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Show The deftription of the Sauetne , &cfucly HFetiedantother one of Honig lead parkojfromt 1502fenathant end the fontth from Cotlete: Werice our Chap,t3, ie,thicreated oe tf Selivod farrell (anid one of chew How the © "Waters aS difcharge tem (tlii¢s into the fame. Feonte dehts Lutlingtor, Wechington; Fartote & Betbatn Frethford,and taking WN the Si » {krithotbhe ,fallett ito the aor betitithranted, _ tater Frethterd / From hence qoute beneath Htdlie, it teceieth-on the leit haid-aWaterco' to © filing, mitigfrom fouthieer, iherealen by hitdzebiokes, fiieréof one commtethyftom Cantelet by aLitleton, andDahkertott,theotfjer from Stone CiFoi, ide fuitinaet Portonbp Cetclifon,Roditocke; Uirigte' FS] Brucham, Clewrogh. He SarernPabity Prokonrie PTS caesar , Tacitus Sav LELOS trina, Wlenbeth Brglati' dy HA TAD that path of the Iain, which Rul HS fometitite twas called Rte? qted front Cambiia, eallen exe ) of Carither the feconn Wine Po CA Ba at IB! tis Htit DioSDe report? But hey that regiow Htabt titles , of the Germaneto7d Citalh, ubetedy that Hation soto ble tocall all rangers without te(pedt of céunitrie) totsFotcotavd Wleltehy; and therefatitnig tira rill > dene Hyllips Mosfotr') te queth' by Clacerton to pati and thete ifwtateth with another water Hhisriuer tke the nameof a certeire ladie, calles > Somnititligfront Wacthters,hore headis at ifletor Pabzen o2 Wafreir, bate datighbter to Wocrinus bes frottt tthence tt riitiethibp inefk Kineton to Cattell gotten bpon Cftrilois daughter fo Pumber-other? comibe ( there tt iottieth tbith aril ritiig by thosth 26 Wilecallen Crrmbjtis 02 Tmar sand for tic (ome from Lifleton titre) ah thence ‘comiiitth fouth to Slarightenford,Wafelbarie, Wor, Waithtow ,and fo thtothe Auatr, Mhidy turning plaine tettbatteth to WBathititic, and(metingwith another tit his pallage froth Calvatton ) to Wath, the Liuertons, and Cov itor. >* . Here allo it fabeth in arill by the aie front SParkefburie by Wilmerton arid Petwton,ano then Swintozd, Swinford SHeanerne; aBacho, aDungurts, Liaw, Wigga, Couine. Carnon. @arawr Hawes. Duoielie.2. topite Chonibius king of Scithia , that fometinte ine uaded this Ihand,and as oucrtholone here in the Dates of this Loctitius, ag thallbe fhetved at hand: Although F Mypofe rather that this ladie was called Arie,anod that the tuord Sabjinia ts compounded of Aber md Ahe and the letter S added Propter emphoni= aniior the mouth 0} fall of euetic ritter tn the WBritith fpeechis called Aber,thereby Aber Bneis fo mutch to goiter ofrte Sateford, it mieteth with one rill fone faie asthe fall of Ine. But lef GS returne againe to Welkof Porthitocke,named Stpitifdrd, andanother 36 sur difcourte of Humber 03 Amar'; thich is worthie by Witton,from Durbain bp Wike , anid fo proces fo be rememb3ed, petty ill holding on bts tay to Caimtham,a towne vinteeyont in Stimrntertet Mite(Co callea of Caiman Englity cefterthires faintbp tthofe praters,astbe countrie once beléneo, infunder, The defcription of Britaine. -_all the adders; firakes and ferpents twere turned ine th fone, their formes referten, and'fod acerteine {pate of ground about the fain foteneand thereof Toitte' froze a8 pet t8 to be found tit thofe quavies: Wut this ntiracle is to true as the hidtorte of Yiloa, Foz atker the death of Locrifins , i came to pafle fhat Guendolena bis tife riled the kingdome ft fhe nonage of bit fonne : and then getting the fata Cirildis and Habzen bir daughter into hfr bands, the notoned thent both in this riner.Andin perpety bit,the cauifed the ffreame tobe called Babzen of the pong ladie,for thich the omansin procelle of fine or that S, Patrike tyouto cate all beiemons creas 40 for reantnelte