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Show Thehiftorie ofScotland, The hiftorie of Scotland. SARISouta mer,the wid entcing inte peasones the caftels of Wlarke,"ibndapmpi bettoitt them James Lindleie carle of Crawinn , Joon asin diverte other fhitmithes elfetbere, The king allo berebpon beganto fanour bim tn fuch tile,that i athie fome high advancement; other ofthe Scotith nobilitie. Ihis armie then thep twere all fogither, 3 amounted to the number offittic ane Engian of the eavles of Dotuglas and Mare , hauing with edas tuellin certeineagnoches mabe bnto Carleilt, ebayetnglate toxofwallotoap, anddiverfe pete likenumber of men, was apointen tothe guiding peti, e, high protves= and noble balianeie,theiy Hono fo: bis x tot > Ars ote ep > ce i Bn ee teat of Fifehaving with hint the carle of Penteith, Ars chembald Dowglaile lord of Galloway, andAlers ander Lindfete of Walcop. Theother conteining lhe i lak tourn fournie again the Cnolithmer, Bu cthis William: Doinglas baftard fonne to on oes Dotvglaslordof Galloway, wan great fame Pe i into ediatlie i mua Shecarleot vee Cugland. The care ; king ie, Robert having baBeearetianeLievonatin in mariage, Dunbar earle of Murrey, and the lord Warethe cone able of Scotland, With dtucrle other of the nobilt fieboth which(faithEroiflard)amountento the num: FeThin. bet of 40000 men] 10 Named Giles,a labie of fact excellent beautie, as * this, by robbiiig ad Fett a did much burt in all eeeant ; tn deca continuallraine a parts there they "gee abunvance,theptwerecon: marten to the earle of aun : osi " be hed dotwnte sa burgh, purpoting -_Biflo2 wart colour,not suerdarge ios sn big of bone,a nrigbtie perfonage, te sua ts haueatfaicd the twinning there: thep coulonotagre: intofe saint -- itttinere fwone,thepleftthat pe i.agote ‘ttrenchmen requiredthatifthep mmaaded. glas and March twith thetrs,entered on the otherfor Muthumber= tifo Porthumb erland, patting tho:ough the coun, Dotvglas(as lohn Fourdonnote » mee ee tend inuade! aoe ees fucnt tothe welt box eens aoithArepemtbald Dolwglasio pa ouer :Sultvap fands;amdfo ofGallotoathep ' Thepinnare entering into Cumberland, Did wonderfull mud) * trie,fpoiling and wafting the fame, tillas farre as Durham;and on the other part,the carle of Fife {pas red neither fier 102 fivmd, all the wapas be paffen, baliant,courteous, amiable,full of It oe rie,faithfull,and rosasoechum - atthe chor! fet Slatle chofe forth ten thoufand of the moftable men fame Fourdonfatth) he hautng with nue chan~ men with the that could be found amongeff all the numbers, tuith tatle of Dow= the tthich he tent to Petveattell , totrietf by anie pias. of tehome thoo hundzed he flue ar -ae Exghibnen mot partof all the chofenmen from Borke fo the The afletndue ofthe unde,foughtagainft thee eTnate 7: a va. aede an flue tRevenant 2 ? 350 oehe Jovb of Gallofnay,entereptoit) - oe into England,and in the meane fime apiondarmic eeete ricint ee = Se from thence Hed i Carlei fea to the coatts of Oal cael then (asfomeane 30 came fundzie §rifpmien by =Pos os 9 fray nnn ale Galion fetchenatw places ina in sDiverfe fi ofthe nb" ib fiege ros ee. ie -lotway,and willi to Wockf thors iweite)and not before,thep laid meanes be might take the totine. There twas gathe, redinto Merwcaficll before bis commingthither, the * Acweattic * boaders,tutth the carle of Northumberland, tho by teafonof ertreme age twas not able to fturre abroad (anie thing to purpofe) bimfelfe,but he had toith bir great boties of eelTeesaiag, Cannot te woes four, TheFrench. liotoentine nertinfuing,the Jrenchmenreturne ce, hauing indurednofmalltrauelland b men Fe «Fal Baoan -s : aa MF otohers 