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Show The hiftorie of Scotland. {Thehittorie ofScodand. . OF Heraclianus yas fentivith an armie by HonoziusintoBztaine isfentagant acaint this Tiidozine,the moft part af the foulvicrs, SHUN. ypith thofe Mritains which had acknotoledged bim parties ofScotland,dpon fundgie confiverationstas Chenanes --Comana apartof Scotland; ling in the furthest %binersya. ati fo) their fupgeme gonerno2, began tofcaretheles Qucleof fhe matter, andatterivard requiring par» Donfo? their offenfes, thep twke Clidozine andodcli- -thusa dalfant capteine,andofthe paomontopit there Cathnek, -_-Thanting forth into the feacalley Melle: fothatbetng sbereotiis compound togither,that counteie twas clepeo Cath, name. iwere fubjec biito the fame Romans , toithout pio ceeding ante further in that bnlatwfull attempt, cither elfe be fhould be fure to fecle the putffanitforce of thofe people teadie bentagainthim,bythombis elders bad bene dzinctoutof their countries, amd bantfhed quite forth of all their divellings and pla ces of habitation tn Albtor. nelle... Alfo.of certeine Irithmencallensxothians, azote' -_thecountrie-of Koletmbethatname; beingafye ~*' Wutherevnto twas anfiver made With greatit fen inthe countries now accounted the marches of bignation,that as for the league tpusallenged, cea' Wales, the which onelic amongall otherthe wet; was no caule thy be Mouloloke for arte, ontill the tihole prouinces, both of Wlettmerland and Cun betland,fwere reffozed againe into thebands of the Heotif}itren and Picsaccording asofreafon thep When both the armies were come nere togither; _-thep camped for that night the one in fight of the 0; ther, andin the moming following thep prepared themfclues to battell. fferguie irk makingan ear: ftus king of the Pics, dito hom Caftins bad tent more boldlictogiue the onfet ; veclared amongf o- eed alike meflage.Cdherchithall the fatd Caftiusbeing -ther things hotv the right twason their fines, htc Right mini- as then longedincanipe, be hadperfecknowledge ther bp iniurie and wrong wing, couldnotbutloke holy Dionefhus with bis THelhmen(forbistands late int Wales) was alreadte foined withthe Scots. Whtehnetwes fore appalled the heartsof the Bais for ant euill conclufion of thefr malicions intents and purpofes. either tyere other of bis capteins negligent intheir duties, but that both in eybooting andlefle Mill, which being percefucd of the Scots, Aheswarre Fave occafion to Fergule their king toreneivthe Abe ather part of Lhesalia, lieng intorthe lands anti -subfeh runneth through the mridock of it. Louchquba -_ber tokethe nameof a great meare ny watery into bim in that enterpaife, according to the articlesof fheleague. Whoconfenting therebnto, then their hough the fame «notable by veafon of the great _plentieof famons taken therein. Some other coum poluersiwere once atfembled,thep enteredinte the tries there be,thicy keepethete ancient names couch thoi CheHeots marches of their enimics, ouerrunning the mot ee- in part of Gile,Carrike, md Conningham, andafter ere at thee thep hab taken their pleature there, thep entered ine ontothisday,as Athole, and surrey land. And tepiand, fomenames rematnealittle changed by length if time,as Argtle,for Argathile;War,foy Darthea;and Braet Pids, being the thirdof that name, to tofne with 2. the hich the river of Nubaber falleth ; mmo patter Lourie cnimics, ease to@allotwap, deftroteng all before them, ahichiway -_fach like, gethiesan foener they paflcd. Then turning into Picland,thep Stergulc allo reparen {uch temples ano churches Fs fuboue the tobole region,and expel all fucy KKomans as the tuarres had defaced, ad reffozed agaitte Ferguienand iBeitains as inhabit the fame. 30 churchmen brite they foxmer liuings : and further parcthoe Placious being aduertiten hereof , gathered a _inereafed the fame there he fatwcaute, and builnen SAP iheretha gteat