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Show The defeription ofEngland. The defeription ofEngland. ient fwitnefte, feins thereabouts twill beare {uffic ie, Dodo Lurnex thongh J would oz thSane S alto the father of Gngli fe {or nmicin fomejcafesanore manifetlic apeare. te ie Auonaboneibath bafoge, ge if Sap the thc all aD taft,and is like buito fhe rei excellent igs podzatvthei: rr umcaera. Lag anicother thing fhould be falt per . %n holo the tuater baths a mam mate enidentlic fer isal loto be no» Faitopitne -_bubbleth bp from the fprings. Dhis _-ied, that at certeine times all entrances into thent; of the Snater, to is to i ,that is i probibited és dtterlie fate, fai at highbigt none e a tibile bee and midnight:foyat thofe tivs er and beconie fore and after,thep botle verte feruentite to indure thefr beat , 03 able is man no that bot fo bis neuer fill and vebertent too pate tntth ante allume at all,f he could hthere(ifZ ro ante file futteine theit force di eng bate be induced to beleene . Amig lues furthermoe from themfe purge Zhep Ring, fituatt e i each 0 if them. 5 thought it neceffarie)intreat of the notabl all {uch filth as the Difeafedde leaue in i apleatant bottome, there i fberfore tusdo forbeare therath entrance into the of out phils, tgest bein et a OE at that fimerand C gree eeaa byfor fwater pure of {prings manic f snepoes {hich come tot by contraction of ante ne as ic wwaies onto citie ano in {ach abundance, caine bnto - cts ine than d affecte flic greeuon moze of Sat. aaa eat ferued {with the famebp pipes inde&d a thing that each one fhoulo re ; m ifi! on of the te Ne: Seinpas lem ci fane,euenin the croffe bat th. iBut that thep parti eens ousand Icad the faid mettall being the moze plenti hadfarofe leffe of alue pnto them, bicanfe it is not tie, thidis miony 3 g gard. For thele caules therefoxe thep arecom enter into fore hath bene fene of theme tn the citie of London, which they called, Auguffs, of the legion that folours Forluch twas their poffettion of this Jland.on.this nedthere,sliketwifein Porke naniwd allo Hiarir, of » fineof the Linej that: they helonetoneoz tio, thelegion Victoria, 02 Alcera Roma (becaufe of the oy a-feto-places onelie onder their-fnbledion, but alitherahole countrte from eal to twetk; from the -_beantie andfine butlping of the fame) ntpfelfecan -_-partlicwitnelle,that haue fane,s often havot them, ine. to the butio.lea, fothat theretwas notes .if better teftimonie were wanting , Zhe like J ont. bord of thelt gouernance; notioithtanbing that smate affirme, of Colchettcr., troere thofe of, Claufntill the acath of Lncing,and ertindtonof bis itue, dius, Adrian, -Fraian,Velpaban, and other, arenienthep din permit the {uccofforsof LudandCimbaline fareigneand rule smongetl then, though bndera ro fimes plowen op, 02 found bp other means: alfo of Cantorburte,Andzedelchetter (now decated) Roches secfeinetribute,asele-abereS bauedeclared. The fter,then called Durobjeuum, Gtineefer, atin diz hefecanle that trgetbmeto fpeabe of antiquities, uerle other-bepond.the dhantes; Ghich for breuitie isthe paines thats: Yaue, taken to, gather great fake J dw paSeouer in filence. Dulie the chiefe of all numbersof: them tegither, intending (ifeuer my Grouslogie Halt hawer to\conte abzoad.) tofet and Ghere moff are foundin ded, isnere onto Care aoiune. the liuelie-portrattures of cucrieemperour deonand Cairgwentin Southiwales,abontdsenches inavanen inthe: fame; alfo the, faces of Pompeie, Grats; thefevenkings pf.the womans, Cicero, fier, three miles aboue iereford, Aloborow, Anca: fer,Bzambou,Dovington,aberea fpurte and perce mvinerle other,Mich J hauc provided