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Show The hiftorie ofScotland. ‘Thé bikdrie ofSedtland. fing ;but fhe iSzitains notable longtoinnneeay gaint the force of the Scots, gaue backeanpiaen. {ntheiwith meane ‘Tnirt uchthilecamea atempelt great Mhotuerofvauw, ofbaile thatthebarniest there wwithed himfelfe thence, the TounebentingS - falopon them, fatonemightormeath (eanotber, : fothat the, MenaPits Wit not whether VHIGEr 2 sightMot trill theivolvite coimtriemen, retorted backeintothe inner parts of the land,and to lefethe borders altogither tnfurnithed . 3n this meane Bnerpoioe khilesinety (uyplic of fine thoufand,Sarons, with wae theic tofuesand chilozen,came ouer into thislanD, inosine ineightenc hoies, and amangeft other came Bens gifs twifeand his Daughter thelapie Royena,Short trdeots, of battell, fell to follotw the chafe of the Britains, ftupoling the vicorichadbenctholietheirs. cid focompafiing about a right ttrong plot of ground with tholetbongsline wile ; began there the fours Thwanger though the fame had fallen fromaboue, and cuets cleare bp) plainclieperceiuing,bycommandement sberciviththe plot of ground twas firfk meafured, Tid meh exriste lie aFerhing Tloxtigerme gaue tuto Pengitts bis Sarons.a great part of the countrie called Lind: noe ~ Dinthe other pars,the Sarone,gecoaving fo thelt 20 fcic,, tuith a caltell of great frength called Lhong, The HAMS Gray Riteatennwetes panger, clofeatheny calfre. Some hauetwritten that Peugttt required fenerrope: clues togithetandvacln nerreontotherrchiefeteins ther. Mannard.. Finallic thetempell nofoner began to Se Hcots Servet Heats and pias leauing their q2de the Saxons (now after that theelement beganto of Woxtigerne fo muchground as hemight compas amighticorehioe,andcutit into {mall tongs, and PicsUtespitie it was tobebolo, Tholethat efcapenbpGight, neuer fated till thep twere gotten into places fatre Wytains. {noughoutof danger. Thistwasablacke day with taine. eae:i When Hengitt had les things in oader for the plar firitomake {92 that (as he thought)tyoulomake mud fo bis conquetofthe ourpote., alreadie haning determined tamake a Satains. "conquelf of this Fle. When fmmerthen tas tell neve patled,beplas Hengitretar- Cod his fouldiers in harbzonah to lopge for the wins thozitie for the toartes he commanded chicflic to be _follofven. ae he promifed to canfe fuch notablenumbers of bis Scotith and Picihbings , having knowledge of The Pics returning from the chate, and onivere tanpeotte Ming bpand dotne both of them and of the boxes thich were therein the campe, thatif heauen and Sxoms. carthbadgone togither, thereconlanothauebene Hpebk, Amove terrible noife nozclamo2z, Atlength,abenthe outerthzotw, and that thep were nol marebing for wardto tnconnter alfo with them,determined not fo abidetheir comming at thattine. Ano tonight ap, -_-proching per the Saronshad got fight of them,ozder fouldiors bad dane hbhat thep could to quench the companic of his chotfett mentof wwarre, he got bim bp bnito alittle bill nert adiofning, and there gaue Rengifteal. Bnotwledge by the found of a trumpet that all his ospeos people ould dzalw thither brite him. Affcr this, * thenthep werecometogither, heni{pofen them in ws oyder of battell {with all niligence, abining for the ene . ‘pyit ine me Seas pias. Dotone from the billes, fullie determined to alatle gerne. them in thefr camps: but bpon thetr ayproch to the fame, perceining bow the Sarons were gotten Shortlie affer, pon knowledge Hat Anrelins Burcting Bn Ambzofe,and Uiter,the fonnes of king Wonttantirie bole e titer, rent,furnnifhen with proutfion of vittels fora long OP" Wife to dzine them fozth of the hole countrie, Dhis Herigitts of offer bnito fone of the nobilitte was not greatlicli> time, Ant before thee conuming to the riner of picscm ine, vpon knowledge had that the Sarons AND fp guetta