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Show . i toubti -_-oaffemen by theircapteints appointment tranerfing thebuge The uert dap the certeintte of the bictorte more purfued,wounded , and tke thelr cumies :andas than othertntfe the ozder of tvarre required: but be -_-thep tueteadntfen of other fo flea thofe that they bap tokethiste keagodremedicagaint fudyinconuce -befare takert, fotheend thep might onertatse the: o+ nience as might baue followed, iftheenimie by the _-ther, there twas nathing butdaing,takingand char narrownelic of thefrontsofbisbattelsthouldbaue ro fing; flaughter,spilling of bloud, frattering of ineas pemuned them in on ech fide. pons,grunting and groning of men and hoattes that Thisvone,amdbhauingconcetued god bopeof dice -lapon the ground,galping for beeath, ¢readiete bic. fonte, bealightenenfot, ant putting bisho2fe from Beret, tikablongth Agrisola cauten thecemphorts of pol ntnerstine ofaukenersto pretingerween,siome * cometo be tricd iwith the edge of the fivm:d , tbhich mort ; are thithgcas to themi(betng tured toith that kind of fight)it tongreatlie tutth thetranuantage, fo to the on. Thisdonte, he appointed the aviivall of the wa- of theut that tmxathliepnrined bpon the Wrttainss thenrin tole rmps and gadorder of battell;, they Gipt awaie mdtoke-them:te fight, ecyoue fecking to fanebimfelfesand keptnot togither in plumps.as, Inthismeane time; hhtles Julius Agricola ras hus occupied in Writaine, both the emperour Wel: ‘pallanus, mp allo his brother Situs that fucceoen ate Againeinto anhauen called Drutulentis, bimoeparted this lifejand Domitianus tas elected before thep had Done. Lhentght made anend of the Emperor, tho hearing of {uch p2ofperous fuceefle as Muftains (t tors verie Dangerous, that were to der Dporthe Writatris. he other bands oefirens to math theirfellowucsin helping toxtdhine the vito folenvers." vie', followen the ipollanders,, md beat bowne the uerthrow , Domitian enuieth Agricola theglorie ofhis victories, he isfubtilie Feoring the battell, put the Romans iri fuch feare, Ahat thep were at a fuddenfap: but the darets bee The xviyy. Chapter. dng troubled with preafe of enintics, e vneuennefle 50 of the ground, thep could not tuopke their feat to.ar niepurpofle,neither had that fight ante refentblance of abattclhof bootemen,when ech one fo encumbsen other, that thep bapno rome to Mirre themfelues. Mherharets oftentimes wanting their quiders tere earied alate toith the hoztles,that being putin feare Sith the noife and tur,ran hither andthither,bearing Prins =" xpine sti: cus dane. shinedfarve eyceltenhis doings, Ho find remedie: therefore hereitt' be thought Rotgodto diter his malice as petibtlelt Agricola Temained in Bjitaine with an anmic, fhich fo much Hunrber of the Momans , began to come dotwne: backs of their entmies,in hope fo to make an end of the battell, andtoiwin the vidorte ; but Agricola Donbting no lee , but that fone fue thing would Comte Copaile, bad afereband forelaene the danger, and bauing referucd foure tvings of boztfemen for faddtuddenchances , fent them forth againt thole » She which booemen with full randon ig Wpon thomas thep rathlic caine forwards, Quichtie difornered them and puttbem all te flight, and fo that purpoten deuile and policie of the Wet fainsturned to theie owne binderance. JFo2 thete bim,andthatwith fo yon caule; fith bp bis md boties -Wherebpon to diffemble bis inv Rentbeapointen toveuoke him arth of Weitaine, ttiwere to hor bint, not onelie with deferucd Tums, but atfo with the leutenantthip of Syria, in his roome, 8s then twas'void by the neath of Atilius 2 Coretie, this hus Yella) Agricola being countermanded bonteto aay t. Somes delinerca bis: prouince butobis. fucceto2 tine Cheas Trebellius ; appointed thereto by the env PetourDonrtiantis sittgadquictandfafegard. a4 He night inline the fore among the Writains there w7itens,# was nothing elfe beard but D<ots their better refuge and fafegard, fazthiwith mill king ofthe fame, left them and fought others : bere. With diuerfe of them tke counfell togither ubat theytorre beft to do one tipile thep were in bope, an otber bile thep fainted, as people cad into vtter defpaire : the bebolding of thee tuiues and chilbzen oftentimes moued them to attempt fome nel ew terpale fo: the prefcrnation of their countrie and li berties. no certeineit is that fame of them Gue Sheic twines and dilozen.as maucd thereto with 4 corteine AY roe DMUs the fate df Ba Coilus, / > Rel 7) Woy RVR 8 Tits was after bis fathers Rie deccalle made king of iat © be in oe of sur O20 125, Hhis Coillus o2 