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Show The hiftorie of Scotland. Theempe: -_taine, and recetuing the Writains onder bis obct- rourCiand& ance.overed things among them at bis pleature. Gunafter prepaving bis nauie endarmic with all us commer) The hiftorie ofScotland, the people inbabiting in the countries: fihieo tye Beommotion not call Landathire,Vokelire, aod Darbithire, egeintIm fwere bp fravimoue againt the king anv the 4x9: "48" mans, bp teafon tthereof Aratragqus anv dulag Planctius withnrety totvards London, that neferi: Cisadingtei Blesot Dakneie,ynepoting to conquere the fame', ding the {ea coats towards Frarice,: they initahe pet haue the fea ope at all times ikhathoener dare lethintothe fey: that thep habatbed the Wittains in thele lat arres againfk the Romans. But aypeoching neve ced. Anotoreeriforce thete potwer, Aulus plan Dweuies. ting fent ouer for tivo legiotis' ‘sf fonldiers into fothofe ies, he was itt danger to bane bene cat salvaie by a temped rifing by chante, enenas bey, France , torcortte tith all (ped to his aio, yo The Writains,Who had gotte fo fare i the matter che Bie foas centred the ffreict betivirt the Dekenies ad that thep could not iuell tofthozatw thenifelues , nowy teinsmate Dungildte head teCathnelle called picland frith; being certified of all their enintties doings, thongtt fro petat length getting tolam, be found in that Zle beft to make themfelues(o ‘ffrong astvas porte, there be firf:arriucd; nobopte at home,all the peoAnd totheendthat thep might proceed in fome ople though fearevpon the firlt fight of the great niultitnve of (hips being flen to hide themfelues th Derlie meane, all the greatetloos andeffatesal eyes, fembled topither at Sheetufburie, in thofe daies cal tainsaten: : _fanes and Densamongeff the rocks emonnteins. purucianceconuenient, he fetfortvard towardsthe _. Aoiriske: Clanditis therefore leaningthis Fle; patted into : * himinith other nobles of Weitaine (home. he bad ~. "ehe forplenges bute ome, the moveto fet forth the glove of bis triumy) at bis returnte bnto the cific. ponbt of ¢ USut thatioeuer Hector Boctius andothers tuztte digs go: of this pallageof Clandins info the Drkenies, itis : hci 2 not likethat be camethere atall, for ifbeftated not pafhr6 daies in WBeitaine, as bp Dion Caflus tf he Dion Callus, Speareth that he DiD not indad ; hot (ould ine Bratragus foxfakethhis iawfulioufe. i tobe kept in prifon, till that the 15;ftains (hautng conucied into wates, ther , there rofea doubt thomethep might chote fo im theiv generall capfeine, fo: that it vas feared leatt there night grotw fome fecret ennie amongeft the nobles being of equall potwer , if one fhould be in this cafe preferred before another. 302 the anot3° ving of tihich mifchiefe, by the graue avmontition of one Conus anoble man of the parties of Tales, they accowed to fend meflengers tuto Caratake Cerstabt caufe be bad faire (fue alreavie bp Goada, as a fon 5° quett,and thiougblie iweteng the fame, pzoinifed nee Uoadaisde- {ndignation thereat) got hir out-of the place ahere ituered out of prfon, and the fame purpoleto foinethei trhole puiffance togis ines ose imagine that he could both pactfie the fonth parts af thekingof Scotland,requiringhim toato thenr in soln Weitaine ,andatter go inte Dekenie. and conqaere theirrightandiut quarrell againtt Aruiragusano Se, the fante within fo (mall a time: being readte to ree the Romans, thereby he might reuenge the infw -turne towards ome at the end of thole 16 daiesi, riedone to bis Kifer quete Woada and bir (ue, groireps as the faid Dion affirmeth 2 iBut this nifcourfe hatte fhome the father theough countell of the Momatis Soota 3 madeaccording to their otone bifortes ; leak F fhoulo {eme to defraud them of &hatfoener glozie purpofen to Ditherit, to the end fuch cptlorenas be bth isto begotten by ervours, as