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Show Thehittorie ofScotland. éf entte be prepared againt bin, ialtoll fearing the confpiracte of thefe great men, changeth bis tuoger ment,and alvardeth the lands(iuberof the contention grety) fo Weaumont, and reconciled Cuftin ov tobim,bpthe qitt of manyrich potetttons,thatthen belonged to Robert Steward, tbtch thortlie after f : Was king of Scotland. Thus through puitlanceof the parties,the truth in and James Lambie,citisensof faint Anosetys, ; frelte repaire into Cngland: at Ghat fimealfo 1 Talbot (being beyond the mounteins, in the inheritance of€ bis tite twife the Daughter of Jobn Cu= oe of a (fo: now mante Englith nobles pollefied great reuenues in Scotland bp mariages) Scala chron. TohnMaior. ‘uuitings in thename of Cotpard king of England, Dunuone, fleaing all the Englifhmen and other, hich were foundtherein, (Wahid) Campbell(as faith TohnMaior) cametwith 400 men, and bpthe tettts monte of Buch, asa man of great power it Ar gile.] The commons of Ibute and Arranc, glad of this pofpcrous beginning, afembledtogither tothe numberof foure hundzed perfons,andiet fortvard, Cethirife of that they might come to {uyport Robert Steward tt Bulelaine. ring ¢ defending of the part of Wrnle. Fnthe meane Hhiriffe, thep in the end killed him tuith ffones, and put the reft to flight.] Diuerfe of them taken prilos bpon Line, tho returning homeward, wasgrieuonfite iyounded of the peopleof Poxthumberland, fame tofth men and all Dotune into the deepe 4 -_thep were fo {uddenlie taken, per thep could ma tents of them that lapat fiege there , and caried the tent bert Stetward, tho tr recompenteofthis feruice, Granted fundzte priutleges bnto the inbabitants of ute and Arrane; as among other things, to be free Arclestement from patengtribute for thetr commeand graine, Such ‘ate, felicities fucceeding one another, caufed manic of the Scots tofoine themfelues with Robert Stetw, &rd,in hope to recoucrthe realme ontof the Cnglifh ante thf toefcape. Alane Uepont, frben fhe tater ag is. Goward bad libevallie beftotwed pon him.) Hotlongatter this, Goward Walioll came to twas fallen to the olo marke, {ued fost of the tell, efetting bpon thole that bad efcaped the 4 mens bands.Amongff other, Thomas Wrnfe earle of Carrike,and CUilliam Canther [ thome ohn Ma- poe. iDunnone ve= beifance, bad the ketes of the caffell of iothfaie mi hearing the tothe 4 nantto flight. Fobn Strtueling nanbdale] tvith a numberof the commons came div Whe cattels of 4sinfrety,and there recetningthe people into bis 0, 4o ger of the iwater, flue part of them,and put there ; in puiflance, by {ucy confluence of people as dailie {ubimitted themfelues onto bim , ebe inviched them Fr.Thin, crotone of Scotland : but thzough.the diligent fore fight of bis friends, this Robert Steward being a» bout the age of fiftene peres, wasconueied [with bote. and boofle, bp the belpe of William Wariot and Fobn Gilbert] to the cattell of Dunbzeton,there he -iwas iotfullte receiucd bp Walcolme Jleming the capteine. he Baliol being fore offenved, that fuch cas ftels as were kept by bis entmies,tucre fo great an fmpediment tobis interpaifes,by fuccouring and res lieuing bis aduerfaries: to make warres againt him,he got togither an armie, and the nert peere lato ftege to the cattell of Lochleutn: but perceining that this caffell might not be one without long fege,be Rochlenin befieged, aypointed fir John Striueling tocontinue the fiege with a great power of men, butill the caffell were peelden,Chere were left alfo with him, Mtchacll ia: rot, Dautd Wlemis, andwichard Paleuill, with biuerfe other. Thefe capteins adutfing the place amd iorcalleth Carucher, ¢ Buchanan Carruder of An: tobim. About the fame time, theearle of Murrep reture heo fzth of France,and landed at Donbiiton, where