farre difozvered , by reafon of the fire defcenved 4. Heetwas received twith top tnough by king Tloptt. Cmedser, he to fersmifikes' bed, aseuerfafpecing that hich followed, leattin Weitains werépallenthe fame, they made freight mame offomeotthe time to come engi thoulo feke the Dominion of 50 tolvards them,in purpofe to haute givenbattel twit manne the realmein placing bis ctone people, and erpelout longer profracting of time: betwbeit comming notonelic giue him mot hartie thanksfox thofe bis -_-to the place here thep tere longed,thep found them «fo ffronglie incamped, that noabduantage could be pete offers, but allo hetwed by the maner of bisinters percetued tibteh uate thep ntight be conffretnen fo song feinement , hic) be died totards bim , that he -_raffeandcomve forth oftheir ffrength toreceiuebal reg thought be couly not do dnt bim tomucy honor tell bponfontecuen ground, sebich Wengitt of par for fuch notable feruiceasbebaddonealreadic,ano pote fora tinte (eemmed to oeferre. AEbe honoz trufted he houlddo bereattcr. Accoring to Wer Bettvirt thenr al and the armies of fhe tt fheioed bute gifts anuife alfo, there was a crue of men of warre bings there twas a ballie,in the botome full of mires Hengitbp Boptigerne. of iBritains fent bute the borers to the number of 6o and marith grounds,tibich the Scotifymen ¢ Ps 7 fine thoufand, tio Thortlic after their comming thi: muff needes palle,per thep could find meanes 00 bo . al ther,were quichlic difpatched and made atvaie in -antenotable difpleafure to the enimics. Wherefine writainsfent fundzie fkirmifjes and incounters with the Scots at length thep netermined tofth turfe and fagots te Sageae and Pits,that allailed thote places hich thep were iftrefied, makepallage over thofe mires,Chic being accom Apointedtodetend. Shontlic after twas fentthither alto another conv plithed in the night following,the nert mozntng wep _paffedoner and got thent bnto certeine billes lieng Deathsof their fellowes ; but thep finding fortune as frotvard tito them as the founce bad done before, fome of them tabing their lopgings bpon the bro! ; 2 frontof an bill fonere to the longings of the : pante, Double in number tothefirt,torevengethe right oueragaintt the Saron and 1521th -_ fpednind)-fibat alike,forinfundsieconfiicsdiners of them being Maine and diners ether bp treafom of -entimies, that they nright thzotve adsrt ito * cantpe : and hereof thep twke no {mall occafion 4 the borderers themfelucs nclivered captiueinte the Aduerfaries bands, the refioue that tuas left, pers tworkeafeat againt thefradnerfaries,to thet gt annoiance and beration. tier ceiving im bat anger they tod, fithence thep Khere was growing in that place, wher' Mcots abich were got tuto them departepas feerets -_lieas thep might, and fatcdnof to make atvaie,till thep were farre inough out of thedanger of the Dats "ons. engi hating thns got the bictozie,and pers -_ceiuingnocniinie abzoad fo bid himbattell, muffes ted bis ment, and foundthat be bad loft in this iotire nie as god as foure thoufandof one and other, Af ter this, bee tuithozatueth to Worke, and leaning bis airmic there, went hinfelfe bnto London, there alfo biterlic to deftrop both the nations,o2 at leat ling the former inhabitants. %But Cloztigerne vip all their carrtage, ant a great quantitic of logs and the Outs to fagots, Morily be placed and piled togither before efcape out of thent, and itr the darkeofthenighttabe fet on fire, NS. {pring of the daie,to bnderfand moze cerf¥inlie the meaning of bis entmics. The Scots and Picts uypofing the entmies fo be {uchpreparation madebpthe attains, they gather ren theirpotwers togither, tothennmber of 60000 P " {vas ginen bp comm -noementof their king, that he poticie of tthich being ercented according to the apointment, ficlo,abich Ioengift bimfelfe perceining(hauing fir done that be could