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Show rater * high tolners than mortal name bfferlie worne out of knotvlenge. races J do not meane herein to difpute, whether this haue beene pretended by fundsie princes fithen tt ,onelie to the end that all prittinate latoes make conquc abtennres of potledion might ceale,and they j th, Anc.li, ants bpon the catth. Berolus allo the Chale tuzitevOc. there asa citie calle us och,builoed fometimebp onto that néte to beHan takeLiban ye peC he ngtot ratti great ,ubot berie , vid divinb bovies giantes of ingenell theitabit ffvength)tbere andbhu foo rather hem, r thett lim twas thanfo 0? Nephi people, Gigas n ofthetntot retliogitien ie andopp -_thefr tpzanm uss toonld ,o2large tteps, as Goropi pleature, . qteatnette ofbobieDeniet a net difpotition of all things at their otone effect. h that enet men tvere great it (for he ane ainone token t 3-buti a ater e Edw.th g bpkin ds one t)o2 bicant -_folutcliic J dentehas neither of thele, , fith ert berte probable reafons map be by efpecialtie Godalfoffaico theirmalts bad bir tohaue obteined,but : cesmbbir challenge. Wut befive the firafoxe menti: -thelatt rayher fpeakethofa oned,Huntingfdonthe olvbiftoriog a i fe nought for ech of thent, but fingers nto paCo ee oe ee bre athen absoe orthre we sBs giantofs wasn _tiono Dauid,otthith thef time _till tess n sia onr erpofi forte ofse! gos pas confumedin Og.as haueif noz-terlie vould , come tnt Polwtoitics writers. Fo2 though al 0 curchztftian , Therpebues oppreffion and inifcheefe in the tworld , of Hanach the Checalled them generallie EnachSchefc hai andTalma,ab the authov too20,are fu "ficient attics alreadie alleged out of the ; pet will ft Moab fwere qreatlie replen : ithetwithith(udhmen, thes me Moles tuzote that treatite. $o20f thefemonttersto mopfticall ee -‘bpon them, tob than that thee fent fenfe of the tert in this bes balfeis And fir of r frature th an other bnto remained of greate es famili 5 . ; chiloz <ap-13- big dates tit compariton of home theai t: j 3a oe teal confelted themfelues to bethebuttyo2d' Gi Nuc rehearfen,whofeconfirmationdependeth bpon iaanantamcatietene ae iwriters, thomake teone daie out of feuenth,|thelit (ashe faith) toconhno Honth, chrhisawoind that blotet mam to gad nth (for thep twere all beth ‘ fetta anesee bronite,father fo Achimam, enttoconfirme mp purpofe at the full ee > 4 ; al i though their firk ozigin to fet Dotonef let ed,one bath enoch 20 not ed fromH derivpeftil ll toas lte to wy eeea oe aiginatrhom reueal def e entvac that not e l a h of , reader ne e h t 2Cai t a - aoe ; -_thinke th s, ended, as Aread. Whe MoabitsnamedthemEmim quantities , ano , toith their of giants e name oth e ofeem tyonl it ,anb oned in the :tcriptures, 9ra mmims menti ces, Zamfi mftan ites Ammon of Deut, ca er citcu fome antd thefecond A : i mvtti to haue ther bp the and mmon on depending that 20. zetati 195 pinterp cut, than at this peefen at fhelatt not their parents twere zefent)o2 bicaufetoere : we /ily; 02 called Ter e e from th time for {uch in olddanth though bardlie dgaton William 20 Bnotonere,the fignific ee- he allenge byZhethi onlic a Gigas } word tehetb rs oe DETae,cavestant of England. bomelings,bomein the land o2 r all cnric the 7.abohad fone better helw of rightbut ahetbe r neithe not; o2 land til of tuere men Maric, e, beads farre more of all bypQ. the lat and in Matur itic notw equant ut effect.ittsAnd d'tn oldtin pet Switho gieibe thep tot than toouto e, alfo nt, gaueo astomeof