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Show Thehiftorie ofScotland. no{mallauthoritic amanattthem. mF He tokepor him alto to govnto Gregorieto breakethematter, Efocommingaforebis prefence, ‘ Connseh > fefonght himmot humblie fohane compattion bps -_(tubereinn he ha hitherto remainen eur fincebis fa ritpan, CES péocesct viceetan, thors beceate) til He carne toGregoste thould haue Stok Andthatin the meanetime the gouernanee of thetealme, recettitig all the foy tobnetite. -_trelies into bis poffettor.Ide Mould alto haue fhe ap: mene Svent bute, Oitbepozemiferable cific, and tn fuch fort to tere pointntent of the magittrates, tho Thoulo {ee tutice perdis twrath, if he had conceiuedanie peece of dif 10 miniffren accozding to the old fFatutes eorditances Gregorie, * sDuneane. pleafure scaintt thecitizens, that it might pleafe thent onto bis mercic, mbdfurthertoaccept intobis into thefe countric , nomot fo mushas for trade of oe Writaine, nor Dane, Pomenta him pet bpon their humble {abmiffton to receive receiue netther Cnglifyman, catarecee - Smartanngyiattaidenpore ont app, the tpoatyel sate. be bebebin alfato remember, that itapperteined moze to the bono: of Bwittic i anpo; of the Zeit kingtomte, Chat toeFrithmen Honk sain aking, to preferue thetatofull right of other bings daieng. and prices toith the quiet fate of cities and cours tries,than bp biolent band to (eke their deffrucion. 20 Wihercbnte the king anfwered,that he wasnot Kine © comeinto Zreland for ante couctous oefire he hadto realime, 03 fo the intentto fpotle bis binfman of the richis Snifee gobi anfwer. fhe gonernement therecf,butonelictorenenge fucy iniuriesasthe Zriffinen baddone tobis {ubiets, Potthe Scots but the Jrithmen themfelues were that hav giuen the occafion of the warre, whic) they thep bad déerelie bought with no {mall postion of iotched fend, and betoke ante dyiftian creature bry to bis hellith power and domination (a vice natural lie following the people of that nation) fyeulo bane Sadordiinan: dis tong theuft through with a burnig iron. Yut wo infuffering necefarie an ordinance to be aboli: ‘eazd, thed and twozne outof bfe,confivering the bozrtble giasaak - byae= -- fime, as tuell in Soeatland as elfethere ;ad tnith. nnette in grelanb, he reeeiued ant ofh of the chiofett of Sutgreat hosr02 of the bearers cannot be balfeer "them fo2 performanceof the eae > and heres heme with taking with Him thaecteoze hottages, he retits | - ned Eoith bis bicoaious armie - into pees8 prefled. Duncans bebote, ohenbhe had the citieat his pleas fhinke moff conuentent, nitement of his countrie and contman-tocalth; DH sremieit This antwer of the Scotith king being reported buts them Wwithinthe citte, they determined forty acts obichbe fet fortward in his life tine, to the a fhein o2not, he marchen forth towards the cifie to Gregory Sons enter the fare inorderof battell, wwithallbistyole anderequies :ouer the nhichbis nert fuccello?, Dy -serrected. : : ig Greaoste alfo,here lined fhat bn eat An the Daicsof this Gregorte al o, the am ;meal Monmnach bi- fain Cozmadh, to YO haunting epon him }bis pontifical at wy godliterature of Greeketong. in ffuiethe bome, but bought ; pp ; be & yr ‘ ale prietts and meit of religion, toith the bitop tyefore, Thopofius ayparell, bare in hishano thecrucitir: then followen famouselearke John Scot, a Scotithmanin d Rae" Pintg bpon bis wap, nas aduanced forwardat the leat 4o miles oft fromthe river of umber, doubs fing leatt hapilic he bad ment fome deceit, as faa, denlie to haue