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Show Thedefecription of Britaine. , ‘ eae Trmans Cap.21. d rid > Fter thecomming of Brutus on,fo viniey name them Galt ttbich were not of ir counttie, oe third andiaft part of the Zland be allotted ov Bbarat, to Atbartact bis pongett fonne (for be bad but thre fivall,as 4 baue fatd before) ubofe portion feemen fo, circuit tobemoze large than that of Camber,endin maner equallin greatnefle with the Dominions af eae into thisAlnn(ebic) tvasas Locrinus. wutif pou have regard tothe feurrall ¢/) pou Have read in the foefaid ‘ yj treatile:; about the peaveof 76 commodities that are tobe reaped by each, pou hall find then tobe not much difcrepant 02 differing one Vay thetvold ;2850,02 1207 ber from anothers for that focuer the firfl ¢fecond have 2.) fore the incarnationof Git, ) Xs although, Goropius after bis in plentie of come, fine qvafe,and large catfell , this latter twanteth not in erceeding fore of fifh,tich niet é a7 manet do dtterlie denic out tall,quarties of ffone, and abundance of ivild foule: hidiorie in this bebalfe )be made a general furncis fo that in mine opinion, there could not bea more ev of the frbole Aland from fide to five;bp iach means to quail partition: than this: made bp 15znte,and after bielp and fearch out not onelie thedintits and bounds Of bis boitinions ;but alfo that conimoditics this the aforefainmancr. {his later parcell at the firif, hey atchined conqueft night peeld onto bis peopic. toke the name of Albanacus, who called it Albania. Furthermore,finding oufat thelatalls aconuenar 5. Wutnowa {mall portion onelte of the region (being bleplacetherinto erecta citie, he began there even theberie fante bith at this date is called dLondor, gaming it Lrenouanton,in rentembzance of ola Erie,from thence his anceffors proceeded. and fox {hich the Womans pronounced afterward Trinoe bantualthough the Helfhmen docall it fill Carer bnoder the regiment of a duke) reteieth the fatD dev nomtitation, the ref being called Scotland,of cet» teine Scots that came ouer from {rela to inbar bit in thofe quarters. tis pinided front Lhoegres Bari alto bythe Solue and the Ftrth,pet Hore ow note the Humber;fo that Albanta(as ute left it)conteined all the north part of the Aland that is to be found:ber neinithiThis citie was bnilned(as fome twzite)mud about the tenth peare of bis-reigne; fo that belined pons the aforefaty freante jnito the point of Catt: not abonz fiftene peares after be bad finithen the teffe. fame.Butof the re of bis other acts attemptedand Co conclude, Wente hauing diuided his king Done,before 02 after the erection of this cite, F find dome after thts mancer,and therein contenting bint hocerteine report, mozethan: that eben be ban reig? (elfe asit inere with the genevalltitle of the frhole;it Hedinthis Jland after pis arriuall bp: the {pace of iyas notdong after perbe ended bis life; mn being foure and tiventtepeares., be finithen: bis dates at folemnelie interred at his nelw citie bp bis thie chil: @renouanton aforelatd, beinginhis pong and flor deen, thep parted cach from other, and toke poflellt tifhing age ; there bis catcafe was honourablte on of their provinces. But Scotkand atker £00 or interted.As fo; the maner of bis death, ¥ find as pet peatesfell againe into the bands of WLocrinus.as t0 aifody to mention thereof among {uch toriters as are cr: the chiefe lozd, by the death of his brother Albariadt; iam. fanGA teane Lbether it gretw wnto him bp defect of tho Mas laine bp Ibuniber king of the Scithtans, hatnve,o2 force of gréenons tonnds received in his 4o aMdleft none ifue bebindbin to fuccéed bim in that inatves againit {uch as withEoo bim fromttme to Bingdomte, finte in this Sland , and therefnie 4 can faie nothing ofthat matter. Werein onelie all agree, that during After what maner the fouereigntie the timeof bis languithing paines, be madea dilpo, ofthis Ile dooth remaineto theprinces fition of bis tholekingvome, diniding it into theee patts o2 portions, according to the numberof bis ofLhoegres or kings of England. founesthenlining.,abereofthe eloett erceencd not eight and ttwentie prares of age, as mp coniedcure gtueth me, Locrine, Dhoegria, Lo the clock therefore, hole name twas Locrine bewauethe Greatett and betk regton.of all the ret tibich of him to this dateis callen Zboegres among Chap. 22. d £ is poflible that fomeof the & F<) Scofith nation, reaving the {& former chapter,twill tate of the iBritons, but in our language Cngland + of fucy =f fenle with mie for meaning ¢ Be Cuglifh Sarous as made Conquett of the oy fame; Eythat the principalitie of the alate? his portion alfo is included on the fouth Suith the 9 nozth parts of this Fle hath poustl! © WBritity fea,on the ef tufth the Germane Deean, ow altvats belongedto the the no2th with the iumber,and on the welt oft ¢f twith the dof1 hoegres. 