3a , bp rorsconce of te Bing Cove -_polwer of mien togither done abzoan, Theale of he carle of Dotuglatle conningto 2 etvcaftell, ee incamped twithbis people on that five the towne tos tO tall = into France, ito ae thett fir comming forth of thete coun -thep Wweregottena thipbozdto returne ce the Heotsagaine enter into England With an armie remainingthere for the (pace of two Oe ponanee nightie potute cou Wichard allernbicd meane time bing Ging Richard cee cues HDPeotland. ev,and invading Scotland, patied through the ers anid Lonthian,putting all the tofunes,countries,and peioeplent sre en 1387. reinen Walter Wardlaw bi a 3 "4 Glafcow and cardinall, Departed this life, fand Scots fhat thep came to Cokerntouth infuch {pedie tile -_-latv,Robert earleof Fife, and y ceeotne bells Fark -_-pafledouer twith the fame, tgped ta age Ca into Jreland, weeee ne oeee con - . seated atrnce (0 aya to the foborte of {umeof 110+ pesling a iecareat . heel Se 4 ee e Tt ta te oetag teine beet nie to baue : ed eight bund ome rae seh propre A off, an talleo tDoundalke,and toining mn leyay ror aa onek the conv Robert Steward of z aril Ee vce reat Om fea? du of theearle of Files aa pacie: anteotet a aiowithina thile afterthat hing Wichard wastes -_to the countrie to fetch I Pee rpat ap il af Dbacke into Gngland, Wobert Stewardearle L otSite with James carleof Doinglas, Arcbenv so part allailed, William Dotvglas, the fotne. } bald Dotwglas lo20 of Galloway, entred ints Cng: [liane te yo GON and bert Snarmie of iminig jany with an armie thitticthon of thirtiet fo feeretlie houfandofmen, thorough con, the tater Soultwap i dpesent cetued eete, the enimies twithea fu n that afi thep pat =e Tembothe pypon thefabben , that the peoplebadnot leafure ta them in both places toflight, and tteae peo € sot facke,and Cobermouth ring there for thetpacc ofthree baics,got aridbotie Hetiuen, togither and returned toith the fame tho2ough the _then {et itonficr,x TeEanes they takethzeefcare Ship that coat, anD fd Eng Swelkmarches. conneie alway their gods:fothat the Scots remats ae engin of Wleftinerland and Poxhumberland gaue affault to the totune,and See -_foxce,put all ra seule to athes. Ehisvant, Sem peeve shat oncancetfoxs gauemaxecredit totbetrue of Scotland ,BET Te apuifes ina Mauld my wife,qSp tenure of abichdadit mapape The true me- meaning of afetp fom2dsbarelie erpzeffed in thee ningofmen fyzitings,than that there needed folong peoceffeand circuitance as is notw bfed toith long fudie of penning, nothing being thought fufticient to ature the parties of thefrcouenanted bargaines, and con: cludedagrements, fod that thep were gone hemewards » be folloiven Chemwith all (ped, for be twonld by no means that @e Dow- they thould paffe into Scotland Without battell, tra glafteerho: fing torecouer the dithono: which he hav fulteinen teth bis mer; bp lofing his atte at tie barriersbefore the gate of an r Helwcatell. Caric Dotnglalle avuertifenthat the eninues tuere comming to giue bimbattell > erbo2 ted bis people twithfetu tvoids to remember their gard to themfelues and theit countric , The Pertie Th liketwife fo: bis part , incouraged bis men, willing Sith eee themto fight manfullie tnreuenge of tocirininries table words done to them and their friends by the Scots, and incourage th herewith commanding the trumpets to founn, he YS men, gauc the onfet fiercelie, Were both thearmics loining togither,a tight ters rible incounter tnfued: but becaute the night twas The onket ig at hand, before thep began to foine » through tant guien, twould thortlierife, they neteriminen fo fone as the furren bp began to gine light, to renetw the battell