Benet ta th be was moft iotfullie receiued by the fatd Wobert © france Steward. Shortlie after the faid Stetward,and the faivearle, bauing twith them a great powerof their Castries re. friends and altes [ag Oodfrie Rolle , and others} "OPM the Came into Clivefdale, Kanfrew, Bile, Cunningham chiefe that had hayencdto bis folks, returne fiege,and made a boty neuer to depart from thence, till head taken the caffell,andAaineall them init. Wut pet ,atter he had laine there a = i. ano fatwit was not poffible to twinthat fortredle, {was conffreined to ratte bis fiege, and to go bis {waies, after he had loft thereat no fmall number of liberallie with lands and gadsfill as they came to bispeople. his fiege of Locblenin chanced the him,thereby to twin there gwdtoils. ibe fought by WMobert Hte= : all meanes pollible to baue gotten Robert Ste- © Lent feafon,in the peere 1335. Sard, {ward into bis hands,as the perfor thome be kneto Bn the pere following, hing Coward prepare tohanemof right, nert bito.king Hantd to the an armie both by fea md land, to enter into a ecest : Daw, newt land. elent byfea 70 fips tell and fuffictent. poet becked for the twarres,to enter bp the Forth: wh! pn a fore tempett manie of thofe beffels peritbed "os twirt Jnchketh and the sPozthland. He Hisafelfe bar uing the Balioll in bis compante, with atte " fandimen, came by land bnto Glafcot, ad pee uing there twaslittle for bim to do,fo that no ad 6o lion greatlie anie there appeared,be return and le! a agatne into England twith the Walioll, nid Cumin earle of Atholl gouerno2 in bis © : tofubdue the reffoueof the rebels , awd f0 ee ee pus. peal ftrengths, trhid) as pet were Defended againt a Danid Cumin lefE thus to be goucrno2 wt or toke bponbim therule in name both of the a Cngland, and alfo of the Waltotl, and fetsed eal handsall thofe lands in SHurrep and wBodq {rbich perteined to Mobert Stetnard, co" oat all the godsof (uch the inbabitants,as flwo2e bnto him. [Who notiithanding fite of the caffell, longed themfelues within the twas of fuch great authozitic in Scotland oy‘ust? churchpard of faint Serfe,befive tkinrofle, making baftiles and other oefenfes within the fame,fo3 theit his with both kings, Cotvardof Gngland, ¢ of Scotland, and of ercéeding great inte, Wanvdolh returned into XL onthian, and foined -_immtelfe twith bis old friend WUilliam Dotvglame latelie returned outof Cnigland , ¢ notv twith great -flaughters of his enimies egerlie reuenged the long lothfomnerfe of bis inpatfonment : to thome alfo to maketheir partie the fronger, cante Andrew Murrey, which was taken at Wokelborowe, Where: fore thefe gouernonrs fufticientlie garded toith the hers, twere brought atwate, and prefentedbnto or 30 nobilitie,aypointen a parlement at Perth, in the hay Hedor Boce. and rufhed forth tuith {uch an huge frreame, that bare dotoneallaforeit,dzotoning bpthe baflils ad rn teted ought bntobimbypfirAlane Lile Walioll, Gyegieatue riffeof Wute(ath (at that timethe kina gaue to him ee main = keeping of a caffellof Xothfaic, haning before EaEios made bim fhiriffe,] bus did the Walioll inerveafe lif} gouernement, thereat Dautd Cumin (being feared tutth the fadten affemblic) fled fo: bis fafetie, fibome theyegerlic purfued, and taking bint (being then befet in a narrote ftreic, and oppretten iwith pehurie of ail things) they compelled him to pelo {without anie mozecitcumfFances) to there faction fro then flucaringfealtie to Dautd w2nfe,was pets mitted to depart bponhis promite: therebato thep gaue fuch faith, that thep lett (calledthe feruants of atwdanus) feeing fuchfturs gone into Cngland, but twas taken in Lownes, €Xbisperetheecarleof March holvingonthepart forcouetoufnes, to baue robbed him of (uchmonie King of England, fubmitting themfelues poten, to King Dantd,as Alerander Ramfap, a vere