potwer,mid.commeth fortward towards them, power. Snith thom incountering in battell, afterlongfight, Hemcounte- His hozMemen chanced tobeputto flight, that the -_certeine celles andchagpels fo religious perfons t0 fo, regis inbabit in, aligning dnto them large renenties for partons. their finding, ie alfo lain the foundation of that fr Taeeem pyre _-ibill,, aypointing the fame fox the burfall of btngs, tp Zee} Feth SotthOS "Ieions ofbisfotmen being leftnakedonthe fives, iwere fo foze beaten With thethotof arvotees, end Piacidnsres Hurling of darts, thatintheendthep were forcento cemetytye -beeake theivaraie, efobeing chatedleft tothe Scots Sead and Pics a great and ioifull bicorie. PlacibushimForke. mous abbeie within the le of Jona, note Colmes -_ -_twith certeineordinances andcuftomes tobe bieda na now -_bont the fame, Poreouer,inthe tincof peace be 2% was not negligent in, pzontding for the defente of felfe efcapeth bute Borke , thither the Scots were 40 bis realme, Such catfels as were aecaiedand ouct' serge n:inded to have purfuedhim, bad not the want.of -_fhzotune bp the enimies in the twarre tinte; he repy party is {uch numbers as. thep badlott at the battell, foes red; and inthole thich on towards the borders of cebae {hat abated their couragious intents.3n the meane the Weltith countries, he placed funodzie gartifons fime Placidus not onelie moued With this ouers _-_of {uch fouldiers as wanted trades to get their lt totwe, but allo tweieng tuth bimlelfe after abat uing now in the time of peace, affigning them {uff fozt the Romane empire was affliced, withthe ine _ uation of the barbarous nations in Germanie, on fe= France, Spaine, Ztalic,and Atrike, thought itgad bp reafon thereof the Scotithmen and Pics tole feta" ndae. confines, Mould not maueanic warre 02 hottilitie crueltic againtt all fuch as cantein their waies. D¥ towards the Scotso2 Pics, 60 nie an boneft woman thep rauithen and milulcdat This league being thus concluded and ratifien, ter amol villainous maner, be somane foul' the Scotifhmen and Pids indeuoured themfelues _iers, atter the beccalle of Ylacivus, o2dciNEd ONE ¢ spare toreducethe fate of their common-tucalth into the Caftiusto fuccerd inbis rome, tho being adnert' pet ee» Silat vais ancient forme md oder. FFerguie made partition Deth ebe land of lands and grounds thzoughoutall bis kingdome, doubted leaft (asthe truth ias)that Dionethas the and affigned the fame fozth onto bis fubieds the -_fonne of Daauius fomctime Bing of the Wzitains, « Dee aeer bin in theor again S re minded nol fo remaine bim bp inberitance,would notu feke to aid the a fifh king F ¢ bad in misriagt. there, he other thattere defircus to departas Kaine into their countries, heganethembonozable retards, twith fate conducts to palle their fates at their otone pleatures, At this tinte alfo tuere the hames of biuerfe countries ¢ people changed inthe Iwithdzaty his polwer forth of the proutnces, = on cach fide, and (pectallic.on the backes, that in the end,and bp reafon of the loffe of their generall Ca: hoied with arrotwves and darts, thich flue fo thicke from ech five , that their fight was in manner taken Wheredponthe tefiouclikwife folloe frontthem,the thie teeming as it had been couered 0+ =-_ner-iwitha pentife. So that darimianus percetuing ooecuionug this difanuantage,becanten a freth legionof bis fl perceuing the dios toaduance fortward to the fuccour of theirfel- difaonantage, H egerlic without all order, that there tyasnofinall go lowves,; by reaton fibereof the battell nas fwrthwith srt ree humberof them diftrefted bythe Womans, the hich molt crucllie renewed,the hindermol twings of the fame" firtheir gining backe , kept themfelues'clofetogi Romans fore prcafing bpontheir entmies: fo fat Galentinianus , tho buderitanding all there things This Darinianus at bis arrival in the Flano felnes mor glav of bis comming, ¢promifing with