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Show Hherebnto ing in Scotland,von pou anne thofe 45. of late frand | P hall fwne fee that numbers of thefe dens of fpirt tuall robbers were mainteined here in Weitaine, - ‘ sdelicians, whereot Schedelins ea saisoat Seeneanncent the head, the moze itis increated by mall riuelets,and cogrupted {with filthie puddels, and finking gutters, Hoping that bp fuch meanes, his people twouly haueats Therm bev of reli sioerin pe uen eare-to the godlic that remained, Wut in proceffe of time,then this his merciful nealing nas forgotten and our countriemen returned to their former difo2- What number of fainets alfo haue a ere, ttt Freitas gofpell, Defieann thatdelcend into the fame;the putiticof the becante monattical ppeadten here in Weitaine, inprocelle of tinte mder of religion, ite tought Fre of all tobe corupted withancto tainatoe and mot erectableberefie,both of thembeing brought them J could cafilic remember, and befide thofe 160, Intion, ¢ other liketwife amem sate) Capgrauc fetteth Doton,and ALegendarte of Creer bred it the golven Legend, fer, night being a rable out of Scotland able to fur tunebp Fe- in atonce bp Pelagius, of Wales, hbo hauing travel' vp acalendar,thoughthe pero Wwere ttoiteas long __Fepthzough France, Stalie,Aeaypt,Spzia,e theeatter- to mith Astouchin g Pelagius the firft Det etike that cuer "si lie reqionsof the {voild,fas there at the lat mave art Bangor, slocr 02 bithop , by fore of the monkes , nto trhofe profefitan he had not long before tholie addicted hint elfe, Ffinallie returning home againe tuith an aug? amentation of fame and countenance of greater bolls nefisthanbebare outof thelandtofth him, he did wot {vas bred inthis realme notablie knotone and parent of Monadifine,it iscerteine, that before bis corrupt =O annd fall, be twas taken for aman of fingular lears ning, Deepe iudgement,and fucha one, as bpon tihome forhis great gifts inteaching and ftrianefle of life, 10 Calales,opon the riuer Dee, but alfo lowed thepeffifes DID Depend. ‘But hat ts totfedomre of the fleth, without mall peceof the hope and erpectationof the people Lous fedof his hereticall prauitics oucr allthis Zland, the feare and true knowledge of Godzand that is lear mevete of God, in Felus Chritk his fonne. Wp this fed,that one RogerBakon pronounced long after of Bore fiherchy hefepuced great numbers of Weitons, teacy: 20 ning except it be handmaid to beritie and found tudges ment Wherefore cucnof this man, toe map fer it vert call ing them topreferre their clone merits, before the free -«the coruption of bis time,iben all things twore meat eng ott means therefnebe brought aturance of faluationin redbp twit andtwoylblic poltcie ,rather than bythe fert te tonueftion,and taught all (uch as hava diligentrefpec -sptureso2 guidance of the {pirit;Wetter it is faith he, 60 spp on buto their wworkes to bedoubtfullof the fame,ahercas fofuch as regardthis latter, therecanbenoguictietis hearcarude and fimpleidiot preach the truth, without ei of mind, but alwaics an briffedfat opinion of them apparance of fill and learned eloquence, than a p20 Ent foundelearke to fet forth erroz,twith great Meio of nim| {clucs,ibercbythey cannofdilcerne, neither by paar fperitic ng adueriitic of this life, thether thep befvo2learning, and boatt of filed btterance, Gerfontnlike thie louc 02 hatred.Penerthelesit behoucth the godlie 30 foyt hath (aid fullie afmuch. Ahele follies of Pelagius twere blafed abzoad aboutthe 400.0f Chziff, and from to repofe their hope in that grace thich ts freelte grane thenceforth hotw bis number of nonkes increafen on fed through Sela Chritk, and to flee buts the mercies of theonefide, and bis doctrine on the other, there is al' God thich are offered bnto bs in totthand by his fon, to the end that ive may at thelatt find the teftimonieof mott noreader thatis bnfktlfull and ignozant. bis pirit working with ours, that toe are his chofen