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Show Sate WebsE aunt E REESE RMA HES ETRS T INHABL TSH)4 2 The firft inhabitation ofIreland, "by whomeit was inftructedin thefaith, gc, ee wdfal cation ofIreland, &e. See Xx with thefeuerallinuafionsofthefame,¢xc. |ptbe tyoald,1 5 25: the patriarcdy The authors preface or introduction to the Soah began to Jequele ofthe hiftorie. people of ber geance to fol lotve for their twicbedneffe and qi Lthough (vndoutedlie) the originalof Hall nations for the morepartis {fo vncerteine, that SAY] who foeuerfhall enter into the fearch thereof, furM3) ther than he findeth in the holie {criptures , may ry feeme as it were rather to talke with men that 25) dreame,thanto gatherauthorities fufficient where vponto ground anie warranted opinion: yet for as muchas theatithors ( whominthis Irifh bittorie we chieflie follow ) haue fet downe what they haue "| found in the Irith antiquities, concerning ir firft ; inhabitation ofthis countrie of Ireland , and becaufe the reader alfo may be peraduenture defirous to vnderftand the fame, we hauethoughtgoodto recite what they haue written thercof,leauing the credit vn- to the duc confideration ofthe circumfpea reader ;and where the errors are too offe , giuing by the way fome cautions , inlike fort as ourauthors themfelues aucdoone. According therefore to the orderofall other nations and people thatfeeketo aduancethe glorie oftheir countries,infetching their begin- ning with the furtheft from fomeoneofancient antiquitie : fo likewife the Irifhmenhaue regiftred in their chronicles, that their countrie wasfirft inhabited by one of Noahsneeces,after the man- ner following. Se an ge Ja the peace af admanifh |. HY the Jreland tas offcoucred aid peoplenby (ome of a abs kinred,, even toith the firl glands of the twozln (if thep twill neds baue it , as the iikelthwn is great) according to that abtch ts fet fosth in their ee bittories ; then aboutthace hundzen peares after the aytter thebett generall flond tmmediatlie bpon the confnfion of authors matte tongs, Japhet ¢ his potteritie imbolaened by oaks 30° veares, exainple , aduentured toconmit themfelnes by tip PN?notto to pafle the feas , ¢fofearchout the buknotune 602 Hoabs tony deteftable fins. , ro ners of the fwozly, and fo finding ont diterfe Zles in and Wabeit, tobuild bis arke to forelbew bis thete weft parts of the tvo2ld. aBartolenns: Chere twas (Cate thep ) tethat retinue one of op wattoice " |ikinitolkes and =i friends of that briuerfall fond abich was tocome , eheretvith the tthole face of the earth Mould be couered with twa: ter; ¢that twithin feto peares , evcept thep amended ceffe of Mimrodkinfman to Pinus (then netwlioin- F2m>Fide General {entence of Gods tvzath thould not there miniks bill, anv Ruthargus bis pole. Littleis ree on8 the fame progenie named IBartolenus 02 Waftoles nus. nus , tho incouraged with the late attempt and fue» Clem-lib.4, truded bpon the monarchie of Atpzta) fearched io far left , intending to atfefue to fome gouertement, hhere be might rule withoutante partner inauthoots tutime . This did be before the general floud, one tie, till at length fortune bzought bint and bis peopic bundzed ¢ fine and twentic peares. IBut oben eucrie man femed to neglect this frholefome admonition, 20 bponthecoattof Jreland. Were be lettlen himfelfe one Cefara that was neece to Poab,bearing bir bniwith bis thee fonnes hanguina, Salamis,and aw thurgus, rightadtue and out gentlemen,tbo fears tles prozhelte, Donbted leafk the fame thould come to ching the land from five to fide, md from end foend, pafle; and therefoze determined twith certeine bir ay left remembrances ef their names in certefne nota, berents to feke aduentures in fome forren region , bie places named after them; as Languinie , Strae perfuading bit felfe,that if the might finda countrie heuer pet inbabited, and fo with fin onfpotten, the gruns,and mount Salanga, fince named faint De Ruchutei fee take effet. Wycrebpon rigging a naute, the cou membzed of 1Bartolenus, fauing that in hort fpace nuttedbit felfe to the feas, failing fo2th,till at length _ with mante bands woabing at once,be rid and made he arrived in Zreland onelie with three men, ¢ fif 3° platnea great partof the counttie oucrgrowen with tig bomen , baning Joff the refibuc of bit companie bpmiffortune of fuurdjie (hipwracks- madein that bit longs troublefome tourneie. Che namesof the tien Were thefe , wWithi, Laigria, and JFintan. The coatt there Ohe firtt (ct fot on Land ,and ubereallo fhe lieth buried,is called Nassculareliteus,that is, the Hip: ping vinage 03 (hore. Zheftones wherein the me Woods and thickets. Thas was Jreland inbabited by this people tu ae der the gonernmentof thofe thre fons of Wartales nus and their offpzing,abont the {pace of thie buns medpeares, ogither with wWartolenus arriuen Freland certeine godles people of JPimrodsftocke, Giantg twontbilie termed gtants, as thofe that in bontlte . Mmopie hereof toas preferued from violence of twafhape erceeded the commonpropogtion ofothersjann ters , baue beene feeneof fome (as thep themfelues 4° ‘gfen their frength to gaine foueretgntic, and to op 4Berqon the teported ) but bow trulie 4 paue not to fap: tolthin tostic daies after bir comming on land there, te oniuerfall foud came ¢ overflowed all that coat &5 Well as all other parts of the world. ut where AS this tale betwraieth it (elfe to manifefllic to bea Mete butruth , ifte tune and other citceumitances thougblieeramined,% will not fand longer a prefle the weabe with rapineand biolence . Chatit. fonne of eps nage(Chams bymbd) dio grotv tn thort tbtle to great tune and bz0< numbers, and altpaie inneuozed themfeluestabere (36°19,2pit foeuer thep came to beare the rule oucr othersi2@ne hath)conques caufe hereof twas their bodilie ftrength, anfiwerable rev Breland to thetr bngenefie of ftature; another, theetamples 4nd the Deke of Cham o2Zoz0attres the magictan, and Mimecad Tks oon. {be profe 0; nifprofe thereof ; fauing thatit is grandfather to Minus, Which two perfons inthemt> pieg tone tol4 . (a8 3 thinke) to bring it out of crevit , to 5° felues and thefr progentes were rendtomedthiangh tower, Senter,betw that the artof failing was onknowne the world as vidorious princes , ruling over tio mightie bingboms @gppt anv Alpzia.a thire caufe tothe wozld befoxe the wniuerfall floud, and no part te ercept the continent ef Syr4 , and theres there was, as this ; they repinen at the bleffings bes S$. Wut to palle inca forged fable , with the Scandthereof grauen ina ffone ( a Deuile booted from Jolesbas , as foe thinke) it (yall be fuffictent B) Se glozie of toe Zrith antiquitie ta grant that fowwed bpon Sem and Jayhet,thinking tt neceflarie to withftand and preventall latwfull rule ane bet nion, leat the curile of flauerie proyhefien by Moah Mould light opon then, as atlength it pio. oe por |