Ghat a cur they were able fomake, togo with the te bit againt their ceuimies.. CCherevpon, procuring them to alfemble their polwers,and to foine the fame ebm brought our withbim,be pat = hea pough the countric onto Boke, andtofrom Boxy, - ther ,teadie to defendthemfelucs,mbdtobeat dotune tn the endpafling quite though their battels, thep {uch of there enimies as follotwed moze rathlic than canfed a great difogder and feare amongefl thofe aye gcote twarilie in the chafe,not once regarding to keepe anp Scots and other thety conferevats, which were plas difozvercn, over of battell;but pet by other companies that pure -eeed in the hindernioff ranks But pet calfing then fued62 orderlic togither for thetr mot aduantage, feluesin aring y thep made great ¢ ffout refiftance there was great flaughter made both of Komans for afpacemdat length a great number cuenofthe and Britains, moff baliant perfonages of the tthole hott, clofeo After this victorte thus atdiued, Dionethus twas 50 themfelues togither , amd with maine force affaten proclamed king of Wzltaine, and foze arres contt tohaue broken through the thickett preafe of their Huedin the land bp the purfuit of the THelfmen, entinies, but being inuironed about onech part,thep Dots , | Picts,to the great hasard of theprouince, iwere there Maine ec) mothers fone. Whilett the Kos and likelie erpelling of all the Womans quite out of malig diew togither to refit on that fine, other of the _ the fame. About this time alfo there. remained in Scotithmen, Pics,Britains, ¢ Wel(hmen,found a France , one Ctius lieutenant to the emperour wate to get forth through their entmies on the other twas moff iotfullie recefued by the foloio2s and fubteasief the forefatd empire . All the loibs ano nobles Of the tountrie reforted alfo bnto bint, hewing them -_inope to atteine thecrotwneof writatne,as due 1 aslo" Calin pote oe oo of peace hm Se of Wwatres, fent fozth a meffenger at armes OH? seat ing Fergute , requiring him to remember GF league madebettvirt bim and the Homans , a? 1 _-readie to fight,the onfet tas giuen,andthat in moft ee ist furious wife, the Womans being at the firt fore aw : -flve,~md fo being gotten pat them, made atwaie as by letters and mefferaers fent from the capteins fatt as thetr feet night beare them: but a great nuny tthich pet remained alluc in GBrtaine, appointed one bee being nottwithftanding overtaken, were Maine Martmianusbeing of kin to the emperor, to pale 6° and beaten Dotwne right pitifullte, Fergulethe Scotith king , and Durftus king of ee aer with an armie fn all halt ouer into Writaine, to atd Seen, and fueco2 the Romans, and {uch Writains there, as the jics Were Maine in this moztall battell togither, woth the mot pattofall their nobilitic, Dionethus Mill continued tn there allegiance thid they hav being (2 wounded efcaped to the fea fide, and there promrifed brite the Roniane empire. fedof thisenterpztte of the Dcotifhmen ad Pics, oa inparts, Dcotifymer, and to {uch other frangers as were o mt thep take, {poile, and deffroteall {uch ofthe SByitith ae nation as went aboutto veftroie them neither fpa = po red they impotent,aged,o2 others, but fhetwcd great ternot to make ante rodes 03 forreies into the proince belonging to the Romans , and that the fame Romans contenting themfelues With the 52itith _berland,{xhich their eloers in times palt hav held and cpeieer® -_pofleffed, Enterina therefore into thofe countries, nallie the multitude of the Scotith archers and Rernes fo compatted inthe battelsof theomans TeScots ted : the Scots, Pitts, and WHelihnren purtning bie ? - . clupen be: Picts Mould infoy and Keepe their ancient feates twirt Scots, and regions,hbich thep hadnotwrecoucre,¢ hereaf in Difpoffitg thenfii ged o2derof battell, they Mhetv» evmofFreadie andearneft diligence. Onthe other foe, Parimianus twith bis capteins andofficersof bands were as bufie on their five to