an milonefle of pronunciation,w20fe COVESotit of Jtalte with his {afte sn2 that tata ar Deguind hotly oxitie the crotwes ti the potinn > thicy Did atte hit conte iehitethe twetit onto a chapel to hearer oe a mate) there it cratteth the Chute, htt Mueth at alinford, atid goeth bY bitjops Chne to Pentord , and there receitieth the Clue comming Ont Clatorard from theitce tb Conte,¥fo into the Auon. Che Aeonliketwite atter Au thete confinens Leniet, Cammalet, Cate, Sabrinaand Wwe at this time dn peonountethe Sav werne. OF the drotining of the fate Abzen alto find thete berfes infuing: In flaninmpracipitaturAbren, Nomen Altenflwwio de Uirgine,nomen eidem Nomine corrupto deinde Sabrina dutuy. Wut fo returne to one Sanertie.Ft falleth Matne fea betivene Calales anv Cometp into the Ces gocth to Wutelton, and to to Weittotw , beneath all > which is and fhall be calle the Sauerne fea, Ghichit recetteth a tilt on cach fe (aherof one cony folong as the so ther doth Keepe hic name, But as the fatd ffreame Hiteth fromt about Stoke looge tt Glocetterthire, bes in length of conrfe, bountie of tate {ga faite tater mo tunning bp Adon, Framps r , and depth of chanel commeth ton,bamb2oc), Stapleton,and through Wrifotw, the other by fouth front Dundzcie hill anv totne ; bp ABifpost mid Weomintter ) and to Befcendi ng pet MBuaie. all remembzance ofbir hufbaring diofaltic towards Lan Folog. farre bebind the Lhames fo for 0 ther commodities as trave of Mere handtje, plentie of caviage,¢ fore of all kindof fih, as falmon,tronts, beeames.pi then by S, Clintents tocke and Xate > tort of allte Moerteie, Dourelete Topwogth, Hetaketh or Doureticie bethe, whofe print, pallbeadisin Doutetlete towne ‘ botobeit hefaith ho thing of it moze, than that it feruet h fundzie tuck: ihglu cking milles,and goeth by Cortivortho > foure Miles farther before it come at the Sauerne. Fie Hallie,making mention of an ercell ent quarrie of bard ftone about Donreflete, hetell eth of the Lort, Yoorth beeke, that runneth tufthi n a flight thot of Warkelete tote , and fatleth on the left band info HSaderne mardes.talting with all the Alderlete o2 AAuon except ¥ mittake bis meani ng , hit) map fone be done aniong his confues notes, @ales callen Helennith 02 Plimlimmonsin Cnglith, the ormozeheads, from thencealtoblacke mounteins, the Wie and the Rbidolloo P20CeDd: and therefore thefe thee wate rs ate commontie calle the the@ fiffersand bane in la« fitude tio and fiftie degrees ten minutes, in lor gitude fiténea @anet. Pcucrere oz sYurnewte, Buernete, nn fiftic,as the defertption infer 0 fone as itis out of the groun reth. ward,till it come toithin a nriled, it goeth foutheatts of Raunbdlos there it recefuethachanen from byfon the Dulas, ahicy commeth th fouthwet, called theteinto on the fouth fide, ¢ fouthtnett of Han Zdlos feeme)of dfuerfe heads in the . Fe riteth(as it Houlo coge of Kabdnozihire, mo oY Diwower miisamee fod, Ceres, Diwetter ts -Mirterie iitles noHhinest from Eprewsetburic ; ato Gtther ti thep fall titethe Sanerne Weneaty Wait Polos ittaketh in the Clewoogh from vowel, Water: proputted bp the influence df! foute pretie beokes, thereof oneis callen acho,artother Dun' contcineth aimile within the alles . Ht- hath invlike fort forte hibarbs 62 great frétes, of abich one is -_-eallen Sati; another Caulive,, the Hird Wéter vith, theretivatethe hiindied andfortte Warns Mars fing infin Wegitin , and the mot foutherlie calle anid thé fourthnated the IBlackegaté fret, inet gUmcortiniiig ont of lim Glalin, the Hiro Rhoiori: 69 gona tolbeldliging to the tittjens 07 burgeltes, Winga.Miter which confluence our Savertie proces are thitte barns mainteinenfox. come ¢ baie, Mhere ftom he aforefain fortrette. Atter this tt