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Show The hiftorie ofScotland. -_thuelue paye mtent, with a peonott to hae care ouet them. Ieallo buildeda faire betdge, iwith feuen ar, ches ouer the twater of De befide Abberden, and -_ppurcyafen lands fo2 the perpetual bpholding there, of. We allo butlacd tio feples in the cathedzalt church,with balfe of the croffe durch, and a faitepas thereof , caine fonzth of the caftcll of Dunbarto at femble the menof the countrie to ratfe the fiege, as face for the fiarall prebendaries, called the chapleins, SPorconer,he beftotwed mante rich ¢ petions ona lieutenantof the bozders, betwas chafed by thefatd ments bpon the fame churd) of Abberden,as copes, ninteenth of Januarie. fruits of bis benefice in baine, but on {uch manerof MHonfiewe Ve . eet sige ted burne, E.cThin. The hiftorie ofScotland. and Criglnd, tofty arambattano alto from the aos tivirt Scotland and England, sapicy melfage the lozb¢ made {mail accountofbicanfe the andr ee bis bead, infercommuning twith the Cnglif}mien, and diners other mifdoings. Ammed{atlie after the endofthis parlement,the Sheearleof eLavleof Arranecame into the Mers, twitha great Brranecom= armic,and having with him the kings great artillee facth ntothe riement to baue befieged {uch places as would baue - Che matter of Bales. -miften tocompebend Scotland tnthe league Mhid af be laflie made with Gnglan.ahe fenenth of _ s te Fae amadmanin Dunder fuein bis madfit a lavicot inberitance,a nun,with tivo other women, theone of thembeing great with ehilo,andalfo tivo a ond The king of England izote letters om temo refified hin.But at bis being iniotwder, theketes Frend)king, efiving him to fate the duke ees bethnt ofthe caffell of Yume tere bgought onto him,which 4° bante, that be mightnot come info meee = theta on thenert mozrot herecetued,ambdputmen within -_furthermoze,be lato fyipsof warre tn the _ ve gen it fo Keepetf,as be did in Langton and Mooburne, the feas to match for bis comming, and to a . pales twas alfo fought for at that time, that be might haue bene apprehended to anfiver the faugly fer of Dauid Bumne,prto2 of Coldingham,abom be king twas remoued fozth of the caftell of ua burgh onto Dalkith,for doubt of thepees a aul fwas {ulpected to bein the caftell of -- os Gbich be receiued at thefame time. The matter of bythe tate ashe fyoulopafle. Jn Septem a hadainetraitozoullie. Alitle before thisparlement, TChebond of the bithop of Dunkeld was returned from the from Dalkith the erlenf Atrane rode to -_ro fobaue bin efffones elecen regent ahors league be= French king witha bond of the league renewed be- totone:but he miffcn bis purpole,fe 7 the to! Heo bit Mazes. Mares a Frenchman fent forth of France, witha pean number of men, e_ tue the caffe of Dunbar into bis keeping, Abt an sik cordinglie be afd fame beeing delivered onto backe,(o that btuerfe twere burton -ve the fad paws boaae - eeveom bicaule 2 earlgof Arrane, ani > ects? bisrepulfe tn that fute : thereby the trhole: reali Te ae Acet=. twirt Scotland and Jfrance. Andatthat fanetime 50 toulanot {offer him to enter , but oe ro3Srance was onecapteine oe. him, : 1518, The earleof Lennoy ; who had beene With the ga---- nerito2 in France, returned home inte Scotland,¢ fasdinioed into partabings, (o that funboie "NT Sem ters thereoftrifuen ; as of the p2to2 of a and firof bismen murtbered , by the loz0 of ao lvith bint came a French) heralo from the king with burne at iamerton, the firt of Deober. eae bout that time,bicaute thequeeneandlozdsiwere ad- fametime the eatlesof Angus, er of faint bonds of ‘peace ano amitic toith the bingof Cnge -_Andzetos,Abberden,Dakencic,ammDuileOl fametime,the of letters , and maiffer Walter,Steward abbat