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Show , 50 The firft inhabitation ofIreland The firft inhabitation of Treland.. were fo feele themfcluoshurt, oben thep heare and tt tobe aypearet : although fome rather bold, that hind of that the name of fron,of the plentifallmines y : and fo ‘of mettall wherewith that land aboundet naniwd thofe anctent titers itch nanre it Jerna, nts thant itmozeaptlte after the fpeech of the inbabita iperothers, obfch nameit Hibernia. ut to proceed. miton berebpon to auoid the ilopinonof men,for by the Fo crime fo that be bad thus atteined to the fouervignetic manttelt oz pinaturall Gangbter of bis-brotber,in that pubap: that deteftable {ubiecs, pat Soentet}, piecintil parrs,parged pimfelfe to bis contentiouflic, but forbis Scena neither malicionfiie s102fafetie hebanbomearmesa preterife tocrs aveceffarte: defentg mud gaint bis: byetbzen s and) to witnede howfarrebe cule tte {was framalldefire to rnle alone, beapomted cer: teine capteins as kings , terule onder him feuerall countries,teferuing to bimlelfebut one fourth part, eed the poition of:pet allottento the monarcicto; report} of this bietozte obteitenby Martusagain& the [iets : pet haue J thought gma to abucrtifethe reaper,that the Writoits of this Fle fwere difquisten pnderftand of other mens calamities, Aomit (te be{eecy pou) andvecetueamonge pou thefe fel {caites redremnants of Dcithia : if pour tomes be nar- bp that nattonlong before the foppoten time of the rot,ive arenot manic : if the foile of pour countrie be barren,tueare borne and ennred tobardnefie vif 1 eiment as fubpou -_Y linei in peagestve are at,command tects: tf pom twaree, we-are: seabie to (crue pou-as fouldiours tue demand ne hingdome ,10 fate , ao 10 pompous trimte Srelandss ie are bere alone, and bane left fudy things :bebind::bs toifh our. ent: antes :holwfocuer you efleeme of 08, tue Hail con tentouviglues therewith sand doarne to. frame.qur ibing toponrs,calling to mind not ebatine bane = ; G beene,but fahat-tue aves . toni! Great confyltation yas, had about this. requeft i" _ .toand cofthele ftrangens,an). manic things nebated nelufion,theBiGtai, foorth for anifiwcr fhe aieulen -froFuco 1108 = Gnome opinions ef. theft antiquariess that is, {ach As HOFLe of tie at length Freiand dint= .- Ahefe parts appoinite foozth in this wife iv old bifiartes and farengs of their, elders, the requet & fkilfull 20 Gl , Connagh y Aeinser , es bingbom ine greiwtof ded into fine iherebinto.thcp gauecredit,and thereforethepgathe: Pits tingdomes. Foranp gpountker Dintded inte tid parts,anb fore --££D it coulpnotbecrpediersttoaccept the Sctthians ¢imoeto mare, by o{urping oxcompoundingamong Dnefove> thecbotter maintenance of biseffate. bedisicl res themfclucs ; butcuecanetvas dofento . Hhusit feemeth " gereigne monary oner them ail fhat serteinclie the Spahiardsof the nozth parts of Spatne, inhabitingthecountries aboutiBitcaicemd Galicia, came and peopled Areland: ( asboth their intothe Land sfonthat mingting of, nations intone irealme byeveth.quatels : mazesuer,that the multi -tubeof the inbabitants was fudyyas romic.in the hole Fle as tuethableto receite them,mid theres -foxethofefelmneiy comers being placed) among bis wife Scota and thete people,in nraner.as bythe fala.cbsoutcles ts: pactended, Sut mot to-our puts pote, Aat bunidzed. annibirtie-chiefe kings are recha- ried ofthis nation fromWermion-toLaogivins, the fonne of Roalus Wagnus5 i hose tinre that bolic effeenied man Watrike conuertedthenrto chtfant- Picts arrine in Jecland; Lede S™ pocome to: craue of rele, as bumble fupplicants bare a liongnles inaficlo of goln.zie maxblefione ©2¢2int if biicrofinthe ocotith dittozie isanentioned.b io Was Hen briktlfull,ano sot trained to featsofiwar, into Arelannbp nen Buerhus ;arw nse "ieee ahmatte fo}the Wettons ther being