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Show 21% The defcription of England. The defcription of England. of them, and Chall off rfoe terra ttventic miles ined except tf be all, find berie little 02 rather none at s,¢ villages, nere bnto tones, gentlemensboule ed afely elines, tibore the inbabitants have plant lings for their ohes, hatels, 03 athes about thetrdivel of the to charges inlaivagatntt the offendo2s is (omabat gine able and tedious. Zhis therefore percetucd, thep and rer quer the laww,and falt te the avntiffionof gifts tified inour manfion bonfes, thidyearf tas fata oneli¢ of thetintber for hips, that nooke can grote focrmbcd butit fattethont to fore vit, ¢ that necel ioarnato winbe atthings pat, mo tben thep have er bolo farie tu thenanie, It is a tnozto to fee mozeou & deDiuerfemenberg bent to buildingand haunting of tty oncegone quer thet ground with this bind lage; then do they tender licences, and: offer large fanie, pifpentations: ota him that hah alee. the {hereby fone that bimolifteth in bis. trape-for an pearehie penfion, uberebp the bzibour note: groweth Pc 6 fo fame certeine reuenues,t the tamiceto. great ledable beine in {pending of thelr gods by that frade,da dalliefmagine new newifes of their ovis Shis . fame the of ffopmic toeather from annotance fogutde their fogkenrentwitbalt,.and thofe mo2ecar bp ther ht)et thoug is (asit {carfitie at the fir gretw riousand excellent altwates: thatthe foxner. Iu the (as age e oftill enanc maint fo, bp,boto the tnouftrte of mani, the to: proceeding atfo of thetriveskes,hotn they (ct bp late of pone be to like d the rttan fue tride thep pull Downe,bot thep inlarge, bot thep ter they fired there , s Anoie tel the tn s iard Span fireine,how thep ad to,hom thep take from,therebp come tabote tomds of berte great compatte therbp to tha thefr beadsare neveridle, their purfes neuer thut, elfe 02 es) bp ground thereon to fois their grain no2 thetr bulkes of account Meger made perfect; of rring prefe in as (uch, rongh tht couetoufneffe of Deftruunt, adificant mutant quadreta rotundis make ll,do catte er great e and paffare fo; their fheep faith the poet. Sothat if aman thouls well confider bp ie finalt 02 r : timbe te and firebo tt o¢ firrail dccour of all the od crotchets fr {uch a builvers beaine, the crueltic of the entities, tbereof toe haue fundzie be would thinke bis head to banc euen tnough of eramplesdectarch trout biftortes. Ipotobeit here fhote affaires onelic,z therefore tunge that be Mould therocksand quarrte groundsare,% take the fart be able to deale in anie other. But fuchcomy ofthe earth fo be fo thits, that to tree of anie great: 20 nottellare ons workematfters,that thep bane being monic nefl¢other than fhaubs and buthes,is able to grow this beine afore mentioned, ether great charge of orprbfper lorig therein for toant of fuffictent mot merdandises, little lefle bufinefle in the commons Chure aheretwith to feed them twith freth humour, 03 tuealth,o2 fnallie nofmall ocalings otherinife inc: at the leaftinife of monlo,to thaowd,ftate bpzight, Bent brite them;aherbp gaine aretha fome tron an. gerity the fame tn the bluttering winters wea, keeping nefenfefront the rough winds, and ther, till thep map groto tnto ante greatneffe, amd {read .orpeald thelt rates Dotone right into the forte hertiethat bis letber ta.mudh:toor(e than before.Wut dqunt-thia a mockerte of surlatves, ¢ manifet tlw Df fionof the qa(abies ahame ther thus pill ¢palt? alloke growing tu Gugkmothe parke qhe ts the fof teff, and far moze fpalt and biickle than the henge phe.dnd ofall in. Gitex,that growing im,Wardfield parke ts the finett for toiners craft ; fo2 oftentimes caufe, therefore fore places are naturallic boid of = feffethat thereis god ffore of great tumdo2timber here and there,enen now in fomeplaces of England, peti dur dates it is