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Show The hiftorie ofScotland. uslone seedsbeeres: Fane thetr lines, he inbabitants diD bcrallte tty -terteine this ftrange man,and brought bim to c « aeaaaveers ppuennt wens eenJnoeaowen © ¢hereof hall be necctfarie to and fo2the oe fouloty §-nediwith bir sand further, commanded ano procured, es analaeccheniteswee atic)potbe aon detects Sstamkeenawane . : In this meanetle tuere the Scotith cominittias ners at Cacrleill ; and the matter of gpartvell toars oeeee =_ " twit Pe : «C reffeth) doth inconrage bs, that ive fhalinotbee f v Xulictwas Woter Lefessidx, Lrabernefent ambafavo2Onethof (from Anna duke of Db pags. -enberge, and Delurentore, and carte of Gmden) out of calt Frifia into Scotlano, to requite thatthe ancient couenantof am hundied perres manebe <c fared, ut pet tien twe rentember the outward Deeds of others , andour otne at home, thicbbaue dofme tine bane dine; twecannotfo gouerneour cc felues, but that ie nwutt feare the fame bereafterto -tiveene the Scots andthe people of Embden (tbich bs,ubich tweiineapiy baue alreadie tAakpeibinc felt, by courfeofifome peeres patt twas not of rio gei. force TT fall bpon AnNUN eek _sniaitunbeihicetereotioe, aidiy aduerfaries. Robert the fir of thatname(incom+ :tyacthat aaasnen ee do met perfuaded them powestextn ‘ees:caeaae fofoninaaeanarnaens mee ec COMIted moze tile,entd twithoutalldoubtnone moze wmbebetc: gedbp th Sots, Capteine Read, ‘ sthers,tofucco2 there moft néd tout apeate. The "the Scots would be firtevat the motion of the areaditichle torelit their attempts, tokeaduife to, gither , and concludedthat tt twas notfor the ioeale of the realmte,at that time tobasard battellfoxth of the boundsof their owne land, their peinceffe being. boxders, to treat of matters belonging onto them both. tinuall peace, noz long trucewith the Englily, 302... abfent,and as petinbirminozitic; confideringalfa that the war was not taken in hand fotheir owne Wherebpon inthe moneth of Zulic,the peocuray ther thelike reafons, being alleged by the earles of for the Encots cante Robert Keto bithop of Dike Arcane, Huntleie,Argile, Caililsand others, fo the _ ued inidlenetie and fouth, bad there Homacs anv _neie,Henrie Seintclere deane of Glatcow, Kobert €¢lightsof pleafures, and that couetoufnete and le: that time prefident ofthe iwett borers, 4for the beakeop Englith div come Lunfall bithop of Durham, the eivarmie, -loxd8 Dacres,and Wharton ; amongttibome there << Ghfch mane themallo to be brpatientof labor, amp twas talkefor peace and recompenteof (uchiniw whereby their trengt being dimin : os thep oo oe -. -_ © quene and Frendcapteins, thep werenothing fas Carnegie knight,{enatozs;ano the 1o70 Warries,at ec cherie difpzing bp as it Were in bntilled gromd, faben fenere difcipline and fparing was quenched, i2 i Trdcory {Hed therelwith; butthe Scofifh lors wonld-ats coun fopurfue this tar, andis (in often acknowledging Hft erro2) faidtohaue vied this {pech; Chat fome ra 4 the Scots, and not fhe, wereauthors ofthe befkof and Workersof the fame. By Ghich two2ds manie ‘ . Gynien Opi eeu Geeavle Duntiete,amanst Atharpe twit, latelte delivered ont of prion, amd df fyi Hheiwed bntobim indisdelincrance.eeyerfore ben s : See, ne Batiieres might be mouedagatnt Leihe im reuengeof thofe inturies, although the bithop -_thers,commiffioners for England. Che principall make waragaint England, twas for that the Eng gegentiae i ; fi ‘i this deuffe to grow from Dauiv Painter bithop of Rolle;. for he being aman of rare twit, > and nolefle learning, toas tith manie benefits tied to the Was ticeae anohie, earn Sntbis perre,an ambatfanoz of Dutconie going sen "© agreat hip,tanotherbote,twas aespfoith ~on Telleus.lib,to, fuddentempett ofthefeainthe coat pag.328, of uchquane, aprouince in thenozth partof Scot? land; tho hauing lof allbis gavs by Hhiptacke, pba and fo farte the Mhetv thereof bath aypeeren,that alfobaue (fo2 the tise the ; in thich wwe fir recetued : --_teine,to the end the fame fhould not ante tate be bes fyas alreadic pafled ouer. The queene and monfieur the Scotheycould