This alfoiscerteine, that within the fpace of 200, / shildzenabereby commer peace of contcience to {uch Peates andodde, there Lorre manic moze that 2100. te as dobelecue. > Chusine lee hol netw denifesorowers of religion aNd Herefie came tii together. could Hew alfo that Comets , and firange fignes apearcd iWettaine, 4° monkes gathered togither in bis houte, whofe trades nottwithfanding the errors of their founder (iho taught fuch) aneftimation of merits and bodilie ever? cife( as Paule calleth it\that therbp he fought not onlie Htier Haue bene perceined al(o from timetotime, tt: the original occafion of the erection of his houte) were ue! cm the _ of fea at te entrance of anie NEM BIND of religion into this Zle of Writaine. Wut ¢ patie them Oticr,onclic for that J twouldtiot feme 2 Tip tractation of antiquities , fo trouble mp reaver with the rebertall of aniencty inconucniences, Topoced therefore with mp purpote, atter thee i there follotwen intite fort fundsie other kinds of mos fee nt py yup ml" to tmpugie,bntalfo p2euent grace, whichwas in Dad bi pet farre better and more goplie thanall thofereligis a ous orders,that ivere invented of later time, trbercits the profeffonrs linen to themfelucs,their wombs and _thelicentious fruition of thole parts, that are beneath the belie. 302 thefe laboured continudllie for their olwnelinings,at vacant times from praier (as didSe- -_rapigns monkes,, fthich tere 10000, ouer homebe N te for the better maity rites, Nalliealtlife,as Anaciorites, Yeremits, Cyrilline 5° bimtelfe toas Abbat) andlibetwi n tenance Hevemites, 0 Benedictine monkes, albeit that the Yeremteticall Cries mye pone allowed of in Writaine, ontill of fucy learneame as were their appointed matebencticictegtemenaterdeseatey_Natemesleaerinoet thycomesnant preachers. Their lines alto tucre correfpondent to theit " ftbich Benedi& furnamed Nurfinus one houfe in that thep ban confidence in their deeds, and no wal' Afonte Cafiino, About the 524. of Gitte was final fe ti ace me fucco2¢ befente,but inert Sucll Liked 0 of all mer ee. fo ett, that Wwe had fetwox(as¥ fuypote) ae ae 5 ee oe Wwete not of bis -tuda plant as the heauentie father hannot planted, ano therefore no matuell though afferivard thep were -raifenbp therats. ; Sones + Su proceile of time ho Benedia Bifco But: i j : = ann teffored the faiv Benedictine ao 60 infee‘he caus Gathaoe oresing on greatitenecatedin Crigland,our hittoriesare be: God hath hab a featoral eee ; rie plentiful, Bifcop : oe t cafon alfo fo purge and cleanfe the feries whic) be bad butly " : 4 Pauleand Peter bpon the Redecurieae - Beds Nee Dathremember. Do fi ‘ weesonli humane denifes pe pvheayigtays i: nanus, Lupus; Palladius, Patricius, and fuch {tke lagius one naie,as Mainteine the fame, 92 as euill opt thebe Tract: 3102 as Patrice femed to like tosll of might dilperd 200,1i.bpthe vere at Sat 8 the leaft,as noteth aypeas Toth bo‘ the tecosd of- their fuyyzeMion, tichalf Lupusalfa pz > ais , Opbelo the ftrictrielle G te Life inma oF( the totall fumme of theie reienueste cae? 32000. POUNDS, theit moncables 100000,amb tie Mumiber of religious men conteincsin thee pelame, tobe 5. cma a ~s eens eee be : 4 emne the generall errors of Pe- wif itd fuypretiton in England and Wiates onclie, there tans © found 440,religious houtes at the leatt, of tthich ioe ta Frege thebeas, to Germanus ee ane Tepatted an olv chapell fo 2. Albane,wherein This connerfion of the noth parts fell out in the Scotland conuerteD to firt peare before the warres that Scuerushad in thofe the fatth of quarters,and 170,after the death of onr faniour Jefus Chri place, and the fheepe of bis pafture vould receiuc no Ghitt. From thenceforth allo the chzitian religion cons frholefame fonder, it pleafen his maieftie, to let thent finued fill among then, bp the diligent cave of their tunon beadlong fromone iniquitie fo another, in fo7 paffozs and bithops (after the ole of the churches of