croteth the Gate. There ts another, ouer whole courte the Base deth on by Wberblaty toward Lanvimany takingin 1 i alfeainobke Yitintig thorugh the towne bp the by thethaie,on thecal five ‘the Contre fence fo ‘troffe , comming from Simons wel; a boty Mute sStnong ., Caivtute cattell, there tt mecteth with the Carrion, Without the walls ¢ going DNider the Taine befiwwhe becke. and the Davan botiy in ote chanel, and going not far Thorowgate ¢ Petogate,ruminig onder thelatke Mozdant. . Hatdes oir the nosthhalfe beneath Aberhatwes , rect tikes 02 Webdetithgate fanderh, ano thetefore called one of all the Dutetle that rtfeth in the edge of Radno2 Wederteh broke', Whe third palleth Gp the Walilligate Werericy, Fhitcyany mecteth with ifbefore if conte at Pelton 02 etwgate'y ¢thefe fall all togtthérwith the Ceoile in Powilie, otbertuile called Drenewith', as-F find hoke, aniileloiver bp outh info-the PMorvanit that in Bielanguage. Weinrg come to Lreriewith,F Tunheth(as F (ato) bp Diwetfer. From hence atfo carttotetehue(right hondable)te gitie onetote,as by 20 tf qoeth fo Ho2bAnt totore , andvetwene Lanois, the toaiestoucsing the origitall of nepladie pout ben tite and Pelnerlete doth fall into the Sanerne, Aker fellowes ancettrie 5 tidjcamefrom hence, ¢ were fhis our patherpall Freame goeth)-to Sheanerdon ca. furnanicd Petotons onelie, for that the grandfather fell, Mountford, and icon chappell sand here éf reof fic Jom Petwton efther owelled oa twas bome Céiueth a wafer on the lef hand, that rifeth of tins there > otheriorfe the right name is Caradoc, for beads, thereof one is aboue Dertan.the other at El. wich onted@ corruptlic write Cradocke, retpecting -‘lifmere 3nd foining beftocene Wodboutes € Bags rather the toatnetle of pronuntiation, than the true leie,the confluence runneth on bp Rad nall, Halton, orthographic and twaiting of the wor. Cortes the Car Levdelmer, Koiton,Balhurch,wialford,Gratton, tabockes haue bene, andpet are alinage of qreat Mitton, ado into he Sanerie. Frohence it hono2, antiquitie, amo ferutce; thety lands alfo fontes 30 runneth to Fits, Cton, o2 Lefton, wariwye, Dyer tinte belonged (for the molt part) tothe noble Gone Rolall, Shelton,and fo to Sheetwtburie here if croe noaniesof Summerfetthtre : but tt abat over thep feth the ele water,thole head(as F heare) is fatoto delcendedto the Petwtons,in qed loth F cannottell, be in- Weffon, Wut fo proceedWith onr river,hich being pak Petw: Hhe'Pele therefore rifing at Wetton, goeth bp Mele; fon, ‘tinmeth forth by Landilouarne, anv fo forth Wrocton, Witorwherr, Aiton Plgol, Wiettleie, after: on till if conte to the fall of the pule,bofeheadisin Ieie, andatiLea if mecteth with the Daberleie water Iabericte, the edge of 1adno2 allo, and thereto his pallage bp fhat commeth dofone bp Wontéfford ann Aunifon, Lierie mb Lanmeretintic . After this alfo tt proces Afterthis continencealfo tf ranueth to SPebienbans deth further till it meet toith the kenlet o2 the Camas ¢ Crokeimele, there taking tn aril on the ofber fide let, ditch taketh in alfo the Late o2 Ladbrwke tater o Watdetcendeflhbp WHertburie and Stretton,¢ thence tifing ont of the billes a mile from Withops totone, ‘going ot to Hanwod, Poball, Pulleie, wWeacentele, the tthole courfe theteof being about feauen miles and Shjetetburte, it falleth(ag ¥ faid) into the oper from the head (as J haue offen heard.) Of this allo z Sanerne. From hence sur Saucrne haffeth to wit find two defcriptions, abereof one X bo2rol ont of fington, P2efton, and bettodne Chilton and AByampe Leland, {tho fatth that itis a pjetie bioke, running ton taketh in the Cerne, a fatte freameano tworthic in the bale by Mountgomerie, and comming within to be well handled; ifit late in meto