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Show Thehiftorie ofScotland. FhehiftorieofScotland, Sut pertetning that the goucrnorandhisfrients iwere minded to fatiffic the king of Cngiands bee in fhe eftate of lo Gourr, and Hof fo placeHeny Hor, aBdbrit purpofe twas tobaue dance, ifarrane fires be would not tarric fo) arefolute anfwer, brut bp the countell of the carle of Argtie TZtiltam earle had continuc faithful to the king of Cnglam, | Shortite after pthe pomg quence was croton at Choco, of Giencarne,and others of the Frenchfation, bo faddentie departed fath of @oenburgh toward the theft countrie , bighlic difpleafen(asfhouto ferme) Striveling, the cardtirali taking oponbimtogen,tionotquey things as he thongbt gad , appointing the; gonrengy "a -storbeare the crotune ds chiefe perfor, ancrtinblond, With the gourrne2, and taking Lithgow in bis tap, fo the queene, and the carle ef iLennorto beatethe be conferred with thequeene Dotnager (astheptere -_fcepter. After the coronation, aparlement as tale 4 perknm. medbir) dentfing botw to alfenwbir tie noble men of 1° ledand boloerat Cdenburgh, at the trbteh, fnipres the Frend) foe, tobring bir anoinr daughtertolta 1543. Lefle. The catkeil of @vendurgd recoucred to the gouernors vie, bertie , out of the danger of the lor qoternaz : bee caufeit toas fappofed that be ment to conucie bir in. andof the Frency kings ambadadass , monfieur laiia Wroffe, and monfleur Penage; tat elie beforecome to Cnglann, into the realme y ‘the carte of Arrane was newli¢ Aboutthe fame time,th2ough practfe of fhe abbat of Palicie, brother tothe goucrno2, and others, the confirnres qeucrno:. Andfor the Cure prefernation; (as thep pzetended of the pongquene, it wage! it oe caftell of Coenburgh twas gotoutef the bands of fir greed by the gouernd; and the eftates, that he ful fitoted Peter Cretchton ; and the keeping thereof commits ted bp the gourrnozs appointment onto James ae remiatne toith the old quéene bir mothertit Sterling: quan, _-caftell, During bir minozitie, andcerterine rentsof e milton lardof Staneboule, Wut the ericof Lennor, 2° that fetgrtozte tere aligned for maintenance: of with the atfittance of the earlesof Wunticte, Ponts Te pong tofle, Pentife Argile,aw others of the Feenchface fion in Augut follotwing conucicd thepong quence Qtterne conuet= With bir mother fom Ltthgely orto Strincling? eb to StrtueShe cardinall alfotwas there twith them lateliebe2 inng. fore,bauing coprupted bis Keepers, ¢ gotten abjoan {uch traine as was thought erpedient to: beatten4 dant aboutbir: andfurther, the lords Lenington €rfkin, and Flenting [2(as faith Buchanan)the FrThin 102 Grants, John Aretkin, John Linolete, +l am Leuttton) were aypointedto abivecontinnal: lie with bivsfor the better fafegard of bir perfon, at libertic. ceretwith twas a Dapappointed and p20s clamed for the coronation of thepang queene. The Thus twas eucvic thing ordered as femed to fand with the pleafare of the cardinal . Wherebponthe carleof Arrane then gotierno?, feiththeearlesof hepnoe thatewas thenin'Gaenburghichutth:eugh fhe, diligentitrauctel, thecarninalt;theiearies pf dbuniteie,urtep,andAgile, the matter was ta Bnappoint- Kenyp, and anafpotutmentacconensfathat fir ‘tent taken, Pleoges doi: George Domnglatle wararlintreniimaplengefe toretocalfthedicebftears Wut je goriet to? (nitty ging te pieuentalthis auemainneicctine beingaccompanied withthe cardinal) calltohim about Giafcotw! all the nebilitie:of fouthpart: amp (bringing forth ‘the abelian the greatperes:to-be planten/again& therntnie. theresa Centering: the tote) bebefiegen the cattell and,reple-of the chuceh- eneahidy placetuere hisbgother theeaticof Angus; the mattter of Glen both Scotsaud) Srenchuen)andintheend (after farne forbis fadherthe earieof Glencarne, theal 9 flaughterof