readte for the of a chaine of gold were found iiking Henrie the 5areal Ite {hut bp frombalfe an houre, after tenof theclocke from thote quarters . $t fyoulo notbe amiffealfoto af ai fostone, ter onein the boureaf e, " to balfean . foenon the i 20 2 , *, churdyes 2 parith of mber gatesnu foure cake of the fines fj fernorte, and liketvife at midnight ; at tehich foun thioges, eligions houles diffolued, and thete fhe keeper of thent refortetl to bis charge, openeth ners,ifplace did ferue therefore : but for f mudas purpofesbefine the monuments anelineliefmages 20 eight bis Dates, befides much of the fain Homan cotne, Wtncheffer, Camalet , dacoche pon. as affundseshilofoybers, mdbingsof this Jland,fince uon,and Lincolne,Dorcbhetter, Wariwtke, ang. dhes the thmeof Goiwarp-the Gontetlor.cherof although fer, where thep are often hadin berte great abun« polentlicd wanta fev;.yetIdonotdoubt butt obteine.them all,if friendhip at theleattinife procu: dance, At feemetty that Ancatter hath bene agreat the baths themfclues, trherof inthe title of this chas Ronehithertefoithecarges to be-pmploiea bpo thefe brafert 92 comer. images; till hereafter put bp and arches arepet found, and often laid openby fudy as dig and ploty inthe ficlos about the fame, Andas the impzeflion of that treatifestherebpitmate come. smongff thefe, one Urefbie 02 Kofebie,a plotoman, my crheaek és not to deale tn this bebalfe, 3 twill o mit the mentionof thefe things, and goinbandiwith the gates, and leaueth (02 (houldleaue) fre pallage bnto luc) as comte onto thei, Hitherto Leland. What cof of late bath bene beffotued bpon fhefe piter % ppotetted to intreaf. There are tivo {prings of water(as Leland faith) Crolledath. in the welk fouth welk pact of the towne,ebereof the baths bp dinerfe ofthe nobilitie, gentrie , comumtus naltie,and cleargie,it lfeth not in me to declare : pet a8 Fheare , they arcniot onelie berie much repared biggett is called the croffe bath , of a cecteins crofe andgarnifhed with fundsie curious paces of tvozkee {with leapziepockes,(cabs,and great aches: pet of it felfe itis verte tentperateand pleafant ,baningeles veto? tinelue acces of fone inthe foesthereof,fo, motto Sano badet, tihenraine doth ought annsie them. Shecommonbath,or as fomecallit,the hot bath, is tino hundsed foot, 02 tyereabout from thecrofe them ; but alto better ordered, clenlier Kept, frfendlie prouifion mabe for {uch poucrtie as dailie --repatreth thither. 15ut notivithitanding all this, tach -_ts the generalll eftate of things i Bath, that the rich men maie (pend abfle they will, and the pore beg -AbilefE thep If fo, their maintenance aid. diet fo long as they rematne there: and pet Zoenic not bat artlie touching their commendation, amd that was erected fometime tn the miinnelt thereof. 3° manthip,p partlie for the eafe and bencshit of fu) as refozt bnfa his bath ts much frequented by fad) as are difeateo ¢ more Common bai' bath,loile tr compate toithin the tall thanthe other, that there is berie gad ozderin that citic for ali Dee for at the firft comming into it, men thinke that it iwould (cald their fet and lofeit fromthe bone: but gifts freelie, ¢ bute both aliker 3 twould bere intreat further of the cuftoms bicdin thefe baths abat numts iheroto be Warmed theougblie in thefame,ttismore tollcvable and eafic tobe bo2ne, oth thelebaths be in the minbleofalittle iret , and foine to. tho mas hofpitall, fo that it map be thought that Keats nalp bithop of Wathimane hishoufenare bute thefe for no man(efpectallie fuchas be able to interteing them) Doth enter into thefe baths befoze be confult with the pypfictan; allo, tat bictis to be