Coill was boought bp inbis 224 e pouthamongh the Romans x at Kone, there he (pent his time not bupzofifablie , but applied himfelfeto learning 3 feruice in the Watres, by realon thereof be twas much bonozen ofthe aoe mans, and he liketoffe horiozed and loued them, fo that he pated his tribute truelic all the time of bis reigite; and therefore liued im peace and ged quiet, ‘He twas Alfa aveince of much bountic, ann erie tts Honla feemeto be built long before ; being called Canies lobuntm, JFinaltie ohen this'Ceill hao reigned the Space of 54 peares , be departed thts' life at Worke, leaning after hima fonne named Lucius, which fre ceeded in the kingdome. a ‘og, faith William Harifon)is notertant, began bis reigne ouer the 1yitains abont the peare of our 41020 180,48 Fabianfollotbing the authoritic of Pes ter Pictauienfis faith, although other weiters feente fodifagre in that account, as bp the fame Fabian in the table before bis bake partlic appeareth , theres bitfo Matchzus Weltmonafterienfis affirmeth; that this 2ucius tas boonein the peare of our L020 tis, and Was trotpned king inthe peare 124 ,'as fuccet \ 5° fo) tobhis father Coflins » tbich oted the fante peate y «, SEbusinay vou (& i hatfate Writaine ton it Pdales of king Marius, of tome Tacitus mar NO'ntention ata, Some hauclwritten, that faid ouctthzow of the 252t tains twas {pent of the tio mans in great top ¢ gladies for the bicorie atchined, wut binffolkes and friends that were wanting. Danis of them foxfmke their boufes, andin their befperste mood (et themon fire, and chofing fo:th places fo The 19. Chapter. Policie and noble: conduct the famehad obteinen fo 40 Le the fonneof Cotllus, ahofe turnani¢ (ae ZLyejys Manic dicortes, fo muchhono2, and {uch plentie of depriuedof his.deputithip, and Crews Trebellins Surrogated Dolwne one another, a Lbomfocuer elfe thep met ScBy, mounting and lamentation, pics. Awithall bott of men and twomen that were mingled tog Mow the Writains that kept the top ofthebils, 6, ther,fome bufic to beare away the wounded, to bind and bad not pet fought at all, defpifing the fmall aid Drefle their burts ; other calling fo: their fonnes, Soards mid Co cait about,that ther might fet wpon the chingthe timeof Lucitts his teigne, ot his death, and whien the chriftian faith Was receiued in this Tland. . &: Agricola havagaint the Writains ; vin hot & much teioife for the thing fuclldone, as he enuted to cons 30 berall, thereby he obteincn great loue both of his fiact hat glozte amtenotome fhonls redoundto A nobles aidcommons . Some faie , that he tape the Mticola thereby,hich he percetuenfhould much dar; totoneof Colthetter in Etter, but other's twrite, that <ome ‘Rettthe clateof his fanie , bauing apeinate perfon Coill. thich reigned nevt after Afclepionctus twas * Dnder bins,tho int toapthiiresle of nobleierplotts at, thefirtt founder of that totpne,but bp other it pie thontant 45 The lamentable diftreffe and pitiful perplexitie of the Britains after their o- Britains nherethep might approchto them : manie Avere oucrrunand lett halle dead, and forme not once fouthed with ante Weapon, tucteliketwile oucepreb fed,uth batt the Womans madeto follow-oponthe ABpitains. Whilett the Weitith hortiemen fen, their harrts toitred themfelucs with their fotmen, and and $, Peters in Cornchill builded divers opinions rom the people for affuranceof thetr lotaltie and fubiedtibie fo faile aboutthe Fle , thicy accoringlie to bis irancale ‘COnmitfion tn that point rere(ued, lucktlie accom Stata: plithen his enterpitfe,. amd brought the vante about chafe bich the Romans had follotned fill hep Mere fer theupfeluing twtth their mightic buge finmrds 30 fhronghlic iucaricn, There tere (laine of, the 1521 tains that dap ro000, and of the Romansiz4o, a: amb fmall buctlers {Alf by reafon their fwouns Guerebroad at the ends, anvpointlete they: avatled mong thom Aulus Atticus acapteineof oneofthe cobozts ogbands of fotinen twas one, fie bring little to hurt the armed eninite,Wihereopor then the mounted on berflebacke (thzongh bis otune tomnd) Mollandersicame to foine with ther; they nave pouthfnll courage,and fierce onrulines of bis ho2fe) fotule tun;he ttrfleaing and wounding themin mot doascaricn into the middle thzong of bis entmies, bowible tite. ‘ ! and there faine, 2 "( Bthe boriemen alto that mane. tefittance thep wc from theit bo2ffes ) and began to clime the and 28 bithops arthattimein this Hand, weftminfter church inhabited the comttrics now ealled Angus ¢ Merne, amd there intended. to winter, and toke boftages of bo then thep-behelD the Momans thus to