to flay them) tnuironed toith a 30 fiben the fire tas once kindled, the Pits twith the formozeaid countriemente cometo bis atd,as{houldfuficenot ie onelic to banquith the Scotithinen and Pics , but me ae all pounded as hetoas, Great was the tumult and noite thoughoutthe Aymnntt fire,and to aypeate the trouble, not toithout fone bps Tore anddiforder railed oneach. fide, thep got them tofth their armoz and fweapans forth into the nert Wostigerne, apong man of great force and ball' oom ge antcie,, butfothat he fyoulube ordered in all things railtt bp theadutfeand difcretion of Wengtft , tote aw spires _ nethtoXon- fer feafor, and tuent bimfelfe to London , ahere be When both the armiesof Sarois and wWyitairts _ doit. couttcllen GHortigerne to fer of his otune people to 4° tere met togither,Apengitt led fem ourfhe riNels the bozners of bis cnimies,tokepethe fame from of Humberand Line, marching diredlic towards Bengit ote. thei innafions ttl the nert(pring,againt ibid tine ‘the place aberebe thought the entmics late. She rethtofend forth of the heanienit Cele, ting atvap, ficd freight tothe Piers! but Congall Soentmtedsbie bimfelie, theongh helpeof bis houtholv teruants ct: retefcapeth -_caped to the top of anbigh bill, and farted bimtelte t20usd bribe ga~ fihole campe, toith {uch roring of beats, andrun20 fanding hotv the Sarons had giuen the Scots the cingof:bis people there in dwellings ( appointed the Scots and ics . Meither was tt berie ioifull thenr bp Uortigerne) according as {eemed belt onto tothe Wzifains, of thomenchinall numberdicdin -bispolitike bead amderaftie forecatt, he toke forth the place bp the entries (to070 lamentable tof. the fouldiers anv menioftwarre ,orbered brider cet Hengif having thus gotten the vicorte , wit feinecapteins and officers of bands, and led them Diels fo BWorke, leaning thofe countries bettwirt 3° fortvard by Mow fourntes as it were fatena for the Lineand Zwedin theeninites handes,ofpurpofe commingof the Wzitatns. Wortigerne bad gathecealling from further indamaging them, thatthe ted as then anbuge bott of bis fabtects , and aypotiy SBzitainsmightbaue neighbours thome to feave: fed bis generall lieutenant ouer them bis forme pn poledat the that theblating bundelsof the ling o2 badder, Hill comining dotone the bill bpon them, femedas -_dation of acatfell,ubich toe name ofthore thongs, Silaee of Hengitk their general, alailed the Scotsand andfy twasit called Lhong-cattell. Wut vponthat qyeseres he Herons Picts bere and there difperfed about the {pole amd 20 conftoeration fo encr it twke that name , certeinett firt mpdia afiodethe... flaugbterof the ieitains, and made fuch murfher és by recomofall the Seotith hiftaries, that there the ‘Auer Saronsfirinbabiten after theft entving into W9lof thent on cuerte fide itheve they found them, that fnteofthe -ehafed them out of the field, not cealing fo purfac tainspur to themiin the chate,till thep came toa river in the tii) Edt Pe tbe -ivitpanorehive, and hauing that granted,be toke ~ fperehetterfo:puribe theWutains thattlensnr.to Britains. 08S, int Hhesright feafon thep fet thefameon fire, tumbling tt dotonethe bill, om that fine abere the 95 onsbefore,and nol atatlen ofthere bebind,thep bap brneath rome for ante aduantage to turne their teapons. Jn the meane time the Pies being mat» chen tofth the wWritains vio putthem to flight, an Che Wet: Saronslaie, The Wind in that infantbetng tomes agreat number of them were Dz0twNed,as thep ieo- sai fthat alof, caufen thefe bundelsof ling to bisfeand -_parded fo paffe oucr the fame, and fo fane them: burnie bebementlic, andheretoffanding that waies -felueshy fwimming. Dntheother fide, the Scots eye srcors forth, dzoue the fante (0 freinablie amongeft the 10 being (oz handled by the Sarons, both before and fozced to fie, fents and cabins of the Sarons , that the fire caty