of t king returnedto the cattellfring Cheabbat of Cleniluce came liketwife from the gourritoz Anda 6o burgh,and in the towne there tere - Seoul Gienince, uertifen that the Jfrench king had contraden ney land, tuithout making mention of Scotlann; ther Thescots thongltthemfelucseuili vier, being hisconfererat cuiltviepat friends, andthervpon {ent fharpeletterstotheking the French, _ of France, andtothegouernor, by Albanie the he Bingebands." -aip.3n the moneth of Zune,maitterGawen Dum bar,archbeane of faint Andes, mdclearke of the regiffer, twas preferred to the bithops fee of Abber: den bacant. by ath of Alerander ECherihop of Sberoeua -e ae ee f This Gatwenfoundedan holpitall in Abberven, andindolwed the famte twit lands fo> fusteuance of _-ford; the lord Glames,and othersthe "ete Gu December, monfieur dela Seeae _elearke called Cozoell, soith an ee sit Jed, Clarencisur, came trom the Bing moned to be caine com {were nota litle afraid , leaft the earle in bis difpleas fare isould haue bfeo fome outrage totvards them, ttbfch othertwife than in wandsit thould aypeere be Manuarie, agenerall fummans of forfaltnre yas p2oclamed at the market croffe in Cdenburgh, uber tn Were fummoned the earle of Angus and bishre: faking their anfiver of the cyanceller, fo that they 26 tith of Januatienert follotwing bine erent" s anoon the mint of {™™NED, did not. ; ye Desc Jn Januarie about the keeping of acourtat Fede ; ce Worth, there tas ratfing of people bet twirt the carle ther, the pio; of Coldingbam, the toyd of Winds -_urne,the lov ofDalehoutic, FobSommerivell of Catwdlfreme, and William Cockbome of Langton, fstibeearie OF Angus on the one part, and Andzew iar the Is2T, -twith their complices,to make thei Aypeeraniceiit the #Inzus ayy lOdof Fernihurt; tr abofe atd , Yames Hamilton Selon of Came twith foure hundzed ers men : but the lox of Fembar®. Seffeford then warden, allitting the earle of Angus 3° -_fatd parlement,tobe tried fo3 fundzie great offentes by themt committed, } Patter Gawin Dowglafle bithapof Dunkeld, GawihDowe bis part, met Hamiltonat tell witha great com: panic, and then thep twere lghtedDomfot,andthoulo baue foughten, the Pers men left firgames ba milton, the battard of thetarle of Arrane, i all the Danger, toith a fetv of bis otyne men about him, fo bearingof this proclamation, fed into Cngland,and glaile btfhop remained tn Londonatthe Danoie, there hedepay Dunkel ted this life,and is buried in the church there. We toas Saas A cunning clearke,and a verie god port: be tranflas ae ted the ttuelue bakes of the Acneidos of Virgil in gteat danger biito Hume, twith loffe of foure of bis feruants thich tere Maine: amd on the other part, there tuas an CnglifhmanMaine called Kafe lar, that came inaid of the warden. Dn the mozrow ats 40 nor, tutth dtuerte other treatifes inthe Scotith lan : guage, which are pet ertant.ibeearle of Angus fea @pecarteot» ring the fentence of fopfalture to be laid Again Angus feos bin at the parlement, procured bis wife (althongh "tb the form Hat twith much paine he was hortien, andeftapenin ter, the lord of Ferntburtt, as baliffe to the earle of Arcance,of that regalitic,beld bis court at the princtpall place of the forref of Yeoburgh, and the earle bimfelfe belo bis court ltketwifein an other partof -_Hcotifmieter, andcompiledallo The palace ofha+ there twas fmall liking bettwirt them)tolabor for hig {Mt toes pardonto the gouerno2, Wiherebpon it was agres on £0, that the earle,and bis brother Geazge Wotwglaile Aout pail outof the realme into France,and there we and dur the faine land, three miles diftant from the other. fo remaine uring the goucrno3s pleafurepann fo brother banta Hhe thirtieth dap of Apzill , the lord of Wiad. thep