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Show The hiftorie ofScotland. gods, and therefore fnffantlic required him to fend Duer into Scotland ferme godlic learned mer, toi fend him athe right belafe, Thepopebearing this, amb beitig glad to increafe the fatthof Chzitk through allpattsof the would, fet with all {ped into Scots land firch iwell difpofed perfons as be thought mo metfn that purpote, tho at their arriuall there,oin theft endcuourin {uch diligent fort, that not onelie the bing, but allo through biserampleagreat mv berofthe nobilitie ipere baptifed , and clecrelie for: 10 The Heotilh fooke their former errors and (dolatric. This twas in tent, Delinered them affetivards to be abnten-in femblable fort by bis pages and feruants.. Che fr ther dnderflanving this bilante donc tobis daugh-_ters,bp their otyne lamentable complaint, fent fo, _bis friends, and opening wnto them the abole mate ter, he required theic afitance. Hep being in. a wonderfull furte to heae of fuch an iniuriedone to their blowd, paontifed in reuenge therof to fpend life, ty Blom lands egads, and fo2thivith departing in funder, thep prepared themfelues to allemble their potvers, men conan procuring a great number of offer noble men to sents percefonr cteationofthe twozld 4170, € after the firff erection Saviour 203, of the Scotith kitgtonte 230, as W.Harifonin bis rio the countrie of fuch acatife tozetch, refpecting ne thing but the fatiffieng of bis filthie carnall lutts, tiefatvinthe the peare afterthe birth of our fantour 203,ftam the H.B._ hronplogie doth manifettlic confirme, HB. gporeoner this Donald was the fir as fhe Sco- Bem amin bien themfelues verte bpzightlic in all thetr bar "thereat, ent, be gaue of thenr heriegreat gaue ontodivert ont Diverte e af Hp eeinarns, -Deneraliteonio altinerhethewen bin : and conucicd to Rome,which were the chefetk of all the 1ritith nobilitie. Atlength Cthovius being apt Ethoving being given foynothing but to fill his cofers,as one though Dols tith, pet naturallic giuen to dnquenchable couctoul fi rerehex Meaeeenian Fi niet ate edettate:mdberstobe tmploieo riches As Aus quarels amdfecretDifcors amongthem, . Fatunet. <0 Hus vuling: the xealme at histwiltfe, retteine tang Qa- PATS; at lengthfoxtunebegan to felwatha of se countenance atterbirolvaceuttomed guife.nge 3toz ee bala (aaos pehane Do cous ‘BEANO i to haueibene dean) mi Puen ee ot LowSe 280, tanta eseeli naee enobiticig. | Selfe herie gentle and tractable, thereby tomintheie to ome entrtnrof ‘anepematetee eee After SPatholocus twas thus wilpateyen, the; re -_aillemiblen togither to oxeine one for aire sievesoe ofthe realme, ete inthe end tt ie fembietogt: -_theittconeluned ; hat the tonnesof Adbiecoteas threo hates -_-be Cent for intoican, and' Findacke recctacy M™™ SS: f02. Bing. Fhe MBorautan that Hue Patholoris twas appointed to fete them fhe(acensding to hi eee -_smiffiorr) commiting intoptcrtano ees teat autos tight bontozablie into Aegite,wheresFindacke being the eloettof -alteadte cholo hing, wae placed ont the fonent -nhieg mach in tha ai of hisage.of cm ma Gann eee mea bis ofpne ontate " cerporn ee Pt Mid Mare eign elfare bis teyhues the chilozerof thirs ieise ta bntocerteine Seotith lors, srbortt he knein' to favour bis cante, Which letters benel(neres onto a idith woman, appointing bit ho andtotbome rbrce tat pela conemends cametorte : ould veliuer the fame, bat the oman apprer oo 3 Breath againe toland,there doubting to come into bis emt Brbincolerd mies bands,be chofe rather fo flea bimfelfe , and burnlct. ended bis tuzetdhen life in {ach uriferable ertremitic after he had reigned the {pace of 12 peres. Pis reignecontinucdtill the Dates ofthe empero? Coy dian the third, 02 (as offers faie) till the timeof the ; Pendenby the waic,mdbeongbt onto