returned bpon the Scots in sox thumberland, tiben the King bad bene once gone i E "| there Stee the marketplace fillbecameinto Ditig Saar ateePogiad theirae he had fu qiper to af. Coe ainie,of Malmefburie, > tere BY a wismopoeapie be caked ate cd Sedeus ane 2 Peapseae wiftian ee reli . Peredpon alfo 5 , oa fen, Were pledges delinercd on both parts,and©o:mond h ne Re Seatincttednet patrike,here hearing the * not fo ees he : sition: oi nine feruiceoben the fametwas ers we be entered the cattell i Lec lodging twas 60 manners bere gfnen moze? oe ee than ees ant conto chet , a asairon Patsinnenentngnentegrener ghe uamgeneteginnaeg - cel $ ti wenight pated had bzoken bp the houfes of fome ; _ a vdonbtfull abtfull battell, that they were , -=e Beer con. oy common feats with the Cnglithmenin Albfon, vig futsede? y comming to recetue baptifme bad bis name changed MO was-called Athelftane, during ubofe life the 6. ward moucd warre againt them , and in foughten ioere bifcouss Whilekk things paffen thus in England,there rofe offe , ahid) difquiete>king Donald Feriex, not a littie. Lhe occafion gretw by reafon of certeine be twas the fonneof Conftantne the viet ai 600? fes from thence. At the firfkthey of Murrey land ‘finding the tate of the realmein or ie to mail Atlongthhaningrematnedatcaton inthisettate Bpetcecon elupensoith at Dublin, be canfethe Acifhlovds to afemble in councell , there in the endthe peace twas concluncd Lettwirt bin and them,twitthefe articles ano coues niants, Firiit toas agreed that the pong king rithing iv twelth,be applic bis tole . pea o teinte the fame im femblable plight me to be bali oo And before all things be cane ee fit were as -_miiniffred,fe that nofnintie, (peeing we ‘asp 3 go rad orpunnithed: bone toanie pore perl the Loyd ofallverte Had giners Bim" iy field oifcomfited them, but tas flaine in that battell -_-shimfelfe (as Hector Boetius fatth.) But fo, the furs ‘ Reegy teeultvotmeregm, pecan me ticand part he commanded folongetuithoutinthe campe, io eae On bY nd idtthome ered rt bicanfe Aualaffus( the Cuglith writers e g name ulafe) and Goodfrie, the fonnes of Stthzihe, putthe fame Weatrice to death, bir father king Coe Che Danes Peace continued betivirt the tivo nations. bas fo our purpofe, After oringDorets ans Donald thes n gonernenentofteingDa -_tivirt the Cuglithmen anv Danes, anda peaceas Gesltn Sithatke king yceee of Mozthumberland , and Weatricé daughter of king Cotwarn, tillat length Stthzike igus Zrith people, longed part of bis armte tithin the cic thisad Gregorie being bad inbighreuerence of the 7 the wwarre twas renetwed bes Shortlie r after alfo * Sms, theues, which comming forthof Wollein the night ofthe citisens,and rauit}en diuerfe toomen. And for Breland. martpis. Tbe peace gas renewed anv thetea, Mond fought with at Abingdon, confirm. . there inthe l aAlured to. end tie esPn ehseeChasseasyee hacerteettoaa "s i 4banehdieee aes betivirt the Cnglith - indy bis cholers, as np Ft rmurhered the Cnglifhmen and Scots, made as occatfon fet> jnuySoa -_amraine potwers. An Abteh meanetime the Danestr ae ee ae ol vd adie, aaa Ppate cnt ment on them that vniuitlie had piked the quarrell, Herevpon infued manic rodes and foyrates betivirt fretir iter et ie Crattnorates ite for t thePiece (uertie either of the Ciglifhmen o2 Scots, whic) P perfuation oe mouedking Coward teConttantine -of his nobles, tomake meanesbnto to bauett WW aue the peaceerenetved; renewed;tf therebnto Conttanting -_-lightlteagreed: fo: thatthe league5 was confirmed a , i