againe. iene As fone therefore as the mone began toapeare, a thep foined againe twith more malice than before , Che Engtihmen fought f egertte, that putting he hateenie the Scots backe, amd caufing them to giue ground, reneweo, Ober fo well defended themfelues , that the Scots were beatenbacke, not without great Loe and Gaughter . fome What berier: "ee 5 of their peopte. Fr iffard making mention ofthis enterp2tfe thus made bp the Scots, darteth fometdhat from the Sco: ~ ith weters m this place : for be fpeaketh nothing caicd ) defend the Fane from other burt of the anuer. faithlo, Matde facie . Dotwglafle lieng in this cftate , bis nere ji 6,cap. 3, friends (Jobn Linodfete , Jobn and Wlalter Seint #Lefleus ti, clere) came bnito him , demanding bow be vid, Lo ere thoine he ttoutlte anfwered ( as one abomethe pres ALountte arch fenceof death nothing otfmated) that he tons verie veaconof that the Dotwglaffe and the Perfie Hhould thus run 6o well ; for fain he, ¥ dw not noty die in my bed (bp faint Hn» fogither on horflebacke (as before isfpectfieo) but fafe, and twithout incounter againe into Scotland, 60 ting fiftene of onaaa ne tpen returns pout thep main foe ale . span bp the wap as oa twards , "stetee ceturne boule, yale : anlea Scotland Cngland ~~ pera. in borning and overt peach ans 1 a ie Bing Hobert 2 ing pfuer! e hee "A ‘hen ecrmatring i008 oath * Lo and to gine thent antieounter: but tren be bnders wards Scotland, and bietwed the totwne earneftlie, thepbad toonethe Scotifh fambards , anv fo byall * bic) tap be might bet come to give afault to tin likelihood got the dyper band, had not Patrihe Wep Paris Deg it. Wenrie Perfie defirous to thew fome profe of bis 40 bome toith bis fonne,¢ uch other of bis compante as ait he fingular manbod, ttherein be gteatlie trufted, re, attended him,cometo the refcue,bp whome the fight gpcory at quired to fight twtth the earleof Dotwglaffe man to was begunafreth. Weretith alfocame the carle of Point tobeo: man;ubtd) requeft the earle granting , togither they WDolwglatle, and witha great mace in his hand lato Gurus ni Cheerrteot tan 4 mounted on two great courfers twith tharpe fuch fore ftrokes round about bim, that none came tte ete carte Rane perce GTOND (pearesat the vtterance. The earle of Dotw, Within bis reach , but dotwnebe tvent, of Dotwglatte, x, Glaffe in this incounter bare bimfelfe fo well, that in ¥ The fad Dotwglatle the Ponger,bauing tuith Fr. Thin. ¢ the endbe droue the Perfie outof bis fanole. Lhe bim Wobert + Simon Glendoure,was(all thtcy note Buchanan, aime: need Cuglithmen that tod twithout the gates, made to wade beg, twithftanding) moft grieuonflie wounded, ahombis the refeue , recouered bimon fot , and bought bim wks friends (comming about to fucco2) found thencatt forthwith backe into the towne. Incontinentlic her: 5° bponthe ground , nert biito thonte lap one named Trdeatt gi, bpon,the carle of Dotvglalle cautedthe atfault to be Wart mot miferablie woundedalfo. At what time Chio pret min 2, t: giuen, and filling the ditches twith baie and fagots, Aprtiett (hich h dfatthtullte aided this Dowglate was wittarit came with laddersto the wals : but the Cnglithmen in all diffreffe) dtd(notw the boote being faint and de. nt ot --auens anocracks es pole as they bab gt Amonagekk certeine other things , found in rifeling and ranfacking of houfes inthis tournic , there was @ charter found of certeine lands giuen by bing Me Thetorneot. thelttanc, inthis forme: I king Achelftane giucs to anolodedof Paullane, Odhiam and Rodhiam, als guid andals faire, alseuer yay mine waire , and yarco witnefle inolsine. fo his often pricking , Wenvie Wotlpur, as