Patholdcns, beeaufen bir (ccretlie-to be fackedand fizotone into . Sriner, Mis Findocke tas in the flower F; petfon, andat lengthcaufey them to be ceretlie ftrangled. Gebtehwicked déev being once rtotifed abroad,* f moned tive arts of their friends imo alics, that Hhepprocured thepedple to rebell sand gatheoing them togither; thep ratfed oper and crnvell toartes againg im,Patholocus informievof thetroctermf hations, twithoefy bimlelfe priutlic into purrep tobe Wertuousinded, Ie thas courteons, micke, 14Sdifpoti- full ofaffadtlitie, ttudteng alwwaieste twin frienp. Hip ano love, rather by geriticiette, than by feare -_cintlt vifcor at home ; fo came it then topatte twith fed oftore fn atthis Yetent : fos ome Donald ofthe Bes) a wae toble matt bone, came ou i c o neler Rolfe ann spurrey lanv, iaretheen ‘Ehoteothe great {yolle ano botic ,not twithaut great Gaughter °3 of fuch as inforced themfelues fap fo refit him. Xhe fies if bg occation as he pretended twas to teucngethe peath Rolleano of sPatholocits. Wirt Findacke tnaeritanding hig 2B4rrep tanv, land, thereto get togither anarmie torefithbis en46 doings, prepared an armie with hips, ab failoy AimPockema nerffanbing of the death of bis brother , vifguiled Me » bimfelfe inbegaers toced for Doubt of death , AD corcideton Wentinte Pidlandwith threof his nephues, fonnes onemoneaitoe miaieeter binders Mand fomubat of tue of thistronble,befentone of bistraffie (cruants, being a gentleman of that 1 to the fame Athirco, thofe names tere Sindacke, countrie, tuto a tyoman that dwelt in the Fle of oer'. Wwith the fame into the Ble. nf Bla there in: retheies, -cownttring to Q is cin che banquif}en and Semtas chaten themhegerlie, be tifiaeober rebels, 7 fill effpent egeriie,tnttbont tetnrs tes. ning once backe, a __ Helle, twas flaine bp thofe that tuere appointed to the bp i, garbdof his perfon,tn the16 peare of bis teigne, Carance, and Donalo, Sb rethotacad owhelt, Patholocns haning knotwledge bis fernants, feo Sarestileee a Jona) efteemed verit rhetwing of things tecomtr, fo learne . bfr that foztune thould hap of this twarre, tic) Athirco, ing furthermoze beric frretalie, that ifthey found . Lhe witch confulting with bir fpitits, peclaren tt funke bp means ofthe oucrlading, and fo he any "be Hland= in the end botw it thoulb come thortlie topaffe, that 5° all thep that were on boxd twere Drowned theres Mutha feruants. ean was bis fone Athirco clecenby the gence vall voices of all theettates, tho in the begins ther he was fled, {ent forthrerteineof with commanvement to fearch bimout, comm ane DI ningof bisteigne fhewen himlelfe beris (ober, gene 50 Him,they thould difpatc him out of life, for feare of further mifcheefe, Sut thep that tere (ent, finding tle, courtesus,and friendlic of bebaniour,erercifing one in all features and pzopoztion of badie rele bintlelfe in all laudable pattimes conuctiient forhis effate, andberefvith he twas fo fre and liberaltos bling Doozus, flue the onetn fread of the other, ad foards all men,that he an him tuonderfull mucky -s returning home to thet maiffer, thep made bim praifeand loue amonaett bis people. But thefe bis eric foifull of the nefwes,although inderd fey came noble bertues increafed not in hint togither with notneére fo Dooms. Ther Sratholocus cauling oe Bthircochan- Vis age, but contrarilic decated, infuch fort, that _eftates of the realme to aflemble, be handled ts in fuch toffe, bp Difuaning them to chofe any matter ale quite twas be peeves, gedinconditi after he had reigned cight onsfrom gob tered: in place of libcralitic, imbzacinganatice;fox of Athircos bloudto refgne ouer them (for ot courtefie and amtiable countenance, be bled flerne 60 leaft thep thoulo fake any meanes bow to renenge Scyolee® to amd loftic lwkies : for comumendable erercifes , be gaue hinfelfe