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Show 276 ThehiftorieofScotland. _ Condittons of peace to be obteined, FE Aperetwith alfo,the lozd eaninniton bétng wifer one _, than the reffoue,bad the Dotwglas farewell; amd fo fromthe Departed, concluding that be tyould neuer fief Dowglas. fatter a dap againe,;trberein be mightbaue cal the Dice for the tholekingdome, Andbeing thus depars ted from the Dotwglas, herepatredtotbekingas Henlieng at thefiegeof Abiveomne,abofentbhim to therattell of:diofeine , theretoremaine onder fafe : Ba ; The caricaé.s of the aidlo Wammilton fromthe Dowwglas, bt Thehiftorie ofScotland. "abt bane fallen infogreat perill: for trnlieitisa ‘ Dattgeronsthing (as lo.Maiorfatth)foy the etate of arealnte to haue merof great potver adautbozitie complices todiefoytheir tuicked ioffente-commit ted. Lhe bniuertitie of Gtatcotw was fourved-a Chednars Keeping with the earle of Dakenie, to bom.the (aid ¢4 caftell belonged: but at length ;the bing did not one ligpatdon the loz Uzamilton of ail pafled offenfes, ~, butalorecetued-bum into fuch fauoz, that begaue _.» Binehiseldel Daughtertn matiage, as after hall vio, Agpeate,, Wut now dpon the withdatwing thus , thep faunzed thecontrarie faction' but the hing gut, ting the offendie into his hands, canfedhim nobis inbabiting on the bozvers amd bttermiof parts thers of. For ifthey cance (opon ante oceation ginen)to bing fir a Grongtotver, being one of the chiefe linunes of that fortvette; (hortlie after be wan » there. 5; ><» Sheearle of Doteglas being withyatyue(aspe ~* Daueheard)into Cagland, within atpilestter got France by the ube of Wurgognic, Writaine, and land. Atonetime, Wenvie earte of Porthimbers 1But not toreturne uhere Flett.After the Dow put them toflight,deamg divers, and taking to the rummber of fenen bundzedpaifoners, Thus(as ould fame to be Kept onder great penalties and forfet tures. Andbeing countellen chietite by the bithopof sypeare)the cacleof Dolwglas invaine foughttoob quiet his countrie, for all his friends in Scotland continued faithfull to the king , tbo bad grante soste peace toalt other of the Dotwalaties ano thett com: -_plices:for it tuas Goods twill the matter thoulo be the monafferie of Lendope, there be twas bounty { ‘ i Sane Earle of Die adctethabfoe andgot nto Duntafage, where nding Donal monttaken. arleof Holle alowofthe Zles,, be procured hint Donald earle (boing of nature inclined Rowe, tes} _fullie and honozablie receined (according to: bis no iti : ga ne <ceea And though:the almightie Gov might baus bloudmiaht be auoined febich bp ctuill battell banbee llthe paterbantng te parts fil led twithrancoz ¢ ire, bad buckled togither tn battell. yore $8ut the 3s. bling the adulle of bis kinfman James oa -Axenedie arehbithop of .Andsetws , compalleDdis 2s oe Lifmrore,conftreining him to take fancuarie, This ag be anie waitesfozth miftrutted,of tryich number tong -_purpofe in the end, Difpatching ont of the, tnay fae cram done,be entered into Lochqubabir , ¢ fo into gure so Namelie were the Dotvglaties, ahote puillance a tep land, there be burntthe tolpne of Fnuernes, authozitie not twithout caule he evermore - eeee be was recourredof bis butts (as the fat Boetius twzb aeof teth)as prefentedto the king, andafterbebad ree Htained in pafona certeinetime, be Wwasatlengty Disnst es Rseaeesean counteleBeatrice,atiec thould recouer bis former effate, came to the oe mitterbbir "Mage Lith him, being bir former butbands brother. fettetothess. The bing receiuedhir vightcourteousie, and gaue Shecoantes tobir the baronie of Waluav, to mainteine therwith of Ros, bireflate. Shortlie after alfo the countelle of 3ofe fled from bir bufband, ecame tothe king fo: feare of bic hutbands crucltie,uherofpartlie hehadalreadie tatfed. The king becanfe.he had manethe martage bettwirt bit and bit bufband, alfigned bit forth {ame Patrice . PANO Clent revenues alfo for the maintenance of bite esate.aAbout the famee fime ti Pattike { Choenton one TO the kings feruants , buta fanourer of the Delve glaffe, fue John Sandlands of Caloer the kings Foufine,md Alane Steward at Dunbzeton,fog that twas taken bimfelfe atthe battell of faint Albons, 35ut the quiene twith bit forne the prince, and Wer wWittention tt Inthe peere 1455, the king held aparlement, in hich (were mante gwdlawes made andefablithed for the tueale of all therealiie,as inthe bokesof the ads of parlementisconteined. We died the matter ingof Scotland to defire hinof aid', tho bpon gemdaduife takentith bis councell , Foy chat Wing Henrie badeuer keptwell the peace with therealme -_of Scotland, mdalfo for reuengeof his