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Show The hiftorie ofScotland. The hiftorie of Scotland. child, twas tn that refpect prefered. She tore the the Seots incouraged : svife of Alerander Wopis,tordof that houte, though pentaidanorte a themfelues {peer bp reafon the twas got ints poze ayparell, the Cngy Dilie info arraic , erecetucd their enimies twith fuch lithmen toke bir but for formeother tooman of mens incredible manbad,that thep bad quickly got the bp ner effate. She therefore twith birlife faucd, being per band ofthefealfo. Wut {cafe bad they madean fuftered to depart.got bir oner into Freland , there end With this fecohd batteli,ben the third part tvas the toasdeliucred of afoit, that twas nanicd at the at band teadie to charge them, being notv fore infers font-fone Alerambder,tbo then Scotland twas recor bled, that thozough twearineffe and toounds recef: -_-uered ont of the Crigltthmens bands,came toking nied inthe tino former incounters, befines thetwant of fuchof theirnumbers as tuere flaine: pet bpet> 10 Robertle Wenle, requiring him to be restored onto bis fathers heritage,being as then in the ocenpation hortation of their capteins, and the balfant pretence of other pofletiozs . dking Robert doubtful tbat to ofthe officers of bandsbefioe , thep rufhed fostty on Dw herein, for he thought it neitherconuentent that fhett enimics twith {uch earnet fortwardneffe toree =a pattice ould take lands02 poffeffions fromnoble ceive them,that after a berietharpe bickering, thep met, thicbad beene giuen to thet iit retard of put the ‘bole numberof themtoflight. Jfetwof the their manbod,thetoed tn defente of the realme; nev Englifpmen hav elcaped the Scotifhmens hands, theriudged he tt reafonto Keepe bin frombis rights had thep notbene fo teearied twith conttnuall fight, that thep twere notable to follow anie great faic in fhurs court. Parcoucr bing Coward at his returning inte SThemarble Gugluw, tobe the chatve of marble with him, amo chairets cons caufing tt fo be conucied bp fo London , afd place it neiedinto at Getintintter , thereit remaineth pet onto this pispart, andbauingall bis furniture andpuruets The Engitmpcuen from the fouth parts tothe north, ¢found armicpaticth Foy oo none fomakerefiftance,ercept Waltate,md : prente governementoftheir pub tnall other things, touching the frienblic focieti of entice fuch as follotved his opinion, Shih twcre Hento the -Iife, the nest). Eglifhinen. Ft is faid, thatking Coward requirenbyantet B.crwan Sligerfentbnto this Wiallate,that ifhewoulocome (oiidethinto thandbe fvormebisliege manandtruefubiet, be on,twithall manner of bakes, as toe ete ning dfuineferutce, as ante nies aie ‘Lt fane matters , to theend aae aypointed gt ADcots thould pertth : and the € thonoifobee bis wallate, fhoulo have athis hands great loxfhips and pole vous puntfhments for themtha incr anteof the fad foas requifit to aman of verie bonozable effate. bakes onnefaced. AND He oxdele og Wallafe refs Conference betwirt iut Wallafe refufen thefe offers, faicng thathe Dhife . * Sunodzie other caftels tuere taken by force the faine time by king Coward, and all fuch as refiften, being found iwithin anie of them, flaine tithont Abecatenoe Mercico2 ranfome. Amongelk other, the caffell of Birqubarvta: Cirqubardin Murrey land twas taken by force, and Kenbp force. notone leffaltue that tas found in the fame (one gentletwonranonelie excepted)tro being great futth fap, the Cumin, thoulpintop all the B.ules lands fled ,fent out a great mante of hozfinen after ,to fictoucding the gouernementof the realme. There time (betig inthe winter feafon) tas courred twith fhoiw ; he departed out of London about midnight, RobertAsaule -_haue brought bimagaine, ifthey might anie abere hauefoundbim. But Waufe halted forth