thepap ep be + and pet abe other bp Henrie the 4.tho neuerthelette tuas ; ‘ swe bychetcnes te Beetsveteee, ve Sone HORNS Sate four to the fit the sheet eea of ebote fpeare twanitice on alfo Goliah, the fafte e Oe i oaa lame niouerthcleffe be was ‘et in the fecondbattell in Gob bp Elhanan aebp the loabs Abifaj by twas tf tnoter,and the feconn Ell et en Su etw toDau of -nathannneyh onlic huge Dita seinasnot alfo of iland the floud bath thefetwordsinbisboke age, but things beforeJn tions, thete baies faith he, there were gt 10 perfon of genera *Ety -_pofteritfes are not confumed, and thetr monfiruous Vets. o the firftis pettobeate ofDincrsother conquelisall ce the Mofes the pzoyhet of the dLo2b, twriting of the eftate Beals thisas inthe mott part of their hittoate,which ts to feke 10 ded, as for their bugenefe of perfor have refembled great bono? bp lieng,¢ great renotwme bp patingand l men,although thetr Fiano,toith ertreme crucltie;butas for anpeonquett bnotable examples fet dotone,as Ahaucobferuca the goblie map {uffice inreadinrg the fame,wid) ontoon,Pen effe,atter for {ufficient prmfeof my politi weitierthel ngs of ourlearthe fcriptures 3 twill re(ort tothe the infivell anopagane. ned Dinines, and finallie of feme to want thatmap authors, tHjereby nothing (yall confute Goropius, and all bis cauillations. iee ae crabing,Znoeed thep Haurdone great mnithefeintis > _uellous things: but that there baue bane fac) men in The defcription'of Britaine. (error = by the meminzic ofthe Weitons biterlic haue peritheda: mong bs. Cusine teehotv england bath irtimesbeme fubiet fo the reproch of conquett.And tberas the Scots Cerne bee to chaiftnge manie famous didozies aloner ds com: szable fiegretuons tmpofitions,tributs,t Dithonthepde alein potitions ; tt hall fufice for anfiver, that perien this canfe therneembyedof men of fucdatants . Jfo2maket his baefe to Foxe X hae notn taken bpon metherbp to proue,that pifcourte intuing,as indenouring grounded bpon -_-the opinion of giantsis not altogitherted onclie tobe: baine and fabulous narrations, inucn mat: ight the cares of the bearers toith the repost of bole too tet fach notable t er: tune kniotolenge. Taherfore if agpeareth by prefen re, ce, that all is not abfolutelte bnerue tbteh is theres neds haue fuffined the ottercontainse a ase if The defeription ofBritaine. tl. astt fpeabe taken fimpli ; Te e i tobethat alfe isomit allto <ju te De ciuita it that tthich Tertullian 21b.2. de refrref?. faiths Dei lib9. pa pga betwith other fato the toth of acp .aup pronntrtced an, iberof betobe goo abulfement 10.0:bre eteeteje? Which is one noble teltimonie that I He the ee tbatt it Snelbat steve th freng enSy in s att giant buge the f to ll amano for ¢,equa taken Thetiketeréaf Johannes tuell ts'fo time. and Enach in bis parts, but hunger ¢ mud) Soak 30 anicothermans that liued dotwne nothing is tobe had int thofe atemutt verbteat rive the Fasve maine nts ,in the 68.chapterof Boccacitisy t owne child, wicked tpaant,o2 o effo ur of efe bomeb occac an IohnB ath i -alfod colb, Séemore hereof in the biffozie of S. Albons,and ei nite commo opetto 203 ; a caufe the(r quarels were tnt, and Crampies people, Ith: se bie! & em faieng that in the caue of a mountaine, eften. us , tbofe Anti peuytheFurthermore, there is mention made alfo in the aforfain autho? trhich lieth on the left Mine of the e of theopz defent fozfake ga pe es Anthe and es aokee Hercul dno of regar 3 ae pateryepangant totone of Sicilia called Ce for : rpr e cme les