02 totekings Sridh Cea,md the rfuers De and Sauerne mare {iN > thereof inthe generail defcription ofthis Jland J bane {po Downe a difconrfe thereof at large, weitten bp DI' ona? Ken moe at large.o Camberbis fecond fonne be 60 uerfe,and not finallie bought into one treatife,tut tems alligned all that tieth bepond the Sauerne anbiD¢ ficient (as ¥ thinke) to fatiffie the reafonable , al tolward the tuctt(tubich parcel in thete Me daies wen though totbalfe enough personentur e to content a heth Southiwates ans Morthiwales ) with fundste ys wrangling mind, fith there is (02 at the leatife lands adtacent to the fame,the ohole being in maner bath beene)nothing moxe odions among fome,than cutofkad fepatated from Engla o2 iLborgria bp tobeare that the bing of Gnglano bath ought to oo the faid ftreams,tberby it Cemettyndalfo a pentufula in Scotlann, orbp-land, if porrefpect the fmall billte postion of Howw theie bitortograyhers haue attempted to ground that lieth indifferentlie. betwene their fhapemanie coloured ercufestoanoin fo mantfelt a mathe courfes ,o2 fuch hranches(at the leatt)as run title, all men map fee that read their bakes inoffte and fallinte them Zhe cateldmen o2 Britonscall i¢ rentlie, therevntoZ referre them, 3fo2 my bpthe ancientnamm fill onto this dap,bu part t we Eng, there is littleo2 nothing of mine herein, more than lithmenterme it lates t Qbich denomination ec bane from the Sarons, tthe in onelie the colletton andabztoge ment of a number time pal dtd bie the of fragments togither, therem chéfie ¥ haue bled $WOx Tlalthtn fuch fost as we ample fatiffacion in this bebalfe, % twill here Cet ed da Strange ; foy ag the belpe of Nicholas Adams alawwise, abo twz0te thereof but at the fir named Cate Minid Agnes. 1. the cas 40 by nozth Cathnefle in Scotian. Gnlike fozt toand Gelion mount Agnes, and the caffell of birgins) and the caffell of Alciuith 02 Alelude, notw called Dunbyiton, asthe Scotifh Hector Boctius confet: feth ; thereby it moft eufdentlie aypeareth,that our €bzanke was thenthereof fetsed . This Cbhranke reigned in the fain fate oucr thenva long timesafter tibofe death Albanta (as annered to the empire of Writaine) vefcended to the onelie bing of W2itons, britill the time of the two fitters fonnes, Horgan and forthe better maintenanceofreligion in thofe dates, heconttituted mintfers called ardyflamines,in fame pte places of this Jland(trho in their feurrall fiurette ons refemblen the bithops of our tines) the one of fibich remained at @bzanke not called 3902he; md the hole region Caerbsantonica(tebereof Prolomie allo fpeabeth butnot without tett ing of the name) trhofe power ertended to the bttermoft bounds oF Albania, aherbp liketwife appeareth that it as then Conedage, lineall beires from the fain Chranke, 5° within bis one Dominion. After bis neaththe hole fabo brothertic at the firf pinided the realme betwen them; f that o2gan bad L hoegres,and Conedage bad Albania, 15ut MHortlie after organ the eloer brother, pondering in bis bead the lone of his brother iwith the affection to akingdome , erclaoed nature, and gaue place to ambition , and therebpon benoun: cing warre, death miferablie envedbislife (as the retward of bis bntrnth) abereby Conedage obteined Jle was infoied bpthe onelie kings of Writaine on, till the time of Wigenias ¢Perionrns lincall heires from the fain iBeline, tho fauourablie made partitts on, fo that Gigenius had all the land from umber by fonth,and Perionrus fromthence nozthiwardsall Albanta, tc. This Uigening died , and Peridurus' furn{ued,and thereby obteined the whole,from &hom the fante quietlie defcended,and twas bybis pofterts the Ghole empire of all Writaine: tin which ate he tie accozmglie inicied , butill the reigne of Coell remained during bis naturalllife. 60 the firft of that name. 4nbis time anobfcure nation From bim the fame lineallte vefcended to the (by moft tuziters fuypofed Sctthians) patted by feas onelie king of Wzitons , bntill(and affer)the reigne fromZreland , and arrived in that part of Wrttaine of Gorbovian, tho bad iffuetivofonnes, Ferrer, and Pozrer. This Porrer, requiring like dinifion of the Lind, affirming the former partitions tobe rather of latw than fauo? , twas bp the bmbds cf bis elver brother (beftloued of queene mother) both of called Albanta :againf thomethis Cocllaflemblen bis potwer,and being entred Albanta to erpell them, one Fergus in the night oifgutfen , entered the tent of this Coell and in his bed tratto2ouflie fue him, This Fergus was therfore,in rewardof his great bis life and boped kingdoine