toith fac) Becommerh -_-fperdint his tournie that the feuenth dapof his ne: t2 Louchmas Sach beube. ford, Donbting leatt the Scotith nobilitte b= mine oftpnt Scots, tcam Snguifh the nameo port) toerti Go 5st) can ofall the boundsof Scotland. And bpont biscad ,_ fhichhebadto the Scotifh antiquities bob ming to Camelon be commanded the ee bn} ow tbe ffanding ouer againff the fame,to be 07acoke eon, tehich was builocd (as before ts ewe) l oes 2 of Claudius the emperoz, and the good!WW st iemmcd ob tas ‘But for that his conmmandement atlie put inerecution , be chang<d bis ve : be taba = oe s Otp aypointed onelie that the e oe ning here foith the fuperfeription of bis naire, arme: wanting tf fet the atvaie; and in place thercof , il fap) 0 -- fhur, inith bis nameto be fet Sp; auva ‘gus pe place tobe called Arthurs hoif(as bing Cowards hands . Wis brother bearing the matter ,confententogotvith him, andto be partas ker of all baps that might fortune to fall ont tn bis bi and bis b:ethzen bnto death long before, if he might baue once gotthen all into bis banbs, fight; and by the wap thep chanced fo light ppon one of Cumins feruants, that was going twith Let, sha agreed Dponarticles, anddeparted the onefromthe Cumin, fignifieng bpthe fame, that tf Byale were tere on hin. thozitie andpotwer (as he miftrufteo) woulonotbe PeKy ters bnto king Coward from his maifter the fato hen Sith legs other) began to doubt, leat this confpiracie veutfeo 5° mot the foner put ta death, there tould infur thorte betiwirt them , would not fo3t to anic lnckie conclu lie fuch trouble anoruffling in Scotland againt %, fon forbis purpole,cither fo; that he feared the great Coward, that it would be mud) ado to aypeate it. puillance of king Coward,either elfe for that brs au, Thele letters being found about Cumins feruant, Great, if the Wzule once atteined the crotwne: and Caren tefsi9the con of Canin, and bow narotulie he bad efcaped out of inbim,becauteof the title thichbebavtothecrowne of Scotland (as befoze ts fpecified) fo that ( as twas thought) king Coiward twould baue put both Jobu Cumin(after that be and 263ufe were thus Sarum,andnone other. Poreowelslesoy in politike prutence bp their tlre ing OF This Uthed the faid fir Williams TWthzed to be conueied to Lon cae i be remained as prifoner manie peeresaf accompanied onelie with tive truftie {eruants, Ddath fle, St chanced alto, that there fellon the fame night ad poleRions, with manteotherprefermentsof bo No2s and dignities,as nert.nto him in allauthots> Scots ould occupie church) si pe compelied all infop them,but onder the poke of bondage. The ca: ffeliof Sterling at the po oiira & e i ots; Hhat all perfors being toithin the cafFell fhoula fhould not be perceiued tbich tate be had taken by the tractof the bo2tfes, for that the groundat that onoffers madebetiwirt them, ittwasagred,thatjf moze fnotw aloft bpon the other froin that twasfallen byanie meancs they might deliner therealmeoutof before , by reafonthereofit could not eafilie be ina tie Cuglithinens hands, the one of themhoulobe 3°, ged in the mozning tihich twap he twas gone, thougl ing, that is tofay,the S:ule,anbd the other, that is to king Coward vpon knotvlenge had that he was vant my, pent fue) Scotifhmen as were of an -_‘lenge tn learning o2liferat ure,to be refibent tt SF est - Departby fafe conduct with bagge and baggage at their pleafure. enerthelefle king Cowardcanfeo -_ling pence, witl) tive fharpe fpurs, thereby he cons Sunthe meane tine, Johu Cuminfurnamenthe Ted,and itobert Weufehauing conference togither, complained tic one to the other of the miferable fer: uitude iberein the realme of Scotland as then ffm bp the oppreffionof king Colward. Andat length bp land , fo; doubt of fufpiciontich king Cotmard had feeke to thzotw off