onelie bled to the pics dates asa pestions icwell , this. Fergale obteinen Fone. Md IH enfinies people halfewakedthzoughlacke towards the profpering of bistournetes for that i of kill', eafilie gane place to the Homans force, was thought,tho fo bad the fame in pofteffton;conln tat Cefar might onelie as tt tuere glotiein this,to notbutobteine foucreigntie annrnle over athers as pane pated in that tournete ouer the oceanfea. | 6 aking,namelie-thote of the Scott} nation » This Hereoyit Qhouloteme that the BicsamdArih fone Ferquie ringing into Scotian, lef it there, DODIhixict tye Wiitons, before theconmming of Jur Gat althongh that Ffergule be put avranbe among: ling Cefar into this Zle of Wyitatne, Wut wbether -thofe HScotif} kings that Mould refgne in Weitaine; ' hep inhabited at that tinein fome part of Jrelano, pet be bate {mall cule there,s was diners timested: ten backe intorela, hhere finallie be wasRoiw cme That heineountred with Coilus king of the Weie44 fons(as the Scots iwrite)is not pailible, asoar any --tho2 hath verte well noted; except they inittake the ofothers. Wat forthe Artcomming astwell of the _firit peare of Caflus refgnethe Bids entered, F eve gute innnebtatlte after them; 33.0°peares perpitt Pits as Scots thom he maketh inhabitants with» was bomnestbereCoilus reigned in the peareatter _faine,in the nonth part thereof, being boia of inba- . P vite bifants , pour manhods and policies map purcbale piace the for pou xomesito place pour-felucs at cafe: Wwefelaes#8 fall apoint poucapteins to. guide pou thither Wwe Gyteins all atitfe to fettle you with our forces in that coun inthis Fle long before) either the name of theone the incarnations24, about hichtime befell the fe. hation 02 the other is rémembzed fo baue badanie gouernement here, by ante ancient o2 apimuean tojiter . J cannot perfuade tity felfe, that ether condarrivall of the Piasin Writaine. And fhns if: map be thep miffake,bp errourof the name, Coilns foo Caflus., andthe fecond atrtualbof the pide for Scots o2 Pics had anie fetteled (cats within the trie,make readie pour tips that pa map palle thir rike toitha great numberof bis retinues.Dhole Hat yp,0nm the firlk. Wat no'v to the courfe of the Hitkorte. Alps; ' boundsof this Fle of Writaine,till after the birth of lef the piers were feated int the noztt of Weitaine, our faniour : but that rather the Scots , as pet inbac andgrety toa great multitudes the Frith madefun biting i Freland ,andin the twefferne Fles called -daieerrandsouer to fit their Daughters, nephurs. by the Romanetwriters Webzfdes, andthe Pics,in the Fles of Drkneie called in Latine orchades,vid ole andkinffolks,anv bp their often comming and ros ing thep were aware of certeine tate comers and to make offen inuafions bponthe Writons,owelling {mall Jlands void of inhabitants, as that fabict fees ‘Dpon the coatts that lie neere tothe fea five oucras medrather neglected and (offered to lie walle. gaint thofe Zles. Hereof thep aduertifeo their princes , namelfe ; J rom thenfe thep comming over infadbefels Reuther o2 Renda, tho being delcended of Feeviicuther 0% Or boats, as the filhermendo pet dfe, atlengththe gufe, determined to inueft hintfelfe in coxteine poz Heda. pis fiett aboutthe pere of out 1020 290,46 Hum- ¢o tions ofland beftve the Pics. ips therefore well ap: bin.) Wisright name (as the fad Humireic Gnoncheth)was Peurig, ut noconcerning the Pics, tubetber that feie Lhuid bath noted,entred generallte into Catly porte pafed outer, andpartlie: bp compofition, mp hele and other the nozth parts of Writaine , there thep fettelen themfelues, and remeuedthe Britons -_partlte by force,got poflefton of thofe quarters tbicy were defolate, ¢ began to creda, kingdome. there, Watthere inbabited befoxe that time: ap fhortlie the Scots likewifecame onet and got feats in the Welt parts