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Show The hiftorie ofScotland. ‘ lithe The hiftorie'ofScotland, iat he conipivacte. - Dim, aefoye difquictey.in ing James His Mind, aud to Mxt tet mifehiefous attem ts, leafant to manie, pricesli = voteftions ietomeontobingMidian ; At the fame tine tyas an ambatlados fent to the Indetage Sane: iningletox fignifieng onto bim, that betoasnot hinge minded to (éebe the recouerie of the faiDcattell bp eesaD of armes, but rather to leaue it in bisband, berN papecogokn force ic tetmeim of the Sreuerthel fo; truce. the bond of that efe, loue ae i king of oman, for the calling in of a letterof ce marque, tibfch bad beene granted againt Scotith merchants,at the {ute and inttance of certeine Iyob tandersan d Burgognto andtwas ns, the thortlie berebpon teuoked. After parlement toasafter ew ‘ the hing remoued bnito Striueling,leaning his * Defender lcierstothe kngsofCng : ; lends FraNet ee oa ten ariseee ne and bir fonne the paince at Coew oom thas {ponge bpbetty rt fs Ds, accordingas tear ro ete burgh cafkell, thilet hekeping perfonsabout bins tolatichs wade em ceted|pr the Cnge for might moue _ toit beingoncl iedelineredts lithmen bad no right tot, ft g countrie, without of meane calling, gauc bimfelfe to take bts pleature ae -_tnth toomen.,¢ folie.per enne ete NGO. B.wRichard Thing Richard dalied in this matter _ -_ it tuas bp trefon oz appointment,the caffell of Duty - 7 D to handsof king James , and oeam isp ar Sonitssatiostart rasa 1486. HRicharn e e oe peatergs8 6, ipentic eatle of - of te ube oUt of France twith apowwer of men, coders * countrie info Cngland, at length or 2 Cdgcombeknight,ambatlavos tuto king James, to treat acontrac,and renelp the bondof peaceand truce bettvirt the faid kings and their eeing Thefe ambaffadozs tuere gladlic receiuedo ames, who declared bnito them, that hebare great fubiects; iwete; not of fo god a mind eeethe {hedand therefore latesns eho thoutd fayavap after the fatrezin ube forward tofth all thett putfance to DStrinoling there bethonemained, betwontd not fate till the evles of -amtent,¢ Se btm fothe fwealth of bis hole realm, boat auc adutfe fireta pleate, bane maintetnen bis #6 ea n ae toon ing aftwell of bis Huntleig, Crroll, Atholl; Crawfor,aAtotyns, Sar therland, Cathneties parthallsthebarans,forbes, Ogiuie, Granth, Fratier, and others,werearrtucd this promife. eeehan nom ofother thote fenent en = Fr.Thin: nets pices bad done. Dearestwena es owe e. a foomiant He Sn the meane time die eree oe of fingular beautie eee ied f nce of bit bate {ep greatlie to ae sas ° eee niing fwzth of the nozth parts tobis.ata: butrathlte other Lbieh bad offices in eritayey and hav bate and Without gad aduifetje iTued out of the fdtwnre, 4 With bis father at the ficlo, (houteby falpenoed trom fe honfand mens tlds the tévich they twerecom, Dzummond,Greie -iaene Aecompanicd with theearlesof Gtencarne ¢ or (tofthout tumthie deferuing ) to fabighanteatie, Coie toine.dthers,and fortbtnthtoined battell totth bisa» fecond twife) being aneseenaf vn land.) Inmmediatlie after that this truce was thu B pariement, concluded bettwirt the tivo realmes, bing James caufed the three eftates amaenbiei:pertesneatat to fea refsrmationin . at 4But pet becauteit thonto not be thonght that mindie --- ee eee ee that able twffe , and ancient = tema eleivi troubles, am be be anerampletobim and others to betoars peates to come,fo that the bing