the poke of bondage.siters do tt ig of one fit William Tthzcd knight, tho would nieabet it fo king Edinard by anie fummons . Coward going about (as the Scotifh wher ‘with = wen rt Dzed. unin and Beate, att etyortes tyee tej anders before anie poffettion of landsin England, were fhe fante neuer fo great ; confidering he might not o2 other meanes, fill after thze moneths flege be ace twas conffrcined to gtue it oucr bnder thefe conniti- Szufe Mould efcape that danger,te accomplith that parture from London, became to Louchmaben in nai Jndentareg here indentures made bettweene them, fubferiben a ogrement With their names,and(caled with their feales inter, Annandale,and there found Dantd,o2(as fome boks Cu: angeablic,fozthe full ratifieng of couenantsagree -haue ) Coward his brother, with Robert Fleming, Wobert flee in # Brule, ? ed in thisconfederacie betivirt them, Shoztlie after, -a fvazthie pong gentleman, onto Lhome(thep mu: Mg * Baching the acts, dpon deliuerie of thole writings , Brule went into 40 fing what be meant by his {upper conning) be dev Cngland, for be might not rematne long in Scots clargd into that peril of life he had fallen by means fions twfthin England, to matnteine bis port as 50 commmandements heerein,in kept ee alto, thatthe timCrimPreferredloertic withfmall reuenues in Scotlano, . ebuentall the cyrontcles of bellion, Ring Cowardoydeined Doomarede ar {ith qreat top and triumph. the fame toinuane the Scotsonec) fine. Che Scots able to refitE t ots porcetuing a int thep iuere not of puiffance -_-ner of latues,thep ould niga ce ate Scone to bis inuafion,twithoetn to their ftrengths:by means all Scots 4o be of onemindand opinion,as : Se a oe though paficd Gnalitharmie the thereof theirbolvs. fouth parts to mounteing and tuods , to cidjue the malice of the fherevnta he was appointed. Zhe earle of Glocefter -_inunediatlie after that Robert Beufe was departed fromthe kings pretence, font onto him tiuelue fers chucd moze thanthe companie of a ferpent, to baue iecured bis meaning to be, that the bef thift fox bint gourrtwas to ausid ont of tuate in mot {pevie wife, noar of &cot: hant ouer the ahole realine of Scotland in bis abs fence.dnd havingthus (et all things ingadand qui, 20 Sxherebpor be canting a fmith to tho thee hoes land bnder fo; bini,contrartlic tuith the callbsins fortvarn, thatit bing @rivard of o2dcr (as he {uypofed) be returned into Englano -_pufffance of king Cotward,be twent : : : "a -_alll the old ffatutes and ancientconttt teeard i -tealte,truffing by that meanes, tha ma one britforme epeafelnest® eH ig fogog! ither with Englitymen,bnder {uch twas. the o:dinance of almightic Goo, that Ddomare or with thofe,in tecompente of furhas be onge ee ance readte both by fea andland, befetfoxtnardivith tobim that dap (CiHallafe onelie ercepted) tho cf: aie thing todo with the Cuglitymen, touching a nie agreement tobe made twith them, agrecablete thei defites, Porcoucr,to kepethe Seats tomres Him in Danger of life, he would forfeit all bis lands fromthencefw2th they Mould take himfo2 their foues Coniecured at the fir bow this accufation of Cu reignelo20.,. and fo obcte him in all things aslofall ro min tas nothing like to be true, granted is tee {ubieds, Ail the nobilitie of Scotland was fivome quett, aherein manie indged he ofp bn witelic : but Hiner de Ga- Leuceto be goucrnourthere,as his generall licuter father: fo the intent that all parties uright be fatt ees their biffories mabe mention, theppafied not eight «ed,and No man fhould feenteto haue trong i. ae wnmanen fhoufand at the moff: and therefreall menfupofeo --depztucd of his rightfull poffemtors. Ehis aloe tad fhatit cante ts paflebp the tigularfauourandgrace mot, pei a of almightie God. ‘But pet the Scots oionotlong 30 Wopts had attertvatdsbis