oncr againtt the nozth of Jreland, andin _bylittle andlittle increafing bis limits: and finallie got bettwirt the yids and Writons, pallefling that -countrie trbich tobe the name of bim callen Kear tofe weiterne Fles , hich Zles they firk got into se polfeffion . And in this fort thofe nations pias . Scots cainefirft to inbabit heete in thisour gle Britaine,as the fatv Humfreie Lhuid,not without 6o -Berfhaball,and now iMiddefdale(as pon would faic) Rbheudas partsfoz Dahall in the Dcotith tong fignt: fiethapart.Jn thefe quarters be could not fetle bin felfe,but that be twas oftentimes affailen bp the x52t% Sdulled coniecduresgrounded bpon gad reafonand fons that bo2verednert bnto him, and at lengtixbts an authoritie to lead bim fotoefteme , bath ance was tobe Maine, but the kingdome continus = oo in bis host commentariesof the vefcriptls -_ed {Fill int the handsof his fucceffors sand the pias The ainitte ‘ «ple 3 thinke twe may moze fafeliebcleue tehis ad be anoudgeth in this bebalfe, than that bin ector Boctius fetteth Dotwne , fith fox anie nar, acme perceive bis anthorities bring no fad ech other toltue in quiet, Pics, he Heots neftled themfclues in the Fles' anv -coafts alongft the (ea five. The pias helpthe miodle part. Wut fhortlte after, the peace began fo bang ‘of Butane, cd their fir acquaintance with the Frit , aH bp av woman, that the pzince Mould be elected rather sl Fgat the bloud rofall of the female kind than of the male. see set Heicbonour and fuertic,te bpboid Which order ((aith Beda)the pues were well knows and releoue the ate of aking , by trealoh occated, And mantfetk tt is to all men of reafonable confoe- to keepe bnito bis time. a Wut botwfoeuer twe (hall givecrevit fo Hes bide man , than to be meued with compaition grant that tobe trae bid) Geifucie of Mont : -_thep (ould partd thus mad ro the pacrogattae oF Y ee rieof the fri comming of Patsinto this Law, Mf? fo! ons ned bp niiffeatunein the ereeke of dsnockfergus. eR Boctias, matters of antiquitie, Jleaueto the confivcration aking of akingandmen of men are to craneally Tanee.rinces can well difcerne and confiver bow of ration, that nothing moxe befcemeth the ,natuce ano as it again Dithzidates,tn thich thep were erercifenas Juollbyfeaag lind . SPoreoner j the Weitity nation . treatic obteincd twines from them , with cond! thatif the crotone fhoule bap to fall iconter nevre it tourbeth that they cameatfeucrall timesinlike mannerag Sh Dowbt of Mot far enle there lieth the great Fle of Ast "st fue, if perbaps pou twill boudfafe to grant bs fome time of abode tn pour land ,to the nbtch effec and purpolcour bagent neceffitie beferheth pour fauozs, b bake are ‘ ind things as inbis fufpected)of tikogic, prefed: Gut now to) returne-hey tothe Picts. Ft may be Sil enetee cars Scotland Wwe batie written, in folloteing Heetor Bo- sg Name of Coilus for Catlus; with aboie the Age, of ttius,hole opinion how farre itis tobe fufpeced in > Sfergulemight well met; the rather, for that in the that nener before this pefent baue fo embafed our fhole that efcaped twit life , got feats by hing Pew folues to antic other nation. Webold firing, and re, rigs grant(as aboue is {pecified) 02 that getting to Waud ds Well sno light occafion canleth thefeluttie their hips, they twithdzetw into the Fles of D2kenete, Pallant bodiestoftmpe. Seithiansweare,ePias wanted alfo to ui of Sctthia,no (mall postion ofglozic refteth in thefe Go and there remained.Giues thep create theiv ifue: and bicaufe the Wzitons thought tivo names. Whattall ¥ {peake of the ciuill warre {come to mateh their Daughters with facan bu thathatherpelled vs fromour nativebomes ,orrtp knowne and ucty come nation, the pics contunty bp old biftozies tomoue rangers to benrone vs 7 Wetour fecuantsandehilozendifcourte therofat lets Britaihe was netther farnithen with ante