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Show The hiftorie of Scotland. 184. coucnartt ioas not performed onking ing David anaes, king Dautd innsned thatpartofthe trnaveth---_eguntrie hich the Englitmen held, making great * Maughter of all them that be found there about to iin ie- refift him. Ling Stephan moucd herewith teuied phan pafieth his people , amid came in pulffant arate brite Wore nto Ror burab ; but for that heban fecret Kholwlenge that a. fone of fhenobles in bis armte fought bis peftrace --brare folvards me, mthough oftentimes heretome Abhaueproucdit, pet this prefentdapy hanevecoi: > ued mofb aniplefrnit theteof: for now dm J plainer * lie fee, that pou lament noletfefor the Lolle of inp latedeceffed fonne, than if pow had burtenfoe one i Of pour otoite forines,and are therefore cometo pour Great trauell and paine tocomfortie , thomepon > -eftcemefo be fozeaffitercd fo2the oner-timelie death tion helvas confireined toreturne tithout atdie ningof anic Wworthte enterprife. do Homage bnto king Stephan amd his (ueceflors Bings of Cngland, forthe time being. Zhe peace thusratified betivirt the fivo kings -farre more light than they commronlic femme _ y thers; andlefle thep pin difquict me: foas ‘with bfe Bbhauelearned atlength, not onclic ee - » - andking Dauidrepatred nto Cumberland , there -cefue the fameasthings pleafant amd pie vt hd » amd thefr fubiedts ,33.Steyhan returnedintoskent, Caricili was he fortified the towne of Carleillwithnew wales ‘fired. And verelie my Hap bath bene to beg " - -erercifed in this bebalfe, for J haue firtt feene . aed pee ae Stephans reiqne. Inthe fourth pearecame auld ther , moze derefo me fhan ante earthlie 7 ‘e pens Se the empzeffe into Cngland to claime the crotyne 4. ad noleffe profitable than greatlte defircda .7 ips atin. bout thepeare thereof (as in the Crolit bifforte moze plainelie people:ant pet neither the loue of the peop a on ofour Lor, smapappeare.) Wut Lhilett England foas fore for is infer andfriends might farrant b - _a toe mented with warresbycontrariefadionsofthenos mother right famous inthe world foz bit -oae fozro hapned to Scotland forthe death of enrie bertuetopale hence in ithe maner. = con thep2ince of thatland, amdonclie fonnebnto king Thereatho' ranin, hodtedatiicllo,andwasburicdinthe ab» Henrie prince hoie church there, ii thepeare of our vevemption, aE a4 ¢ 2 Wisdeath was greatlic bemoncd afivcllof bs Sat: -Halllbe all iunmoztall,iftueour fees op ie. 05 it Wwete {ported with filthtc DI oeth, eebere' bim that qgttiethand taketh atvaylife € breath then afonne, tbfch tall nents agente gs 4, ae nifet. Therefore that king Dautd twcied the loffe of and to be twifhen for now, after he is : ' bat be to - it pleatcth him, asby datlicerperienceismottmas bis formein {uch balance, it mayapeare by an ora tion bic) hemaveto hisnobles ,at that time(after -_hentce. Wutonght we to takeit hear a ‘onto bs, "ayant home he belonged , and to bav te-in that 1088 ane full for the loffebich he anbdthep had (uteined bythe _caffon)A Mall afke that againe,tb! en aime? bis formes deceatle) thepcametocomfort bint. Jfo2 hepercetuing them tobe right beanie and foro: Death of fo totwardlie a prince, that was to baue fuce «Holdall for himagaine , and ma yet 300 -_-dis otwne 2 Ffo2 tehat infuriets tt, on baue pol" felted thzough mp benefit as lent rt if C3 " ceded him, iGovhavient binlifethereto; inthe AMefther vw ¥ traf to wanthin nes cael oe noblesthat came thusto bifithim ,bebeganinthis hope fhoztlic ta be called hence bp co ico op torr » endof a roiall featt, the obich he mave onto thofe Mmopation. thie to be belourd tupilef he twas aTa fromt oaght® , iwife. How great pour fidelitie and cateis, tic) you be fo mercffull orto me,as 3 wih ananocstt of that moft bigh Bing, and to be cat fpirits, among