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Show The hiftorie ofScotland, \\ The hiftorieofScotland. isuebles i ebenplicnbis nines peetaae, toete oftie cont = eaieot ‘oaityot bistabieds,andfpreialiiebefokeoy 1 oe nf diligent wife fopuinity eruclties Done infhice. ivnesa robbers,tabtdy bndoubtedlicvas one nfthemiot prohtavieacs that hecouln nevifetoac, rplithat fhat prefent confidering the ftateofbis pies asit then fro. Forif thedamagesefiathes commitited by theucs and robbers were equallie Seats *Porthumberland , wofceatling fill he came to Anz iwike, there he fated for a time topauc han battell: Hing Witliam,offering ontohin, tet oncliolarge The oftsy furnmies of monic, tf he would returne backewith om butin the meane tuhile the Engli}mentaieclofeter -_eedtars , fhaulo recogiife their wonted fubiecion to °fDcotlana far anfwor arednto declared, that he, hadmot he- otkingyi: no Srofifyman couls haue onderttanding here theptuere. At length king Wlilliant foraried with long tarieng thusat Auwtke,andfecingnoenimies Sonranie of them as he Mould aypointt. England, And liketwife the carle md barons of Scotland, aio Checarles their hetres for their part, Gould vo their homage Sleds dm -cuerivilling toltue bpon bis stone : fo that if thep fore his returne, andtherebpon fert forth the moft is-armic twithont further (nuation, but alfo remote pf all manier of infuries andiwzongs,ifanie fury on -thefr bebalfotwere to be prouedButbing Williem gp ening Gither without notfeo2 appearance, tifa wife that gun the twarre fo2 anie delice be bavto monies nel lam, ther badhefirdgiuen the occation, as one that toas toappare, determined to twerke fomeerploit pet bee Faincemmtts. iuchprapine s Hforablecommonsand imocentpeople,bpfuch as ¢ {palling at home, thanbpanic outs fofierce mdfirongin foarbenimics | Peehanictapaem eaisenien of is point fas no : leffe to be connmended,in that be . thispzince : cus outrage of fuchare ate his rightfull berttage, be toasnot (0 vcfirous:g bloud, but that he would.gladlie cate from allfur it es P f ther attempts. 2 et at aren entities. foand.fro, till they might,efpie fomeoccal a ppprane88 onebee easyOme Willian,nd bute' king marae a @;ath other ambatfadors ina woe Wenrie, requiring (as before) tobaue Pow pakpalabra bim, ott ae pte " fauour,be mould af, mi not bauc tt with gharithe be might thatif sivice TSaNS SS snamersat . Bing Bt Wenrie perceiuin Foam > nae cae Guat ce, tage thep.couneie their Wilhelmus aruus, : fcafot here bitte the place here the fame Socotilh, otea aii oeus cae cuigning Oe= cae parts, theaue twas , oan ajpoi till thefunue were Op, apamp eLiedbisie ests, batel: thon: themfost) to Rate tothe ewinties,to 8 traine Ce ther compenic was laid clotelieina : either cifehaue spentwarres with the Scots, byane -the moaning about the rifing of te funne, wetme 2 nifeof bisnoblesrefiozed fo king Williamfo much 3° twere agpointen to procure the firmly, appro ie 7-Porthumnberlar as bis grandfather 1. Valcolme here to the entmies campo,tillhep came en, , tit fightof thent. ihe Scots amazed tay ie bad inpofiefiion, Laing William accepted the offer, nelle of the thing, for that thop yad not heatbury : but fo,as be protelten that bereceined not that part -oof anie.aflemblie of the Cuglifymen,, at ieee ll ikon ofthe tole thich was duebnts et Hint (o fate the Scotity iwriters)bntfoashisenticr' a ight are ee asfo; that fbicy was thenrchan, reffored. aie Tithinte feo i ort i Benrieie feeling feel that hinderance i pacestPors peresatter,king if snberiand sa e commodities of thofe tight oa - - . cred bp to the Scotifh tomake forretes nto the landspertetning to oe See Ssoisenta {o foprouoke