fameofthem) inforcedithe otherto pela bat Caflaghole: far hisbgother theeatleof Cattles, their forts Afterthat the cattell twasthus comeinto (oremaiire in fafe Keeping there:tt pteated thego‘thegoueriozs hands, be hangev eightene ofthe Theearieof Ucrnorto appoint. Whe taricof Wernor came bntp ‘ehietett aia chef lonen Bato Ibemmopsand permitted Lennor com> <Evenburgh to the goucrnz; but totthin fir dates af the refttoidepartat liberties Bhecarle af Wena valifo the fers thep twentboth to Ufthqbbo 5 trom -tbeitce the (onderitanking: that bis affaires heganote tnaner, Broepivtey "Latleof iermof fecretlie nepartenfront the gouer- aud, fo abtetne {uch 2utll (uccefte) amth fend therarle frombina: "02 Loithout binding him farelvell, anncomming to of Angus andthe lo20 Wartvell to the goneraoasteins gaine, Olafroww, fortified the caffell, lant dh63 treat of peace betinaint: hintand the earkeof 2 en elortifieth . & % Ciheti the gouerno2 had reeeineni true intellt: innt,the irbith thep laboured tutth gueat piligeneesace tered, QHD. thin. - gencethat the carlebad taken Glatcatis;be (atlend- zocastingtothetaidérepateeinetham.|: «. Irfleislibio. bling {uch polver as: he couto makel, ‘as tell ofhis Pag468, friends.and followers;of others,efpectallie of the 1543. Lefle. lop 901d) twent buto-<Glatcow, initep place the kivle of Glencarne had before placedhisarmie, to the end there to trie the' niatter with bis ‘enimies. Wut before the battell;the.earle of Lennoe had with- deatwen himlelfetmto Dunbzeton, togathera grea ©:dBut the goueritoz canlensthens both torbe:feeretiic Checeric of comicied fronrithe:councell bpithe backefine:oftye Brus and ‘Dlacke fricrsiotDlatcotw, tanta the caftell if Yamib £26,197Bae ton, and front thence the carle fpagifentto Wlacke tepto ward. neile. The lox Martwell twas kept Hill an bolmat Hamilton and George Dotwglas, ann theamaitier of Glenicarnein Cdenburghcaftell, Thefe perfons ‘thus tmpzifoned fton in great paubt of thet tines ter aflemblie, thootlic after to returne to@Blafcow, he carle of Glencarne,twtth Lilbarne jAouttone, (as forte fuppofed 2) but as dfuerfe dther:ntofafpedt, Aens opint= Wudanan, Macfarlane, Drumgubafiile, and other 30 thep were rathercommittedfoxa colome, than fora o"s for the -_be firlE fenttotbe French king, informing bimtho: barons and nobles of thedLennor, Wanfrie, ando- ofall thedzifts of Lennor, awdother of that faction, niecuill that tvas meant towards thee /Wolwioe: ae, requiting bis avuife anv countell botto deale fo. roughlie of the iniurics to bimodane,putting bimin remembzance ofthe promnifes mane fo bimibent. bo ther places adioining, with thecttisons,ecclefiatticall perfons ofall ogders ; andthe other fo2t ‘ofecotnmon cabuite of hisfricnds fent the eavleiof Otencarne, difappointing of their purpofes, that ought to conti- Departed from bim; alfo the conffantnelfe of ister people,departed out of thé totuneto the plainethere- peace ith England. and notivitbanding botw be tvas pet tanbinolie THe kingof Crglandaducrtitea hereof, as inell thus fromthe couernoz,and other the Scotity lors, -antce ; the basardhe had put bimfelte infor bisfakes dealt twith,that though trutt of pis pronrifepaidand 40 alltftance, be twas brought outof credit in bis couty trie, andfubiected onder the commandement and fadorthere, doubted greatlicleatt thefe los, in anthorttie of bis enimic, and tezongfulltedifapouy asalfo from fir Rafe Sadler, hismaickics ambal Hbole hands theqneene then twas, inrefpecof the fas -‘tedof Hisright, tic) he lobed to baue recouste, uete bir ouer into France : therebpon herequetted fhegouernor, andthe other lozbs that fauouredbis fine,fo todeale,that the nught be (ent into Cnglann; there foremaine,tillthe mariagemightbeconfuny Bn confideration thereof , he renounced bis fers fests _-anice,willing him