behind , foere at the length conftreined to give ching inthe frat anvtivigs hich thephadcouden ground anbywake forth bp fight , ¢ fo to efeape the togither bier them in fedof beds, increafed the cruel handsof theenimics, Daniewere Maine in feareamongt the foulbiors wanterfullic, byreafon «the chafe,anv fome taken p2ifoners.Zhe retoue Bet: Congas oo Roepethew places... igi ion re foete hus tricamped , beri much of that kind of heath ozling,thic the Scotithmencall hander. DF fhich heath orhavder, they gatherepagreatquanti: tic togither, and binding it in bundels Itkebnto far ee forth, andftmdreadie in gadozber of battell, mitt» "prepared to comeoner witha mightie armic of Gr: Lae ding to defend their ground , both the bings thought {t beft to tarictillthe moming, per t tyep made anie mopike Wzitats, andother Frenchmen, to claine erploit,for doubt of perils that might befall thereof, Authe breake of the vaie Congall came amongft bispeople , erbosting them to remember their yay ontof the nozth parts, and bad Divellings appointed bnito thems iBent, to be at hand tf need were to ter The Morons Diein vefenfe of their countrie ¢ ancient liberties, for a policte, engit canted it to be beutted abjoad, than bp cotwardis¢ to faucadifhoneften life, abich(if their chance twas to be banquifhed) thep Moul patte ingreatth:aldomte andinilerie, The Ptaith king that the Scots ano yids meanteftfonesto invade the Britith confines , ¢ therefore as there an other polwer of Sarons calicd into theland, ahvplacevin x hew power allo with like too2ds incouraged bis men to Do valt- the nojth parts , to defend the fanie agatnit ‘the of Barone thie eloers, and by thetrerample tochafe rather to 50 filt anic fucy attempted inuafion, ut Mhoztlic atter, Ela hs antlic. Petther was engiffMowinperfuadinghis we Saroustoplaic the men, that obteiningthe vcore wets loa the crotune of Wzitaine, as latfullie defcenved to them fromtheir father : the Sarons were fent fo3 thep might deliucr thentfelucs from terro2 of all ents unites from thenceforth in Wzttaine. ; Hcots and pics. Decathe fonneof Weng hav the om fate -Teading of thefe Saxons, tho bought them oucr,be, ena ing ten thoufano men of toarre,in fiftic plaits, and fittie holes. Zhep brought with themalto their wines Cede bile he was thus erborting bis people, the 6o and dyilozen,and fetled themfelues in the nozth parts Are gine Scots and Picts with great force and diolencebe: betiwirt the riuer of Humber and the bo2dersof the °F. % ganto gine thecarge bon him, wbich tbilest the -4Dictifly Dominions. And encn then it beganto take osesnmbers Sarons ad Wzttains went abont to defend, thep the name of Pozthumberland, thich is as you wold ianv whenit twere beaten dotwne by heaps fo flercelieonedh five, ‘fav, the land by nozth the riuer of (umber, andf ft Srfvcnanta aces that the difcomfiture bad light bponthem faxthwwith, ae: badnot Bengitt bp found of trumpet calien fexxth as , bout thzer thonfand freth mento their luccors, abi) vot continue. befo catten, Shortle after, Hoxtigerne forfahing his latyfull »,,,. wife, maried the lavie Korena 02 Rowen, Hengifts marieth Senz -- be bad placed tn an ambulh alittle befaze the tpring tos of the daie withina thicke groucof wad,faftby his _pleafure of his abies. And inthe meane time,Der *t. Sar Campeappointing themto rematne there t 4 readis ta not attempting ante erploit againtt the Scots daughter, to the high offenfe of Doo, and great DIG gilts vaughs neGe,to come at his call, pon that Danger foeucr Shefe moft fiercclie fetting ppon the baches of the Scots,bonght them freight out of all Sher: fo3 they being occupied with the other Sar, and diits,rather fought to get into his handsall the fortrefles betwirt Zineand Bumber.euen from the -_eatt (ca to the welt : hid bispurpofen intent he -greatlie aduanced, winning caftels anv foytretes there 1 |