that fellotwthp of beauentie ‘hel thie miers,and cumbzed in uch thoznie thicketsamp ce bulhcs ,outof the abiey he (being note velineren of all inonemino and will.Sucharie twasthoit mat: BingDauids fcr ing SDauid wnto them ano all other, to ice Peg at length (though heanenlie favour) wesmapcome polver he is alreadie arviucnd, ‘ Affer that the king bad made anendofbisox fion., and thanks giuewto Goo for bis bountiful magniticonce ,.theprofe, from.thetable,anddepar: fedto theirlongings, thep all greatkemaruelling at the Kings high prudence and godlie twiftome, -_ehaine of baotherIp lone femed to banelinken then and Rameaporiecandgobdlielifeatter, 1.9.1 SM 7 Ing Danid being oead¢ buried (as ts berore Malcol SBricotme the Eben vas Maicolme,the eloett fonne ef the before tie {ucceeded inthe effate. We tas but 13 peres of 44oe Age,Cher bebeganbis reigne; bur pet his mavettic and vertuous conditions twere fuc), that all men -<coneciueda gd hope that he fwould prouea vight : noble and wonrthie prince. ‘We toas nourifhenant Che encrentis brought opin fach bertue, enenfrombis infatcie, bina Aals that ocliting in chaff conuerfation andeleanniemte of ©" odie andintisDs bd Itued fingle all: the daies of bis -_‘Utfe, and iwtthout mariage + Aberefore hotwas frnas fonne of Wen= Iettiored prince enric , proclamed ti bis place .. med Malcohnethe mard. Aboutthe fine of his en hepodaprinceof Scotland, andconueicd though the motk >" tring into the poffeifton of thecrotune , there tbasa Soearth oc prance of parts of the realine bp Duncane earle of Fife,and Other of the nobles aypoirted to attend bpanand ta teceiue the oths of all the barons for their allegi ance in bis name, Wlillianr the feconafomie of Cries? Ao}. prince Penrice was conucicd into Mozthumberland by the forefaio- nobles, and there proclamned and cre Shamberig ated carle of that countric. Chen wentking Ma uid himfelfe onto Carleill , there be metivith ev ‘leat derthtroughallthe bonds of Seotlan. Ano fone after followed a fore deatboth amongit men anDdbeatts, though it was not perceined thar the ® beath nat --difeafe nhereof thep died tuas anie thing conta: contagious. gious, Werrofofd: one Somerleid the thane of Argile Hometterw fake occation toattempt arbhigher entérpite than thane of Br: -eodswith the bafeneficof his lniageand effate: Toy oe tie the fonne of the empzefle , tbo recetucd theorder 4 tonfivering that the one halle of the realme twas bitnfelfe hing, Rete ¢ of knighthood there at bis hands ; Dis was alittle confunred bp mortalitic , amo. the other balfe neve befoze thatthe fame Wenrie came to anagrament ferereet: ‘with king Stephan, ibereby be tuas adimtiten to = tee oer the poficilion of halfe thercalme of Cngland,anp band famifheo through lackeof fod, he thought it an eafiematter fo2 him, now tbhilett the king teas bmbet peeresof ripediferetion, to vfurpe the goners . pro:nifed byofh of allurance(as the Scotidhturiters -drautee of tharcalmeinto hisotyne hands, and fo ab fay)that be ould neuer goabout totabe the cou -Cembling togither an huge companie cf (uch agitt ftiesof o2thumberland , Cumberland, and Wind fington from thecrotune of Scotland. Dopeof porte tightlie confenten to his opinion jhe tare forwards, to matse as it tere a full conqact, Shortlic after was king Dauidtakentwithatox Aeaing ano fpoilingallfac in bis wap as twent a omen . difeafe and maladie, ubichcontinned withbim tothe 56 bout to refitt him.d6ut bis prefarhptucus enterprte "Ml due Debtthat mut neds be paid. - the boatth4» -_-receiued Wwitha thankefull mind, in a bat it full beneuolence of our God bath - righ tit, " DONOtfall into the Danger of eternal bette tat that all men are fubiect onto death by thelatwof nar fure,andarefure nolonger toremainebere,than foreof right (me thinke) ¥ bauecaule - ne tot)" their Day appointed