obferucd, abat particular ptteates are bealen there,and to Hhat end the comuners thither deo dgtttke oftimes of that as (houlp refozt onto thent. The kings bath is beriefatreandlarge, tanning aloft in the inidble of the towwne,at the wet end of thecathengall durch. Xt is compatled about with a, mits of a defeription. Wherefore J pafle it oner fo o+ -thers,boping that fome man per long twill bouchfafe to peorforme that at large , ibid the famous clearke Doctoz Hurner hath belie pet bazpitic begun, fone verie high toneiwall, md the baims thereofaremur hing the effects «working of the fame, Forbithers redroundabout,nherein be tino andthirtic ares. to Ado not know of manic that hauc tranelled in the eS aed regard aiid Wwithonclic feanen atdes, imought out of the 4° grés.5ut Bhere Halla man find ante equall of pwxze and rich,though Cod doth give thefe bis gap maine (nclofure,Xt is Morthilic called the bot bath, sd See aller afeator, and that the bodies of the conuners -_-rbet of phyfictans datlie attend bpon thofe twaters, common baths, onelic to {uccour fuch paze people 50 mediciriable liquoz : but then 3 thoutd exceed the lie Rings bath. Tot houfes tnfome coun trtegheele reteer, chen bpodels, fop men and Womento fand in feparatlie,cbobeing Of the gentrie fo, the moft part, do refozt thither in» natures of thofe baths of our countric, With anis great commendationsmuch leile of ante that bath rer -uealed them at the full fo: the benefit of our nation, Differentlic,butnot in fuch lafcinions fost asvntoo, ther baths and bot boufes of the maine, thereof So 07 commobditic of ffrangers that relozt bnto the fone write moze a qreat.deale than modeffic (hould fame, reneale and honeltie perfoumne. There twent aluce outofl this bath which ferurd in times patt the prio. Ofantiquities found. vie toith Water,hid twas derincd out of tt vnto tivo Corowrot the Aworer of the - atte of Katetae Places,and commontie died fox baths but now Joa Not tharke that hep remaine in vfage. Ws fo thecolour of the water of all the bathes, its moll like to a deepeblety, and recketh mud) abs ter the maner of afeething pot, commmontie palding formuhata tulyherous tatte, and berie bnpleafantfa- wou. Xhe toater alld that runneth from the tivo Cmallbaths , goethby a dike into the Auon by wet, Siewaien the fante that goeth from bath tucwetpanil, and after. goeth tto Chap.24. ee CP Guing taken fomreocrafion fo ee fpeake here and there in this % treatife of aritiquities, tt alt 7s T -‘ ' not be amis todeale pet more ie) in this cbapter, totth fonte of }, them apart, ¢ bp themfelaes, yenfoxsnonie (hall beable to preuatle.ibut as tt bath topatte;thatlongtrauell hallfone prouctabefpent didere bp notlong fincea fonelike a trough, couse iubaine; mbdmudhcokcome to veriefmall {uccefle, 3° red with another ftone, therein tas great foifon of WAereof pet J forcenot greatlie, fithhp this means the aforefaipcotnes. Lhe like alfo tas fenenotpet Fhaue reapedfone commoditie orto my felfe, by -_‘fortie peares agone about Grantham.Wnt inking fearching of the hiftories, tdhich often mintffer foxe Penrice the eighthis dates, an bulbardman bad far sficramples reavie tobe bfedinmypfundion,asocs better lucke.at.darleffon, twonrilesfrom the afore tafion hall moue me, Butte procedtwith mp pure -_-fatd place,there be found not onelie great plentie of pole, : : fhis caine, but allo anbuge biaffe pot, and theretit a Before the comming of the Komans, there was-a large beluiet of pure gold,vichlie fretted totth pearle, Bindoficoper. monie.currant-here i Wzttaine as and fet withall kind of coftlie ones : he tobe bp ale Cafercontelleth in the fit bokeof bisCommentas