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Show Thehiftorie of Scotland. Aevane,bnt thortlie atter thep falling out among = of Chrit one thoufand fiue bundzed and thirteene, anid the fir poate of the pong hing James the Aff. Udhereof intelligence being brought onto the puke, petin France, he in the peareof Gpiftonethon fend fiue bundzcd and fonretéene, direceth dilate ricand ercufingletters of bis acceptance of that The hiftorie ofScotland. endfullie getting the Hhole gouernementintobis themfelues fo) the bettowing of benefices, the nuke bands. of Albanie twas called out of France to perfoyme Ardtbald Dotnglas(atfer that the bithop of Dury Behan that office. bane twas dead,md the quene gone bnito Sterling, Doig Zobn duke of Albani being fent for out of leaning the king tofth the carle of Angus, in the France (there be accaltomed to abide) to eome trv peare of Chzift one thoufand fixe bund2ed twentie to Scotland(te be tuto? to the king and gonerno? of amdfine,being about the thirteenth of James the fff) fhe realme, as be tibich nertof blond to the king, tobe the hole gouernement vpon bim both of the sau nero to the crotone) teas bp bniuerfallcon ing and kingdome,{etting bp,remouing, and pals Tent at faint Fobns tolwie admitted to thofe offices 1 ling dotwne thatofficer it beff pleated him ; abo fo} accozdinglic,baning the fame confirmed bnito him the moze declaratfonof bis authoritie and gouern: bya parlement boloen at Coenburgh in the pears ment,madebis bnele Areibaln Dotwalas treaty to? of the realme,and beftowedall benefices and of -_fices bp the aduife of his brother George Dolvglas and the earle of Leneur tho alitted him. Miter tate there wasadfuopce had bettwcene the queens andtheearle, tbo falling in the kings bifgrace in office this regent tobe bypon bit hauing the fame confirmed bp parlement, continuing in thatplace about fir peates,+ died tn the cattle of Coenburgh, in the peare of Chiff one thoufandffue bundzed ana fhye {coze, being bponthe point of the eighteenth peare of queeite Aarie,tuhofe bovie(ag bath Lefleus) was after caticd into France , for. thus be writeth ; palledalong by the feacoatts,beforebe came to Gs denborgh. After whicha parlement as madetobe called at Coenburgh(being but thecontinnance of the former parlement, as mp miemozieferueth) im ibich this duke of Albanie twas againe confirmen bntobim, andanofh by him to the lo2ds, and by the lords to bimginen, that edof them thould be uffed twill and teffament of James the ff, tn Abid colv, andto theeaties of Yuntleie,Aratle, Angus, thus made pzotector, appointed by the olo fhe ings petlon in bis ablence , beawointen the there to becomumitted to theearlemarthall, anpto fhe loxds Cidwine, Wothivike, md Ruthivene, Sbereottivo at theleatt thouldaltwaies be prefent tbich twas the loz Heuingttone capteine ofXiths fence to the archbithops of . Andzets and Gilat bpon the fante(on the nintenth ate of Julie in the peare a thoufand fine bundzcd theee fco2e and feuen, being the fine ¢ twentith peare of the reigne of that quene)abuanced bir fornne Charles Jaines Stet ard(being then about a peare old) fo the kingtome, by the name of James the firt ; this James earle =) _teftament he tas appointed goucrnaz . hiscarla fhaough Wtthquo, toas Mot at twith an barquebus and Arrane. And leaante enill might bappen to 4o canfent a gouertio? to the perfon of the pongquanes quet, Ringto be brought into the cattle of Coenburgh, iit him. Lhe duke bauing thus bene about fame thre peates in Stance, returned into Scotland as -_thoufand flue hundzed fiftie amd thzce, being about the tlvelfe peare of queene Marie, this earle wasitv lotwing time,thich was the pere of Chri one thou twhe the fame into bic hands, aypointing pocurar Garb fiue bundzctiventicandfoure, andabaut the?" tielfe peare of the reigne ofting James the fiff,the Duke of Albanicleftthat office,mp entagaine ins queene, pearesaffer tobich,that is inthe peare of Chzift one bout the peareof Chzif one thoufapfiue hunozen and tioentie, remainingGill gouerno, :but in fol Margaret the quo.