trholie to filthic pleafures and fenfuall lufts ofthe bovie : and {uch as could further bis pure ‘Mthites regar pofe mot in thefchis beaftlic affecions,be cheriten bis death) that inthe end this satbolocus was © lected bimfelfe, moze by foxce than by an ; confentof the nobles : for diners of them doubting the craftte nature, frhich thep knete fo be in bim, Wwithed rather that the ue of Atbirco (bauing 0 ee bs and had then most in cftimation, not regarding at Be allthe nobilitte of bis realme, but ivas as readie to ferued nothing fubp te be defrauded of the hingDom Ih20ng them by bilanous iniurie, as be twas anic ofber of the loteft aw meanett degree. haneinioien that ibid of right thep ought to b Jt chanced thata noble manin Argile (being one aa Bbireoin of no finall anthozitie among the people of that countric) nanted Matholocus, had tivo faire pong sbutinga no: Sentlelvonien to bis daughters; notw the king bes biemens tng berie Defirous to fatiffte his inf bpon them, fo: Panghterss cedthem both the oneafter the other, andnot fo conv faueonlie in refpet of the fathers ottentcs) mist! a alreadie begun. the king thoulo be murthered,not bp his open ent mies , but by the bands of one of his mott familiar fiends, tn thome hebad repoled anefpectall tru; Ehe ineffenger demanding by wbafe hands that ould be? Cuen by thinefaith the,asét hall be welt ¬wen within thefe fetw dates'? Zhe gentleman us thefe wosds, railed againt bir verte bitters epemins tie go libe anold twitch ; for be trufted ta birburnt befoze be fhould commit forbillanous a te fame there the king lap, bis mind twas altered, fo hat hat for ponbt on the one five,that tf he thoulo declare the truethas it twas told bim.,the bing might concetuefome greatfafpicion, thatit fhoulp by bis means as fhe hav declared, and theres Spon put bim todeath firft ; ano fo3 feare on the os Serfive, that if be keepe tt (ecret. it might bappen to berenraled by fome other , and thenbe to run tnas the eldefE of them might come fo {nfficient fo beare the rule bim(elfe. , ithe king, be was ted aftoe by binvinta bis pruie be Newer Ayo Tit Natholocus being once Pe ci 1 shenaultituoeand Athircas reall ce. fame, that before thep coulo get it off fromthe hore. -twithall. Zhe bing baning atdiued this vidozie, res Sra ae turned into Albanie; but the Xland-mennot fullée often inuoti: : quieted twitiy this Laughter of their fellotos, fent gs MS into Bre ueinto Freland , and got fromthence certeine Moanotter iaerns , tho bhoer the leading of another Donat. ss - thefonne of the foxmer Donald, madefarts now a and thei into Argile and Cantire , doing mante fhretwy turnes tn the fame , ver thep could be fap, Finvocke gos preflcd. Gut Findocke being fone informed ofthefe. eh againe to 020, And departing frombir , be went byandbyta So tivings, went ouer againe mtothe Zles, and fudy eihasee " sie! fignifie what anfwere be bad receiucd; butbefore he cf bis entmies as he found , he caufen to be bangen, zie bad, that is, either one of them to. be bing,% fome nete kinfman ofthefrs to reigne as Bing, wine an end of tea a eReta Wea ae Donalp himfelfe taking abote, in hope to hane -elcaped , the prcafe tas fuch at bis aiicny ae the yeiy & ". Bub danger of life as before; he Determines tnith dimfetfe to toozke the fureff wav, and fo comming paubersuberealtother being comtanded to auiot , Seclares boty bebao (peo ; and then falling tozths , ash titoft eAeMeste yhie Findocke, _lie. ffature 5ttheretwith tere toined molt excelled geen -ifts ofthe mind sNot (6 mad pefirons fo feme as ts auntee: Atteripards fending for fuch of the nobles and menacing twos Zhe leagires with the Wet Fi ashe 85 the Direction ofthe forfatd letters han giten ban 76 tains, Picts md Romans he firmelie abferied.Bat ferwee to occafton to haue in fonte'fulpieion, he committes