them tobattell, infuries beingbeing brought bnto she Scots = Suomen Complaintof thete inturies bought onite ape fhe warden ofthe Scotith borders, by ne Hcotsag ees ban lott fuch gods aswere taben atwate by the Cngy eae swith dimenetfentto demand rofkitutionsbatforfomucy . «abode their entmies foearnefili¢ laici earnsHat in gine thopazgue them backe, ane fireined whic her ' rt : them tofie2 in gan earned, _feluesbad but onclie pomatgatentents penaeyh Coe wetong -_ thep came. Atthefametine washing Wenricin -_fonte fide from amongi them,abenbe Sat + fheSuolity qround,pinmud burt oned fivetbere -isentures, after be haraffated be fats pstmt Geant war France, and therefore the Englifhmen thought it {usicionétodefendthemtelusas wellastheymight nourcoulyby, no meancs pevaile, av, fle shers1 mies made onelie at himbepalocd bin oon em aecee alfa nee therebpontbepccatteoan (a8 pehauehcard)Aeingof fet na2ay ot Softhont attempting ante notable cnterprife. inves engeof the nifpleafures daneby the Scots. Pars SEease ering,for theone partin 1 AR ee abere theirambuth tate, pee a boa? either part frons further inuaftons, fillthetwintey feafon, whicypaiedal(o without anic crploit atchis 6o amd fheathey,feared by fie beaniesCeamnos byt} abodethe biynt but a fmnall ea cs ued,tvorthie.tobe temembied; fautng certeine fmallrobes made bp the Scots into the Englith box inoaveth immiedéatlie towardsfhe Ee sh Shite? Ders,athey falv occafion to ferue thereto. © Wut in the funpmer nertfollowing, hing Writ thep coula Dono.gmd., thepsnad ‘cre terion could-ed, mar foxbum(elics tA thy aa into Cumberland,theright wingof Gekbicarmig wasconycicdto bing ernsea eaDeo ee oe King wiktianm amivailevamighticarmic, «mdcamewiththefame * fas ledbp Gileriff, whole apreueddallancicatten fhelwed inthetimeof king spalcolme,bavauancey Hinfo marie tith the bings fitter. Zhe le wing fwagalligned tuto theconducof.one Holland the ) Bingscofen, tho twas alfo lieutenantof the boxe men. Themiddle tard o2 battell the king himfelfe Led. HeCuglitymen,to theintentthepmightbaue timeandleatureto atlemble theitpoiver, fentonts bands. Lhe king being ins pyr ‘pepsi die,bere, pensa6 Sees Naeort hing TE famadoasiustgs,As of our Hantour, Ptini7408 segireriae" ert pagt -‘Tlilliams.reignite.» 31: ig nad oot FDiber-inziters wea x Ptti ‘we not altogither agree Neclave ro bees here abou. remembsed,) va -_amatter HeadtuatedallConder bap of December 1175, ethe king reffored home ‘ there followed a new ftirre in Scotland, for Gilberé _117 Se befite. And becaufe his brother reproued bis dav thefe: wobert de Stuteuill, Ranuife de Olanuiil, made great Danghter of all themthat tofthitw bis Bernard de Wallioll and diuerfe other. The fame authotriteth, that after the taking of 30 ings, he put out hiseies , andeut off bis ants, A the king, there rofeamutinicamongtf the Scots: again this Gilbert teas Gilerift font twith aut are Againt the Cnglity Scots,pet while the king twas bet twirt them, for the moft part of thofe that follotven malicious intentions: bat notv that he was thus ta fuc) commiontie as for murder and other hemous fellinto the bandsof the Frith, patd dw&relie for the -Jatues, and therefore bpon hope of pardon deftren Balloway inteby the king. Chere twas foucht a fore battell prefent among them, thep durft not vtter thefr ie fo the osberibefore aypointed, and in the me the other that fled catk msetea ate*; comfitep., aun bimfelfe,imcloten aneie ee Land, Yountington, ano Porthumberland Hould be -delinered eto king Wenrie in plenge o2 miaxtgage, for thereas the Frith Scots bare a naturall grudge him, say's = theragreat number ofmen,the Which entering into till the timethat