<Lbis protectortn the peare of Chzitt one thou -_‘fand five bundzed fortie and foure,betng the fecond _pereof queen Parie, was bp the French bing made knight ofthe ozderof faint Spicbacll'. About eight to France. : Pargaret thequéne, the mother of James the fitvio(atter the departure of the duke of Albante _fo2ced to leauebis officeof gouerno2,anb the quant tors to rule the fame tnder bir: toberebpon the go uernor in thepeare following , being one thoufand flue bund:edfittiegfoure, wasbythe French bing made duke of Ghatelerault. The procurators shih _fwere aypatntedfor andby quéene Maric, tere (as bath Lefleus)¥entte king of France, Charles car fnto France, the peare of Chzitt one fhoufany inal of ILozeine and the uke of Guite bis brother, fue bundzedtiventie ano fone, the Gir and tiventith touching thom thus twziteth the fame Lefleus tt eles of Julie ) find meanes that the pong king came thefe too2bs : Hos (fobtch toas bic curators) fbi in pes" ftom Sterling onto oenburgh: thee dates after 6o Gallia delegerat regina noftra (being garie the hich the quene take the abole gouernment bpon Queene of Scots) matris fuafu, Henricum regent bir, and entred into the caftle of Edenburgh with Franciz , Carolum cardinalem Lotharingum , ac thcking, making the for Marvell prouok of Gs ducem Guifium cius fratrem,qui totam regni no z Denburgh . Zhen the quene appointing a parles molemreginez matri procurandam tranftulerunt: ment fo be belo the Sebzuarte following, there &c. his duke had (fue James Pamilton ar Were in the fame parlement eight lords chofen to of Avrane after lunatike , anv one Dauid aml beof the kings patute councell » totake on them the government of the king and the realme, abich tere the archbithop of S Andzetves and Clatcoty, the bts hopsof Aberden ¢ Dunblare the earles of Ane gus, Arrane and Leneur, to whom the queene yas adiotned as principal, iwithout Abote adutfe nov thing Gould be bone, Which ovdinaitec dip not long bold,Arehibaly Dotogiatle earle of Gugus in the gon. gparie vefcended of the honfe of Guile, thenotoy aor ger of Scotland,as widow to James the fff, a? mother to the pong queene Sparie, asin the peate ofChrione thonfand fine bundzed fittie and - being the tivelfe peare both of the age and reigte thefamequeene gparie, made regent of bnder pir daughter the fame pong quene, office fhonfand fine hundzed thre fcore and feuentene, tue fate that much about the finte in the which the 1o28 lames chaka eatle orton gaue oucr his regentthtp, that the Cello; Maine, lo:d Olames, abo twas then in office of the chancel: losfhtp, twas trecherouflie flaine bp bis enimies at Sterling, with a Mot of purpofe difcharged agatntt of Murreie,twas made regent and goucrnog of the Him,as be teas comming out of Sterling caftell, € Pong king James the firt , and of the bingdome: 3° goingto bis otune lodging fromthe councell 0} pare lement.Wherebyit feemeth that this murthering by fubo bponthe office recefued ,d{d bp parlement abos funden thot began nolw to be acommon thing ; fox Li the popes anthozitie and doctrine tin Scotland; there {vere thye great perfons in fhozt time difpate continuing thatoffice of regent untill his death, fale thed after that fort , tbich twere theearles of g>ur6 ling aboutthe tinte of fh2e pearesatter . Jfo2 tn the teieand Leneur regents , ¢ this lord Olames cha Cheearteot tinte of Chziff one thoufand fiue hundzed the core. cellor. After the neath of Abie) lord Glames , the a ehon ape and fer, being tit the third peare of the refgne of Sames the firt , this regent as be twas riding fatleof Atholl was adnanced tothat place, and ins chanceiiop, Dates old obteined the kingdome,twas bp anthozitie of thenobilitie proclanted regent and pzofedo? of Scotland notivithtanding all that Dauto s5eton, fauo202 of the french caufes had without all reafon bfarped the gouernment,bnvder the pretente ofa der fatthfall to ech other, and encrie ofthem fo their low andking, €. After this the ouke of Albante going into Francein the peare of Chefft one thonfand fiue Hundzed and feuenteene,as faieth Lefleus, commite feththe governement of the kingdomein bis abs bee teeded the earle Morton , of Lhome J hauea little Earle Ipofe finued in the fame, ontill be furrendered it, in the peare of Chzitt one thoufandfine hundsedthre fore {coe and tivo,being aboutthe tiventith peareof the amb fcuentéene, as is before toucyed . Zhns fetting teigne of the fante queene Marte , made earle of end fo the difcourfe of the protectors of Scotland,tet MHucreie. About flue peares tollowing , after that, 20 Us oelcend to other matters thich haucluccerded , fhe nobilitie bad confpired againtt quene gparte, tobe bic, committen bir to pitfon, depofed bir, and Going therefore fortvard toith that peare one FJamesearle of Arrane in the peare of Cheift one Somes (the Daughter of Jamesthe fit) being but feuen by that which ¥ haue befoxe (et Dotwne tn the conti nuanceofthe annals of Scotlann,affer abomefuer the peare of Qytft one houfand fiue bundzen thace- peare of bis fatd goucrnement . @Wbhcrebponithe goucrito2 , the {cepter and fivo2d being delfueren 30 thonfamdfine hundzed fourticandtine,when sarie of John Arelkin earle of War twas made regent Fon Breve after the peath of the carle Leneup,as mate apeare bi catleot pto2 of faint Audzctos andcarle of War, was. tt, the peare of Chetff one thoufandfine hundzed finer -peare follotving, this Arcbibalo came bnte the king fop to fabmithimtelfe , but the king twould not receiue him,bp reafon wherof be Aen into Cnge Land. 421 Lofleus lib.co,"Fuic autem corpusin Galliampoftea tran{uedtum, before {poker , aw of tboine Ime twill moze infreat ton regent of pag. 569, primdm ad monatterii Feckamenfe , quodin Norhevafter, ben tye cometo fpeake of bis bebeading, Scotian, mania elt ,deinde ad ccenobiumS. Petri Rhemis ih ro tn the peare of Cyitt one thoufand fiue bundiea Campania, cui foror ipfius pi¢ tunc preerat, delata, fourelcoze and one, falling about the fourteenth honorificé condebatur. peate of Leinesthe fitt,after that the fatyearle haa James Stetvard baftard fone to king James james continued that office about fine peares . Fo2 being tevard, the iff kingof Scots, anobale brother to Qparte aduanced ta that placeaboutthe peare of Chat one queene of Scots now lining anv tiptfoned, being fhonfand flue bundzend theeefcore and fivelue, becons charge.At that time,bnt inthe yere following,being tie and eight, and the firtenth peare ofthe fame the peare of Qyxitf , one thoufand fluc bundzed and 20 Jamesthefil, was atteinted by parlement holoer fitterne,aid in the third of Fames the fit, onthefes at Cdenburghin September,abenthe king had tar uententh of Maite, he artiucd at thetotone of Aire ken the abfolute gouermrentinto bis hangin the in Scotland toerecute bis office of goucrno2, tho -feuenténth peare of his age, and the fato firtoenth fas honozablic interteined at fundzie places as be one (honfand fine hundzed thee feore and elenres, bettig about the fourth peare of Jamesthe firt, *Batthew