far onltketo that plentie, which out anceftors baue {ene heretofore, ben fatclic builotng twas leffe in vfe. 4fo2 albcit that there tuere then gteater number of mefuages and manffons Avibnte to-wantoftinse in the falt water, Penerthes ote inbuiving, &@ tell; the beoge as the parke oke ge all onetwaie, ano neuct (p much bath bene {pent inabanaed pears brfme.asis inten peareof our timesfax suerte manalmotiis.a builder, amd be that hathbonghtanp (nal parcellof ground, beit neuer thesly houfecif ante were there Fanding)and fet bp fore ftore of the greatett fort, befine infinit num bersof hedgerotves, grours , aD fprings, that are almott in cuery placespettwere theft frames fo fight and Hetber ,that one meane dwelling boufe in our isnot anie won, parke, hodgeroin, groue, 02 forrefl, time is able tocounteruaile verte manic of them, if pon confider the prefent charge with the plentic of 4° thatis not mired With dinerfe, asoke, ath, bafell, hatuthogne,bird, beech, hardbeame, hull, forte, quice timber that tne beftotw bpon them. Jn times patt ket afpe, poplers, wild cherie, and fuch Itke, aberof men tere contented to dwell in boules, butlocd of oke bath alwates the prebeminence, as mof meetfox fatlown, will, plamntroe, bardbeame, and eline, fo building andthe nanic,therbntoit is referucd. This that the vfe of oke twas tn maner dedicated trholie thereby fucyas divell nére bnito the aforefatd pla Dedof Wiltloly,tyen bade oben men; but now that cesda cherith and being bp innumerable hearts of fvine, 3n time cf plentie of this matt, our red and fallotw deere Will notletto partictpat thereof totth ia Sur honfes are conve to be made of oke, our men are §@ our bogs, more than our nete: pea our commott Sask hesaii hot ontic become willow, but a great mane through pultrie alfo if they mapcome bonito them.But as this Suk pals thane ‘Perlan oelicacte crept in among vs altogither of bundance doth prove verie pernicious vito the teth manbod, Fawabtdy ts afore alteration. Jn thofe the courage ©onertapote of the olnnet twas 4 fulfictent oefenfe to keepe the - houfe ifafeticbut nolo the aflurance of the timber, Double Dmze8,loches and bolts mutt defend the man from robbing. Motw baue we manie cimnics and Pet gue tenderlings complatne of rheantes,catarbs ard poles, Chen bad we none but reredoffes and onr firlt,(o thefe egs tbich thefe latter dm bzing fnzth(ber Ade like bat five blacheneffe in coloz and bitterntetfe of taft)baue FZ keene We not felbome beene found to breed diuerfe difeafes br pens do fer? on the tens to (uch perfons as baue eaten of the fame, 3 might >? per biaves # adin like fost the profitinfuing bythe barke of this garlibe. iwod, tibereof our tanners baue great ble in Ddzef " fing of leather, and tibich thep bnie pearelie in ais bp the fadame, as 3 baue off fcene: but it hall not twas Cujpofengo be a futticient baron ig Fox the tim. Nerd at this time to enter into ante {uch difcourfe,ons begof pouteye tt Was reputed a far bettorynept: lie this ¥ with, that our fole arm byper leathering oon anon and bus familie frofetbe maybaue thetr due time,and not be batted on by ex ae he o2 pote suberelwith tubere wt as then verte . felw were oft traoxdinarie Mights,as with ath,barke,rc. Wbereby as X grant that it feemeth outiwardlie te be berie Dt the curionMede of there piles F{peake not: ticke ¢ well pane: fo if pou refpect the fannes thet+ beads Dione@ake, Fo2as the fmoke in thote daies 6 Athowr wo kemen are growne generattic to facd ait wer - of Beutle tn fe frames now made, that Vahuanes She fined of the olg.And tach is their cuybar, habing,ezcleauing, as J find, Ad commieth op encrie ubere of it felfe, and twtth eucrie Kind of tomb, And as te bane veric great plentie and no lefle bfe of thele in our bufhandzie, fo are iwenot withont the plane, the bgb, the fozfe,the theGnut, the line, the blacke