began to bfe fharpe srecution offuffice tt alparts,uptchtwas rightbiG tahich eight , ‘rad fafted for the like,gre athinperance, in"9 guns focome, Aheking beingonce informed of «4 rebebio#t st ould be bf terlte wre huwcn fronette fanie, an spekouet, poets Gees oe aut any guess cence taker trom awed unten mid burgettes, thouto be rettoyen to them agatite; ercept thatubith twas takenfrom fuch lanoed men aD burgetes as were tn the fic loagalint btm; for that iors peonieoA Prdplesthelimg bring put tothe martes fed inten nui,ubtber being flercetic foltowed anvfound ther» 5> bis fathercame bpon Sint throttrtypes olpne default, Welene, M0, betpas cruellte Haine, and wnveurrentiic lett ftarke naheb.¢ 4 notable mmropto'ait princes, that caltuty torenrembzanteefucy a miferableand' mof * Salmons fight, they may take bed by phat maner of perions theyfalter thenucluestebeleoansabm eo. Fait this prnceidng James the hicn hadnt {ilolvra tron a wilful preteule,and obtinatnD, e counfell and aduife of vantpertors ,. and {uc as datofnll piote: °F dodwalte iumypen that the death. of -_.anothat hing Ramnew'the fourtt theitretgning; mr all bis adberents wd partakers ii'that fel, were innocent and giltleffe of all fanghter move thereat that time ; zen cleartie acquit U6 at porfute ano oc -cafiine thereof nthe the eftates Granting to gine their (eates tuteite the fume,twteh the tinge geeat Selleof the realm, fh be Cheteruntathe popo,. the ings of fFcauce, Mpaine, Dewmarke, and other beuwidouanted from bale degte'ento high au princes tleirconfeverats. Aiote the codttuyg-ot tow frupten more to keepe themfetucs.te fauor, 6 thet, vetffc, + fadydthet great enomnitics, the Whig thanito gtuctrueabuerefements, and fattyfull ap, was appointes ta vine in perfononee'ticrte pared ute bntotherr puuice.be might haur reignea'tonger noz bhonozable, fithens ¢ that no pardons fhouldbe granted for ante great lAughtecemurther made of anbugemutituve ef the fame offices fox the teacnw obithrie peeves san tafe ubtch hadoftices fo: life,d>fb) terme of pietos, burt, beard) iu the abbeie of Lumbogis., and required Senen peares. aefhulo ia forthe fpaceof feuens thefpaceot ws Txhing,, hmemaner.: sutthor twas oxacineD, that ntl nn -_Ahices,fhirittes, Hetwaros,batlitten: licutenanetsy ant ee thet craftie¢magined intention, thep te offenders for Hhould beholden though all the partsoftherealme, peare 1 4 8'7, g. Cie met in Molorhher nothing mightquict them, at length © / thepimet thus ina pitched fielu, there atter great remoue all fafpicton of thetr purpoteo bntrut of --hanefulldiflofaltic:, hep hav fent to the earle Dotnglalle tho remained. ppifoner (45 pe eat Cs in the which oder tvas taken , that {ullice ofres. Daober inthe ssewien at Banochetbarne , within two milesiof Strinchin enterpaife janb that inmaneragaintt bis will by opentie peotefting, that thep minded ad - fed the faypeetfingentd confafionofaureuill king, not thefebuexfion'of thetcnatine countric8p ts pres at grief) ing netis tpard.oot® anaes Soife ,didTeeabinig therm from tet 3 a -_enterpaife, becaufe it+ Ge1 8as Gdenburghthe fir of trosstbelo2ds Grabam,knthucn,@Partwell,andeer. eeodaann thete appointment enti eas Ze aearentee him tivo fonnes, oe to affift. them in theft begutt enterat mea fabich twere Gleranner bone of bisfirt tife(Daugh: -that theptuould eee ene p of ter to the earle of Dikeneie)and Jobn(bone of bis -_-difpenten twitly the betes of thomtbat were Nati swith