the fame famme twas paid. And fo2 the move fuertie of thete coucnants, and that the oa Gilberts commandentent, were befperat felloives, ken from thent, fo manie of the Cnglith Scots as crimes bp them committed twere in Bangerof the aithert of bargaine, being crucllic murthered and laine: fo Achange; but pet in the end, Gilerift with multitude vanquifyen bp that the refiouc were conffreined to get them out of twan the field of them , and flue moze inthe chafe @ilcritt, the twaic intocaffels ano towers, there they might 40 than tn the battell. Gilbert hinsfelfe efcaped and got berecciucd, Wutnolw it is to be confiocred, that bi ouer into the le of Man, amd fiedfromthence into tell in purluing emt, Mbich thep didlo egerlic, hat Re ng Engiend, . as hecould haue notowardlieanfwer, be got togi: 59, Btg-Gillfam perceining onedh fide, and fo finallie taken and lepatpaie pera: nie Scotithman witt thereof, fauca few thidy ere the one balfe to be patd tr hand: and for fare pat- of Galloway , a tight cruell and moft mifehiefous oe Oa perfor, purpofing to conquer the crotonebyforce, blithe vere fomekhat afraid; but arian incouraging 9 aniother,thep balolie (ined forth oponthete entmios, wells eyeng iho of purpote (at the firtk) mabe but tyeake ; france,. length Hed amatneatetoareaspurl thointentt> men rent oeand. at athoes eae me ! oe -_teng in the ballte, brake fmath opon mentof the otherhalfe, the eatlévomes of Combecrs foure pundzcd hoofemen,abich take bpon themthat Cmtrins of enterprtfe ; trhofe capteins (as he reciteth) were Warne, torn ras ncmeery cae thop left. theirir king bi but flender' ie-garded "with 8 - Socasae Soonae leans kingscaaieb ble,cepentenbim of thatbargaine: and theres. abatho Ring Henrie Fyreto find {ome occaffow to teccucr the fame agatn, fmall comgante abouthim . aben inane g TepentingHit pe wocured hisfubieds that pwelled bpon theboz Cngitthmen came vpon hint with counterfeited {core ho2emen with king Tlliant, while he as fhus takex;and that the Cnglithmenwere not paft eEngith: off,to take fheaonantage as thep falv their Wd engiano, iand reftozed smree tothe Sco | left (as ts faib) tuith him forthetime. gnded Wil. Dcots fyoulo mone no warre againthe Cnalith: ccatteis. helmus Paruus, a cation fometime in the abbeie of 20 men,foure ofthe frongett caftels within Scotland, cee Wudlington in Borkethire,in that his boke abtch he that isto faie, Bertvike, Coonburgh Worburgh,# the Enalithaites of the Powmankings of England, affirnres Strtacling were deliuered into the Cuglifhirens Meninplenge. boto there were not manie moze than about the ‘hands. Thete things being thus ordered the cight mg irhole potver in the lord tcnrie his fonne , f@ mante as therebito Poreoucr, the king of Seots thouln pate for his Ring wilttans tevemption one hundied thoufand pounds ferling, tanfomen, Scotifh enfignes , anvtucre notonce fulpected for Cnglif}mnen,tilithe king wascompatedinbythem se oeeae, than tf bebad 20 meane polisikeeeat oe ainvnttenons: Oea realme ofthofe mif, fent toking gonerned perfors,be feut eftfones bis ambalanozs -_and fealties bnfo the fato kingof England, and to -euenaty teic the fame, keepitig no great companite about bim, till the returne of the other thus fent forth, Wherevpon incontinentlicagreat ambuthinent of bauing reccinedthis anfiner, thethe endEnalitymen they 7gipraa! Bae in Cemi dinerfe falre offers amd golden p2 -_the church of CaghnD , and ow fealtie to the Kintcror Oe England, part of all big armie abzoad into the countric, to for ro Moula be required, stieeio =. panderedinith tye ducts anpbinderances ttbicy Date 10 cruise opptante to eve osteo ia inff anie forren nation. nae