cherric , and fuch like. Gnd although that tue infop them not in fo great times patt,o2 the Spetfielo, anv fome fteeds of tent allo, as J haue bene inform. Ehefirre,frankincenfe,anb pine, weve not altos Gither toant, efpeciallic the firve, tbeveof tue haue forme fore i Ghatleie maze tn Darbilhire, Shzop- pORteble, wD tono vle but the firedoth now tutes. Fothe gaines to be gotten bp the fame being giucn to one o: tivo bungrie and bntheiftie perfons, of the coatt betincene Mhefter andthe Solme were they makea {help of great reformation at the fir, € foz a litle tibile, HN thep finn that follotwingof fute ut etit couiD Zondon, terebnto fore of then esin not fauebis gotten readie patfage , and taken bp thetcinn be the greatet merdants parlours . A man would ife,but {uf mu neds thinke that onr latws were able inough to make bichomes fictent prouifion fothe redzefie of this erro2 eno2- wards. mitielthelie toinfue. SButfuchis the mature of our fo thep countriemen, that as mante latus ave made, + the ther countries, ad hinderance of their atone polvingof faires and markets opon the fundaie fo be abolithen ano referred to the {wednefdaies + and that euerie man, in thatfoeuer part of the champaine ,after foile enioieth fortie acres of lab, and bpivards that vate,cttherbp free deed, copie bold, 02 fee farme, With mightplant one acre of tumd, 02 folwe the fante be okemaff, batell, beech, and fuffictent prouifion Plentic noiw in moft places, as in mane that it map be cherifhed and kept. (But F feare other afore rememb2ed : pet baue tue (offictent of So that methat J thould then line to long, and folong, them all fo: ar neceffarie turnes and bles, efpectal the world lie of vgb ; as map be frene bettwitt Motheram and ¥ fyonld efther be twearie of the fold , 02 map of me; and pet thep are not fach things but thep aling with tho timber , that the = truthe fronts awd bet part of the Worke, Wher: w the connaon Cteng is libetuite in thefe Dates ves allo fea Swas faineta goto ome cole will be gad merchandise even in the citie of foz phpficke, enen noty baue tall qualitie that being bien in the fain bebalfe,the far from Uecireeffers poute: although that in time W tome patt inas retedted as craw haflacks, flags; frat, fedge,red, rufh, and our mers continue longer, md moze long than ante the like 50 curd: the couefous dealing of moft of rhants in the prefermentof the commodities of o trees in ahataener parcelelle of this Land, twithout able tobold out water. Peuerthelefle tue bane god latucs fo; redzelle of this enozmitie, but it cometh to paffe in thefeas inthe erecution of moft peal fla ae tale of ,it Denth prone in the end to be berie bollotw ¢ not turffe, gall,beath, firse, brakes, Ghinnes, ling, dies, loade that he {pill Reepe none;02 if thep be baged to make anfiver, they twill rather febe fome croked conftrudion of thiscuriofitie conw 2 them to the increatc of their p2iuat gaine, than pela DFele tue haue great fare inenerte high waie themfelnes to be guided by the fame for a common andelfethere, pethaue J not (ene thereof ante foend {wealth and profit fo their countrie, So that in the gither in toms 02 forrefts,but ubere they bane bene twill haue our iwilles, tue faith law fhe er fhatfoeu otpne their at {pzead fitft planten and then fufteredto thereby the Hholeforre osdinances'of the privice are follles. Bet haue ¥ kuowen great wads of beech .., contemned, the trauell of the nobilitie ¢ counceliors WBarke> in s efpectalli places, manie in and bafell s ag it were derided, the common twealth impouert hire, Deforwthire, and Wuckinghamiire, there theo,+a fey onelie mrtehed bythis perurrfe dealing, thepate greatliecherithed, + commertedto fundzie v ce hus mane thoufand perfons do {offer hinderan feshp fudyas divell about thet.DFall the clins that bp this thetr letud behauto2 wereby the tholefome fuer Ffaww, fhote