performe it.This balfca mile of the place ubere Chirbirie priorte fio, titer rifety ina mete belive WHlelbsinge patke,nere ttfalleth into the Sauerneaboutamile from thence, bnto Dernemere billage in Staficedthire. From Df the rilles(faith he) that run from: the billes thos thenceit runneth bp the parkes five to iknighton, tough Pountgomerie , ab{ch are a ntile from the s0 Paxton, Betton > Md at Dyatfon Wales crotterh SHauernethore, andliketwileof the Lanadloshioke that mecteth withall within foure miles of the heav, twith a water commingfrom abont Adbatton(tbere mafffer Wrodacke divelleth) and runneth by Chip: 3 {peake not, but thinke it (ufficient to touch thofe of penbamand Amming: fo that the Herne on the one Cerne; fome eftimation , onclie leauing the reff to fuch as fide, and this broke on the other , dm inclofe a great mate hereafter deale with things moze particnlarlie part of *WBlore heath, trherea noble battell was fon, * Se hens, astimeand trauell mate reucale the truth to them, _time purpofen betipene Ring Wenvte the firtand the 19-649. And bitherto Leland, thofe toows J dare not alter, Duke of Bo2ke : but it toanted erecution. Wut another noteth this Camalet o2 Genlet to run ut to proceed, After this confluence, tt runneth by More, Ltodiom, Snev, Churchtfocke, Chirbirie, to Dzaiton Hales, Lernebill bztoge : and per long Wialcote, and Winfbirie, and fo into the Sauerne, o' tabing ina rill from Sandford bp Wledhleie, ff goeth From hence then, and after this confluenceit gor to Stoke Allerton, Peplaw , and Caton , there it cibon by Foon, Leighton, and Landbrenie to crofleth with a brokethat rifeth about 18zinton 5 and kerell,tench, pereh,¢c ritis noth ing at all tnfertour 02 fecond fo the fame . Finallie thin g tobe difcommended in this tiuer,therets no: Crocampill and finallie tito the fea,thither all teas , but the o¢ penneffe thereof tt mante plac fers by nature dw refort. tbherebp tundzie perils off ouet es to the tueather, Befide this water, Leland maketh menti take fuch as ft 02 Aoerteie brokehich tn ome ancient tecoids onof Go faile in tmall beffelg on the fame, is al: he bead of this noble freame foaled Auon,an Tuntteth bp Warkeleie ts foun d itt the . In like bigh mounteines of fonth Miner lotber ,goety to Ratuntebar pattage ano Cliftor, and tabirig trfandsiefmalltilles, itmetemat the lat ott: the Buea bioke , adh they go tos ward Velucrlete, and there it meeteth with fundzie laters in one chanell, ahereof the one called the La, going by Higham, Pozton, the Great Mere, Fozton, Pilfon, Picktocke, Keinton, Libberton amd Bos billes byweft of atrafall not farre from Lhan Fb meteth twith another broke that commeth from het ts a uctie prctie water (tebereinto the Peuereie 8? Murnetueie doth fall, which defcendeth from the lint) the other Auernie , and foining beneath Abertanhott, 02 aboue Lannamonachneere bute the ditdjof Offa, tt isnot long per thep met with the Wo2dant bzake, anothere lofe theft names fo fone ag thep tolne and mir thett waters with it. Zhe Yeav of the So2danttTueth out of the Lanuerdan billes, where bivierte fate, that the parith churchof crofte Dwalo las, it fofneth with the fatd Lerne not farre ftom CAater Upton. Chence palling to Crogenton anit Chaltiven Afton, by Pewwport, Longforn, Aloneie, and fo through the Wilde mone to Tinfleies Slepe, and finallie into the Lerne,chich hatteth from thence to Con bxdge,and neere tnto Calcote taketh in the Roden. Zhis waterrifeth at Walton in Camber, Boden4 mere lake : and comming to Duentete, croffeth a rill from Cowlemere bp Lentall, Zhence it gocth to Deaton, iad ee= ie rieEE on Seon elinndtoclt OF wBeacly Déteeribiny from' Lott finrozte rils , txbereor tive come -- The defcription of Britaine. |