the manertsofthem bad bp Wenttta (for that thep were of the MomANe crich pede aswell as of other nations , tyich fo aduance their 4° blond) might infop the BingdoMIe. Hhep further der pp chart clared, that all the weittth lorvs which were confer antiquities and glozie of their anceffo2s , take the derat in this enterpeife, bad chofen him bp common aduantage oftentimes of inziters (cant Wwogthie of crevit. affent to be thefr generall amp chiefe caver, if t might fopleafe him to take it bpon him , as thelt But now againe to our purpofe. Arniragus ber truft was befvouln: confivering the int caufes of trg effablifhed inthe kingdome of Iuaitaine, ppon theiv watre, and the {nertie trhich by bicorte gotten fonre privat difpleature forfokebis wife named Tos ada, the fiffer of Caratake king of the Scotithmen, might infue bute all the ibabitants of the tbole and maried Cenifla a Romane ladie, thich act mas Sle of Albion. mie of the Wzitans difallolued;the moze in bed, bee Caratake having heard the famme of thet re Coen and tive daughters But this was done,asall men tudged, by the counfell of dulus Plancius , there: bp to bieake allfctendthip anv altance betivirt the Writains and the Scots,to the end that inno cafe of tebellion thev thould foine thei potvers togither . Melther did he onelie refufe Moada , frhone all men knety to be bis latufull twife,but alfo caufen bir them to be reavie with his thole puiffance in the Be singe ginning of thenert ping , tocome to their ald,bv fo thatplace foeuer thep thoulo thinke expedient: and thereof be told thens thep might be moft alured, willing them in the meanetime fo to proutde for themfclues 5 as their enimies might baue no ad vantage at thefchands . Gaitth this agrerable av fivere the Wzitith meflengers returned to Sel? burie to the confenerats,tho reioifing at the netvs, the twas kept,and conuried birinto Gales togither So made prouffion againtt the nert fpring to go again with bir childzert. the Romans , in hope of gad fuccelle , fpectalite With hich dealing Aruiragus being bighlie ma through aid of the cots ap ids , txbo alto with of ted,determined with force of armesto puntth them that had thus mifuted bim : but perceiutng that not onelie thofe people trhich inbabitcd the countrie , Nolw called Wales , andother that adioined on the hozth marches thereof iwere readie to defend the queente againttbis malice, be twas faine to require aldof the Ronronis , tho with thetr capteine Aulus fearsapean ‘coke part with Arutragus , et fortvard toe Sroiraans, toard theentmies, andiointng toith them in bats mitesan cners fl, Didgiue them the ouerthot. Lhe next dap af thzoty, fet this bistozte thus gotten,tyo2d twas brought that » that int the end thep fhould be eafie inoughto deale maie be fure) of thofetozds , truting by bis rieanes fobaue thefr force in mancr dDoublen, dis tife Ge, niffa being at the fame feafon great with dilo,toke fuch thought for this revolting of bit butband, that @enitatye trauclling before bir Hine,the imurediatly died thers Wife of Brust With. But Aulus Plancius, perceining now thas T4549 Dieth. roughlie how little trutk there tvas to be put in the twith; and enen fo it came to palle. JFo2 the liomans Writans, vifpatched a mefenger in all halk twith refuling to fightagenerall battell pct fcoured fo the letters brite Claudiusthe emperour,tthoas then for fields ort ech fide abzoad, that neither the Britains 10 fouried at Kone, fignifieng vutobinrin khat baw tor Scots.could go forth ante twaies for forage o2 ger the tate of Writaine foo; if timelic pronifton were notthe foner mabe, hiftels, but they were Hill fnatched bp; fo that what fheough dunger ,lacke ofAeepe, and other vifeafes; Claudius Wweiengthe matter bp gad adnife of ~) manie.of the Bzitains began toconuete themfelnes touncell,o2netned by decree of the fenate; that Cie from the