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Show 33 The cots The hiftorie of Scotland. The hiftorie ofScotland. lie meoned fo indignation , came foutlic into fhe pacrthpobones gory to defend their countrie,and incountring with cbmimntng on land,the firt perfon that they met twit (according toa cuffomne bles amonglt them in thofe, BS caftons, bales) thep lue, and wetting the pointsof their ineas ports ii bis bloud, thepfirtt fatten thereof after there, mrianier,then boloing bp thetr tueaponsinto theaire, thep defired ofthe gods that thepmight renenge: the bloud of. theit cloers tuith hapic Hattelliagaink the MWhitains theit enimies, After this, hearinge that Gethusking of the ics was allo entren the law ro felt} a ntiightic polver of Germans, thiehivere 6 it Oer= come tobisaid and twas not path thivtée milesaff, mansinad fheit entimits n&re to Ihalender wood, thep lott tivo fhoufand of foetr companie: the refioue alfo being fore chafed, fled into fundzie parties fo; fafegardof: thetrliues. ‘ Thisvitcoméiture put tHe Scotith nation. into fuch feare and terror,that thep dtterlie defpatred of all recouerie,xbere contrarituile the wpitains were. MH adusrieed (ftv hope biterlic to crpell allaliens. out of their gle) hat purtuing the viaozie <i mole vate neff wife, they forced Reuter ano all the nobilitie hettaird there abinmg for bis comming; to fesiw: ot the Pies, af the Scotity natiowthat twas pet leftaliue, to fee for fafegard of their lines into the caffellof erege tent that totning their potuerstogither; they might bethe better able tofarnith fheic enterpeltes: 1); hold, She Weitats being certified of the repaire fop and congratulations, onto thonwith all:fpay Reuther and Ubethivd daieatter thep met togtther with great nium,obere they held themfelues as tn the furett of theft enfinies to Weregonium, enutroned the cat agreatnumberalfoof thote Scotihhmenanyzaics etcape the Danger peefent, thereas bp tarteng ftill torte remafnedwith the Scotidhmen an ids,by Gethus mat andione that han fill continued ithe countrie. (ducing the: thetrpoteers fell toith a trong and bebement'fiege, ontill that time of theperfecution by the iiszttains) Datlie refoy: togither. fhe Scots withinwere conftreined through want of 20 fevandcame fetching in fromedch de bntortheny bittels tocate each other, according as the lots fell Sililtusking ofithe Writains,tho (uccwaed alter byacommonagreementmave amongttthent.:: <3 tine Denus;asthorlatelice pecealled, baning knowlege ‘Sut hen it came to palle;that eucn thofe that hereof, affembien agreatarniicof bis {ubicas; am, Rhye Bie _ Wwere reputed as heads and goucrnozsawd in abort teins ere bearing thatthe Scots and qPirtswere! eutredinto pilcoméited ronfiffedthe bope of theitole nefente , did now the bozbersof bisrcaline;hebatten fw;th toinconne the Scots - another come tothe (hambles astuell as other ‘of ter with their potvers, and fortoining with theme andpics, leffe reputation,thepthoughtit beltto trie" bp tu battell, afferlong and cruell fight, in the end thodic tng forth, ifany of theirbapsmightbe fo ganas to the great valiancie and:mianfull ppowelle of dew Within thefortrefle, thep {ould but beuoure one are other Without anp reuenge fozlode of their lines 30 ther: aberebponthe place there that battell was een fought bath bene ence fincecallen: Heuthivdale, as thirdai tubs bad bpon their fierce and cruell enimies.: Wtherethe namt, pe woula fap Keuthers baltic, Dpon by common conlent therz iffaeth fousth,tick © Shis vitozie twas not very pleafant to anp of the ‘one Colane loz ofCantire withan hundred of his parties, bp reafon of the great numbers.of mer ‘a peo otone fouldiors, and fiercelie thirmithing twith the flaine on both foes; tufomuch that: thep toere glad Wrtains, vefended himielfe a god{pace right mari fofalltoagvéement imnuwdtattieafter, ayoconcle