in the fonth five of Dower court, goo the and latus of the prince are off defrauded, fa Cffernere ariwich ave the molt notable,for thep com: meaning magiftrate in confaltation aboutthe Groin (F meane)in craked maner, that thep are al' 3 mon Wwealth vtterlie neglected . J wonln with that Mott apt for nothing elle but naute timber, great 02 in this mightlive no longer thanfo {e foure things Dinance , andbeetels : and {ach thereto istheit natulano reformed, that is: the want of difcipline in the p anew ater bis one denile . But aherebnto twill miainteined of purpofe for the butloing aw pzoutfion of (uchotners as do pollelie the fame. Wotwbeit as cucric foiledmth not beare all kinds of tad,to there tree baingeth forth alfo a profitable kind of matt, Aifo the alver, whofe barhe is nof wnprofttable to die blacke twithall, and therfore much, vied by our coun trie tines incolauringtocir knit hofen , 3% might here take aecafiowte fpeakeof the great (ales peetelie mane of wad, Mhereby an infinit quantitic. bath bin peftcoien withinthe te few perrs:but Hatue sucy totrauell in this-bebalfe, Pewbett thug mud) 5 dare affirme., that if weds go fo falk to. decate tH the nert hunnzen perve of Grace,as hep, haue bene and are like to dm in thig.fonictimies for incrrate of MyeepAvatks, and fone maintenance of p2apigalitie and pompe (for Dhave knotone a tell burnithen ger "Glittle,ipill not be quict ti0 be bane puted dotwne 3° Wile baue mante wads,forretts, amd parks,abi chertty tees abunbdantlie, although in the tumdland tountries there is almof no henge that bath not blemets lopgings ; ¢uauigation : but not all thetc are bey hothing but obe ante ubit regarded, And pet the dhange,fo: then ourhoutes were butls roiwes. Zhe (evorall binds of poplars of opr turners haue great vfc. for bolies, treies, troughs, oithes, tc. he remaren and eleane dzatmne out, chic) fome at- nota little hotw thep can plaice the partsfo tuell of fo manie fundzie men, whereas diuerfe other of greae ter forecaft in aparance can fcloome (hitt well 02 onto dhurdes religious boufes, princes palaces,nee alfothe ape; @hereof our fetchers make thetr ar. -ohes tathat -haue' hoped, b{caute the ab 92 tuice twill notfo fone Wwod. Wut to proceed.Although J muff needs cons 30 thatucin ante one of them. ut to our purpofe. + ann not bp force, F fee no caufe Gbhie they fhould be accounted fo2 parcelbef out commonities. Wile have haue J Ceerve of their workes made of that okefo fine aid fa(re,as mott of the toainefcot that is brought bt temarn» that bath bo2ne threefcore at once in one * This gene ther outer Eaitke,for our tainefcotis not made it > tleman caught patce of galigaicons to {het bis ffrength and braue- fuch an heate Gnalanadset vtnec(ehaue-ataied todeate tithout the fennte bote , brome, Sotth this fore that frared tobe itis ) rie thep as fuccetle god ( end,but nat with bie oft among twithall. @ihich caufeth me to wonder about thent said this efther iso? map be one other (in ming opinton) tue map rather fate that We toant them altogither : fo2 except thep arete naturallie, Andernetle anda mote neere Mandeffer, not patt not snelie all Lancafterthire, but a great part lwell fone. cis foo the frankincente and pine, they nate planteponelie tn colleges anv cloifters, » the cleargic ana religions berstofare . Wherefore cafilie be brought to pafle. Certes eucrie {mall occafion in mp tinte tg e+ noitgh fo cnt Dotwne a great wad, and enerte tride onto fufficeth to late infinit acres of come ground patture. As for the taking Downe of boufes,afmall fine will beareout a great manic. Could to Goo tn {ue might once tate erample of the omang,abo Its reftreint of fuperfluons grafing , madean era mitation,bow manie headof cattell ech effate might Keepe, and tbat numbers of acres fhoulo fuftice :fo2 that and other purpetes. fretther: was ~~ eurt etter |