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Show ' The Chronicles of Ireland. The Chronicles olreland, pair, And fo twas Arelar full of Marres,bot twist the ports fhe fate bad bene to ther pretdice for a time finiftertie mifcontirued, fa as the gentlemien bad fill bene keptbacke, andnot retarded according to their deferts.Che bing now informed ofthe truth MWurghsand Ciraltins, Anthe pearoonethonfand tivo hundred firtic ad fir, there chanced. an earth quake in Zreland.3n the peere fetlotving bing Pens 266 T girald. fainiow cheefeinffice of Zreland. Uncas fucceeded eee Ar the peave one thoufand tivo hundzed and thirtic, the infolent dealings of Morice Ff t3mozice,confine et we Aucas arch»onpees in the arebithops {e,anv twas confecrated. 1230 1234 1241 germane to Fitsgivala, 10 Zn the peare one thoufand five hundred firtie and eight, Conbur Dbzen twas flaine bp Dermot wac Y augta 12 § Wenvié in the fir ¢ thirttth peare of his reigne , gaue to Coward his cldeft forne, Galcotane, reland, andthe countte of Ghefter. Ainthe peare following, Wngh Lacie carie of Wier veparten this Itfe , and thas buried at Cragfergus , in the church of the friers minovs, leaning a Daughter bebind him, that twasbis hefre,chome THalter de Wurgho2 Wourke 1265 Wonerd, and Morice Fitsgivald carte of Defmond was d20iwnedin the fea, betivirt Wales ¢ Freland, firtte and nine, and then inas Atchard de Ereeiker sicharee made lozdinftice. And inthe peare f "wing, twas reefer 12790 the lod James Audlete madelod tuftice. Richard » rangows tm nto: Alolecke, Rofcoman, ¢ Scheligagh, were defroied, The fame peare twas a great Dearth and mostalitie poe in Zreland. Jit the peare one thoufand tive hundzcd fenentie ¢ tive, thelozd James Andleie was Maine Eyton bya fall from bis bo2fe fn Thomond , and then tas Fuvie, Portce Fitsmoztce madelord iuffice of Jreland,ad fuitice of Zretand, being requefted by this prince to ter Genuitll latelie returned hoine front bis tour Wel rebels , left a fuffictent garrtfon of men in the caftell of Scligath, tbich he badlatetic builded, fie band of fouloiers : ¢ meeting the prince at Chep al of king Bene rigthe thir tipo bunded fenentie and fine, the caffell of olor man twas eftfones repared and fortified, f Jn the peare one thonfand tivo hundzed fenentic ning With vicorie, they greatlic increaled the fauo2 ofthe king and prince towards them;and bpon thetr nivagaink Dosnill the Frith entmic,that when Las and ihomasbe Clare maried the daughter of so retlivne into Arelao, thep toined With Commacke 4° foners,and agreat number of other were flaine.ihe fame peare, Zohn de Werdon departed this worl, Mac Dermot wal Korte, and mave a notable toure Doron, cie Was otice Dead, inuaded ¢ (o2e annoied the kings fubiets of Wfter, Doonill being banquithed, the lord (uitice forced pledges and tribute of Dneale to keepe the ings peace, and diuerfe other erploits praife-tworthie nid be,anring the timeof bis goucrry ment, as Flatsburie hath gatheredin bis notes for the loz Girald Fitsgirald earle of Rildave, inthe peare one thoufmn five hunbdzedand fenentene. Ae Form Fits: ter Portce Fitygteald tuccerded in office of lord tur geffrie loro fice, Jobu Fitsaeftrie knight, and after him Alaine ees Co ae la Zoud), whomethe earle of Surric Fitswarrent Syouch io Ae. Anddatker dela Zonch,intye peare one thoufano sattice. SHrephan de tivo bumped fittte anveight , being the tivo and fo3tith of iperivie the third hisreigne , was Steyhan de long €tpe, jong Cfpe fent to tuplie that rome, ths fue D: neale with thre hund2ed filtte ¢ five of bis menin exes the frets of Dotwne,and Mortlic after oeparted this 127% nicinto the bolicland, toas fent into Jreland , md walter Gem made loibdinffice there. Jn the peare one thoufand will. amdfir, there twas an onerthzotw given at Glenby vie, there William Fitsroger, prto2 ofthe knights bofpitalers, ¢ manie other tofth him,tere takenprt ftoty, bebaucd themfelues fo baliantlie, that retar. Doutt bithoy siti, fuffice of Zreland, and Barrie was difcharged, tho fozt. martied,and in right of bir teas created earle of UL Mbecatell of and thencameouer lwith peli: Debonber, ano a lus Hcligath. vice Fitsmozice. Ju the peare following,Wobert Ut fort vas appointen to.