name f- called JForbelle, for that he Muea beare tit iniop the benefits of (onotablea bicoie. Sfoz king . -_ties,by greatand fingular manhad. and foi io; ne + Coward hearing of thisaifcomfture of bis people nameof the Forbelles had ne deiey a Oevers at Rollin, gathered a mightiearmieof Cnglift Fonvelis, ei oe -frombim. Scotland being fubpucd 4 toinuadetbe men, Galcoigns,aritymen, and (uch Scotsastoke -- andliuings that he held etther within the realmie.of England, o2elfe there. ing Coiward, beeaute he wallafe cf- a e bis bed grad - escaufe and quay thafe. ; , nie fell fo the Scots in manner as is ber 20 tell by wtorte of tye conn i Wherefore toqualtfie the matter ibe Beale this irene: ie babel Dap, tn the meane: he gauebnto this Alerander peed cet Engitmen vere after thebirth of our Sautour 1302. Lhe gles other landsin War , nothing lefle in ba ag oer . wennaien atrie of this bico2ie was great, confidering thatthirs ving the largenteffe andfertilitte) oe a tie thoufand Crglithmen well furntthed, though: Boflts. Wrqubard were; anid ivillen him to sh i ee lieaypointed fox iwarre, fhouldbe thus tt one dap 1302. Soe matter panguithed with auhanofull of Scotithmen.jo2as one night, to perufe and {cam ouer at leafare, ethers ifbe were not able to prwue that itwas forged, ap malictonflic deutfed bpon an enuionspurpote,toput placedin wee BAY.Furthermoze,before his departure out of Scot: minger. land,Se aypointed all the Scotith lords to afemble at Toenobilitie Scone,here he caufed themto take a nel oth, that ofScotland fozne tot, €viward, ‘full tnberitance that had loft bisfather,bis frienns, 213 {pas prtuie to anie fuch dentleo2 toriting, amd there Hedé -rieth his foze defired of king Goward to haue the famefor MNS + beerebpon he font one of bis feruants to king Co- -thyough meansof pong Fleming, the Wrufe atter he bad aypofed the beaver throughlie tn ead) bebalfe, and learned of himthat bis mattter the fain Cumin ioard, with bis counterpane of the indenture, con. wasin the friers at Dunfitle , he fick flue this fel tewning the couenants of the confpiracie, figneo amp lotw that tons thus fent (vith the letters,¢ after tn all fealed with i3zufes owne band and feale,, Zhe mefbatt poilible came to Dantrile, bp the guiing of @amin way fenger delivered this writing an fecret wile to hing 60 the fame Fleming, nbere in the quier of the fiiers nemetriersin Colmard,dcclaring onto bum the whale matter,as it churd there he found Cumin, And realoning the Munteite, lnas paflep anaconcluped bettoirt LBuufe and bis matter there tulth bin , for that he bad bfen him fo inaifer, accoypung to in ftrndions given bimin that euill , and toithall hewing hint the inventure abidy Debate i3ut kung Coward at the firt qauetight cre. king Coward had delineredto bim , as before ip bit cither Lathe mitings 9>marzdsof the Cumin, fopofing that the. fame proceeded onelie tough en, amentianed., in the end(atter fome multiplieng of fwords fogither ) obert Wznfe plucked foztty hig wie bide behare towarbe the Waule, cuct oycading fo70, and froke the for falo Cumin fore blow in lef be fhonly beare nosule in Scotlann,if the Brule _-the bellie ,ano therebponfing out of the durdy; once giteinen anie authozitic within thefame. Bet met with-ttoof his vearelt friends, Zames WLinps at length,king Cpiparp pondering tuth bhinfelfe the thole crcumfance , andbetngin fone doubt of the matterbe thetwen the counterpane st the inpenture bute Bante bimielic, -quefioning wih bun, f be (eie , and Koger tirhpstrthe , tho beholving, big countenancealtered , and comming fasth of the charin (och halk , vemanbded of btm what twasthe matter : 3 trotw ( fata he) that Cuminis flaine. oom Kine bisctone baw s Szule Houtlengnied that he Cabp (Cato thep againe) bast hon attempted fo high an |