departedinto france , andremained there al the nert peere following, burne, and maitfter William Dotwglatle , newlie mabe prio of Coldingbam, twith thetr partakers in Che king of Cnglun, hearing that theoukeot Great numbers came to Coenburgh to aid the earle Albanie twas arriuedin Scotland, and hav taken of Angus, tho twas within the towne, againf the 5° the rule bpon bint, doubting leaf be ould perfuane earleof Arrane, and James Weton the chancelloz, the Scotithmen toaMt the French hing, againt tbo tuere allo there. ut now by the comming of thome, by perfuafion of the emperoz he ment (hasty thefe (uccors , which entered byforce at the neather bowe, and Que the maifter of Mountgomerie, forne of the earle Egtenton, and fir Patrike Wanilton knight; the carte of Arrane,and the chancellor, were conffremed to foyfake the totwne , 4 to paffe through the north loch. Loreuenge this contumelie , the Banuitons befieged the cell of Parnocke (ubicis he cattell of Cunwigham) but thep thoztlie returned 6o backe withont ow mg ante thing again ft them. | The one and twentith of Julie , the carleof An gus being in the towne of Coenburgh, Oeorge barne, anda great companie of gentiemen, ans ned til the beans of the lo: Hume, andef bist, ther Tiiliam were taken botwne befive the place fee wit _bailiffes were depoted,becauife TM pr00ot fn fanourof theearle of Singus,thepanobanbene chofen fitey Pairs of es« de in thetrromes. Zhen tw aries AND other aypotitted denburgh . p2ouing thent tharpelie for their demeano2, and fox Sthers and pafled to the Lolbuith, uberethepremats a" st Great rewards licenced them fo depact.Batin theie teturne toward England, y the earle of Angus q witha greatt number of men met themat Carlanerol, tee came thither totth the abbat cf Coloingbam,brother to the earie of Angus, and Dantd Hume of Wao, iep.thebithopof Galloway, and otherar ‘the wef.Zhus the loads were diaided, tof the cour the queene, the archbithop of Glatcotus pea u thancello2, the earle of *puntleie and manie other % a 10208,knights,barons , ano gentlemen 3 And twithitr fir datesatter their comming thither. the pono and chantcelto2 and others,recetucd them thankfullie,an d p2oclanted the peace , according to the treatic Hic thep had brought, and fo titcourteous anfiver ano ume, brother to the late lord Hume beheaded, dfuerfe abbats and other prrlats, =9 epanceli' of Glafeatw twas the bithopof © vom aan -_twith the earles of Arrane, Lennor, osat of Bat Caflels;the lords Rolle,Scmpill,the scald men of take mate more for the gad gonernment mon-twealth, ; Jn Nouember, the dube of Aibanie arriiten in Scotland onthe welt parts,at an hauencallen Ora ling: but theearle of Angus tould not comethere, Sibemiense fozach,the nineteenth of the fame monethsand on the turmech HPeuerthelede, the faivaniballavors wentthither, 10 -thyeean ene d ttoentit h he cameta GEoenburgh, accom, Dée*lanr. there the carle of Arrane ano bis partakers, as the Panied tuith there yas neuer no perfect loue bettwirt them afters of monficur dela Mantle, and for the {etfing vo of fempting anie other thing fo that preterit Linlithgo. The ambatfavoz therefore toke in band ta perfuade,that an affemblie might be bad in Strine: wards. Inthe beginning of Ffebguarie,there came ill hich , Danid Buntelord of Wiwoburne ,amdhis thacebrethzen, Willian CockbomesZohnisume, aclearkeas ambaffado2from the French bing wih {with Diuerfe other their partakers,twere indicted foy 3° letters, concerning the concluding of the truce ber Thelerd of toe hofieaing of thecattellofLangton,theGanghter beads,with offerings and bawhite Sea ms Teturned bonte to thefr tyne divellings without at thithersbut thep twoulonotcome anienerer thanto igoof Wlmdburne and other fo