hill: : full Wwatrior,Laurence Prefton,John Werring,and John Haliburton knights,twith otuerfe other, : % After this, Jobn Kandolgh and Wobert Stes Fr-Thin. hard, twere fent into the nozth parts toith a ftrong Buchanan. armie,gatheredof {uch as Were tyearien by the Cnge fy his late begunenterpaifes : and being incounte: to be made by Alane ile, ran toa heapeof ftones hot farrefrom them,and tutth great force pelting the hearingef thee neiwes, that Walioll was forfaken 30 tibile ware the bole fo large > that entering tith moze bfolence, it finallte brake dofune the - hy the earleof Atholl, and Weanmont, tvould haue Scalachron. oF the king of Gngland,came to htmto Petwcaftell _tuernours.gpanie Ecotidymen at this time reuolyen OMTStes fromthe lafd (0 luffilie about them, that thep(ue the thiriffe, thep did after thismanner, hele people of iBute, nifed for the purpofe, affated to boare through and make abolein the banke o2 vampire that kept wp the twater,thich hen they bad baought to patle,thep re: turned quickelic agatne to the cattell. She Water hauing once gotten an (Tue,hee 4 235 ear! bint deputic for them. Ted bythe aie by Alane Lile Mhiriffe of Wute, they 5, At what tine he vid not faintlic diffemble the fanon- [twith Fon Gilbert capteine of the cattle of Gute} there in the ficlo, ¢ ntfcomfitedall bis people [bic 02 water, and there, fofth {uch engins as be bad de- John Atandolsh bert bua twit eoosemage Bu re " and of Waltoll king of Scots. at Oihattime none would publikelie profeffe hint a fubiet to Danty Beule,but boies, thointherr plates ¢gamestwoulo altvaies call their Ring, Dauto WBeule.] Aucontinentlic herebpon , Robert Steward ab fembled his friends bp the belpe of Dungall Camp: bell of Lochqubot, and {uddentie tobe the caffellof ro about to dam bp the mouth of the riuer tbere it (us B venite to chanced at the fame time , that Gr John Striueling the trhich fobim bimfelfe in file, bat paffed all thegrantsand teingRAMble of capteineof the flege, with a great partofthe armtie, bimfelfe , with a great mafle of monie out of the went bute Duntfirmling for deuotion fake,to bifit Gnglithmens hands. -Dhele things (although done the thzine of faint Margaret , fontetime queene of at feuerall times) te haue toinedtogither , leaft by often repeating of them inotber places, thecourfce ,. Scotland, Whereof Alane Cepontthen capteine of thecaftell, hautng dnderftanding , about ntiv ofthe bifforie might be beokeit : for (bpon this) Ans _1224: ety aurrep befteged Beaumont tn the cattell of night prepared three botes, and tating certetne foul, biers with hint, rotued forth to the head of the bam Scala chron. Songarb,the inberitanceof bis wife, there he (ur: rendered the fame, bpon condition that be night his ofpne, tvould pet neuer biurpe anie (uperioritie he enfinies adlatedall the meanes that might be te ih neuifed to haue wane this caffell, but all was it Paine, At length,they deuifen a fabtill Meight,abere: bp to compaffethetr intent,on this wife. Thep went eth outof the Loch, with earth, trees, ¢ ftones, that downer Deciding the controuerfte, might rot onlte not bauer place,but iBalioll tas alfo datuento that ertremitie, p> the water being fo kept int, might rife to fuch an height, that it fhould ouerfioty the caftell, and fo that be muff haue one of theni(with bis facton)to be Dzotwne all the people twithin it. And to canfe the bis entmies. 