentlic. teigne lord the emtperour Oratians , as after thall Sypeare,for otbertwife be ts fuypoled warzthie to baue tn Wpitaine about this feafon (as ine find recosded band the rule of the empire committed to bis bands tn by the Monae toziters) fome trouble was likelie ecprefpec. Wettwirt bim and the absucnamed Co to bane grotune vito the Writatns by recetuing cer: nan Seriboc duke of Comnetvall, hanced ftrife and teine men of twarre that fied out of tale into wt Debate, f that Conan got biminte Scotland , and Marcellinus, taitte, txhome the entperour Conftantins would i Thefermmber of maids werethippedinThames, we Md patiing forward totvard Writaine,twcre bp force af , Sweather andrageof windfeatteredabzoad, and Saaag, partof themmowwned,¢nd the refipue(amongtbom WastheforelainTiriula) were flaine by Guanins aes 4 Uius of Deantan (as the old feACnglity dronicle nameth there purchafing aidyreturned , and comming omer umber,wasted the countrie on ech Hide . Parimis nus thereof bauing abucrtifement, ratfed bis potuet and Went again bim, and 6 figdting twith bir bi uersbattels, fomet me Departed alpaic With bico tend fometinre tit) lofts. At length throng b mest afton begotten bya Romane. Atlength (faithGyldas) the Helenempefpzing of tyrants budding bp, arm not tnereating intoanbuge twmd , the Zle being callen after the >? nameof Monte, but holoing wither maners: 102 55 lathes actoming tothat name,but rather cafting the fame ftom it,fendeth faxtha branch of bi mot bits "? thev,at the citie of Aquiliabe loteth bis wiekken heap, 7" hich bad caft Dotwne the mof honourable heads of >> all the tuogld from their bingdomeand empire: 2 From thenceforth Weitatne betngdepziucdof all bic twarlike foulviers and armies , of bir gonerno2s aw (though cruell) and of an buge nuntber of bit Pouth (the ubieh following the eps of the forefaid tpyzant,nenerreturned home againe) {uch as rematnendbeing btterlie ontkilfull in feats of twarre, tuere troden dotone bp thus nationsoef beyond the feas, the Scots fromthe tell , and the pics from the nogth, and as menthus quite oiiimatd,lament thelt miferablecafe,not knowing Ghat elfe todm for the 22 ,, °? » » Scororum a cipcio, ritornin <b cquilom, {pace of manie pres togither, 15p reafonof tole . aCenmpertr, Yecae aanoptioni in the way by Guanius king of Hunn: MelpstingefPid,ehey tieComber Wnt notv to end with Daauins, that the chetftian Diecoeraces ie,togooucrandto be giuerninmariagetothe riensbee, 4°, Seteoneee °:__. Sents inuaded the fouthparts of the Lan. nd.351. rotito fap, 8000to be beftoinen on = Wefind not inthe Romane twetters of ante great fir here in Weitaine during bis reigne moze than fhe Writith and Scotith twzters: bawe recozned : fo Synopus Dudee he had taker-wpon him the tmpertall digMittesopon defite to Yaue tlarged bis aminion, he ademblentogither all the chofen pouty of this land metodo ferutce nthe warres, with the hic) be bometin Gallia,Conant was counfelled to fend into Britaine for maids to be coupled with his people in mariage. Iserebpon a meflenger twas difpatced Dates bhto Dionethus at that time uke of Comtwall,and oe gouetiont of Weitaine brider Marimtanus, requis a fro notv began to rob and fpotle the Writith inba 30 bitants within the Momane-proutnees bere inthis Whe decealle then peceatled at Micomedia in Afia, after be had : 67 Writaine bone, nephue to theempretfe Yelew, mb Con/sbrinws ter planting,to tutt Perimus, accompanien with a > great number of twarrins togardhim,and apparels 55 ava vated ouer inte stance ¢ there(as ourwriters te lex in the impeviall robes ‘hich be neuer tare as need tend) he fictt {ubpuen the countrie aricientlte called 10 became hint,no2 put them on in latofull toife,but(ae 7? ter the. cuftomeof tyrants)twas putinte them by the >> aman Aratovicaaid Nue fivbattell the bing thereof callcd mntining fouldters: which Barimns at the firtby ,, Heme Foiball,, This dorie he gaue the countrie bnto Cocraftie policte rather than bp true manhood winding fnein Nan peridor,thic) twas there tity bint, to holo the in(as nets of bis periuric and falfe (nggeffion) eto 7? jon, fameof him, andof the kings of great Wrttaine for bis wickedgonernement thecountries ¢ proninces >> ener, Ibe alfo commanded that the fain countrie hort adioining,againt the imperiall fate of Mome, ,; from theneefosth thould be called litle 1Bsitaine,ano ftretching one of bis wingsinte Spaine, and thes: (twas the nante changed. What people foener inhatherintoStalie , placed the throne of bis molt titatt ?? bited there before , the ancfent nameargueth that thepiwerervather