bythe eternal determination of 60 Godby bis fingular fauour bath gran . ‘cas ion53 of bis fernants tended fo mecdnelntion : nothing Moued to firre Frifeo: fevition | but all things 02 Deredin fueh friendlie and peaceable fort , that the cc £0 the place ttpere tne. do reckon that by diutne oth The king alfo being moztifien from fhe tworln,toke the death of bisfonnebericpatientlic , confidering €< benceis that henmof bliffefullic ts temaming, é CErecpt ante man map thinke that tei are fo enuf OuS, that therefoye we Bolament, becante as pet ¢e Sbatare gone afore vs,labo: both dapand night,that 20-4faio) Palcolme nephue tobimby: his fon Yen. _ther creatures, are thep not gone the fame i ~ " compelled to beare deaths hard ozdinance ¢ an moth , for ive all alike otvethis life he. 2 : rule and miforderedcuftomes , that his whole fant: court. lic was giuen onelie to the evercife of pertue:!fo tiotons banketting rio: furfetting cere was Hien Amongé them,nolafcinious fom2d heard comic farth allcates) hathefcaped. But let bsrather by follow €¢ ing the footiteps of bimand offer bertuous perfons that werefo louing , andagaine fo great a a of me; alfo mp twife thome F eftemed a ~ bleconditions as aypeared in him. Wut pet, for that liete of the poze,patted all other hisnotable bertnes, "PO chepurged bis court alfo in fic) wifear all vicious ing Dating ec Detour bp all means, that ahen the tine conmncth ce We ficke fa oucrixbelmed and downed in (ach file bis father the king,as ofall other the effates and dev 5° relic fandeth the cafe , that no mat might cae se ‘ gteesof the realme,forfachfingular vertucandno_nie time auofd the biolence of his force yr as a em belettittue behind him thre formes andthe Danghe ne fers(asbefoxeis mentioned) therealme twas not * thought npzoutdenof beires. TCheiswes atnature, -_-this fatal ucceflitie of oeath. J baue eea. bles for the quarels of thefe timo perfons, no fmall Oa; But pet this ts notte be foryottens)that abere His Bis fingutar fingulavpitifall tegava,tirch he bad towardthere: Pitietowara in thich our foules are to be lofed forth of thefe of aniemans mouth , nozpetante tvantonfignes ¢¢ fraile bovies of ours,as outofprifons, thepmay be to fhetved to prouoke fenfdall Inf 07 carnal conet Ring Davids found pozthie of that compante, inabicy ourconf -_pifeence. All the tum2ds,twats and tole demeanoz ferHants. _beare all abuerfities that map baypen,, but a . Ht and ditches. Thus palledthe fir tine pearesof king and fonne in far better-effate than bere J Bnew joie Sf them. Therefore that a map repeateit onceagatne, Sreisile (¥ fap) tohsaue obteined in mp fonne, by . the grace ofthe fupertiall God, hatZ am adaredby ti faith, be is alreadic in that place tothe thic) all we Ddoecarnetflie with that we may aticine, and. doit of mp fafdmofk obrdtent fone , Wut to let pale foy 2 for thefelants and fegnioxies the foxeniamed prince 30 me(at the fir) receiuing all things wwith equa rr Denvic t his luccetlos, prtreesof Scotland, (houlo _-thankefull mind, and interpreting them tothe be , " Feparedby duis ro this time due peciding of thanksto poufo: the fame, 3 Mhepearenertinfuing, apeace fyas talked bps till occaffor and leafure map better ferne thereto; on, the atchbifvops of Canturbaricand Porke ap: -this now may fnfitce, that J acknotvlenge mp felfe ,, to be fo much beholden to pou, that thatfoeucr thing onthe thereof treatie inthe pointedcommrifftoners bebalfe of Bing Stezhan, andthe bifhops of Gla' Ahauetn the tvoalo, the fame isreavie to dw pou » col, Aberdeit, and faint Andjeivs on the partof -pleafure.. Wut concerning the caule of your com minghither,tir Metwing pour courtefics therein,pou king Dauid. Wut Pauldqueneof England, the Daughter of Cuttacecarle of Wallongne, andnece Hall Dnderfand , that mppatents, thom 3 trutt to 4s bein