fullie, though tn the-end both he anv hts tole band Deda peace,with conditions that the Secotithmen {vere bore doton' andlaine toith peafe andimul anyPics thould be reftorenagaine dnte their Am titude of biseninties that affailenhim on eachfine, cient poffefitons md lands in albion. Thispeace Znthemeanefcafon, tile he thus occupien the sentheretea Wrttainsin fight on onefine,Reuther with theaefi: 4° continued a longtincafter tnutolate bettoirt thele eth. due of bis people brake fozth by another tvaiejrand efcapirig tothe fea foe, got hips and Aicd cuer into "the Wefterne Fles, bhere he found a great number of other Scotithnen that twere gotten thither, bee ing compelled by Denus bing of the Weitains to oe the countries abtch thep before inbas ed. Renther remained notlong in the Zles , but pats fed ouer into Sreland. Zhe Wyitains notalittle mos ued for bis cfcape with the other ofthe Scotith ozs, 5° Teuenged their otfpleature on fuch commons and o- thermeane people as fell into their bands, fo that {uch as might efcape, got them ints the mounteins, anblined there bp rots, berries, ¢ other tila fruits tnfumnter, and in twinter bp fuch benefon and fleth of wild beats as thep billed in the toildernette : ano fometimes thepcame dotwite and mabe raifes bport the izitains that occupied their boufes and lands, - great boties vevie often from amongeft Dhiserucll warrelatten thuelue peres, ontill in imaneralt {ud Scots and ids as remained in Ab bion Wwerebzought onder (eruitudeto the Weitains. Inkbhich meane bile, Cethus king of the Pics kept bis fiege roiall in Pomona the cheefett Fle of the Drkenies, Rentheralfo begot of his twifea fonne named Cherens, and thortlic after being pros cured by letters anbmeflengers fent onto kim from the forefaid Getbusann fucy Scots as were pet remaining in Albfon, be atfembled anumber of tips togither, and firtt witha chofen power of twarriors failed to the fvefferne Zles, bere increating bis numbers, be paifed ouer into Albion, landing on thetwolt halfe of Mode at Lough wWynuns, and there nations, Zhe peare that seuther returned thus ints Albion, was before the birth of Chritt 21 6,after, the 240 He builoingof some 529, and fromthe creation of the i world 3750.Reuther by Beda in bis eeclefiatticall bistorie of Cnalandis named axeuda , trbo allo fap Borate Beas 3 wm poteth him to bethefirit of all the Scotifl princes, web gan that fet anp fot in WBzitaine there to inhabit :bis comming thither Inas (as fermeth to fome) long at port the Upich tere fet fo manic obelifks of long pohttenftones , as they ban daineeninies inthe fwars : tcereof fone rematne there tobe {ene enen tothis daie, wahis Keutha alforonderitanding of thelacke of gagitinto allntaive of crattinien ibis realme; andiof fuck) ‘eotiandto as thereverpert im the liberal(ciences 5 canfed a comming into. Writaine, as tell of the Scots no qaits . sForif tt weretrue,that folong before toe comming of tye Romansinto this Ile, they were here planted and grotoneto fac) puiflance ; of bis rrigne. ; bis bncles fon cal Ax AKeuther his veceattethe, kingbome, led ientha fucceeded in thereto by the common agreement of all the Bates, Wis Thereus fo; the fir fr peares was equall irvall points of pzincelie gouernementto anie iwrite ) but thence foeuerthey were,and that pure of bis predeceffors , but aftertward be changedbis copie in fuch maner , that tuftice and all other kinds ore of vertue being {et apart , he neither regarded the ¢o 997 4550 Death Rear "fw gn bicaufe that Zhereus fonne tu Keuther dan 4 feo come tothe age of ten peeres, twas thought bush er poets? fo takethe charge pon bim. xeutha therfore belts pont thus elected to reigne as king ouct the cotilnnst ordcined that fuch noblemen as bad atchiucd & notable erploitin defente of their countrie, be bad in perpetuall mcmozte,and buried in * tile in fepulegcs