fiercelie, that inthe 10 chalices, andother {uch like things, ehich remained end be was faine,and foure JFrencymtentoith bint: therelong after, Manic right commendable toorks were accomplithed bpthis diligent prelat, greatlie bis head was cut from the fhoutders, amofet opin fhe totone of Duns [bponthecatfell of Yume] the to bis praife and hightenotwme; fox hefpent not the ment called the ninteenth of JFebmuarie nert, tthe Sngelapaelae ale -_gatne, andcaufing folenme funeral obfi ; kept in the Seictders ¥ fi m thai ttetion scae behorem the other lozdsthere with him > the abhich ent for the chancello2 ¢ the carte of Arrane to come The lords regents tere herewith meruclouflie buildings. offended,t chole the earleof Arrane to be warden of fhe feuentéenth of Zune, fhere rofe greatfur Pi the boaders in de la Wautics place, to twas alfo in Coenburgh, bp the falling out of the eatle of sists chofentobe pronoft of Coenburgh: uberetwith the Mothes,and the lord Linatep , about the tnioteng of ericotsies carle of Angus twas bhighlie difpleafed. Wuttheerle the Mhiriffelvtke of Fife, bp reafon tibereof , thep - of Arrane,not {eming to pate much thereof, foke 20 were put tr toard,theonein Dunbar 5 and the other Ainblr, George Dotwglas the faid earle of Angus his be in Dunbzeton. About the beginning of Auguf, the 4 ther , amd Markedkar, committing them to ward queeneremaining tn Chenburgh , tnderkod that penny Within the caftell of Coenburgh,bicaufeof thefanor theearleof Angus bir bufband, as then fotonening triste he bare bnto the faidlowof Worburhe ¢hiscom: in Dotwglas dale, had takenafatre gentletvoman oe a plices. @ozcouer, for due punifymentof the mur tn fhofe parts, and kept bir as his concubine; for the ABpariement ther of the forefaid dela Wantie, theretwasaparlee fabfch act He concetued uch hatredagaint him, that galled, / i ae Bees : ceo of peace taken foy om ; rt @cotland and England: tho com ming to Cdenburgh, twere recetueed n byby theearl e of there they were faftencd on atauill, ano histeas Dene in prefence of the prouolt fo; the time being. She nest day thep went to Linltihgo , and from Sence to Striucling,in hope tobane Couns the haw -lie tomatic toarre, fent bis betalo Clarencteur into Ciarencteur Scotland,to require the duke fo depart fromthence, an @nguth alleoging , that it was promifen by the hing of beraln lent ine France at the lat enterntew betivirt them , tubicy 6° Detand. hanced the fummerbefoze, that he ouly nat come into Scotland. And mo2eoner,abereas the hing of Cngland was bncle vnito the hing of Scots, he con Goered with bimfelfe that by nature he twas bound to defend bis neyhue,as he ment to boyand therefore be thought tt not reafon. that the duke being nert to Che king of the crowne to fucces , if ought came tothe pang ©ngtand bow- bing,fhoul haue the gouernement of him , teal be wean might be made atvate , as other pong kings bad aibanie qo bene. We further complained, that the earle of An weno, tothe gus thould befent out of the realme, f that he coulp *'"4 bis ns not intoy the compante of bis wife,Atter wntothe fame king of Cnglan. Clarencteur bao therefye commandement, thatAreede if the bate refulen to depart out of the realmeot eiarencieue Scotianp, he outs intimate a vefance with open agatint tye -warreagainl bem : thich the fat Clarencieur orp, PM o Sio4 beclaring bis meflage buts the ouke frompomnt to point "* -= Bings beboofe, belatd fiege to the cattell (as though be twent about to recouer the fame with all the potuer be could) to the intent that Bautie might be intifedto come thither to raife the fiege.sFo2tbich 1517. saute Wautie (upoting in truth that the caftell had --- bene kept to the bie of the king)battening the refcue = 306 |