much that after the doctrine of Pelagius, it receiuey the fouth part of this Bland)till the Romane theepheard Auguftine fought them ont,and found the meanes to pull them biz He monke. that of Wome allo, beotight in by Auguftine and bis monkes,aberebyit was to be feene,bow they fell from 20 fobtmin like fort with bis long ffaffe ashe hab done the truth into bereffe,and from one herefie frill into aw ourcountriemen, whereby inthe end he abolifhen tye other,till at the laff thep were dotoned alfogither in rites of the churches of Alia thggealfo, as Auguftine the pits of errodigged bp by Anticheiff, els in decd had donealreadie in England : and in fier of the faine that holo no tater, ahich nottuithitanding fo thetr foldidfurnith it bp with thofe of bis poutificall fer, allowers feented to be moft found doctrine,and cifferns though there twas great contention, and is lefle bina oflining water to {uch as imb2aced the fame. then made among them, before it couls be booughtto Auguftine, This Auguftine,after big arrinall, conucrfed the paffe, as bp the biffezies of both nations pet ertant SHarons in aed from pagantine, butas the prouerbe map befene, faith, beinging thent out of Gods blefling into the Brithe time of Coelefine bithop of ioe,tho fate Paladius: warmefunne, bealfo imbued them with no lefle hurt- 30 inthe 423.0f Gyiff, one Paladiusa Grectan boone (to the ertinguithing of the aforfaid opinion there,be tuent at the lat alfs into Scotland, (upofing no lefebut st -_-ster he had tranelled fombbat in confutation of the Pc. lagians inthofe parts, he thould eafilic perfuade that crmken nation fo admit and receiue.the rites of the hurd of Kome, ashe Would faine hate done befarer that becaught indeed, that twithinthe fpaceofiooc. peares,and lefle,it penoured the fourth part more of handinthefouth. iut as Faftidius Prifcus archbtthop raniaiue at: -of SLondon, amdbis Suffragans refitted him Heres {o shop of Lone the beft foile of the Fland, which was tholie beffowen bpon his monkes,¢ other religions bemdesthativere -aiothe Scotity prelates withitand him there alfo in this bebalfe: hotwbeit, bicaule of the authazitie of his comnmniffton, granitic of perfonage, amd the great gif tebich he had in beine of pleafant perfuation(theres hatched fince bis time, as may hereafter aypeerc in the gulines tumbe (although aftertward Thomas Becket a neler faint did not a little deface bis glozie) among hich king Achelftane was one, tome Elnothus the abbat ftaied fo long in the place, &hen he came thither to praic, that bis foldiours waiting for biscomming, anb fuppofing the monkes to haue murdered bint, bes gan to gtue an affault and fet fire bpon the boufe. bilek thefe things were thus in hand,in the fonth sat part of Albion, the Meates, Picts, and Caledoniens, tthich lic bepond the Scotify fea,receiued alfo the faith; bp preaching of fuch chitftian eloers as abduentured and increafe of perfect godlines in that part of the Fle. and pontpous {eholemaitters of crrour ont of thislite: paw hoping and fonetime diftiple to lohn 2.4.bifhop of Zerufalem, abe of cameouer from omeinto Writaine,there toluprelle ringSeote the Pelagian herefie,which not alittle moleifed the og- tand vnver thodores ofthat Sland. dnd hauing dane much good ing BESOED bokefollowing, there ¥ intreate of citiestotunes,tc. f. Suthemeanefeaton that fuccelle his monkes had at bp be dzelw the People after hin, ag @rpheus did the », Canturburie, holv off they were fpoiled by eninties, ftoncs with his barpe, and Hercules {uch as heard bitte their boufes burned by cafualtic,and brethzen Tonfus 50 byhis tong) thep han him not onelie thenin great avs med with peftilence, ¥ refer me to Gotcellius, Hone~ mivation,but their fucceffors allo from time to time, den, Geruafe, and the reff ef theft otune biftostograand euen now are contented (and the rather alfo. for pers. And fo fore did the peftilence rage among them that be came from ome) to take hin