(upplie the rome of Genuill, being called home, and fo asthis Tffort the fecond 13 Coptetue = . Ju the peare one houfmnd tivo hund2ed firtie anv One, fir Gilliam Dene low infttce of Frelanoeto tRicbard ceafed, eufir Richard Aochell (02 Capell as Home - sell OD copies haric) twas fent to be low tuttice after him, . tuba greattic enuied the familie of the Ctralvins;ow Low Foon ving bis gouernement the toxd John Fitsthomas atsthomas aune, The lordine ‘Bice taken. andthe lord Morice bis fon twere fajae. Xn the peare onethoufand tivo bundzed firtic and foure , Walter be Wurgh twas made carte of Wier, and Martre Fitsmorice take the lord iulttce of Yrelano toaityee iwith Theobaly Wutler, Piles Coganamd diucrfe ao» ther great logds at Crittitvermot,on faint Picholas ont fox repavinig the ruines of that aictent buttoing thoie Dates.anang the <rilh)pou would tf pow Burtt aypeach me in plaine termes of treafor 02 felonte: for ubere 4 haue the title, and pou the fleece of atl, 22 bate, F Wwote well hotw great air eiefore ¥ am it 55 pourfight, that if 4 might be handfomlie trues nice, asatter Hall ayeare. Jn the peare one thou bis landsinthe countic of isiloare, txhich tuere bee bp fora fellan,then might my matter vour tonne be, °" fir begun by the Danes, and continued bp Citrius Peince of Dublin at the inffance of Donat fomes ro comeagentleman . A gentleman quoth the tuffice, »> thou pzoud earlerG tell thee,the Clefcies tuete gentles time bifhop of that citie, md dedicated to the bleffen mon before hildare was an earledome 3 and before trinitie. Atlength Stranghowecarle of Penbzoke , Fits that C@elth bankrupt thy confine fethered bis neft tn Leinfer. i5ut feirg thou varett nw, F wil fier fieghans,¢ Lauvence, that for bis bertuc was called faint Laurence arcybithop of Dublin, and bis foure lie breake thy beart . And therwith he called the earie a notozsions thefeann amurfherer. Then followed fuccelfors , Jobnof Cucham, Henrie Scortehbill, facing and bacing among the fouldiers , with bigh and Lucas, and laff of all Jobitde faint paule finithed tt. This notable building,{ince the timethat it yards, ad terrible fuearing on both fides , butitl et Was thus defacco by fire, hath bene beantifien indt ther part appealed bis oune, torte forts by many sealouscitizens. Strangbotves 20 he lor inffice hoatlie affer ,leantig his deputie Billitam Waie,tobe the fea, and hailed ouer tothe . tomedefaced , bp the fall of the rofe of the church, fic Wenvie Sioneiewhen he was lord Depatic,refko2cd; bing. he earle tmmedtatlie followed ,and as het tlikewwite'nid cot bpon the carleof dhildares chaps nouflie as the lord iuftice accufen binof felonie, Uxildare noleMe appealed himof treafow. Fo2friall Pell forat cinanrent fo the quier, ouer the abich he left alta monument of capteine Kandolfe, late cor beergof,the carle afken the combat , ano Wefcie refus Tottell of the Cnglith bands of fotmen ineTiliter fed not shut pot abenthe lifts tere pronided,Cielcte Was flipt atvaie into Sfrance,and fo difheritenof all that died there balfantlic,fighting mn bis pemnces fers = snlccras Maurice twas tabent,and Fobn Samford twas conlo « ecbbiboy crated atehbifhop of Dublin. Poreourr at Kathoo, thelozd Geffrete Gennill fled, and fir Werard Do» Beha, Dare twas taken , and all the countrie twaftcn bp the pyfoner, Engltlh on the one five , and the Frith on the other, and Caltwagh burnt all the roles and talies concer Get,ahd Wafe yBetit tere Maine, witha great nuny 4o ning the