ant a place thereto appointed it ‘goithint te giaxe i -_ple {would be readic to defend them(elues, hoping in _-the almightie Govthat be would turne the punitly. DUNG fo the leaguenetolte confirmed, Donald fené fo a wee entmiesinchafe, butconttret ned a, ;yi nedanctediese thein, on condition that thedttuaiee Danes thoulv ew» Se aiggaelaf = % Conttantine berevnto anflwered, thatif king Che anfwee Cdiward twere mindedto make himtwars for thofe of king Cons lands Hhich he held bp rightfull title, he with bis peo» fantine, - pa satenes the genta ped coltee o2femen to ver maine with bim in Porthumberlann(tbhere be fated : ; for atime) vifcharging the refinue, ¢licencing them to returne onto their homes. Shortlie after Cov - Latine.Affertwaros being fent ambatlador frome Poe on om of CH ersoge hing ianb,be continucd biro7anAlfred taught bis chilozett, Alnred butotwith fame Lewes ia hy. io ali ( f en eeieeeetonn phanae pisosteeneeeii 50 rs Pime: ticesa, int pex(3° 2 gorte badin times paft bp oceation of the trouble, backe, ued)into oth countric, trie, ftwith diners hhirmithes sfemi : ; nto ech ech others Donal fent a nol, oben if {asknotone that bis purpofe 40 and light bickerings fo: tWwelue moneths {pace tos gither, twithout anie notable incounter of thete $980 men to re onelie to affaile theCnglith cones » accox amd falling dotonebponbis knes, be reuerentlie - the billed dhankatoit bigh orion sete :ae humble therebpon recetuin the crucifix Hebilleth WHichorver Hen Gregoriebebelo,hecommane amen, thecountviesof oxthumberland , Cumbers _-_fome (eafon taken from the right otwners byforce) all dangers , Donaldhattedtotwards Mosthumbers either elfe toloke for twarres at his bands twithin lana; hotwbeit he twas not farre fortwardsonbisioz nie,butthat tno20 came to dim, how Gomondivas 30 fortie daies.atter this fwnmons. wad crofie-beater, 3that lateltefuccee, Coward Lingthe affaires, _twarlike g ware BS9°EDCnglithntenbein in rule oucr Alured ded land, ¢ Ueftmerland (fehich the Scotith king Gre. Athens, eherebaving learned th ‘ot {nas fent fointo France, to come dutothe cHTpe le rourIetves, withiabom be aesvans . Inbecdmetha the nobles twith the other multitude. the fonne of Cthusthe fit, beginning bis reigne 777e. -_ding him toreffore onto his (ubiects the Englith: defiance, alreabie patted onet Humber , andenteredinto the theudet the nalothesiftof that name, canfeda faitetoune C0 fe as armie,2 inte the cbich ppoceition, oe be was receiued twfth proce' p on of ait the effates for firfk there met him all the " aareipuantieed: "Geahaven cae of Ais realme Conttantine the third of that name, 6onftan- ont doing ante Damage to the countric :fothat tf ae fwartes onthe Englifhmen. Lo preuent therefore -_berdine(of abillage) twas aduanced bp bim fo the mareace fateand dignitie of a citfe, ann the cure) there tiv prt (usrozée renenues, fatretwas foifh DoimedRis iene ; andputo ie of Bing Ono ges. bodie conueied the abbeie a fhings were truclie ment accordingto the outtoard 40 Colmekill,and there buried with all folenme pompe eda him: tye, gatestotorecefue theirfearc seep sine Dublin <ekoetes Suto se nt sen to hefet babopen canted he made Gbetber ali -¥dis bodie twas buried in Colmekill mcuegt anes anceffo2s,with a marbletonne(et onct bis grane,as A conqueft there , 02 to pafle oucr Humber to make Cnglith borders. Wut pet oid not Donaldftate his ryt iY a. fournie, till be heardcerteinelie that Gormondke and reniolwined pritices. Among other bis poineelie Poxtumber. e poe -_thereof,fent nto bintan