beereaned at once. p2olvellemane there king,fber bponthep fat Dotone Toherevpon their bnaatarall mother, bfing bir nas tural! malice for the death of bir one fornne (tofthout in that part, with their tines and chtlozen,and callen it Scotland,and themfclues Scots ; from the begins ing of the tyozlp , fonre thonfand fir hundzed and fear of the lfing cf both) miferablic fue the other bed iniftrufting no fad) treafon. Cisten,by ail writers, as well Scotith as offer, toas the nert inheritonr to the tyole empire ; but uentene peares after the Scotith accompt, tbicty by tuff computation and confeffton ofall their one Wrifers,ts Gr bundz¢0 peareslaching ten, after that Wrutus ise HowBritaine atthe firftgrewto be, thereof(of fet purpoteyto king Coward the firt, as -lackingpotucr (the onelie meancin thofe taiesto Leland did the-like to. bing ipenrie the eight, Iolin obtetne right) be twas contented to divide the fame Harding tito Coward the fourth; befive thee other, among foureof his kinfmen; fo that Scater bad iubereot the fir dedicated his treattle to enriethe Albania, bat after the oath of tis Cloten, bis fourth, the fecond fo Cotward the third, and the third forme Duutwallo Wulmutins made warre bpon to Coward the firll,as theivtwzitings pet ertaut dm ‘thefe foure Kings, and at laf onercame them, and fo abundantlic beare witnelle. Dpetitlealfothat Lerecoueredthetibole dominion. Jn token of Gbich land giueth bishoke, abichIhauebhadtwritten with bvicorie, he caufeo himfelfe to be crotpned with a bis otune hand,beginneth ii thismaner: Dhefe ree crotwneof golp,the veric firik of that mettall @f ante membjances following are found tn deontciesau- ro at all were before in bfe)that was twome among the fhogtfen,remaining tn otuerfe monasteries both in kings of this nation. Lhis Dunwallecreded temEngland and Scotland, by khich tis eutoentlie ples, therein the people thonly affemble fox peaters kruolwne and thetwed, that the kings of Cngland to which temples he gaue benefit of fancuarie, be haus bad, and now ought tobauethe fouereigntie made the latu for Seager of battell, i cafes of murs devand felonte, whereby a theefe that lined amade ouerall Scotland, with the homage-and fealtie of the * kings there reigning from time totine,ec. Beret hisart of fighting , thould for bis purgattonfight ta pou bane beard alreasie, that dintfion iWBeute dotththe true man hom be bad robben, beleeuing ab furedlie that the gons (for then they faypofer manic) mane of thig Gland not long before bis peathoberof would bp miracie afftgne bidozie to none but the ine ech of his chtldzen,(o fone ashe was interred, tobe feifure and polleMtion. bowbrit ater tino pearesit 20 nocentpartie. Certes the prtuileges of this laty, happened that Albanad was flaine, therebpon Lor and benefitof the latter, as toellmn Scotland asin Gngland, be intofed to this date , felv canfes by late crinus and Camberratfing thetr powers, reuenged pofitine lains among bs excepted, therinthe benefit bis death: and finallie the faid Loctinus madean of (wager of battell ts reftretited. iby which obedt entrance bpon Albania, feised it into bis otwne ence tohis latwes , tt doth mantfeftlic apere,, that bands (as ercheated tbolte onto binfelfe ) without this Duntwalle twas then feisen of Albania, now peelding atic part thereof bnto bis brother Camber, called Scotland. This Duntwallo reigned in this fabo mave. no claime no; fitle buts ante portion of effate ouer them manie peares. thefame. Werebp then (faith Adams) it enfdentlie Weline and Benne the fonnes alfo of untwallo, apeateth,that the entire fefgniozte ouer Albanta confiffedin Locrinus., according fo thic) erample 30 didafter theit fathers neath fanonrablie dintde the like law among bzethzen euerftnce hath continued, land betivecne them; fo that 1Beline had UL boegres, ¢ in paeferring the elneff bzother to the onelie benefit Wrennie had Albania; but for that this IBeenne (a of the collaterall afcenfion from the pongeft,as well fubied)toithout the confent of bis elder bother ana in Scotland as in England onto this baie, loz,aduontured fo martrte with the Daughter of the @beanke the lineall beire from the bovie of this king of Denmarkce; \eline feised Albania into bis dione hands and therbpon caufen the notable wates Locrine, thatis to faie,the forne of Denipzis,fonne pituileged by Duntvallons latwes to be netvlie of Spavan, fonne of the fame Locrine builded in Al hzought by mens hands , thich for the length erfens banja the caffell of atdens, now called Coenbo: ded from the further part of Cosnetvall, bnito the fea rongh(fo called of Afdan fomtime king of Scotland, dens el a i Thedefcription of Britaine. fwecallall thofe frangers that are not of our nati, |