one that feldometimes refted,if there were anie fernice to be -_bitants: cots J. vissep gotaconuenient Susie ded themfelnes into * fame night that follotved the vay of the affault!, Henrie ers Wenrie Perkte then perceiuing bis number ful fic followed ficient to fight itl Dotwalatfe,fet themin oder oF the Score. battell , ¢deternined toute forth bponthe Scots, twoof bis otune formes, the one named Lentie,and 30 of light to fie what was toda, theptuere fenered itt funder for that time; but remembzing that the monte Chey were the other iafe, verie foyivard and luttie gentler Pariehots men, This Penrice being theelver, was furnamed b os b = ratfen from thence Wwithincight dates af ai ‘reaton of the vartance before alledgen.at al,s lie increafen at HPetwcafkell , for a great umber af PW mrress the countrie caine, and entered into the fotune the At length both thefe armies met togither about a foonted manhood, that bp gaining the bictozie, thep {mn thontany tumiles from Petucaffell.ere the earle of Doky 20 might twur etterlatting fame anv boro, with fafes menZoeos Spanit, that then it mightbe Kept by yen, inthe 20 inaneSaSEaeal cannotagte. nant and to the bebofe of the:French bing , there. oe tom ea is te Scan Sn Wwihingtoaccome Comberiand betland by the tuelt marches,and the carles.of Doty, dalle, Webegat onbira daughter, oe mae et. Scotland "gbere theppit: fireined to - I nereto the cattellof Rockets Tete tio armtes parting in funderat Jedtwo2th, the eacle of Fife with his people entered into Cum: mate) in thofe daies twas not fo be foumiasst wit FeThin. --‘sabomme fox bir Dotwrte , be gaue the lands ‘a L 249 the bapnoznightbefore 3 '103 to ante purpote , fice -_theirfirtt entering into Gngland, « In the meane time the Englith power was high The Engtith that in giuing aflault to the totwne, itchanced,that 45 the Cnglithmen defended their barriers without the gate, the Dotuglas fortuncdtobe matched hand fo band with Henrie Perle, and there by force plucs hed the Berfies ftafte from him, andin returning botited it vp on beigth , faieng, be would carrie the certified bereo vemmbleD the nobles of bis rai Oiesies sn Aberben: a" Wbole puittance of the realte - s -cluded, oFbey arnapenentns thofe triarte twith.al fp arebpon Sere tivo grammes ae, -be rated a oe y bpthe Englithmen. ein Woere fittencof | affembleb,.,theonc, fiber: gonersance mien,twas committed fo the Srary ne, fluggifly neftinie ) but in the fletb,as almoft all mp Ba Rie -_anceftors haue bone. (herefore,this thall be the lal oiaue, thing that ¥ will require of pou ; firft to heepemp €bis Dot -_death maf fecret , fecondlie that pou tulfer not mp ae -_frandardtobe towne dotwne , andlattlie that pou foobinesththe -_reuenge my death;the which if 4 may before band by lower part a pour promuife hopeto be perfornied,¥ hall tolth moze bis vith, ano fame fo: bis fake into Scotland: ano the nert bay af, patience indure all other things. Gherevpon thep (the thigh wards the bozbders,¢ comming toa place called Dt, terbozne , about tteluc 0 fonreteene miles from Hewcallell, pitched detwne bts tents there , that his then thep ereaed lis ftandard, crieng (a6 the mantet har, 4 beapite is) A Dowglatle a Dowglatle . At tld) voice, there bist onhty twas & great a concurile of people , t fucya lo(full bead boing ee tet,be ratfed bis campe and departed hometwards tos Gatriors mmgbt take (ome ret, tretreth themfelues Stee Geir great traucilfo; ther bao not rested of all firtt (eueredbis bodie that it thoule nat be knotwen; =Topspin _addault vpon the entimie; that forthtwity they nzane 82". seu frou the place of thebattell. Fo; at the verte 0, ¢c1,, name |