alo& vpon bils 97 ee therlie old men of right reuevend afped and counte, nith prieits of the pagane religion , tbofe purpofe was to bane gone bnto Athens in Grecia (as fome 4 Otreus, as tn place conuenient it Mall moze plainclie ap out any farther barces, fopren and civill, and fo the citte of Worke she finallie there ended bis daieg, *"* waxttex fuafionreceiucd as king of all effates bp common theie to2itings, till about the peare 3 60 after Guilt parted this wozln at Weregontum, in the 26 peat earneft {ute foz aid tabe reftozed home againe, pet could he purchafe nto (uch fauour amongtt them: fo @hereng fed that leding 4 miferablelife a long time after twithin tothe Bz" ie retgnenimScotland abouts: zpeares o2 moze, bier lie.after this bis auoiding the realine,the greatifarber of molt perfect artificers to be fent nobles and pees chofe one Conanns low of Gab Conanus. for; to inhabit amottgett bis people,the better tot fiructthenvin their occupations . Uinte:thefe alf? ro lotvay fo rule the eftate as gonernour, whole aur zitiehad bene euer great amongefé the people. Conanugis Linings ap- a8 Dntoother profetting anie liberal art, were aps is Tuvie twas chteflic imploted hotv to reduce the chofen king, pattoth pointerboheltlinings:, bp twap of fesjaffignen to batthofe logds' and nobles: of the realme into concozd:and be recetusd of{uch ofort and beefes as were billed; fo friendlic amitie,abere befoze throughthe negligence cuevie tran of (cierice amd artificer his parts And of ihereus cach foughtothers veftradions. Aifo he fuctheriech of thent bad certeine meafures of otes caufed due puntfhmenit to be erected bpon all fucy aybarlierin ffean of: peatelie annuities. 3fo2 as as lined by robbingand reutng, of tome inthe bee petthe Sitiof tone twas not knoe amongelt the ginning of bis: gonernement there toas no fmall Seotitymet + The? khtdy cuttomeof diftributing nutnber': but he toeded thentfnath,in {uch wilethat goranne theirbeatts; ahicy thep killed in this toile, is fill v oo Pere left off.thete was not oneof-themtobe founds pertecutery fedinthe tuetterne Zles cuct to thefeour daies. Atlength,after it vas nderfkod that Thereus was offendozs. Tisiofoyphi. Went percetutrig furthermore thatthongh one bead , this Conanus renounced theadmintftration fomsend -fhilfull furgians and yhpfictans manic. founded in pretence of all the eftates affembled in parle: Herenounz ambniteated perfons twere oftentimes caf atwaic , ment at Beregontum, thereby connmmon content: ceth the eftate. S paneinen bp the abuife and content of bis councell , Zofina beotherof Lhereus was doten torcigneas Folina clecen thatihone thould take bpon then asia fargton 02 bing,for that Lheretis had left no ifue behind him king. ppliciary,onlefe they were bylong experience well tofurced, pracifer aforeband in thole fciences, Ffo2 before that pp Jofina being proclaimed king , reneiwed Fofina. fintethep bfen to.carie forth fuchperfons as Were the ancient leagues tuith the wids and det ficken otherivile burt, andto lap them in forteo« penplace in the freets 02 market ffed, thatall uch 30 tains . ibe badshpfictans in great eftimation; fo; that during bis abode in Jreland, be tvas nourifhed ascaine:by, might according to their knowlenge ef a child amongeft them, and bp reafon thereof bap declare their aduife,and thetw(if thep bad beene bered fome knotvlenge inthe facultte; fpeciallie he pnder+ With the like pifeate) by that means thep bad cfcar fkwd the bertues and properties of herbes , where pedthedanger, andrecouered againe their health, with it thofe Dates the Scots bled to beale and res Forno manmighttaithout the note of bighrepzoch modie all manerof fo2es anddifeates , thich as then Pafle by, keeping filencein this bebalfe,, And this were feto in.number,in refpect of the fundaie hinds fas accozbing to the euftomeof the old