a8 peace titty forraitic enimics breaeth oftentimes Iagues con: on firtito entperoz Gialerfan . iBut as William Harifon bath 242 HB. ngs, Asfor caufe of wars thep bad none, for Ses gathered, be reigned in the Daies ofthe empera; AW Dopaet uerus before bis death had giuen fach oyber for the et Goucttiement of the Writains, that thep durnot 45 telius Claudius, Doozusthe brother of A thirc iv byochercoe once ffir by reafon of (neh plenges aswere delfucren the fiir that beangbteaseweeee ates thas bp "allgred god lord: matftér 5 and: fora earneté and the acconmplifgment of bis moft beattlic appee gla, oneof the twefferne Zles, to hae procured rae Fterbim fuccéencd Cthovius the fecond, and .. fome fuccos there, but being imbarken ano fet from (te the More, he twas by contrarte winds dzivert back srncngttem pro prince ubich Ethodtus. Avianine of the Farmer Gthoving, mittedtofan- quattersof the realine,toke berte gad ozder fo2 the Duenoble nuegouernmentof the parties fo to them lintited, HishoMehbtdy heban therereduir Hefeatmty all foéedonto theea at Fetboatenthenttn be-faithfall,promi to fetbete Fee kings hab‘fyeaped'togither:amongi the nobles; Hudteng-byaltmentice to gnothall fepitty err, monies, ued fo berte a foole, that the regiment of the realme ""acconding tohe mane: ‘cal ed fii afideashefaipeded,auntalising miththemta lone,be {oitte inith them in fo neceffarie an enterpzite, as to tifes, . When thep tere once got togither ina companie, fith chronicles alledge, that caufedfiluer and gold to be coined inbisrealme.Zbe flampe ahichbedeuifea they marched forth totvards Dunflafage,there thep bnderfkwd that the king as then did foiourne, a for the fame, wasacroffe on the one fide , and bis face onthe other. Wefore that time the Scots bled 20 great multitude of people ffill refozting tnto thems nocoine,buteither erchanged and bartered are fo, -_-bp the twaie, after tt was once Brotwne fhercabout -thep went. Athircehearing of their ayzoc, called fware, either elfeoccupiedinith Britian Romane -_togither bis potwer,fuppofingatthe firfl tohaue bear monte,asdiuers marble chetts fullof thefametbic) haue beette found of late peres in fundzie parts of -tendatone his enfmtes; but tert he bad throughlie Wweied the matter, amd conftoered of tat force and Hcofland do beric well witnelle. Finallie H. Doe potwer thep tuere, ¢ botw feeble bis part was though nald inthe 21 peare of bis reigne departed ont of wwantof god foils inbis people, be patutlie fole a Donal depar this life, and was buried according to the maner of tethoutol our chriftianreligion, without anp beathenith ceres foaie from thent, and toonld baue palled ouct into eee {has quite taken from him , and committen nto tealmecom: cetteine noblemen,tho being diufded inte fundzie A Thebitterie ofScotland te cutfomn i i (ord ay Ino" potase the bttes oftoe tat werepeten t,ane enekapaberileda tga nar seco 2enrepatinwau ee repontoDanttatago, as (es theretoteine li arihe Ponspave, mae!gettin pore, apamnanaeng getting out bp a'backe and taking Siatholocas Mergafon,ano fo publithen; agcorning to gtue other erample trbat to loke for then thep thoulo rebell ,but Donald cfcaped, and got ouetinv fo Frclanb, there he rematned, till be heard that the king tas returned backe into Albante , and then be came againe . Wut pereetuing himfelfe not able to Donat» oft wworke fuch feats as he hoped tohauc dance, he fent reth to pectn aineffenger bnto the king, offerirtg to pelo bin bimlettc ds felfe, and tobecome his true fubiea fhe might grt Poncetteine bisparvotr, and beat bis ote hbertie. Sut being bus io notree anfivered that he thonia not be recetued, dnleffe fe cewen, {uould Come tnto Dunftafage totth other of his chiefett complices , arin to ftanb fullie at the kings merci 5 be réfulen thus to bw, deuffing an other meane : |