herald at armes,commany soma rell, efcathereferning of the kingdome onto pong tories andother his princelie paings, he deferued of had reignedalmoff 11 pane be departed thi onald,if hanced aterivards,that he had knotw 20 aptfor cinill governement, than forthe ordering of "Ye tird. thas bncerteine tbat hetntended, tether to begin _-_-the Srots to bernmbered amongtt thete molt bigh if the -_reanineffe, (fthome be sime ent into ' * 1 Daneso2 Englithmen ful Dane twas landed with a mmicin Qo,- ledge hot Gozmond a coats of Pozthumberlad, dpon the tumberiand, puilfant armie : r . onto the} fore,with: neere campe and had; pitched) bis the aduancemtent of the common-tuealty : and fy Doundovetithin the countric of Garioth, inthe 18 ; example of other. Wieteoitle Bétne fbi fh 0 : becate _eted,he tent ine fooxthumberlaeis b-tec os atte Deathe -_in the peere afterthe incarnation 903. etwas moze Conttantine gouernement of bis people in got oxoer andtule,fo nallie died att happic old nian , ina catkell called Chebing $ and mainteiners of this bafinelle to aparrey ian thenthonRewie enee eee SeemaGerganeceereaen: z z Ree Toe - eefouching the governement aa After this there chancedno notable trouble tothe - Scots, neither forreine noz ctutll, by all the time of refgite,to athat patling king Gregmies : N the ref ofiybis life inquietnette, :he tudiedt chteie for the politike ; ‘ Soeih onarbeied ceitetite en We thi cotonste and mainteiners of _chiefelt Doers oaninyaihstas agarneg: twonttj the negligence of {uch as haue faccéeden bim, xe Suedetaoelopedicns vecce bea ‘i fare, be foould then fake {uch oder as be fhouln Bregozic, Jomiherot beableruedasa latw,that {uch as bp fincaring b thename of alirightis Gop.op Mapemss. intentbiatbemed curfing and banning called bpon ao edi verte affer hisentring into bts ettate, andatter the -_‘birthof our SPaufour 893. He fuas neuer matic, 8 5s, their bloud(hich bad bene Hhea)as punthenfor that crinte twortbilie by the tuff tudgemtentof almightie 30 butliuedin continual chatfitic : for bis famous bite ~~~ Gor, Wut as touching anendtobebaofhisquae : one be bad eucrwba)aber bisglosie) to He made this fatnte other his godlicozdinances, time,(eeretlie entered into Surrey Lanb,tofetchba- after tocome, thatalbeit they twcre at this thme vary oryiootorre mave refiffance againf them aswell as thepmright, fo the twarre and firff of all Aualaffus the oneofthe Girmithen in {nc) wife, that within two moneths = there were flaine betwirt them ttwothoufann _tine the Scotity king, toallure bint to {oine with them againtt the Cnglithmen, thi with great ees but affercalling their neighbourstoaidthem, they py ‘ozie of Cnglanp. Lhe Danes being certified, that king Cowary twas thus Matne,conceiued (uch hope of gad fuccefle CheDans Meare ite a of the other. Donato being noc a teofended tobaue bis peace broken with inte quithen , theyimmedfatlie mave nein preparation two brethren before mentioned, fent bnto Conftaw gs ano large pronita be eafllte boogbt topallt, engifjasn, -the League nottwithitanding ahid remained bettoirt RY the en bis fingularberiueand reputation of opzightlife, cf thifeand difcreetperfonis,to be infirudenin, Ora -_mtenitof all princelte knowledge, twithin a firong cattell, 145 ‘ti aa Ss tudged the beft wwateof the tote Humber, thistoas namelic of Coumachbithop of Dublin, a mart for Thehiftorie of Scotland. Difporedmind,Abole religiott (fo the anuancement Duncane only be brought op moethe gourrne: articnse Ss - ee fentmitehiefe they couldnenitenone, andtherefoxe |