from thenceforth not to Icokefos the bat fame' anie moze at bis hands. Peretolth Lentor suc st _foining bimfelfe tuith the eacles of angus.Calls nour tibtch they bare tothe Frencjhing,Goulocomd mate bettpirtbir and bis fonne prince Coward: has andfobaue bene maintetned therein by bis tuport and Glencarne,thelozds gparivell, ano Somer 2 uing in the meane time fuch lozds of bir countrie as , the hirttteof Atve, the laroof Daumlancig, whe bout hit to attend oponbir,andto fee tobir bringing bp,as Houta be thought expedient. Loconcluve, his maieftie not onelie fent his princelie comfort by ther of that Goe,calien the Cuglifl Lngpsfet be again the goucrno?,thecardinall,aud others! ; _factfon,fo that the reGioue of this pete was yen cit ol tion in 9" wate of counfellandgabdabuile, butalfo accowing _-cinill diffention betiveene them. and tee Dighnes lientenant then in the nozth)it was thought united tothe French part, there was arin ne gol to theirnefire, anbas by theoukeof Suffolke (bis Wharton. faction, carte totththentonto Leithagatné the go: earleof Lennor,perceiuing botw oucourteoullie be reeset tiue the amitic fill iwith France, tothe preiudicen§ Theior feth amvarinies Angus,Calities, the los Marivell, Someruileanp 3° was dled, tobauc his aouerfarie thus confirmed it ar Diuerfe others, called the Cnghfplors, remaining -authovttie bythe French fide , andbimlelfereieded; fill at Coenburgh, aduertifes the kingof England The bing of Englans Doubt, -fenceof the patriard) of Apuleta the popes:agenty Mes Thyeeatleot ‘Mheenrlentabermrtheretoe.rafingapotwerof SLennor tat= IMeiof waree ‘twtihithe alifanceofithelods ofhis expedient. Thomas lor Wharton, withtwwo thoufanomen fronrtheweltimarehes , and the lox Cuerstwitho! Cheiown E: thertiwo thoufand from the catt borvers, were ap: urs. pointedto enter Scotland , and to tofne thenvfelues twit the goucrno2, andbis friends , to alti themaz Saint thetc aducrfaries. Wut as they wereina reas nofed,that alittle before that the carleal a {esi mouthof the riner of Clotde on the well cod afbis ernst thips,wbich the sfrenty bing had tent to the on then friends tn Scotland,buver theconduction aa ae Steward of Cardonola, andofthe forename ben fieur de la B2offe, ¢ manfieur Menage, theF kings ambaflanos, arch of Spt! There cante with themalto the pene e.Tber Dinefle tomarch , through thefecretlabo2 of thecar. Dinall withing the abuancementof thecarleof Ar. rane bis kinfman (abome be thought he fhould well though frame tobe at his apointment)rather than Lennor that was knowne to be of a greaterftas mach,the matter was fo handled , thatby thecardis -_leia, of trbome pe hance likelwile heard befor fad had brought abmz in thele Hips pe thoufand -crotunes, aria mumition to the balue of ~~ -crofunes. fhe earic of Lennor metas!tthe elle gy! -_-refolued to turne tothe Englilh part{o 6 got thea gent -_oof bis confeverats,fetzed bport thole sep the mt ip nalland the earle of untleicof the one partanothe queene Dowager onthe other, that thecarleof Ar, _fie thoufandcrotones., and the moll Oe catteliof _nition intobis ands,and broughtit a co, sapere tt rane revolting fromthe bingof Englanv, came in Theearieot tothe Dotvager, ano totnen himielfe with the cardt Srrancafaith nall , andother the loxdsof the French faction: by bzeaber. teatonahereof,thep all concluded to mainteine bim Dunbzeton, reteining it tobis OOinto fas fent to haue bene tmplotd to the of enigian®s of the French faction, againt the king andthe logos that leaned to pis Abe. she of (being a mite from the totone) there'to:trie thee, uent of battell (before the comming of theearte of ILennor) mozein haffe than ‘gad (ped. Wherebpon uevit was totth them, theearkeof Lennorby:the Jngus. 