tbat fpivit thep bo proceed toPau belong th from Ogfometinehing of Bafan,ubotwasth noubte thatnow uresof as atte ing fevipt Suir. ae e atur in equali iwere teren :¢ Goa ae thep ph tees,Fe cedeSea nd : pa ) tucigh 100, left iw thela opiho Could be the autho: of them, - = pe of the giants, that twas its,¢ wholeiron Balan, t ~ Saumeanismcternesttes ubeteterairae [eae Soe ¢ ‘ . ec, he Caps. nallie bis abuerfarie in WA OF Chives thefeaforefain natio sic pour xreptias yon bane x Heard)into our Zland,tue read of fundsie giants that thoulp tian fnatteth thus: fi iallé aaa fulpert the credit in the elo, of tbich bicozie Polis outtole bitoni, a fable,ontworthie to aeemeeapenthelike inal otherbifeies, : Porth, Hhere men are na - ne all to be but eae imes doth of a meand mart, hich oftent Goropius dalieth abontthe ___Nepttns quondiimfilins from the fandara, Db how again hilforie of this Og,of thelzeabingof bis pateyedn ed t againt ribs gbis hurtin eof heav, the bens at Og twas not bigger than other Non certamen erant operofo ex are lebetes, Sedqus velvitam velferatinteritum: 9MeiditAntens Ione nation vinerefas at os ¢ Scrnaccsteeaeeeemmstnis Spotmnatitn so stp ami cest 18. fost , if poetical licence mehieane ue ts 7 poi 0 fand bpon thete ig , % pale oner Ola Iohiannes Magnus and}Olau Saxo, unt to {peak e ANY moze of thent. & points stoamake Fi And whereas alfo F « : Montinayabote bones dove ni pocene { be to haue maine might Co petre as thould firlk e fene : ; es innatu ther re, Df thefca fet done 4 ceededin fuchogder, that J vare mirac llo fome inthetvlife tinue tnere alte tote vor r anp gfe whethe ¢ s p b w itance citcum p manic ant$ here, then tbe! ther thepivere of> fury huge and PS in: e befell of lique: D of 1000. tueight,oy e 3 atfe,02 r ae fie ge onthei it alt Ore.ec AN 2 ber, and credib Choulders(uberein their bette two: } allie le ffature a $ the authours bo rement like: eene bhaueb men nee ‘ twife knotonte to come bane beene in this othem)anvoftherace of thote ntert fome iver tebnt ; frente of in thste uo leffe ebene andtuz lined,ttreng Grac 1500,ofofbis the oinere fibercit Olaus the fame DE the giant of Spaine serunieras knotwlenge. atepeatesbya fall bpon the Alpes jas he about the preaga riber toent ox came fro X4 Bininoman ( atoomaneect maeie Withbig ) there an alfo of much moze than co ano ma ime oo us pet living mud) , eucnt bemen fac Leric age, that can Long foPage, w thet of them tani tbether any inthis our intl D o2 NOf,F prot plainl bere ie,that mp mind is not a t protet 3 2 ber to ace itany fuc) maner , but rather mm itie,that there hauc bene Ox sabe {ufficient anthoz als nightie menof ftature,and foe of them foi te ites inWattaine,which ¥ twill fet note ANS Wherebp tt Matt fllont Saude TRIAGE aS Sland,no2 any part of the main e, ce ut tyem,Fi therfore, r twithoures c ofall ogithe benalt other the (cript swith eto begin groundof all iniotoleoge : > the mot fure¢ certeine - + pou tall baue out of -" i ‘ bp the propodtion te metricians tudged bis bodie to oosa e te ieeee e e mioueen D a eete of bis besa. -ehureh oe h - repanum itt perpetuall memog occati< gteatnefie, tibofe bodicinas found bpon this ti: bok avec founda a ate bigenters i bapentep bpon agreat pie ncogramneteante oo sn m i m a eS in the caue,of tote greatnem outcrie tithe citie, noe ep Ro fe .'But trath of atice dati e ‘Aurute ich.libs _thepranme atwate,and mabe an : andall fopimne,th um dtamch.lib ugult.de cmt. lib. 15. cap.25 Co ad FauSt buoks geo i2.Am 2.Ambrof.