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Show Thedefcription ofIreland. bicakefaff, and abereas there are but feauen dates The defcriptionof Ireland. « of a fooman ioftboutman, with fordie and obftinat PRolychroniconop others , that fod fo the denfall, baue done ; be Mould bane gone {cotfree with pis and feauen maketh fir and one onder eight; either pou mutt confeile that be fought out bis beeakfatt, ditmner,beucr 02 fnyper; 02 elle pou mutt grant that there be eight daies in one weeke,02at the leaf tivo the moft be could of bis twares . Wut for that bs cc Fanca to thine ttter deftrucion thou dott detet, Mn therefore thou onbaypie Fetw, be athaincd of , this thp follie, and at the teat toile bane vecourfeto fwould needs fee further in a milffone than others, aid not onelie lenderlie difpreoue the triniall opint: on,bnt {cozrefallic fanter an tihole realme,aberein * tc'nature;andfettle-bfr: works before thine efes, that cc £00 the increate of faith, and to the leffoning of bs, datlie boeocth ¢ ingendieth nei ltuing creatures, bzeakefatts in one date: and that 3 am fure pou till he thall find bis {aperiozs in honour, his betters in tpithout the coupling of mafcle oz female. Adam patentage,bis peres in learning,bis mates in wit «¢ {nas created of earth, the barnacles are ingend2ed of tym,bicaule Avam twas oncecreated bp him;tho inthe Weke,¢ be fonght(as pou report jcight times, ‘and pou know that cight maketh one abeuc fcauen, confefle fobe as great an abfurditie as fhe other, complices , and haue made in. mounterbanktwife Srate(quoth the clotwne)andyou intrap me with fad) 10 Dome,bis equals in courteffe , bis matches in bones fie: 4 muff craue him to beare it patientlie , if bp crieng bimquittance , % ferued bim witha dif} of bis owne cokerie. And if fo: this mp Mreic dea be gathered, that if be had bin {otbeo vp,¢ bis tong ling with bim (aberebnto J was the fonerted,for iet to run at libertic bcontrold , like a botwle that that as tt is courtefie to mollifie Wild {peaches iwith runneth in a (moth allte tofthout anie rub,be would mild anflvers,fo 3 reckonit for geod policie not and have brought bimlclfe to that bate, as be would not then focleaue knurd knobs with crabbed wenges)be fiicketofate that bis friend bad fought efgbt daics twill {eeme fo take pepper int the nofe,fo3 anie recom in one houre, Wherefore as this pudding dis picke penfe he is like fo haue at mine bands,be map wipe grety at length bp report to an huge polt,to the tant of one benemous wore fn Zreland,being buted 20 His nofeon bis deuce. And if if Mall Hand with his pleafure,to replie efther in Cngltth o2 in Latine(the fortenrealmes, might bane bene fo thwitted and me giuen)be hall find metilling, if God {pare me countri¢ fyas denoid of all benemous toazmes, Health, to refoine with bimin f gwdas quarrel, eb hbeveas tndeed there lacked but one kind. . tkeas Gon of bis tulkice punttheth a countric fhatis bardbearted , toith outivard twozmes: fo of bis mercie thep are remoued from a realme that cc Sueriip bs as an dfuall cuffome,toithout anic fae occafion of abich is rather of bim grotone than by mangled in the cariage befoye tt came to Solinus bis eares,as he might bauc beeneinfornted, that the tingoz gazing. act ive are amazeand affonted at the ecliple, bicanfe tt haypeneth verte feloome. Zhe ther in the one language o2 fhe other : and hen both falesare beard, % bethzotw him, fox mp part , that 37" bpon harao his feined promrifes ( the fecrets of Sehofe hollow heart Goo perfeclie knew ) at the ts Hanceof Moles, thete plagues twere aypeated , and the bermine quite ertingulthed: fo J praic pou, is it fo abfurd a pofition to bolo,that faint Patrike find: ing the Frith prtett to embzace the gofpell,as be piv beat of the funne, become twaterfoules, and at their fine of tipenefic etther fall tnto the fea,o2 flic abzoad into the aire.Zbe fame do nencrcouple tn the ac of gencration,but