15 4 4. ‘mida gentleinan called ChomaswBthop,: onto the The caricat hing of Cngtand with offetofhis fornice, anmees Lennog fens queft to haue in: mattage theladie Margarct Dolw: uh b ae glaffe baughter tothe Carle of Angus, ander to jaye the faidking; air }era ‘ the goucrno: (percrining biméelfe tobe d2atwne Foz. tard fo battell)conmnandcd the triumpets to found ¥ perevuto the king gvaviten, #02 the piefox: Fr. Thin. fo the alarmes . herebponthe battels tofed:, the 4° :mance thereof (and the difpateh of other things) fe Lefeus libaey offs began to fight biolentlic, anv the confitet grebs fent the lord GUharton anv diverfe others. Anvon °847° to beertreme on both parts: intbtch (totth great ‘the carles part, the biop of Cathnes his bother flaughter) thep long time fought with oneerteine bt, and. the earle of Olencarne were aypointed , tthe Mozie; ; t niet at Carleill fo performe the agreement. Whe queene , the cardinall, and the otherof the sFreneh Wut tn the enn (ahat with the force of his arnie, faction, oto belpe the gouernd2 all they might, toith anh the thcouragementof the capteine) the full con countfell, polver, and monte ; becaufe thep perceined queft fell to the gouerno2, tho put bis enimics to that he repented fuch friendthip tutth England ashe flight.at ahat time , of the fanourers of the Lennor had taken in band bpthe countelt.of Angus andof there fuere manie laine,partie of the nobles(as the fonnteofthe earleof Glencarne, ano Monniepennte 5° others. Yu'the meanetime there tyas a parlement aflembieo at Striueling , in able) by common cow capteine of the fotmen) and partlie of the common fent, the carte of Lennor twas condemned of trea fort (as the citisensof Glafcow , and manie ccelef fon; therefore thie fentence of bantipnent wasereafticall perfons.) Befives all hich, there bao manie cuted again bim,and all bis gods with his patrt Moreperifyed, if the gouerno2(thiough bis naturall monie ivere confifcat to the quene. Whileftthe tlemencic) had not (ben the bidorie beganto Iane French king twas afcerteined that Lennox hav fo towards him) giuen a figne of retreit , ¢ with mind faken his faction, committed bimfelfe to the king (peed faued manie of them. On the gonernors part of Crgland, be {underlie comunitted to prio Fohn were feln milling , ercept Cambufketh (the head of Stewardloz of Aubigne baron in JFrance,bzother that familie) and the baronof Argentine. Whe go uerno: purtuing this vidorte, entered the towne 6° to the carle of Hennor, and depriueo the fato Zohn Stewardofall fuch honors amo offices as he polleh of Glafcow, there be bien (by the perfuafion of the feoin France . For he was generall capteine of all lo2d oid) wonderfull fanour tolards the citisens, the Scotty lanvsin France, being either (udjas (farre beyond their Beferts) although that he vep2t hab gardof the kings bodie , 0? bowen, oz men at ued foine (of the chiefeft condition amongeff them) armes : for the hing of Sfrance hath Scots tn tuar from all the bfe and benefit of their goons. ges of all the ox0ers, Lbe earle of Lennor remaining at Dunbar, reButlet vs now returne to the Patriarchy,tho twas cetuedinto the caftell the carle of Olencarne, and as honoablie receinen by the cardinall and the bithop thers,thic) bad efcapen the battell rho fometimeaf, of Scotland into the cttie of Glafcotw: bux ing thofe ter dfd reff (being feared twith the ouerth:ow) from a above there , great contention arofe betiwenethe nie further turmofles 02 (roubles. Wut in the end, cardinal and the arcbifhopot Glafcow, abo thoniy hep which fauonred the 2 enor, dw afreth irre him tn that citie be of greateft anthoritie and hone, to take tweapon againtt the goucrnoz: therebpon Wich in th end came to this (Tuc,that both families be dath reftrengthen the totone and fteeple of Glab cow,determining to gather a new fupplic , and once fell togither by the cares, Gidyof them fhonlo "be ‘one |