records taccompts of that countie. Oreat Great dearth eee ber of others. Zhe Porwagh and Ardfcoll twith other hid totunes and villages tuere burnt by Uhilip Stanton the firtent nate of ouember,, in the peate 1286, Sib Caltagh was taken at istloare. Jn the peare 1287, Diuerfe nobles in Breland odecealed, as it- time oxdeined lo2d fufkice of Areland. I9e baning oc cafton to pate into Cuglanw , madepis fubmitute Fulbomne bithop of GHaterford till his returne, and then refumred the goucrnementinto bis one bands 50 againe. Jn the peare one thoufandtiwo bundzed fea hard Deceter, Gerald Fitsmaurice ; Tpomas oe Clareiichatd Lattice, + Picdvolas Leling knights. Dearth and death reigned in Areland this peare ; any 249 Pearl. the two peeves nert infaing. Thecarie of isiloare nes teined the earle of Witter patfoner, untill by authorte tie of a parlement holden at dilkennie, he was deli. uered outof the caffcll of ete, for bis tivo fonnes, and fo; the inuafion thich the sarle of iiloare: bap made into Weth,and other his onculie and mifezd30d parts,twas diffcizcd of the caftell of Sligagh,andof MWepeare vert infuing , oeceated frier Fulbosne londinftice of Zreland , and Joh Samford archbiall bis lanos in Connagh, Wiliam Dodingfels, being this peare made William Des op of Dublin was aduariced to the rome of lor 50 nentie and feaucn,Thomas de Clare flue Dbzenrotb Fri king of Cholethmond ; ann pet aftcr this the Baurice clofen himbp in Sletwbant, togither with Fitsmaurice, fo that thep gaue boftages to cfcape, anfhe caftell of Mofcoman twas tvene. Jn the pere nert infaing,was Jobn de Derlington confecrated atchbithop of Dublin, Chere wasalto a councell fufice. Alfo wichard Wurgh carle of After befiegen 1020 {uftice of Frelanv,atter ietcie Died, in the péere Pinstels tore Theobalo Microni11 the caftell of Athlon, andcame With agreat power bnto Lrim, by the working of Balter Lacie, 3n the peare 1290,was the chafe 02 difcomfiture of Ditalie,¢ diuerfe Englitymen Maine. Alfo Mac Coghlan fue Dmolaghelin king of Meth , and Tikiam sSorgh was oifcomfites at Deluin by hert following,thatis 1295, andthe thre andtwei Pac Coghlan.Xhe fame peare x 390,UClilliam Ack afed Onealeina battell. Jn the peare one fhoufand tive hundred and foure {core , Robert WeLortcamethe third titme to accup!e that rome the loz Thomas Fitsmaurice . Fn the Fitsmaneice peare 1296, filer William de.%Bothum toas confes 17> wate. tratevarchbithop of Dublin. An the peare 1298, 1298 and fir and tinentith of Coward the firlk, the loz Rec. Turis, Thomas Fitsmaurice departen this life , anv an ar gteement was made betiwirtthe carle of Wilder and fecraten archbifyop in his place. Zhe king went bnto the romeof lod chiefe tuftice in Freland, refaming Ner as be vid to king Cotward for the crowne of land . $n the peare 1 2.92,a fifteenth was gram ted to the bing,of all the tempozall gods in Zrelany, Tiled Gefcie was as petlovinttice . This Uelcte lotoing, the bithop of Gaterford twas establishedby &fferne man and full of courage.becallcd Zobn tarle of fatloare before bimcharging bin with foule beft arraie for the twarre, to ferue bim againg the Scots: ane withall wrote bnto the fame nobles , as that rameinto bis bands agatne . 31 the peate the bring of England loz iuttice of Freland. Spam Cularke the ponger fue CAiliam arret,and oY nie other in Connagh. Andinthe nert peate,to We, Seen Stay John Wloganlozd tulfice,commanding himto giue fummons vnto the nobles of reland, to prepare themfelues with ho2fle and armo2 toconie tn their Hots and mifoemeano?s,fey that he ranged abzoap, to Wichard be Writgh eatle of Utter, Ceffreie ve MD fought reuenge vport privat difpleafures out of all o:ber,and not fo: anie avuancemtent of the pub- Genuill,Jobn F itsthomas, Lomas Fitsmaurice, Ehcobalalozd Wutler,Cheobald lor Clerdon piers foxD itmingham of Lhetemoie , Cuftace low