heauen, and (as faints)intoy the fruitsof thelr to king Danio by his fitter gparie, twas the chiefett -bettucns trauels here takenon earth, Did fo inftruc os Deer in this matter, to bring themto agreement. She one of the kings,that is to fap Stephan, laieat 2. mefront my tender pouth, that J fhould tumthip with all renerence the moff tuife creator and pw 5) Durefine withhis nobles; and the other, that isto Dent goucrno2 of all things ; and to thinkethat no fap Dantd, lap at Metvcattell , ouringall the time thing twas DOneby bint in baine, but that the fame >» of this treatte , hich at length fozted to the conclu fs proufdedando2deined to fone gad bfebphisbigh 2 fion of a peace on thefe conditions: that the comm and bnfearchable counfell. And sherefore txtlett bap ties of Mozthumberland and Huntington houlo Bpeuce, and night J haueanddo renolte and call to remem., * temaine in theqouernemcnt of Ienrte patice of bzanice the precepts and inffructons of mp patents, sian Scotland, as heire to the famebp rightofbismor abatfoeucr hath chanced either tucing auerfitie 02 i Couenants of ther; but Cumberland thould be reputed as the tn -_prolperitic, qmd hapo2 bad,the fame hath ss t0 tions, Heritanceandright of bisfatherking Dauid.Ano agrement. Homage. o Fhehiftorie ofScotland. ce Hhall find my father and mother, mpbethnen, wife, sndof hislife. And aben bepercetucn himtelfe twas thoztlie repreffen : for Oilerifearte of Angus gierigeng to Wwar faint and feeble, be required to be boone tn to Kentenant of the kings armte, ratfen! to refit oe qith an atte the churd), there be recetuen the facrament.of the ULozds bodice and bloud, with moft Glemne reuce tence; and then being bought againe tebis chanw merietds attempts, incountred twtth hint in battelt, againtt Soa ¢ flue 2000of biamen, Somertey bauing yecettien Merletv. this ouerth;otv,andefcaping from the ficld, fleo into ber , be called togither bis nobles,andcommending Jrelano anv fo faned bid fev to thembis pang neghues , the fonsof his fon the 13 Wertrie the! fecond of that name king of Gag? © erhorte: foxenamed prince Wenric, be kileredpatte of them land, bearing that Malcoline had thus (ubpued his Meeting affet another , moft inffantlicdefiring themminthe domefticall enimies., feared leath be being tinboloes "Seur, Ge teigned 29 and two monetbs, as Joba: Maio# Sis. theinarna‘ion of Cat our Daniourris; peares: a farre hispainee bing Damiderceilepinni ble erties and fober capuerfation of dife;Ahame mas bouoz of almightie God,to feeke the prefernation 65 ned theretwith, fhoul!n not attempt fometthat a "- of common quict,to the aguancementof the pobitie gaint the Cngltfomen;and therefore bp counfell of. > tneale . 5 Deonic, be peparted out of this life urthe bis uobles, he fent an heralo onto hing Mpaleolme, i, apntcohont Sorter coe aa peate st bis meigue, opsather in the-zo prarestf temmumbimg-bim to come bp to London, there to fummoneyta (AlG, Bis bodie was buricoin Dunfiymeling\aftre Gongit better-to pale ouce ith Glence, tharte bias in fete we2ds.io compzebene that eberer ula ipendmud time, F werenotdbiein eae dz wile worchilic to periqpne, Fontbereimindy Chskiw things we Oenperlie hewn theresa wap lene io beanitiesdoafault af the w;-t-t. am bichantage bite him, for the lavsjof Cumbets pa bomage, Land, Mo2thurnberland,and Wuritington, immaner andforme as bis grandfather king Hautd ba be, -fg3¢ bone bnto bis predeceflor Wearte the firthytwithy certificat, thattf be failed, be woaln take frombim all the fatplanins. King Malcolme obotedthtscony §--mtandement of king {pencte : bat pet bader convt thon(as the Scottih wziters affirme)that tt thoutoin . mo maner toife pretuvice the francules ano liber: en care tiesof the Zacotity hingdarng-Aitthe fatne thme bing fn were sateaenaansTeale aa Of into France)? DA, france, |