follot witht at hann-frekes;, asthe matter might open profeflor of chrittian religion, he andhisifa miliearé baptifed, Britaine receinerh thefasthr, sarebhifhops, and fpithdialune a farre-off. Mahon Agricola had thus ouetthzotunebts entities 10 fra pittht field at the mouttatne of Gransiben, aid fhat the countvicinas quite rivof alt appearance of enttinies : bicaufe the fummter of this eight peeve of bis goucrnement was nolv almoff {pent,be brought his armic into the confines ofthe to2reffians,abich adnantage,namelie aben they ayzoched nsere to the for'anieanger that mighthapen. Atthefirkthep wwmds, gathered themfelues togither , and fet opos bettoiven theirifyot and darts frelic onboth foes, the Romansas they follower duaduffeolic,anfrre SheWrtatns alwell with conftant manbod,as -_-ther(thzongh fgnozanceof the places)than fod with fhilfalt-padite, with broad fwo2dsandlittle round buthlers auotded and beat from thenrthe avrotwes theirtuertic , infomudh that fAgricola hav not peo dactstyatcahrpfromtthetrenimies ,and therer -_uidedremedie,and {ent forth mightie bandsof Habs inithall pain thembomncegsiue with their thotand co armedmenbhoth.on fot and bozflebacke:to plete i Darts;fo thatthe Momans werenerte hand oppzefied the enimiesand alfo to beat. the wad, fome greater therebitly, bicaufe they camoto thicken thet frees; -_lofte monlyhauefolloiuen thaongh to muchbolones Congtt, ofLucius his fonne and fiicceflor, what time he affumed thegouernmentofthis landbe was.an acteature Mirving , forall the people tuere auoinen Che Britains now and then as they tet their bisn,‘beftedbeforethe ftanbards as one notcaring OfCoillus the fonne of Matius; his'és ducation in Rome how long he reigned : plainlietoas diftlofen, for all tuas quietabont, aw no noife heard ante Mhere the houfes appeared bur, Hing onrech fide, and inch as tuerefentforth todticouer the countric into eucri¢ patt therrof , fats not grertons.¢ heaute fight tt twas to bebole,-botwthep astheirbattcls mightffretd)farre furtherimbzent the hiftorie ofEngland. certeine fond regave of pitie to riothem out of furs ther miferic and Danger of thzaldome. j oulerthtvartbp the fronts of them that fonght-;¢et pon thatbattell ofthe Writains fihich. they: found before thes, Zhen in thofe oper and plaineplacesa poakaearientegg inet iaamnie afs fafled notonlicafront, butalfosponencriefivethe hattels be canfen the ranksfotoplacethemfelucs, ind winsondertheRomans. he titi of Chetter twas builved.by this -Spavius, Other: (as before x haue (aio): thinke rather WAS tho Woke of Dots Scapulathete Touchingotherthe Dothas ofAavicolasin the teat Sronicle powrmaic find fvse:at latae Tet De Shat tite) Fhave written hare ,te but to being of greatage per the (aid Lucius vas borne, Ft ts noted by antiquaries, that his entrance wag tn the 4132 ofthe woild, 916 after the building of Home, 220 after the comming of Cefar ints iat faine, and 165 after Cheitt, whore acconnitsfol? _16 5 loin this treatife. So At " Hhis Lucins is highlie venotonicn ofthe twittcrs;! for that he was the firft king of the Writains thar Feceited the Tatth of Jolus Chiff: for being infpttare at ty effect Cutielius: Tacitus triteth of 59 ted bp the thirit of grace and truth'jevien from the "Chie Agricola 10 here tn Weltatrtes withoist beginningof his reigne , he fornetxbat leaned to the hinginchttoneitherof Scots 8pqaids, onclic get Baitang , Horettians , my Calive tbe {rthabiten th thofe dates apart of this 316 teatscit Stotlanh, theoskathall of whic ano the inhabitants of oe) is greati eroeitoucriey amongwrtters; oinerfeDiuertie cats tHerebpor; fome fotchinie thet reaton tute" OFthe food which ts Grieke, forne lasereS OF theicancettors aettiep fin the Paring Ng ti tecords$ other fovtie front cont frag geetities togithor,nmapcollectingthe Nere as thepcan, \But toomit thentjany. Bene to the Continuation of our ofpne hilkozic, facing ofGhittianreligion , being moued with the manifett iniracles ahic) the Qhittians dailie Weonght in witnefe and profe of their found and perfec doctrine . soz cuen fromthe dates of Foley of Atimathia amd his fellowes ; o2-Hbat other gow lic men fittt tdaght the Writains the gofpellof our Saufour , there remained amoriget' the fanre 15: fains fome criftians tihicy ecafen not to teach ano piearh the tyo2b of Gov mattfincerelie onto them : but pet no king amongft fervopentte profetten that teligion, fill at length this Lucius perceining not snelie fone of the Romane leutenants in wrtaine a6 Lrebeliius and pertinay , with others, to haue c.y, fubmitteo SEOe Theftateofthe Bri- The fourth Booke of 50 |