Tafeand fled, Jn this meanetine, Yonortus the empero? be ing dead, and the efkate of the Homane empite Bal _occafion to renetw the wares, making asit were a axe! claimebute the countries of Gleftmerland ¢ Cumpyesmmt their bands,they bled moft comfortable wards, and words oftheir capteins to proceed, foward thep go fogither twith the Komans,and within thaedatesaf ter,thep came toithin fight of their enimies, beeing tanged in battell readteto recetue them, fo that Romans fits (abo fwas Maine there amongit them) thofeof pa the middle ward being difcomfited, brake thety ary ytohaue to conclude fome peace with the Scotsandpias, lie falling intodecaie, it chanced allo that lacibus ~ucnae® fox Doubt of further mithaps that might infue. Aid 5° the lieutenant of Writaine neparted out of this ile, NeeHnees, fo by fuch meanes as bemane,thoztlic after aleague fains , butpet being tncouraged with comfortabie , Hreightiwates buckeling togither,there was aright 30 arraptheir battels moft for their aduantage,as thep fierce and crucll battell fought betivirt them, fifi fatv canfe and occafion, fo that both the armies being cient ftipends toline bpon. asconcluded betwitt the Scots, Pias, andiio» Bleague con: MANS, {vith thefe conditions : that the Scots anv neff oration tuto his people,to tneourage them the Deebbs + notalittle moued,aticmblety anarmic,andiith all -_altwates onght fo miiniffer hope of gad fuccetfe in Freth hope of fpéed mardheth forth tolward hisenimies:but befoe -_-thenv that enterprife anée thing itt Defente thereat, SMe. bis enteritg info Wettmerlan, abere thep tere 20 there contrarilie all fuc) as attempted todi{qnict o- ward,was called Bogdalesof theriuer natned Bog, Boghait renewdbpthe Watte. Aud firfk be procured Durftus king of the Hoots. onghtto be.Zhelike anfiver alfo was made by Durr aye armies prevare tobat*!!. Feraule er_ "mnie in thofe patties: a manof.negreatcourage, -_zallia, fahich lteth on the fea coatk; began to:becalle ABulhqubane,of the tribute p{evto bepaien there fo, Suthanhen. Mhearpesof the which kind of cattell thereisigreat ftore in that prouince: Jfo2z Qubaneinv the ole Srstih _ tong fignified tribute sand uth, a flocke of thepe. aes a Wutaine. fed bp the death of lactous; and as for peace, there 1 tainsacknotolsoged himfor bing. a) aid = Peraclianus, minding to fendhiminto Affrike ar gaint one Athalus , tho biurped there again the Romancempite. ; Placivus At bis departure forth of Wrttaitte,be leone Plas hentenant of" pidus aslieutenant andgencrall ofthe Homaneat: Lal, Lhat part of the countete ancientlie callenLhe = Afrike. namediLngta, - 4 Thetioo ae ae tug are Aaine, Dionethug -_getting a Chip, pafledouer into Wales. Zhis ouers efaperh, throw fore difmated both the Scotith ano piaith nations, try lobed fo; nothing moze than prefent er pulfion outoftheir countries, for arintianus pur Marimtanud fuing the viaoxie,burtt into Galloway, moft cruel. enti the * le walking andfpailing the fame, Ano then heban mabe an end there,be entred into Ananbale, arb try tothe Pidith confines, deftrofeng all befoxe bim svtth fire and Minwyo. Camelon twas befleged,taken © ginetontns -bp foxce,and nviferablic put fo rr oe a ken bp fopce. ? uerfe = eyed the bebofe of Wonovius , ttho Mhoztlic after fent for 10. : - Heraclianss. means twas the effate of Weitaine recouered onto Gye scors and Wits ee tore ee. Se Deituered into Vered hint prifonce buto the fame eraclianus, thebandsof with diuersotherotbisconfederats, andfobp this -_endofall the countrie,toke anoty name o6aneca, COM -_-therice marcheo forth towards the Scots,being al -readieaffembled in campe ta defend the countric of Whefkiterland againtt him'. Zhere Mere both the bhingsof Scotsand dias , Fergufe and Durilus, twit) Dionethus, naming bimlelfe king of the Wel, tains, tho had baought with him,belive the Welty mena great numberof thofe 3zttatns that inbabi- Sa 84. |