fo chaines mud) like onto beadsof filuer, all which, riesbutF And not of hat mance it was, ereto he 4° as being (if a man might ghefle ante certeintte bp addeth areportof cerfeinerings, of a propoctionate Weightsnbfch thep vied in bis time, in ffeadlikewife Ai monie, But as hitherto ithathnotbene mplucte theft beautie) notlitelte to be long binden,be prefens tedtoqueene ikatharinethen lieng at eterborow, and theretotthall a fev ancient rolles of parcnient (Ffaie)ito auc the certeine view of artie of thefe,fo w2itten long agone,though fo defaced with moulot- affer thecomming ofthe Homans, thep inforxcenbs toabmdon onvowneandreceiuefuchimperiallmor nefle,mdrotten forage, that no man could well hold them in bis hand withoutfalling into peces, much Hiesorcotnes, as for the patment of their legtons Mas dalliehought ouer onto them, .Wbat coines leffe read them by reafon of thetr blindneffe. An the beginning of the fante kings dates allo at theMomans had, itisicafietobeknowne, andfront -‘Aillete aman found as he cared, anatming girdle, timeto time much of. it is found in manie places of 5° barnefed twith pure golo,and a great maflie pomell this Zim, aswell of goloand filuer ; asofcoper, Lvithacroffe hilt for a fwd of the fame mettall, be, Wyatle,amd other mettalljmuch like fele,almotof e fide fudsand harnieffe fo(purs and the buge long Ucticemperour, Sothat Zaccountitnorare thing fobane of the womancoine, albeit thafit fill repees Hat tmage of ourcaptinitic, and mate beagwn admonition fox bs, totake hed how wepels our felnesto theregtmentof rangers. DEF the fo2reof thefe Monies, found pon the ientihcoak, Fhaue fpurs of like fuffe, thereof one doco Vuthall got apart into bis bands.dhe bo2oughs o2 buries, where of X {pake before, were certeine plots of greund, tberin.the diomanefouldfers did bie to lic then they kept inthe open fields as chofen places,from thence they might bauc calle accelfe-wnto their aduerfas aleeanie made mention inthe deleription of WKichbor ries; ifanic outrage Were wrought o2 rebellion mor -_ and chapter of les adiacentinte thedButtith 6o ued againft thent. Ano as thele, were. the bfuall.a ition, ann there fhelwevalfobowfimplefthermen haueban plenticof them, andthatthecontesinmas boads for thofeable legions that ferued dailte inthe wars,fo had thep other certeine habitations, fay the tig pofers and holes tobrepin, have fcraped theng i of the ground in perie great abundance, Fe old and forivo2ne fouldiers, therebp dfucrle cities grein timeto be replentthen with Romane cola: peaking alfo of >. Athans,in the chapteroftotones nea J bauenotomitted to tell hat plentie a fe COineshauebene gathered there: wberfore J belt rn ued here forepeat hefameagaine. Hotw, _-nies, as Cafrleon, Colcetter, Chetter, and fuchoe ther, of tbhich, Colchetter bare the. name of Colonia long time,and aberein A. Plautius bufloed.a temple buto the godvdeffe of Wicorie (after the departure of all thefe anv the moff part of tscerteine,that the - fqniti befound withintheland, @d{ffantfrom Gene 28, ate tobe gotteneither in the rnines of any, daz Claudius) tthich Tacitus callet) 412 fempiterne wunerionss, aperpetuall monument of that our Wate fit {eruitude. but to returne tuto onr boroiues, ee Md fotwnesdecaicd, orininclofen burs s hereby the (ecure antho;itie Taj of the Womans over wis x an thing,for manie {quare ¢colozed pauements,vaults, Wes ebere thetr legions accuffomed foinctime to Wointer,as by cppertence is datlieconfitmes, What ¢ thep twere generallic walled about twith fone wals, and fo large in compaffe that fome d{d conteine thir: te, fourtic, thaee (cope 07 efghtic acres of ground within |