for their dete ti the tine of Celnothus (in tthofe daics the prefts, apoffle, reckoning from bis comming as from the Pea ats clerks and monkesfang theirferuice togither in the faith reretued,tbich twas inthe 431. peare of Cheiit,as, theaman" otrhe Scots quire,that (of % twofe not how manie) there remained the truth of thetr hiftozie path beric well confirme. onelic fiue aliue, thich twasa notable tokenof the fu Thus twe fee what religion hath from time to tinw tie and torath of God concefucdand erecuted againtt beene receiued ttt this Jlanb, ¢ holv and thenthe faith of Chait camefirft into our countrie . ipotubett as tu that malignant generation. Jt came alfo to paffe at fe, inmonatticall profeiton tothe bttermoft of bis eg houfe at the firtt,rather by taking atvaie the teicked fbome Cyrill wrote his dialog De adoratione infpiritu) peas he full fuperitition, than thep did knotw before : for befioe the onelie name of Chiff, and erfernall contempt of their potftinate tdolatrie, he taught thent nothing at all,but rather(@ faie)made an erchange from grofle to fubtill treacherie, from opento fecret toolatrie, ¢ from the name of pagans, fo the bare fitle of chefffians, thinking this {ufficient for their foules health,and the ftablithmentof bis monachifnte, of thich kindof p2oe feffion,the bolic (criptures of Oodcaninnoiwifelike o2alloty. Wut that caredhe2 Kth he got the great fith 40 for thich be didcaft his bobe,and fo greatiwasthefifh poluer. Therfore Goo tmronght this purgation of bis "" = tudecompante from the moze mild and ciuill pootion, the laff, that mien died to p2aie for belpe at the fato Au- Co procefic of time if was ouerfhadoived, andcorruptea sutimefoatpcatconcstonstHetisnae Coneeeayte alsiomatin of natin8 eek ders, be bought inthe Sarons,tho left no tnoll pnhonozed, no not their filthie Priapus, onto sham the too inen builoed temples, and mabe a beattlie image(cum pene intenfo, and as if he had beene civcumetfen)abome thep called Ithy pallus, Verpus, and as Goropius Atvatic. pag. 26, addeth, Ters: calling bpon bintin maz ner at eucrie tnd,pea at the beric fall of aknife out of their hands, and not counted anie thame onto the y ttatton, for that thefe nations tere in thofe daies ree puted wild, fauage, and more Oniatthfulland. cratic tha well-minoed people (as the tila Srifh are in mp time)and fuch were thep(to (aie the truth)indéed,as net ther the {ugred courtefie, 102 fharpe fords of the ako» mans could mollifie 02 reffraine from their naturall furic,o3 bring to ante gad s2der. Ffo2 this canfe Sf in the end, the Komane emperours did btferite cat themt off as an bnp2ofitable,byutith,s ntameable nation,and 10 bpan huge wall herafter to be neferibed,feparated that molt ancient and (ober matvoneof them all. Wotwbeit ben this proceeding of the dod could alfo take no onclicerecanhoute of bis ofpne order at Bangor in much about the fametime,thelike of hid Withaiuers The defeription ofBritaine. e thither dailic rho trauelied not without great fuccefle Cerics this profperous attenspt paffcd all mens erpes with the dreames and fantafficall tmag=stons of mani, foit datlie tpared tomale ¢ twarfe, till that it pleas fev Godto reffore the preaching of bis gofpell in our dates,thereby the manoffinnets note opentlie reucas led,and the purttie of the tyo2d once againe brought to light,to the finall ouerthzot of the vom fathan,ano bis popifh adherents that honour him date and night tothe bttcrmoff of their potwer,peeloing bp thetr harts as temples for himto divell in, tehich rather cught fo be the temples of Gov and habitations of the oly-ahoft, $5utfuch is their peruerfe ignozance(netipithanding that Paule hath ginen warning of him alreadte 2.Thet, 2. calling bim(as J fatd) the man of finne, and fatcug that be fittety as Gob tu the temple of God, hewin 4. bimte naSTee eta eeeReheSaee 3 setie armie, 10000. Lich t would make a pre and other Do make : cal The defcription ofBritaine. 26 |