Aegyptians. Sbich are noty bnolwen among bs; andall bp-reas Mentha thus fudieng for the avuancement of the fon of the faperfiuons feeding and erceffe of incats commontwealth of bis fubiecs , continued in the Surfeting the ettate with great profperitie, till finallieperceining 40 anddzinks vied in our time, nhereas ourelvers fut catsfe of ficed With alittle, lined twithont furfeting,, the chie- ftrange difeas bimielfe farre grotwen in age,and not(0 able to tras fett breeder of fuch range and manifold ficknefles., tes , which fa uell inthe affaires of the realmeas he was before, Jnthis Zofina bis daies it chanced that a Pootin commontic heranfena parlementtobe afembled, and there in gale thip was Driven and dgotwned by force of a now reigne, prefence of all the eftates , required to be pifcharffreinable tempett neere onto: the thoze of one of wo anciz Gedof the gouernement: and that the fame might the Scotith Iles, tere diuerfe of thole that were ent philofo: becomimnitted orto bis cofin Lhereus, who as then Within the fame thip , mariners and other efcaped to phers though twasnot onelie of {ufficient age to tabe it opon him, ars land , amongeft thome were tive ancient ano far f{biptozack but alfo of {uch towardneffe,as that in each mans rine tn Scots Sscatin content there in that prefent affemblic . ftrange thatno mention ts mabe of themin anp refinue of bis dais wit ber tuto the-Wzitains ; bate Ghome though be mane land, and are toifaitie recets protveffe of anie of his noble progenitors , Thus 50 nance. hele two tn compante twith forme of theinbar nedof the Rentha, after hehadreigned 17 peares returned bitants of that Ble came ouer into ieregonium , hing, toapziuat life,refigning the tihole rule ofbis realme there the king as then foiourned. hep tere Spav Bhi rigs nite the aforefain Thereus,being through bis pers ofthat Hbich Hector Boctius bath-waitten,in follor fing (asefaith) other authors, touding the Birk 60 pete, eeutherpatfed a9. inftrogthe pemplt, opinionbe was thought likelie to atteine bnto the ter the fuppofen time bere before alleged, And beter lictheretsgreatcaufe to mauca doubt ofthe trath ouitof the wap in moft ferret Wife,Acing fox fuccotue She, lates of the gods,no; pet of men ; but gaue bin felfeto ail forts of filthinefle and moff deteftable bt tes, fo farce forth ,that bis {nbieds(as their cuftome ts tr following the maners and vfages of thetr prtry cS )-became fo ontragious in their licentious lt uings ,and namelie the nobles and gentlemen,that thereof infuen theft, murther, rape, {potlingand all bites of oppzeffton of thofe fillic foules that had no meanes to refitt,(o as in fine, bivers gouernours of the tribes perceiuing no bope of amendment tbile Ehereus thoulo reigne , con{pired togtther, veutfing meanes botw to depole bim of all kinglie authozitic. = But hehaaing notice of their purpofed intentions , Mw doubting the fequele thereof, conusied bimifcife pote foeuer they had, certeine itis thep were phir lofoyhers; and therefore the bing recetucd them moff foifullie , deoing them all the hono; be could veutfe, anb commanding thatthep thould be looged toithin bis otne palace, ubere they hanall things neeofull, and accodinglie miniftred onto them, Chee pilofopers,atter they hav refretheo thenv felues at their eale foy the {pace of 1 4 Daies,the king canted them to come before bim,, requiring them to thetw their opinion tbat thep thought by the nature of the foile , the maners and cuftomsof his people , fo far fosth as they bad {ene and heard . Lbhep twitly out paufing fa; anfwere declared, that as pet they bad not ban time to learne thole things , butonelie thus far by contecture thep (uppofed,that the ground was moze like to be fruitful of mettall mines, than of comne an graine, as conteining far moze rides bnderneath the carth than TT this thep faib ha .Y, hep |