tarleot ge neup, ucficd {vith the title of lo2d chancelig2 of Scotlanv, Wherefore baning (6 gwd occafiontherefore at this by one James Wantilton , and fo twounded, that be finte bp talking of this carle of Atholl thus made Died of the burtthe nert date following , bantig ber fore tn that peare.tn abich be toas created earie of 4° lo2d chancellor totreate of that office: Fthinke tt hot inconucnient in this place, nog oifagreeable to Burrete,maried Agnes keith Daughter to the earle the nature of the matter Qhteh J bane in band,foimes Marfhall. trhatbp twaie of digreffton, to difcourfe of the origt Patthew earle of Lenenr, being fent for out of nail of this officcin Scotland, ubich J will dw tee Cngland, ahere he bad before long remained , was fet ods, afterthe oeath of theearle of Spurreie , in the peare Mts officer the chancellor had bis fir opgt- eye opteinany of Chiff one thonfand fine hundzed thee core and nall in Scotlmp by WPalcolmie the Cecond of thatofthe office of fon, being in the third peareof the reigne of James name king of Scots , tho begining his reigne tn the chancellog, Scot of protccto2 o2 fhe firt, made 1020 lieutenant the peare of our redemption one thoufand ano ten, Isnd, ta conuention of thelozds of Sterling. at mid gonerning thirtte peares, Departed the world in fer thich in Augat following, there twas another conuention at Eoenburgh , where bp the confent 5° the peareof Chiff one thoufann ano foxtie. This ofthe hace effatesof the realitte, the fafpearle was made regentof Scotland, at Hat time the carle of Hantleictoke bpon him to be toro lientenant of Hcotlano: for Bariequeene of Scots remaining then onder cuffodie in England, which buntlete m bir name fammoned a parlemtent at Lithquo the 21 daie of September , tbcrebuto the earle of Aeneur was fummoned: to tncounter whic , the earle of Leneur canfed a parlement ltkewile to be man,during the time of bis gouernment,ozdeining manie neceffarie latws fo) the better rule of bis countrie, and for the bencfit of the crotwne , pidalfa fir ff o2deine the honozable officersof the kingdome, as @ancello,coneftable, marfyall, chamberleine , andothers,as aypeareth bp Lefleus inbis biftorie of Scotland in thele two2ds ; Forliciter rempublicam Lefletis lib. hhaud paucosannos adiminiftrauir (bing Malcolme ) Pag, 294. multis & egregijs operibusilluftris:incérque cate- ° ra municipialium legum volumen condidit, quas fammoned in the kings name at the fame place , noltrates exinde in iudicijs ferendis feruarunt, nihil tiberbnito the earle of iguntleie twas warned at the pene immutatas srepiorum magiftracuum iudictims fame date . Wut the carle of Huntlete comming noneerer at that time than Brechin, it teas opbereb bp the regent Leneur andthe nobilitie , to purfue him : aberebpon infued great warres betiveene the hobilitic of Scotland diutded into faatons,fome tar other Ring part with the bepofed queene Parte, and {ith the pong king in poffefion. During tbicy ftirmofles and tars , this earle of Lenenr bauing bin regent about a peare and maze, toas wounded at Sterling with apiftoll by capteine Cawder, the peare of uk ‘athereof be thoztlie after vied , tn que,quoslicet mundils, magilque Latine vocare pofline, vulgotamen cancellarium, coneltabilem, marifcallum, camerarium, iufticiariimque vocitanc, & quia fecretis,a thefauris, a cubiculo,a chartophy-~ laceo effent: cunétoriimque miniftrorum aulx ane nua falaria , venoltris diebus penduncur, quantum~ que regijs pro diplomatibus, ac cateris lireris,Jibel~ lionibus , cabularijs,JeétoribGfque foluendum foret, inflituic. Zhts officer being in Scotlano before the tine of Coward the confetlo2, feemeth alfo tome cos Bq ty. nertlie |