campe bometo their boules,of abome-fome patian(oftrboine pe haue beard before)faulobe fent. led Cozimtinenn y there "thep'coricluded ‘opom'a biethem: league te afd one artothértitty all their mightann5 Soa, "qBomonia the chiefettof altthe Dakenies., ters ; y Aratragus,tho Shela -Difeoméiting fucyas appeared abzoad to makeaeh-c;, maine againkk the Romans wert Clauviesta- ftance,he beftegedthe king of thofeFles named Gar about fo baing them tbolie onder feruite fubiedion a Ring _nug, wwithina caftell tere he twas twithdzatwen,jarid and fhralvome of the fame' Romans. They being cpepemtathe Dae smaitie cantinghim to peeld bimtelfe.palloner , le thus agreéd tomake twartes tt thts quarrel, and fay derartheme nig fox a febtle forbare fofointe tn battell , through coun fell of Plancius, fo perceining the mol part of the B:ttains and' Scots to be but netw fouloters, tabent bp of lateto fill the numbers , bnet that bp protracing time thep twould be fone gut of heart, through watching and euill harbo2ough, tr fuch fort betug taken by theentmies; declarepthanthe trhole bitherivith ant armic, to tame the proud and Lottie armieoftheconfederats wasin great diftrerfema fomachs of the Waitains ; with theirconfenerats foxeinfieblen by fud,bnarcufomedetrapell and ni Bmeftenaer frasoane Claudius the smpstor from Pisnesing, the Scots ¢{Bids, Cefpafian herebpon departing Cefpatian eafes as thep-Wwere inforced -Onterin the: campes fcomaionr, came into France; ¢ increafing bis le: oo Wherebpon Arniragus and Aulusytancins deters 20 gions; Lwith afuplie of fudyfouldiers as he found zitarne, mined the nert Dap itoigive battell, Ando in :the there,pafird oner tntothis-our WBzitaine, where coi moxtingsthep arraied sbeivpeople;emarchenforth traric to the reportabich he bad beardiafozehisicony betines towards thecampeofthe confeperatss amingbe found encric fortretiefo:tvell furnithemat Thomas .; Caratake,tho(as pehaue heard)was generallat ter the tnarlike o2den of the:tomane bfagesyand parbsttitt ‘to allthe confederates, Qndocritanding the enimies ine tuozeonerall {uch companies of men of Wuarre as & Bytmig, fent, as-asreadicto receiuc battell as:thep were opt theficly fo wwell appointed andoadered , that be tooffer its xberebpon there infuedrightigteat ano couly not but much peatfe: fhe. great diligence any bumercifull Maughter betiwirt toemon both parts; politike goucrnensent ofPlancins. Pow then Uefpatian hada little refrethen bis {without {paring any atall;till (uch fiers the night ‘pats iheteap, parted the irate,with (uch lofeen either fide, that a& 30 menjandtabeiogder hotwto proceed in the reducing of the (Britains to thetr former obedience, be {et for ter they iucre once gotin funder, neither part had a nichatafterivards totoineagaine :that in the moming there appeared none in the ficlobut onelie the nead bodies,thofe that were leit aliucas tvell on ward tolvard Aruiraqus¢otherthe enimies, thom di 0 he bnderftod as thenite be at Worke; making their The Brt7 affemblie , not generaltie of all that ivere-able to nee : the one partas the other being flen amfeattered te beare a club;asthep did the pete before ;-butontof tothe iwmds and mounteins.Aruiragus and Plane fius got them onto London: and Caratake conw manbding bis people homte cacy man into biscouns trie,be bintfelfe withozetw firft totpards o2ke , and for,as outof Denonthire ¢ Cometwall there came 6000, forth of UWtales andthe mardes) .20d0, and the like nurhber ontof dsendall, Wletimerland, Feent, z all parties a chofen number of pikedmen were fent after bnito the citie of Warrike ; twbither thoztlie af 4o md Cumberland, Ont of Drforothire and other the S ter therecame bnto him ambatlanors from Aulus Plancius, fentto know vpon tbat occafion he viv Md the Writifh rebels againf the Womane empire, parties of Writaine fubiec bute Arufragus, there came 35000.all