3fo2 now Alerander,frroken twith this Woch to fuelmore fpedilie, they turned the convie inturie(to banc the iudgement giuen before for him of Diuerfe riuers and beokes in the countrie theres thus to be reuoked)foxfaking fhe alfolltoined him abouts, and brought them into the fame Loch. Ft felfe iwtth Audzetw WMurcep qoucrnoz of Scotland (for Danid Weule) hauing a little before ranfonred Thehiftorie of Scotland. moze fafegard. Within the caffell iuere tina balfant Mane Bepst capteins to defend it,the one named Alane Gepont so Femes -cgo ae el st. a roa i lends of Apzill.Whither teen the nobles came,there {ith it was could not be anie thing performed, by reafonof the seea fecret bartburning barbozed in the bofoms of wut ham Dowglatke,and Dauid Cuminearle of Atholl: : the canfe thereof twas pretended fo be,tn that Dotw glaffe did obiect bnto Cumin, that it tuas bybis meanes, that he was no foner delinered out of prt fonfromthe Cuglith: amongwhich nobilitie, Ste Ward fauozed Cumin, and almofFall the other take 40 part tulth Dotuglatle. Whicy oiffention amongft the nobilitic, twas occafioned for fulpect thteh they ban of the Cumins comming to that place withfo great Atratne ; for be brought thither fue number of his friends andfollowers, that be was a terro2 fo all the tel ofthe affernblie, to the increafe of tbich fufptet. on, thep further foineda concett thep had of Cuming great and changeable twit, bis afpiring mind , and certeine rumozs (pred abzoad of the comming ofthe Cnglith, with home no mandid Doubt, but that the and Aire tbich togither with Hos and Murrey, thep 5° carle of Atholl would foine for bis vefente.) reduced to the obetfance of bing Danto. [At tbich time (as faith Buchanan) d{0 Ranfraiecome to bis old lords the Stewards.) Zhe earle of Murrey alfo, torenengethe iniuries Donebpthe earle of Atholl, went onto Aberden , and there learning there he fo. fomned,mabde thither totth all fpaed: but the carleof Cotvard hing of Cngland vnderfEanding the re: Ye may redo _bellion of the £ocots determined to affaile themboth eee bp fea and land: and fo prontding a nante of an bun taitentect ne dred andfoure (core hips, fent the fame twell vittels @ngianv. led and manned to faile into the Jozth, the thich be» 2 neue feng ing there arriued, burnt and {potlen the towwnes on en Atholl bnderftanding botw all the countrie take both floes that riuer, but returning bache into @ng Dhipwpache. part with bis abuerfaries , fled into the mounteins, land, theploft mante of their veflels bp a tempeff, bere be fafteined bis life with bearbs and rots fo: a Ling Coward himfelfe, togither tolth Coward the &.@owarn time,and burt not come forth to (he bis head. At Co Wallol! entered by land, toith an armieof fittte thor MHadeth the length, eben he fay no twate to efcape,be camefm; th fd men, leading the fameto the totone of Perth, aorth * Steutterh andin moft humble twife fubmitted bimfelfe to the otheriwife called faint Jolns totone , and there low " mith, lords that defended the part of king Dauid. Lhep ged in campe , abioing fo the comming ofthe carte receining him bpon bis fubmiffion, fare him to be of Atholl , uho as then being folicited thereto bp the true bnto king Dautd,and erbozting bimto be as bt king of Cnalands agents , was readie to turne a: ligent in reconciling the people bnto king Dauid, gaine incontinentlie to bis foe | tho after accoy ae as be bad beenceafore to fuboue them to the obedience binglic,with Coofrie of Molle , ¢ Aleranver Mow: Pare of the Walisll,thep fuffered him to depart. baie, twith other, came to the king of Cnglanp, | btde Pten Aboutthe fametime,fir MAilliam Dotwglatfe of Lhe fametime, thtlett the king of Cngtanv lay © Serre Livvefdale, and Anozeto Wurrep, were ranforned ren. bome cut of England, foragreatfammecf monte, after thep bad bene kept there by the (pace of thee peres in captinitie. At their comming to Crem» bargb,thep found the lozds aflembled in councell,at . thus at Perth,the carle of Pamure (uhom the Sco _tith writers tonglie namethe ube of elerlann) came into @ngland tlth an armie,and purpofing to _-palle thorough Scotland onto the place tthere hing Cotwardlay in campe , to come tobis aly, " olf comfited iu but the emie of Mamure, named Gur, |