onele the alfo in {uch toile with the principal capteins of the puke of Sunmmertet bis death, prepared an arimic etlie of tiventie thoufand men to paife into Crgland: and in the meanttimeall the nozth parts of @ngs ian, hearing that king James tuas reabie to fups Fles,and ofthe bic lands, that the fmeiwere asquis gouerned, as ante partof theloty lands, thetue ing al obedience as twell in pateng fac duttes as Hes of men,as becamethem to de fpectallie Do 9 of the Zles and carle le o' of Role, , thobadbe nal{020 foxefoined biméelfcin confederacte twiththe earles -ioien the gi gouernementof his realme agattte,and top that time conclaped an agreemtent wittyiM the Duke of of Dotwglas and oom -- ae= bad talient tntto bis bandsthe bing: : y nde age germccm ard felfe king of the Jles. siadneaaian Oey canteiin mantateds + a aha teaterl an fi be of 2 me elain Dia " . eeuthe lenaneite sae wate on oe . - Taethfabioeo cone ee eee : Th an : se fat obey eft hebap no; dates of ones to be 9 te Ring. we or ieee eeeee‘oontain = he : sanetagiiee. - in tle of rot the enftome Seen eeeeene ae sakesb e tubofe recon: eiass tees maner. Uslben this Do nald percetued aduerfe fortune to a a on eae of Worke to Mee the realme,andfo king Wenvietiw Seas wWherebpon hing James raiteo Apotwer,ary Melty Pamnew tn perfor entered toith the fame tnto @nglano f Do ee ©!" ing = =~bpees totones;cattels great potwer of thefe Dotnglates, fuas in mind f0 euerie five , be _-ee_= :report e a: aiejem ae aseeperaianmaetop haue fled therealme, but being recomforted bp th counfell and anthozitic of the fain bifhop James - a arya ¢ the king (and with manie heamtiefpebes remembzing the manie parts of the Cnglithmen be returned into bis owe comy trie. atthis time , the artof pointing was tiem tiv F* ra bf neniejpeabuence bis hubto matte ofgreat clemencie tibich the hing bad Ded tothe earle of Pabe fatd ikenedie turned the earle of angusbe TChecountes aud fubmitted hirlelfe, lateng all the blame in the 60 ing of the furname of the Dotwglaffes , rand bxotbes esting earle, Ghobad procured bir tuto fuch bnlatwfull mae In the meane thile great diffention rofe it Cinge Land bettucene the tivo boutes of Nancatter ¢ Workes the king being principal of the boute of Lancatter, all offenfes paleo. And foOheruledandgouernedbis fubiects in great quietnede,and canted fuftice du, dineffe to ferne fit the toarres tith great compa iwo2ke, be got himbacke againe into England, Dos nald Wwaffed not onelie the kings poleftons thatlap neretoDunffafage,butallopalingthroughArgile, Didinnch hurtin all places aberebecame. Be inuas dedallo the Zleof Arrane, and chaten the bitjopof faint Andzetos,James enedic that was his bnele, and the earle of Dzkienie, be patleo through all the parts of bis realme, granting agenerall pardon of -_eferts) hawpie or miterable.Which faid , the meffert, -_gers veparted,and Donalo rettedfatifficd.) thep ofved to the king fo>theft lands, asalfoin rea46, oeieeataecies _ ought much may openite Mew fome dewdsofanaltered difpofitt. ?" lie to be miiniftred on all {foesthat it tas fain in bis 30 riethe pong oubkeof Summerlet,twith oiuers other England. dates, botw be cauled the ralh buth to keepe the cow. fled into the 1102) parts of Crgland , and fent to the 6; acceybing as ueBs» Com - 4° Coolehetenn nelleet alas ; ; loin fud)countell) fo make ware in bis fanour a -_potwerpet heehofe this wap,thereby the effufion of gaint the king. And atferbebadonce fethimon that (meaturing all things bp the line of reafon)the 55 wicked twar not fo proud and rebellious (bp oners muchlenitie andlofe qouernement)as the gad map >9 -_be ercited to the honett performanceoftheir butic bp -fauourandiuffice. Wherefore F will intoinea time 2» to Donald,and the rett of hisaffoctats,tberein they glaties twere once difpatched , and things quieted, on, andfromeneefwrth te will fo account of him,5 ing James the fecond began then to reigneand = as his works andnothis weeds thall inftific himto tule reallie, not doubting the controlment of anie ,o be.3ut in the meane time, 3 will bint to ret tga' >? other perfor. 