Writains than ante other sfor At- 20 empite at(ZLrier,and thetven fucy rage in bis won o> moviea'in the Bettith tong fignifieth as much as a dealing againt bis foucretgne los, that the one of + cotintric lieng bpon the fea. the latofult emperours be erpelled out of Home, ano Conan then placing himfelfe and bis Weltains the other he bereft of bts moft religious and godlie 22 {a that quarter of @allta,auotoed all the oloinbabt: life. Pow without long tartance , conrpaffed about 55 with (ach a farionsand bold gard as he bad got togts tants;peopling that countrie onelie twith Weitains, habitants altogither and caufethem fo withtzaty thetrobedierite from the womane empite , he far Sabrene Coldetter ano London, the walled fometopife that this fyas Done in Spaine, sm & im ertreametigate might alienatethe hearts of the iti: pate{uch dutiful renctence, that be Dip ted, till the fad spartinasfell at (quare with hii}, 4 honour bir twith the tamelof empzetle,but alfomane t thinking ona time fo bill bint he Diet his tod sit iwere partaker toith bim of all his toealth verte emit Yad hnote-athirn.But(uchwas bis ageand ineaebit bp ruled and amb timanie things tas len nefle,that he tuas not able to bill him 02 gine him & * ‘gng ann godlie admonitions , to the aduancement Hiedeadlie toonitn } tberefose He turned the point nf Gods honouranv maintenanceof thote that pro true hziftari religion. Ffo2'the loue that of his Mwowagaint hinilelfe, ‘at fo ended dislife. tine, Fluahiethis Partattannso2 (as the Romane Hiftos ries Mp)Marinus ; inas by thefouloters chofen anv proclatinen emperour here. iv WBeitaine although lentenant, ,. nev the erecution of bis furie from thent tnt the ono pantattneffe.) Gintothe hich empretle Conttantine Romans , and made hariocke of thofe that he{ilpee: tot onelie nd ation of friends, apeace tas mtade betivirt then, tains ab partakers twith the frigitiues;tethat they hadreteiueyandmainteined theft jas he alledgen: am caemeailith the governement of that noble the hiftorie of England. sinmderthe Romans. lug began to veale roughlic tn the-matterstdtetof he as called Catira, midte rage againthe By: 3 2 99 balladozs bnto Rome , making lamentable fute .. -saetten twit feares fo haue fome power of men of x -twarre [ent todefendbiragainf the entmics, pomb ‘fing tobe true fubtedtswith all faithfulnes of mind, ,, -_if the enimie might be kept off and remmued.qzhus 5, farre Gyldas, anvmoze, asin place hereatfer pou ntonbotebands thep fell, the ehicyGuanius and ‘hall find recite. Pelga were font by the emperour Gracian to the Faroatts of Germanie , to opzetteand uboue all 50 What Gratianusit was that wasfent o{heh as were friends and mainteiners of the part of Parimianus. Wefroin fome bakes, that there tere fentouer at that time 5 1000 maids,thatisto 4 "°7 firom ‘Rome sito B ine b ritaineby 4 MaxtUS» inwhat eftimation theBritith fouldiers P, 11000 gentletuamert,and 40000other. haue beene , the prinie treafon of Andragatins frag any Afterthat Guanius anid elga bad imurthered ba the forefain birgins,thep entred into the 10;th parts of ine. bereth ¢ Scotsnow inbabit anvbe. Santo make for oa Sat 4 f whereby Gratian came to his end: Maximus and hisfonne Vitterdoofiscceedhim in the empire , they ave both laine, Marcus the Romanelieutenant fuceeding them is murthered, Gratianusalfo his fucceflour hath the fame end, ® ne Warten the Weitains > tihercot arinus twas aduertifen, he fent into W2tine one Oratianus : ; with theecine legions of foulviers, 60 tbo bare bimfelfeto manfullie a aint the entintes: beconttceinen the fain Cutnas nb $pelga a 7~~ , + o_o totpithdzat ae grelano.3n i at Saaceaeonanee ioneating ‘ong tek =a Gsins binstelte at Aquitia atterbe Britains Petour Cheodathe eightnpeeres) by theent. tins , tho camei aid of Walent int; tothe fain empero2 Gratian, as pe map Meet te abiogement of the biftoxtes of Stalic. "te before tue make an end with this arintianus , % haue thought gwd to pemnetie tuo2bstthich te find in Gyldas,trere ‘Hof the fame qparimus , ondoubtenliea the eletion of Conftantine a Britaine borne, his praifeand difpraife reported by writers,he goeth into France,maketh ith him hi ofthe em, his fonne Conftance partaker with pire,a fharpe incounter betwixt his power and two brethrens that had che keepingof the Pyrenine hils,the iflue of the battell. The xxxj. Chapter. TUit not where the Brt- "\tifh biftories, and fuch of our » Cnglith writers as follow >), them, make mention of one 7 Gratianus a Komane, fent Z, ouer with thee legions of fouldiers by Sparimus, as befoye pe bane beard: toe maie |