thichnumbersaflemblennerc bre to Porke, cuerie man binging bis proutfion with declaring that if be tyould not be confoxmable to bimi to feruc him for tua monethsIpace, Tnto'the Che Stotse makea two2thie amendsfo2 (0 prefamptuons anens fameplacecamte alfo Caratakewith 30000 Seotith Cau terp2ife, be fyould be (ure tobaue the Homans bis entmies;and that in fuch wile,as he ould percetue men sand Jllithara othertwife called Tharan, bing 35;/tanw, of the Pics, with almoftas manicof his fubieds:: Buitharaog Uefpafianbeing certified fill from time to tome Charan bing it were much better for him to leeke their hiendthip, than to abide their enintitie, ofall the dmings of his enimies,hatten toith all fpen P48, Werebnto Caratake anflwered, that be hap iu so totvards themand bythe leading of traffie guides pig Cue toda that uhic he did, confideringthe infu, comming to the place there thep were tncamped Ties tbhich his filter Woada with bir fonne Guides fwithin.a marith ground not palling 12 miles from rius bap amd were like to receive bp their counfell Vorke, he fiercelie ppona fapden fetteth ponthem Mefpatian ad meancs: and therefore be was folittle minded Within thetx campe,per thep thought he bad bene atfatterh the tomabke anie amends fo: that was done, that be nere them, 25ut pet nottwithitanding thep manfule onan thought it moze reafon that the Romans fthould Clearelie anoid out of the trhole pofleffton of 1521 right wing of the Romans arinte Were lke to haue lie ftwo to their vefenfe : infomud) that thofe in the bene ioftreffco, if Cefpafian percetuing the ban: ger,had nottent a legionto thetr aitn the, aberbp the battell was netwlie in that part reftozed.Thecaps to be their perpetuall enimies, ano that onclie for 6, taine , either elfe they might allure themfelues to baue afwwell the Writains, as allo the Scots¢ pias the chalengeof their ancieitt libertics and freedome, Ehe Romane ambafladoysbeing retucncd With this teins on efther foe did ubat thep conld to incourage their folkes to fiche to their tachle,\witbout giuing ouer by anie meanes, confidering tbat gaiie came bp bidozie, and that loffe infued bp recetuing the o theit king called Conkitt ‘were willing tobelpe pest tnfocr,Plandips toke no {mall indignation there. the Romans,tchote nettling fo necre their nofes ther gex® tumelious tyozds pronounced againk the matettic of the Romane empire. About the fame time Aruiragus, bpon truff cons ons, ran bpont the Romans,with {uch crucll defire Syeee tate Writains,to erpell the Romans quite out ofthe tealme, and fo torecoucrthe intire eftate,renolting bponthe point of anp weapon, thep wonld run fill and Sycoriths bpon the fame, to come onto bim that held it, that men. wards the Deliuering of the Land from bondage Of ys, iwereloth fo fe 02 beare of . Sofone therefore the fpaing appochen,all thofe thze people, Britains Scots , and Pitts, gathered their powers together, and met inavorkethire,tn purpofe to Mcounte their enimics' in battell , trberefoener they them. . Arniragus and Aulus Plancins haning - ledge ofall the oings of the confederats , iibetoil allemblen their potver , ¢ comming tolvarts "- ne menacing to be reuenged offo bigh and cor cetued bp ioining bis potver with the other confede- arbexltsine, ¢ Wrifzins, Scots, and pias, Pids, like like f tnraged te of reuenge,that enen aben thep were think though the writings fom them fled into Shetwfburicbereatthe fame Sime fac Wyitith lozds as toere entuniesto the Ko. they might requite him lwith the like againe, ut pet would notall that their fierce and befperate bars mans.twore alembled againe in councell, by thom twas receiued with great glabnede (pe bineffe prenatle , {03 fortune by fatall appointment oa deat being bent to abu ince the Komians onto the ne Monane on = lie after Clandius bimfelfe came oucr into Wat PSD IE IS HSS 3e Bess >t 6 + |