are from time to time multiplied, as before is expel. £neas Syluius feziteth bimfelfe tobane purfued saa in verte peed,night fand b bighlie in God bis favo2, 40 the lkeerpertment in Scotland, there be learned c.,, as through bis rarneft petition made to God, the the trnth hereof tobe found in the Jlands Drchades. po pofforted tomzmes Tould be abandoned: Mhis is not forarea thing vpon the tmplanting of chiittian fatth in ante tegion,but rather a propertic incident there: Breet. hot, to,according to Chrttt bts prontife: signa antem cos,qui 39.in cuang. crediderinthacfequentur; Jnnemine meo damonia eyctent: MY a0r.16,0.17, Lngwis loquentur noniss Jferpentes tollent : @ fi mortiferum quad biberintjon eis nocebit :fiunper azros manusimpenent co Giraldus Cambrenfis gathereth bereof a pzetic con nv clufion agatnf the Jewes in this wife following: Th Reffice infeelixe Indae,re| 1ce,vel;ferosprima.bonsi nisigenerati= 31 a 400 onem ex limefine mare@farina. Secundamaue ex martfint » femina, ob legis venerationem, diffiters non andes .Tertiam Solam ex marefelucetSamina, quia vfnals eft, disra cer- » Wace approbas ( affirmas. Quartam Verd,in va[olafalus eft » benehabebunt . And thefe tokens thall follow them exfeminafeslscetfine mare obSti natn malicia sn propriam per ~that beleue ; In mp name thall they cat ontotucls, go mciem deteflaris. Erubefce mnifererube/ce,cx~faltems adnati "» thep thall (peake with new tongs, thep tall oztue ram recurre, que adayrgumenta fides, ad inftrnfionemno- » alpaie ferpents,anodif thep dzinke anic deadlie thing flram nowa quotidie animalia fine omni mare vel femina ft (hall not burt them : thep thal tate bands on the ficke,and thep (hall be cured. Wherefore, th it ts fo euldentlic tuarranted byferfpture, that in the name of Felus,ferpents map be dztuen alvaic , if Frelany be found throng anie fury means to be evoof procreat coproducit « Prima orge generatio ex lime, bac pottoned wozmes,Wwe are te alcribe the glorie bereot to God, according tothe Cateng of the prophet; x doPlalm.117, Derie.rs, ultima ex Ligne «lla quidem quonian 4 Domino natura tan- "» in onreies. : Thus farre(gentle reaver) incroding bpon tp patience, ¥baue tmploied my traucit in defending mp matte countric , againi tac as labour to py Caine tt toith thetr danverous (coffers. Condhing the prinetpall quettion , tether . Watrike pew erpell poifoned woznes out of Xrelamd, o2 tebetber it be the nature of the foile,as ¥ (aid in the entric of this difcourte; f ¥ Mic againe , that x turtgb not tins chips tbich wate the tinn blower , bicaufe J fer no tnconnenience that map infue etther of the affirma: flue 02 negatiue opinion. And therefore if M. Cope bab dealt as modettlic as Cambrenfis, the antbos of bees that arc ingendzedof the honie conibe,onlie bp fepatine puffe 02 fecret breathing twithout ante coupling, " hun des, feme to vpholathis procreationof barnacies . Ht thetto Cambrenfis, tity &bom concerning the ine SeUdzing of bees Johannesde fancto Geminiano Sempl ehscun Ii mouequettion, tether barnaclesbe fith 02 flcth ,¢ Thetierthe @5 Petthep arenotfullie refolued; but moft bfuallie tidie vidernus, fine omni adwiratione praterimis. Eclipin a en ; g verofolu,qusa rarties accidit totus orbas obSbupelcit.Ae idem etiamfacere videtur, fratn file, eovtulta quadam snipare » » Parke thou twretdyed Jew, faith Cambrenfis, es marke pet at length the firit creation (that ts of By bdam)of earth twftbout male 02 female. As for the fe cond, of a man without a woman (that is to Mie , Cur)fo that thondatt the old tatw in reurrence,thou Dareff not dente. As for the third, both of man and the fourth procreation, in tbtch confitteth onr onelte tudification (be meaneth the incarnation of - bred Without fed : albrit Avicenna berte etronionts 71.1-> 1.m. 2 but the copulation of maiand woman: pet fupers naturallteit may be, As Avant iwas made twithout Gen,x. verf.7. man and toomarr: Cue framed