3F02 then he ordeined latves for bis etleaning it in the potwer of hintannbis, whether a, 25 people as feenedbelt tobisliking,commanting the he, and thep, Will hereafter be accounted (bir Due a comfite. ther Arcembald,and tokethe erleof Dmont pile -_greenoulie offended, and (twith fufficient veffitetion) Fr -_recompente thofe home (by fpoiling Koamandie ; fortillthote countries twere incozpae tated and aunercd bnto the crotwne of France, the Ringsof that realnte twere oftentimes put to great binderance though rebellion by them, home they accounted for thetr fubieds, Jn thismeane tehile, the earle of Wotvglas ve: it appeareth) beluas amongf the Englifhinuaving 1454 -Scatland, fuboued and taken bp the barons Job Lei! Fonamd Cokpull,to peefenten him onto the bing, P* therebpon the king after a fost banithed itn inte Dowglas ceaA aa with Duaeeateeniees sd bnfeined tong)craue pardon from bs ihomehe hath 29 =-srmafning in England,procurethe Crglithinien dt, -uerstimestomakerodes into Deotland,therbyije oft (as the Socotith tozitersiaftixme) the toue of bis -_otwnecountriment, tren thep fat bim thus:tomne twit the Cnglithinen; tothe damage of biswiatine -_orders,in hope tofind friends in thele parties; but tuch as the bing-bad appointedthere to defend the Cecericoe *uuttte, alembling themfelues togither, andiete Sewing nic. fg bpon him, difcomfited bis people, Muebigitaw Arehembatd. ner,being firtefoze tpounded. The baronof Waluap thofi ) be baninintenounce thetr obedience to their naturall princee red: befives tbichalto , he mult iwith fome tomzthie 29 fapzeitte gouerno2, thepzeiudice map begreat and -_exploit tvipe atpaic the nremozie and blot of allbis frrecouerable, that oftentimes thereof infucth; as foxmercommittewickeones, And although %tvell 2? fell appearett tn the eatles of arch, andotherber Knol that no bertue doth more befemea hinglie fore mentioned in this hiftorie : and liketwife in 1 maiettie than clemencie,vet tue ought (0 to pronide, " togither certeine companics of men, and twith the taken bp Without moze bloudthen,that the rightline Yeinnadeth faine returned againe into Scotlanv by the twelk jo of the Scotih kings might: be preferued. [ Foxas FrTin Seoitand. oy to bout this time bp One Lurnbill, bithop of that ter, tieot Gielrg Jn the peere follolving, died Wtiitfam ate carle of mv. Erroll ,and'conftable of Scotland': allo George 1455 Creichtonearleof Catnes;: anv William Treiths car ton chiefe of that familie, tts bis caule the King bad fet forth an open proclamationof . land, and the faio earleof Dolwglas innadenthe , foshets oy pardonto all thofe, that tuqulfoxfake the carle of * gers,but takinglittle bento themfeluesanv tutte, fromdin., Datvglas, themot partof the famerarlescompar ring their people to rine abzane:to hariethecounttie "- nie departed ftom bim, bpreafon thereof he fied 45 Wwithoutorder; Dotvglas earle of Angus witha Hewithdiaw: into Cugland,togither withhis brethren. Cheking mightie arntie of Scotifymentet bpon them, ato - *S- Vieng at theGege of Avircogne , loft diuerte ofbis ; ment,beffoes mante that were wounded;but pettae ning neighbour to bs, po to him by bis mother,to tabe part toith the bing Sue -_procuredalfodiuers other of the fare bloud aN 5 ce name,torenolt from the other confeverats, a ented im te ctie cf dpemtsm Gieemaniebut ne, ope Cratofoyd,and fud) a eS cameune the 7 pm suse te ongeenacaety et ‘ gaining ie oe oe oon ae - titurie of the prefent ett be fheuto line ‘mot quictlic in Dutifull obedience) that thep moucd the ings mind fo baue compa' -that the Dube of Wo2he by the counfell of the earleot (lartwthe, ceaifeo not to pracife confptenctés m ‘aie phy promifing in bis bebalfe that bereatter = i Aker this, hing Wenrte of Cnglano, percetuing -_fubmit themfelues vpon promife of parvon batowe ings mercies and fo infeebling the forces of {ub font : bon . wat petthe king anfiweredin ameane Gort gatntt him,fent eftfanes to hing James , requiring inv of atv againd them,andpsomiten therefoye to te, -_themallat bis pleafure. Zt tuas thought, that omuch as the Dotwglatles had their lands eng €< lie reteaing bin + fo} (faith be) here be pet manie thefves ertant of bis wickenefie, and hebathnot thumberland, Caumberiano, the bithopzthe of Du, -refme,and (adh Ithe hich the hings of Scotland hay iwere abuerfaries to the king , in the end be _ * betineene both, riot btterlie pardoning, no; fat pon the tweff and mivdle marches of the nesbts ent (that no man might beare anie role thofe parts, ae -_but oneliethep themfelues) ifthep i bad i ted twit the Cnalifbmen,contipering theses 2 -_telligeneebefinetcbich thep bain all ye relat the realmre,bat bp binreD ano alianct, om *¢ gmen forth anie one token of a tanged mind. «@ Wherefere tothe endthat wwe map belene thefame te be true(thich pou bane promifes in bis be fabiea " pale) bareatter to become a dutiful mole CinEnsee _1 +45 9. me -ftoze bnto the king of Scotland the lanos tt 01, -beldbefareZhis offer twas accepted , and by treaties and contrads accozneb, (caled, and interdanged be. tinirt the ttwoprinces (as the Scotithmen alledge.) he parenest follow quene -a™ DoJ, 4 Copies befirs tI |