not WDoilell,perceining erploit getat that anie further ke that ith lobe tifhloas to make ante further erploit at that pree Wherefore (moze ftronglie to knit the fame) we dinine opportunitie not fuffer -willDitetfe bereliethefampot bs, as ( tbich bath latedthisbefore gwdnefle bath laien before bs, as wwe berelie fappote) t * of mariage to be folemniszed betiveene our fon the Dolshin, and your queene our deere and fiveetfitter infreated) was fo brged by allparts, asthe pong ‘ se ‘ -queene twas bpon that condiftonleft with vs, then Gbich were appointed tolie in the was cavied into France, bp the content of our fis i fi 5 like fo: defenfeof thecountvie, andthean, the great reiotfingof all pon that péeloed therevnto; Bing; b fearacboeers as atell, Rockefburgh. fer the Dowager. an the gonertioz of Scotland, to Gre ieana,meer eobr, pareee ~ fe ie Englithmen , as necatons might -_ffhmen aided the Emperor in fano? of bis ae go hane enfered England with a potver of men about . Dar- tinmafle. Meuerthelefle,the earleof Pozthumber- pun font terarle'af eas our toith an aris fherenotw the bath attetned {uch beautie and mene ich fhe receiued from | inglie blond o pas rents) and partlie bp the inffrucionof mytwffe,that lano, being then licutenrant of the nozth parts of 6o Jan ects ani¢longer ee houlbanelanges he DefrteDnt encbeeed) inonecosntertescete fith semanan at Ghxiftmatte nert imp - "es -* _ onthe perp borders five neere to Chentot,at the first Englbo:ders,tmight caute themca orb the-hearta~aea inpédthe partof an enimie to - in banbeing then not Tbe pre) -eoa pa _ ~ ~s-_ beene before, Zhere were alfo fome that frpote athersbythich the kings our ancetfors baue fremen -_tocanfirme,and as it were tu increate this amitie,to the enditunight remaine trhole and foundfor ener: -_caied 02 beoben. he which in like fozt Wwe fell buders : Hand,that -ltaute pou haue liketwile abundantlie performed : Difpofition fox the Onberingotstale chic oo Go = SecameiAcioaeenek the Scots inna ‘ netfe large,and fox dutie of friendihip mutual ech to againe, Scots tere beaten backe tnloimuch saetiat as theditetectonminne iamnictnt wike. There iwere ofuerfefot bands of Scots waged Irani,marenegoentqtanebhetebaseaeEls j of amitte twere,being for number miami, forgeeats to countergarrifon the Cnglithmen within Wer, 50 anddanghter, Which thing (alter that it begantobe se -caufe that moued the queene regent to feeke to onthe gant Scots with tares andpatments of monte: and fear ooe ed ot ee _ iti fap jority our dete friends, greeting! Seis -_all the benefits of either realme bane femed to be fent.{he retired home; but Dotlell with his Jfrendy men tere aypointed to temaine ftillin atmouth, % be fat the regent bent to this one thingto inure the ring lealt bir potwer being ouermuch increafed,that [xs mottp nite knotwen fo all nations,botw fait abono -hath allwaies hitherto remained betinene Scotlann commori to ech other. Which bond of friendihipwe and cated oucr th themat Metwbottell, there te opened to them dt eye a regent ; ek by Cnglithmen, 3 : rep soars hovers onthe -_uerfe wzongsdene andbotw no redzefle couldbe got : therfore the requle rae French,to his tuorthie cofines ¢poinces P*8%53- Ef of Scotland,ano to the reff ofthe ozoers, AtrITe, an temtoouing from Warke,thep twerepurfuen : ‘bpon the queene fentt fo? thelojos tacommune with ; fe ft Fa] bp certeinebandsof the borderers, andothers,abic) iMued fozth, and in time relieued them that were tee tiring : aberebp thep fated andgauea nety charge, oo rather readieto reuenge tye ininrie recefued bp tee ., Drkenvie tas the fame time at Caerleillintalke ynafien? Cactiel, , 5 2 : A : with Cutbert Lunttall bifhop of Durham and o at freint of bis libertie , than minnfull of aniebenefit in ae | Cuiebp the grace of God, kingof the Lefleus libro. ffretten, ifcapteine ikead ba Hof {with noble cozage 40 enfignes of our kingdonte) labozed firmelie to ree rit te : Fgles bettoene te Where Cnglith. bpon theeke twarreEngland bir to make ringwares Tepe no further, butretired backe and{caledthety iuere repelled, andffodindangerfobauehene-di: ; nations, Jn 2 pc "i Serta aaden ae e After that thete tivo fato thus * twelkparton Scotland z and declared to the quenne : noble mien had ; Rapatnnns infarrections te tegent fearing muh, thiseracion,teftoftaniefurther ifthe perfeneredin queene ofScots. quarell,but for the pleature of France. Theleado+ 36 g France, Hottyercanit behioyen bat there figns "cc fed thatman (bp nature andby die of long time exerct- ? ther -ratozs fox both the Kingdomes met at Caerleill,abt in both foxtunes)oiD tell percetue,that fucyas li: mindsabated, andthetr bodies tweakened with de French king,eoucerning t:he matiageof his fonne'tothe Acotith avie,perceiuing the Cnglifhmen thus in of the Scots might titty ir people met on the ef Gbenbe isidat point to furrenderbislife,begaue cc thisadmonttion , that ine fhould neuer make con FFrance,to ative -, touching mblie p ) Detayeoanote _thefolemntfation of the mariage betivene the pong queene of Scots, and the JFrend) bings forme,dich Shaueheretet downe, as be might make,and came todowike , accompa: 4 Nied tofth the lox Lalbot, fr James Crofts , and §-Aytp.After this, twarresartting betiane Cnglad {ent ambalfano2s to the tegent,to require that forme pxgs%. © fubieds tbliett beliued,but alfoatter pis death: for inutvontng.ae the fame toith a fiege foo the fpace of ; fluo o2 thee dais, Capteine Readatthat pefenthay -HATGOOF that cafFell, with three 02 foure hunoey. fotmen,and onebundzen hoxfemen,ferning tocare Dress: ane em - st fest eee «JFrench to attempt fontething agains England, Lefleuslby. daliant,as Wwe all confette) pid notonclie profit his -_incurfions maveby the parties,to the greatdamage ir atieseicueni i at ae ae el 2 e wa jement, = Crecatetot peo, andaftertwary appoched the caffell of Warke. French) Hetwen fi le and Fraricequéene Marte of England,fearing leak CC parifon of tome noneof the Srotith kings were ecw aadaaron toiselfa it eearle TICUIAND DENS tertes Bifnerlno nartof the oz2 pacts,gathered fuch potuertesttogithee Thefubftance ofthe letter of the < {we bainlie feare,let bs cometo thole things tn thich ... ted ¢folemnelie eftablithedboth thote nations from &onrancettorsdid place their chiefe belpe(foy matute, that dap Binliue togither in mmtuall ¢ perfect friend» ¢c Nance of their ibertic) againd the weapons of thet dsickien he quence valk agteat wes oatof ean frmbled, « dope, that nofnch thing thall be eftablithen fo: the ,. gaine , appointing mozeouer the lox Lume foy bos « ane Scieaban, aaaaadas vanaanecascoment zo ee peaceniemareeenee entree laie on bozvers totth a thoufand hortemen, nu, 2°2t8!9? Des ring ozoinariet bisthe other fibe,the aefete earme, And on the belrocoutefe Demattinsvp of Gemeriagn aa their dealing when monfieur Doilell perceived, DE pan for pend' -_(peedilp ‘wentto Yatmouth befine Werbwibe,and f " 2 ified the fame twith all diligence,mabsing ino susie, SrSate other being taken prifoae P2 being Hear , and mante other wh _- e Zobn Foxtter bare bimtelfe verie baliantlie pl -. . eean eae -_‘Gith alfo te haue determinen({fit fo feeme gad to the quéene bir mother, ano to the rett ofthe parlementof Scotland,bidytwe7 earnetlly requetf at pour hans) stonebeencaertOeeeema ene theerleof ‘untleie fas mabelienfenant tpon z borders,who came thither ; and ae Fede" at this incounter,(that bis feruice might not a saagermeaneae bis hore as Maine onverbim. Zhe confit toas oeongoe reeeecently nieg as is requifite, be fallie confammate- with -the {peed of mp Gonean #pout aes: a content mnie to begin ante fparres : which eet , ‘the alltitanceofthe Jfrenchmen,madefunds! ond ions androves inte England,barnt diuers town amd billages,, and caft Downe manic fone * tharpe, for both the hoxffemen and fwtmen came to make profe of theit fosces, he warre tusbeing eerty p you, Gaede by thefc let ers requet mon content pou forthinith fend fome of pour chiefe LY nobilitie, SS oo Fo one part ofthe mation, 3 cartottell Lebetber it be better to faypreic it in filence, ozto del» ¢¢ per it (faith Buchanan)tocommoneies¢eares.sto2 ¢ to bate battell Thehiftorie ofScotland. fles and ftrengths. Sa ee ee => ee a ase : |