bisfather'there in felo, apponsting their shore particular difpentattons wer his feales, nfothe toith theie powers, amounting tothe ummmberat for feucnt peares and fo from{euen peares to feuen ent thereof,thepmave the ipbometo ene f: lentas he lined. This he did, becaulehe so theaduancem oube of Rothfaie fore tothe king (a chi 5 theis tate 0) lebav bim infach batted that godneffe ann hertue) the chiefecapteinein is .. mt nt to anie bond that be fhoula they aeaesot e perce{uing make. The ambaflados cssbis thegod. trucemeas fo, ning totward king peat renee home toking ficld at Striueling with bis fatter a gaint hin, arivappointed enerie one to have fpesi ailpardonstherevpon wnderbisfeales, Welikelwite ae an pr the lows Palis,pum, : 9 e) 5 . gouernement, Were expired sanDother taken and hangentorthetr offenses: Thr -_ondifcreet eoene commonsas o vs cae saan the earles of fend bis nobilitie and{ubiets. uthe promifenfes res -molieybere the Lentor Mert aNd fundaie othee-oF the barons tioe were faine,as the lor0of ttradht, Istnigeallrnapartoment at Cdenburgh, tehicy was Parlement, -aboloen the firtot Detober, there be being maniey by ; Unbaganndt him wight not bequaltfied‘np anio max-zo:eleniencte, granteda general pardon to all thofe ft Her ot means, butthat they werenotetonming that came in iad _--s voor ; confpited togither st saat ae oe ‘ chimsblouneedbxt tobebosneatnetherm tosaime, S {hele grounded malice) arm {pitefull-hatcen coneei: Ebene EEeeatruce fox fenen poares,fithfurther hecoula not dm ,for doubt to of as hep tithed ratferan armizsandcautco theacay TM aH arms smer: andconmitrg forwards toward Otrihelinga hep were <ghinitthe pang bing, were onerthrolwre at oly ouerthzowne, Sut Adatan the brhopof womes legatcanteto fato2 and loue bnito their matffer,and would be glad 40 felues oppzetfed bp fact a a the negrde ofcoury topleature him in all he might:bo wwbeit, that bis teation withbim batlaaars ofCngland aud: France, that tere {ent brite themt tionr the Bings of bait thofe-realmes, Khich foze lamented the faxtune ofvthete friend at altovie scotity hing, ' ofance of bis eftate ¢ therebpon be twas the maze de 6 tthe sinasitedrniewénniibrrall, anoiaoutD ott rite. @, 1°. ther ed bestues mroqualitien Anon attcr bis ceranationtheearle of tetno andthe lorALiles fpithoinerisathertheie aflants, auld refigne the-title of bis crowmeano redinie, nottnith{tanounyehat thep bad burire tnitt binat thie «¢dopafe himlelfe of bis thole regal ignitie , then aocfaughter of his. titber, fertng that things tuent not The nobies they would cometofomecommun pickenot, Zhelikeanfwerioas givento theam, ' fone fabteds andthe Englity nation, greatlte to ~~ firous to reduce thefame cattell into bis pot tat with the kings andpzincestoining nert bnfo Metwcattel l one ofand biscouncel loss Snambsllage bim,be aeiparyfent Forfrom bithop of Creeffer, fir Wieacd anfwer, "age. lidhmens bands, be doubted leat through pradite fame confpitacis(oulo be contriuen betwit bis onelie meane tohaneaturen biny fabere be remained the moft part of the nert funw -- t fach as fought bis iife, bad Met , and regarding nothing moze than to have the 3° felfe from babanuse changed bis wilfull maner of gouerte Ioueand friendihip of bis neighbors,ztobeconferes bene ta pon sit nto fuch countell as twould The kings Ste rebels Biebmgs aid op athertoite So long therefore as the caffell twas in the Eng that realme, And after he toas muneanis tite