¢c.aitd lohannesButeo that excellent flat 8 matt reputeth Hercules 92 Cori aea that Hanuile in bisArbicetion Ober 2. cubits inbei choasinade,as our Diuines ofthe ste Hane no fu meaning direalic) but ratherbarie e differ palafira, Incaluereanimis dira certareatque louiss 6 hand,till one of them twas a nee r eereco iittaCoinrenwanetysCn Cig cnll, Sei handteaM ing of this 3le, tho foughtaea ~" combatnig aconelieUlcauteitamr Su a teherfa angeag the et the famic that forrr Tediteé -_pet for all this n veiee s a fable b Sees ok pound.that i833. eaueuene ai ccs tothe heabiteaenie ocubitsinlength, 0:4.voeeeNene Abe addetl farther that the forepart of b inbedth,thich cubits J take not to be geometeis on buthels of «er 40was able to conteine manie = ener mamonas ofthe vate of the bone of bis thi , tnbabit bere.Which report as it ther increntble, fy ets not altogi n Pales Gracia,non Lybia. the pofferitics of iuers princes 5° Be me . ‘ ‘ e ‘ returnen and held aasiciteiey eon the lit betiodur bie arn bait, 6 e, till he gat at tb force, ther hope of the rettitution of rect otrmaaeret9 a 5 ; inhabited whetherthey andathri were, an ae BP pomife fo be onercome by the Mtracl eus,tha being offeA tetcee =Anth re btterlie banque : ? 8 ca e bath twzitten of purpote ofthe caueciaie ea the. Jn the-firlk of Samuel pouthall read of Golfah a banit;not ee ¢ thep Were foafrain,that ee 5 te tinthe citie,bota hi te ‘nbsbl ano Weas with clubs setemealingpuntaon coutato ten fougb a bute one baurg thoula thep om 46 tf SS Pets eeitsostale agatetastaantoeaatiebonen Cap 17. and pet fat as tbe had beers ; : ; bi in his red by mine compabet -aliue3,hauing ig a ffaffeofa ¢ in (hip, which tall hand, the mal Zroic bnto f _authoa oundo ro4.p to tter eighta teth being touchea h c i h W bic ip, ; andb onanamounTele by fpeare 6o fell betiwene mon ficles to the ounce. Lhe head of his = by to dul, fauing the nether end be and lt ish Coo.ficlesofthatme: cas fill fillco glith th 0202 6oo.ft : , whofe hollotonetic wes sebnito fen P pound Engli hand ano the ground maile of 1256. ounces {was of 5000. ficlesjo2 neces 3 > tetof beale, tallA: is height alfo twa smealfured at fir cubitsandan 6 with oflead > to beare bpp bibis arn weightpeces: (th it1500.p not fallin ouloonund that Tature¢ frength to weave aitan of great Giant, aid b fuch anv aritidtid, d for heante a lance s Wut betwel and iie, Parifib thinking bimfelfe {fill-to haue Ceinhand; -_ ter ae tocrtenuate the fulnefleofe thelet a set catnetts o bis bttermof power , doth nenerthelotl d being touched fell tketwi mritmpancesa aforett of his igh eea aukes forepactef bis fcull,md one of -_-isth le band ee All ahich cy dotdaimportthathetwasanotab at bredth, aboue three feot-rm10 atfet lic atfirmte, thatbe was not2 tio fast higher thanS the common fort of mert,o we: and fo be leaueth it as petermined. of find report l, 3Mhben Samue of h fecand the onteg . In rn ob s Sei tubich of Geth; in bomte 175. ants foould baue billep Dauid ban 8 -{geire - {that ' ? peare, Kole head -allfo bef al teleOeis Boles nupivefe: netwa the into dnt, faning e c Galeae thet aswwill repozts,Se thetefare hittori in theharoli 2.2690mkAint Sate She HeCinries of Abgabeant length,but Goroe tote bones toere 17.0218-cubits tntobe the bones of a as his maner is,penieth them -_pius, affisming rather that thep there the bones of an man, -eleyhatitbecaufethep fombbat refemblen thofe of tive fuchbeatts which were found at the making of the far --sousditch betipeene 1Srurels and. Pachlin,As though these |