thipsof and fuchother,in like cafe as Gefleric ohienoisutl mouth the wrote what he found inod ancient ritith monu: tonnes sestlna ot fo --mrettts,¢ wasnot the Denifor himtelfocas fome baue the Bury (a8 tharre for battell on the fea , and the Momans after pg the Mcots didoutof Freland, of thome the fick is laces ae ‘ the warres of Affrike and Atta, were well pracifes remembred tobe Fergule;theforof sFerquhard, a asian fhith) thelatefc Warres againft pirate , andeaftet that martright (hilfall m blaloning. of avmorie, bimfelfe i cots mto ta Heotland, as ar Cathnede , towards Dungelote head:ine baue not toaffieme,other thanthat abtchin efcaped with life , amp. fought to himfo grace, bells of tn thefe parties (as fome authors baucreco2ded)a cenced to inbabit the bttermoft end of Scotland. people from their verte cradle giuen to diffention, Hhis Pavius, Hamttic Lhuid tabeth to be the faint, dandleapers,niereilete fierce aud bardie. Rhep being o dabome the Romane writers name Aruiragns , We brought ano prefenten to the Fri king , craued try reigned abootthe pere of our 1020 {cuentic,a paince ferpretazs.abich crante, Modozthe their checfeteine of attoble courage and of no {mall eftimation m bis Cheoration mavethis requett for him and his,as follotueth: Pot baies (as fhoula fame bp that which is waitten of urs, ouranceflo of courage te fromthe as-donegra Ropouke of Lhuse ungofthe but fathtoning our felnes to fortunes courte,we are ee againf the Weitons.) But in that age((atth e(fatt be) hete thep there alreabie fettelen in the further partsof all conuenient {ped. ., Incouraged with tie.But nolw in the meanetime thilett the Seiten, 4°, her with this perfuagon they tobe thefe courfe totwarns the Yuedin fome tolerable oyder and re ft. bnder their fe north parts of UBzitaine now called Hcotland, where uerall hinge, one Movorike a Scithianprince with © conttarie to thetv-erpectation Darius king of MBit' qBarins a fmall conmpanie of amen, being weatherdatuen with age : taine twas readie toatwait their comming, wd round about the contts of Writaine, as by chance harpe battell banquithing themin field, Hue ¥odo ao ving catt opon the Gore of Zreland, Thele were Piets,andthe firfk Hat had been beard (peaking of the conquete thicy Julius Cetar hao 02 in fone of the out $les by Scofl nd,cither in anie ft abit Partof Germanté, 02 Scmbinanta ; ozelfe thetber fomante pln ixbabifamissuight breed quic'sliefome oinebiiteries and the Writith potbolicjagre:)but pifturbance to bzing all out of fotut.ibut (Caio thep) from: abenfe thoprame fir to tnbabit thofecoury gh woe may not conuententlie recetue, you a& -3.0°thon a to e otherivil hauenot J txicgoh Spaine , verelie ds,vet{allpou find bs readie to further pou mong r,but remembe Fran hat walters noother nouch:for tobeour neighbours, (fuch.asbane regtttren the Secotithdnonicies) make qention of the comming thither of @athelus with Iivking Paring. For Damertinus in bis oration tntituled Panegyricus,Max. Dictus bath thete wo2s 51 fo inbisercufeit may beallengen, that he tas not the autho2 of thofe matters,but wrote that he foun in Cambell, Veremound, Cornelius Hibernenfis, Getferie Mons ano Scots grew in friendihip togither, permitting: rorsay irae them , but tue map with gov reafon --dBoubt full betwirt them : fo: the dinerfitie of people; tak eee m. utfor the man bimfelfe,enenas be cane € oxpertie, ano wity no lee cunning than a nice fet Dowme diverte things incredible, and Ported fome other contrarie to ‘ne truthof the bl place, cuftome and language,togtther ith the mo moxie of old grudges, maucn fucy gelonfic and ine ward bate betiwirt thofe nations,that ttleemed they grpei, falling were reabie to bieabe out Mito open Diflentton Dpon ont, Goze fo2 the glozie af bis tiation,as we may take it, the firoccaflon. Ano asin {udcafes there neuer E.3 toa |