ite ee me ce oe. ties arifeth, € moze againt the poze and ercrcifed are crucities 3 bet fe?" thantBy 189 father.) And in like mariner it twas couenanted and AGTeed,that all the prclats of Hrotland,and their fue: Che prelates Canfe there twas nogteat flauchter made at the tas Kingof king William, the warres notiwithitanding Continued betwwirt Cnglandand Scotland: for the two before (pecified chiefteins Cilcrift and Kolwlany Sheritt ann Tontlic withor the Englithmen, and beat them md re8 the @ng- backe as thep enterpzifod to enter into Cumber, foren, lano. At length a peace twas taken,during the time that king Wiliam remained in captinitie; onver thefe conditions, that Pozthumberland fhould conti: so © bwerthe nus bnbder the Dominton of the Cnglifhmen, mod Cumberland with the earledome of Huntington)te temaine (as befoxe) brbder the gouernance of the begets Seotifbmen. Imunedtatlie bpon the taking of king William Dean carte o¢ thus at Anwike , bis brother Dautod earte of Hun, Sasagion tington, thorough licence of king Wenrie cameinto DPeotland,to haue the gouernement of tye realine, till the king bis brother might be redeened. Bo fone therefore ashe bad once eftablithen the realine in God quiet and iuffice , he (ent Kicjard the bithop of faint And;ctwes, with diuerfe other noble men, over info Normandie , to take order there ‘with B. Hens he fo; the ranfomeof the king bis brother, hich was agreed in this manner. Firlt, tt was accozded, that tng of Bing Clilliam fhould become and acknowledge tithe bimicife tobe the king of Cnglands liege mana, *€eg.Ags Gainé all men fo; the reaime of Scotland and his o cx. ther lands ; anb fo: the fame thould bw fealtie to the {am king of Cngiand,as to bts liege fouereigne low, ertaed tn lhefot as other bisliege people tere acenfto, med tobe. And further,be fhould aifo da fealtie nto the lox Benrie , the king of Cnzianns fonne, (fa Mang allwaiesthe fauh aiid) be olwght the king his Fret md, Wilhelmus Paruus reporteth this matter Wilhelenis fomethat otherivife , as thug: In the armie of king Fae TUilliam(faith be) aber he was taken ieere onto Anwike , were two brethren, Gilbert and Mared ; that were lords of Galloway, bauing there toith them 4 great retinueof thetr countriemen. Chefe Werethe fonnes of Fcrgufing fometinre lorof that pronineesafter thofe occeafle the king of Scots that tsfuperiourlord thereof, diuided the comntric bes tivirt thefe tivo brethren. Bat Wilbert the eloet bro. ther found bimfelfe mud griewed to haue ante part of thofe Lands(thich tere his fathers) giuen from him; pet Doudting punifyment at the kings bans, be dur ff not attempt ante thing againt bis brother, fill it fortuned the King to be tahen. And then delis uered of the feare tty had ftaien bis inifeytefous purpofe , he taketh bis brother at onwares, and cr cllie murbered him, after no common maner ; but 60 tather martmedhim in beattlie tile , fo to fatiffie the inffinc of bis dtuclth nature, And tmmediatlte after inuading the byper countries , he erercifeth great daughter of men oncadyhand . wut his bro ther hav a fonne called Kowl md, thie proning a baliant yong gentleman ,bolbdlic refitted his vncles rage , with the affitance and aid of bis fathers friends. And thus tas Scotland brought into trow ble (as Wilhelmus Paruus recometh) till by the fores faid Otlerift the murverer tac etpelted , as before is erpzeffed. $n the veare following came Wugo care Dinall of faint Angelo as legat from the pope into pacheares England, toith authoritic to refoxme the Cnglith audits churches, in (ach cates as were tought requifit ; popesiegat, anbalter be hav mane ancnd there, toda the like tn scotland, |