withont woman; Orn.2-ber.27, our fautour Gyrttt begotten twithout man, Ano ther: $23", Bet-10 ne..bal.34 fore the ofuell could not haue attainten bin of origt hall firme, Contraritwife, the bnperfea map be ins gendzed fuithout fed by mite, mud, dong, carien, retten timber.o2 ante other thing;and chicficbpthe ===. fecret infuence and inffillation of the celeftiall plas Vide Ant. lib, hets,asthefunneand uch other. As tf pou pnt the 6,3" hatre of an bosfetatle in mire, puddle, 02 ina dang: bill fo) acerteine (pace,it totil turne to a little thin fpralling Wwoante; Kbit Bane often (cenes experi mented.And thep are fernieo buperfed , not in res fpectof thefr otune nature, in tihich thep are perfect, but in compartfon of other farts of Iuing things. then? Z twonld faine knotw, tthether Cambrentis be Bosth fith bates, Giraldiis Cambrenfis, and after him Po: lychronicon fuypofe, that the Avith cleargte in this "point ffraie. fo2 thep bolo of certeintie that barna1, Ces are flety. Andif aman faic thep badeatena tt is often fene that a found opinionmap be tocakes ned bp a feble reafoit, as we fee mante fatre gare ments marin the making. Ft is true ; anv if ante be defirons to know mp mind bereits, % faypofe, ace Che barnacle collopof Adam bis leg, bebad catenflefy. And pet cording to mp fimple tudgement, bnderthe correc ae Adam was notingendzed of mafcle o2 female, bat tion of both parties, that the barnacle is neither fith Oneliccteated of late, as the barnacles of iwwd ¢ 40 no? fieth, but rather ameane bettwene both, Asput tottentimber, Wut the Frith clergie did not fo farre the cafe tf twere enaded by parlemeht,that it were feaic tn their opinion, as Cambrenfis ¢Polychrobigh treafon fo eat fleth on fridaie, and fifh on fun nicon, in theft difpzofe. 3fo2 the franting of Adam and Cue fpasfapernaturall onclie done by Gov, éhotbp the belpe of angels 03 antic other creature. For like as it Carpatteth natures courte to ratte the dead, to lighten: orinfight the blind, fo it fod mot fith 02 flefh,pea and perhaps fiandfielh. As then With the biuall commonlinage of nature,but onlte toith the {aperetttinent power of God, to frantw a artis baie. Lrulie J thinke that he that eateth barnacles both thefe nates, ould not be tuithin thecompatte of the effatute: pet 9 would not with my friennto hazard it, leat the barnacle' thould be foundin lato the lion king of beafis mabe pioclamation,that all bo2ned beats Thouln auoid his court, one beatt hae Manrof clate,anda fpoman of a mrans rib. Wut the 50 uing but abunch of fiefh tr his forehead departeo thgendzing of batnacles is naturall,¢ not fo won: iwith the reff, leaft it had bene found in latp that bis derfull as Cambrenfis maketh it, And therefoze the bund) were avboone, 1 ; (But fone willperaduenture maruell, that there stamples are nottike. Pow it Houty fente that in Cambrenfis his time, haciestherfore are not fleth,onlefie you teonle bane them to be wanenfiefh. Anoif the reaton be fo knit Mould be ante lining thing, that werent fifth no; flefh. 1utthep haue no fuch caufe at all. Pits, fielhwo2mes, bees,butterfites, caterpillers; tratles, gratebopers, bestels,earciuikes, reremife,frogs, toads,anders fnabes,¢ (uch otherare ltuing things, and pet thep are netther fith nop fleth,noz pet red hers ring :as thep that are trained infcpolatticall points {maynot be vifiointed by Cambrenfis bis erample. 