wealth a2 fernite of bis foucrcigne. he carte as impationtts rare bimiclfe ton peo 5 1 gs tith of king Gotwaro the firf. After him fuccededin Thomas * Cie is made lozd fulkice of Jreland,and entered ty bo the lo20 Zohn Fitsthomas earleof 'iloare, bp Rope Mogan that was orveined lozd tuffice of Frelan, tothat office on . spartins date, Unto this iuftice, Colward Balioli king of Scotland vid homage for Qn the pere 1299 William archbifhep of Dublin an earledomethich be held in Areland , in tke ma Departed this life,and Uichard de Fringis was.con« plie his rome , ano ale pryhard and Dbaalan one thonfand tive bundzed fonre (core and imnee queit (ue spurertagh,t bis brother Art pac oe; y fand tuo hunnzed foure {cor and the, Jformund ffotved vponthe earle and his beires foy ever. Ape » shaticeo3 of Breland, and dWichard Lute departed 30 carle waring loftie of mind in {uch profperons fue: this lifeand frfer Steyhan Fulbozne was marelozd coffefquared with dinerle nobles, Cnglith and Frify of thatland'. he fame peare died Zohn Samford j, 5 , tuffice of Jreland. archbi Gop of Dablin, and John Fitsthomas carle The veath of Jn the yoare 1235, the lox Theobald wWutler fied tals from Dubline,aw died Mhoztlie after , and the lo of iktloare,and Xobn vela Ware twke prifoners, ial thearehbtthog Eheobald Gerdon loft his mer and bores as he chard Burgh earle of Wier, mm William Wurgh Sto. js Sim: Went towards Dffalie, € the nertdapy Derald Sits ° twithirtthe countrie ofeth , and the caftell of wile Acie holden at Grenoke, and Bac Dermot due Catbgar Deonthie bing of Connagh, Jnthe peare one thou Coreenc cate Wiesthert WUtlltam Dene was made ford inttce,and 6o fand tivo timdzed feuentie and nine, Wobert Cittort bpon occafion of bufines came ouct tito England, Detroicn, Orenecattell was dettroted. Alo Mac Carcie plain Mac Carcie, the ditrell it Delmon. and left frter Ffulbome bithop of Waterford to fap r2a64% fwards banb(fothat mas accompted to {mall off it 45 prnat buildings , agrad togither to make acoliectts continued fill the peare one thoufand tive hundzed the cattell of Mandon was deftroied. Jn the peate senpor. ante thoufand tive hundzed feanentic md tivo , hing Chere' cote aro amit bim twith a power of men againf the ~ And Robert Wéfort was fent over to remainelo2d sovert a fier, as after (hallapeare . Morte Fitsgivald loz 3° Wenrte the third departed this life,and the lozd CA bithap Derlington decealleo. Anodabout the fame time,the citte of Dublin twas defaced bpfire, and the pi... jonsbefare they tent about to repare their otpne ‘ fwere his heres, Margaret martiento the lox) Cier- 20 Werdon, ad John Cerdon were laine, aFalke archbithop of Dublinoecealed . Allo the cattelsof Don, and Watild the wife of Oeftrie Genuill. ting The lozd Gerbon, Gefircie Genniil. | turin Taeple of Cyettts church vttcrlic deftroicy. checitt anid Barrie lod tufttce mbis place, tho tamed Dantd Sei iichard Parlhall twas taken prifoncrin battell at Bildare. Donte write that he was wounded there, and twithin felp nates after died of the burt at itl kenntie, and was buried theve tn the quete of the shure) of the friers preachers niéere fotheplace tere his brother Gilltam was interved , tho departed this life in the peare one thonfand two hundzed thir: ; ticand one, Zn the peare one thoufand tive Hundzedfortic and oe, Walter Lacte loydof Meth departed this life in Crigland be left tus Daughters bebind himthat ag the futtice to {utter ewil} doing, aiifiveren thus. Bp pout honaz and mine (mp 1020) md by bing Go 2? + mid Piers de Lute departed wis life. Alfo toc arcy- ; 1267 j rie tmke bp the variance:that was in Areland bee tiwirt the parties, ano difcharging Dene, ayointea afore AOr-rice Fits= Made Morice Fitsgerald the fonne of Dozlce At Athlon' / Mito the lod Aammes de Wirmingham, Psw2e, Hugh loro Purcell , Jombe Cogan , Fob Oy, be |