effablithen in the fante,he came into the nozth parts, aden. ste fo delperatlte et,cuptabolie tent omneaeae, ehof fome troublefonte tumult that might be Richard, and flue hint, fo obteining the croton o sniehts,to fuypzeficanntae theaes robbersaneop. a ‘prellors ofins (nirinits intall parte of bis tealmieptill -hebadbreuybt.thecountric togrent quictiote. We He was tear: * aeh ane me manele snails ugbtaypeate tieio furious rage, fthanfoxanfucr Geentuce "toltamuelicngers stbep fent biminordsrthatif be »° caifed bp bisthzongh otonepeople if aecation Sueremine fFred efter bope of, forxen ouertyzowne Bernard Htetwarda Ocotihman tvas chiefe cthe sees teine, landed tn Gales, = peraing becainearightnoble pitneey:¢ Gemedtotake aioat The king aepentancefox that hts offefe,ahd at tokentherog, Svastepene be ware rontinnalite sutirimithiaine abonthismtiate {2% all the dates of bisttfeWe teas ateatticgiunrtone, <2 bins a : Wore anirot ‘Hotton andpsatcr,lita relignons botfes\) lata! bes chane fholwing onsthemfannae grits: 4) fg Was qin bp fending fome legate into DcoAND sto aweafe that roled bis kingdonte moze Lwith rigo? than with red. ie tractable meane of fanszable tnftice, tov ener = Dar aslongasking ichard lined, Ring James could Nundinas fathe;petnenorthelette aerate; hie ° +fo2e0,be font mheflentyersto bis foune, and to theng, blesinith bint sitmtetett bemighteome tofome a SULINEnt iittheme Delentaltolettersrot he king OF fake Cngland,t to Medien. king,torequiring thom fo fomepatne s inthe matter, procure anat, we , ' tonewentoettwirt hint and bis nobles: And betines ihe tvonbles thereof. Wut the Scotidhnoititic, ana {uchof the people ag were vp in armmoragayrt him, time, now after the death of king Michard , tether Swouto not de- letters and faire tuozds feeding forth = ae ‘bat liner theca fyithout minding to gratifie bim in that fute, f 3 etioud the realmeagaint bis fatberythaticontratieto his Gagening 8 : ofthis 5.he Wrote to.pope Funocent: about the. fante 16 aaimesi great 2epeb aeiaernanene Dengeom : Buchanan. purpofe; peateng bin te intermeddlebis authozitie dhig him telfe ty proper perfon aterfe Dates ai Deron gs ‘a to gather bp gold and filuer , great gathering lis tothe offente of bis fubiects. Wet inthe meane treetur, thems bp teaitos of thelr natine iffionlatofullicaws ving thatheban ad bancitr ben itvthe fel withthe fobles of SHOEEAHAN Gathered auacmiiessrdPpt before the bfing of mabe .. bp imaniz bas ¢ peers, un geeat antes f pithy a8 on 1 leas a :~ : : a ecient oate a Oatanw.} trough all parts of the reali, Akbedrteine nobta inten mers en ae - ~~ ‘ ie was this flame nacre Striueling, nine (cueng) day of Sume,the pereatecmeit errs Rater 4kasbemng alfothe 29 of hs teigne. i the anes clanaieetad ae bad peers + See datie their faarcrigne lo:) anokege fang ' eloet fee fo Samed Sameneorcoattoraceins tracloet dau ‘ * ‘oucthy 7 he past 1 455, Se bestes Janejui of 2; the esrpigne Sen on . ; 3 uatpatigtanc paresetage, wertranpMan a i ¢ place tek aan sae eke onto thé gaue thetr ohes to be oiligent m the aprminiftration ofintiee, Mhetd aenbiniances were cight well dbferisee ult the dates of 1 Samres the fourtty hts tefe teme, Cothat the tealrne twerevaced to greattranquill itiegeesgometnen tp gadpeace ano tuflere. Furthermore, all qitts mave! oftcc rswtposecof msis by father the cromue ) wereexe eons renos byoarte treme preceabing hts Deatl, to the Oay tn ubid bee Saees amie, +: Abont i |