6° snap eafili¢ fuoge. And to 7 thinke,that ffanie rere Asifaman Mouton argue thus, She that ts begotten ef ante manmutt be of force Daughter te that man; Peldawas begotten of Aran; Ercs Pelcha was Ar Tas danghter, Xhts argumentis ofall parts © fo: 5 tt feemeth of all ives to be fmpregnable. Bet a bute trate forhifter cauilling on the terme {begotten)might fate, that Gue tas begotten of Ab AMD pet the is not- Adams danghter.Crucit is at Adam was not Cues father,no moze than Cue Adams mother, neither by that ingendzing » palesdiie Wicaule mais natuvalite ingend2cd of man and fpoman,1i0 man map haturallie be ingendzed with: fit an erronr,o3 the Srifh clerigie: JFo2 hitherto F fe nothing,but Cambrenfis bisreafon difpzoucd. And Sendyed of fieth ; barnacles are not naturallie ins Bend20d of Heth, but onelte of timber and towd; bars woman, bicanfe it is Dailie died as fiffenecht as thou art,thou dart acknolwledge and confefle. Bat ingendzed With fern, can neuer be natuvailie ingens Thom.p.t.q. 10 lie boloeth thecontratte : asforerample, wmacle be the teligious of fretdeft abftinence Do cat thenvon unitatrix natura adminiflrat, Sic enim compofita eff buna - » na naturs, vt nihil, preter inufitatum G raro contingens vel pretiofim ducat vel admirandum, Solis ortum Co occafim, Thom.p.r. q. t.are2.ad2.m easoa fetes Among this crue mut barnacles be fetled, But bere Che inbabitants of Arclandare acculfomed fo 30 fometwill fate; Let them be perfect o2 buperfea,abat &f- the Frith clergie builocd thetr teafon bpon this plot. What focner ts Aeth,is naturallie begotten 02 if» Siene Citra omnem mixturam apuams ex face procreatyo. berftandinig of the queftion,ttis tobe noted that the Pilofoyyers oiftingnith Animaliafenfitinathatis,fere fible lining things,in tive fozts, perfea and biper: fect. The perfect are thep that are ingendzed of feed, the bnperfect tutthout fed, Thofe that are natyrallic Gem, in lib, de BCCOZDEtH, tum femel, idea (emper obftupenda proceffit. 16am vero nen » mainns adimirabilem,minus tamen admirandam (quia faepefs } ced seinefalbuen of iStideo fl mivalale in oculis nofris shat 60 quo nibilin mandopulchrivs, nihilflupore dignims quis gue >» bath beene dane by God, and it-fcemeth wonderfull Séshow fhalt be dafuent tothe wail. Cambrenfis repopteth of bis atone knotuledge, The bme and 3 beare it auotved by credible perfons, that bar. nach, ts pltant to follotw bis latves ann precepts. As then Pharan would not lift. to Gon bts thzeats denoury 30 Nacies thoufands at once are noted along the fho2es in Jreland to hang bp the beakes , about the eoges es ag, COD bintbp the preachers of God,oles and Aaron, of putrificd timber, as thips , cares, mats, ancho2 Vide Apocg. Cgppttoas puntthed toith frogs and diuerfe kind of bolos,and fach like, ibich int proceffe taking liuelie berfe3,at fliesas is erp2ctt atfull in bolic twzit: and againe wie not difproue the azar. Andpet for the better bv ts 12d of nature, therefore it is contiiuallic ami "red. Wut for that dante nature the counterfeitrette ¢¢ Of the celefiall wozkeman,eftfones bzedeth barnas cles, therefore their bron ts accompted ntoze mat: tellons than fo be maruelled, moze toonderfull thar wandered, Fo2luchis the framing of man bis nas cc thre,as he Deemeth nothing prettous 02 tyanderfall, but {uch things as feldome happen. What map be ©thought moze beantifull thanthe courte of the funnes sc And pet bicaule tue(ee if dailie rife ano fet, twe let tt 20 fophittric, pou {hall Dine , fap and beake pourfafk a+ tone foy me,and theretwifhall departed.Waherbp. map 19 man and twontant,the tnffance giuen of Cue doth was there anie degree of confanguinitie {prong be hen em. iat bicaufe the wo2d(begatten)is ta' the argument fo; the naturalingendzing of fo tharpe fet (the eftatute aboue revearfen, prefaypas fed) as toeat fried flies, buttertbees, fucn fnatles, either on frtvaie 02 fundate, be coulynotbe therefore indicted of baulte treafon ; albett J Monlonot bebis ghett, viiede % toke his table to be furnitht twtth tiore tholefme and licoxus biands. The the quer Aeije thee Mion may be mated of the fell, and if if were well p97 it be Ag) tanuaffed, it would be found at the lealttoifea mot o2 act, tafe. Wut thus farre of barnacles, Thom.p,t,a.74 Greland ts ftozed of eowes,of erccllent horffes, of *'.°3-°- fatwbes,of fit and of foule. Xhep are not without fwolues ¢grethounds to hunt them, bigger of bone and lim than a colt, Xpett copes as allo the a heir |