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Show 346 Thehiftorie ofScotland. Remmor , and the lov Wharton marched forth with the fotment , till thepcame ten miles beyond Dune ther, anda martial court appointedthere for erec tion of pledges ; but pet fufpended and faied, till freis. And abere the earleof Angus was datwen to the caffell of Dzumlanrig, onder pretente toconw mute tuith bis fonne the earle of Xerox ( but mea: ning tointrap im) ifit were pollible, betas iw the councels pleafure might be bnotven in that be _-alfe. There were at the fir eutll netws fpread abroad, -andecertified to the courtof England of thts omic, ufroned bp the Cnglith fotnren per be could baue botw the earle of Lennor and the Cnglith armie was Sheearieof The hiftorieofScotland. et feo b he famefhe feof the wena Ceetertencourstnearnatk fonable, that with (mall paine thep mtabe he not fufficed with handblowwes to haue beaten then backe,as no doubt there was no wantof god toils inthermfo tobauenone,tf the Frenehinen hed put the matter in triall pet ouving this ftege,thep woth, in fod igreat necefittic of things behmuefull for : ; p a =~~ - a Gibecetopor: fit Hentie Bngus pat % furcient warning, tbat be twas forced to fle onelie ouerthzowweit, fo that it twas bp order aypointed,that with fiue perfons in bis companie. iut net the the earle of Derbie,the LoScrwpe,and Confers, <nglifh boremen being come to Duldere,cight¢ 10 with thetr powers Mhould repaire to the weft borders Dutdereter foztie miles twithin the realine of Scotland , bauing to garntth the fame for nefenfe againtt the enimtes: pafled fundzte greatriuers , (hep fet that totune on but bpon the true repogt how the matter bad pat: on fire. c fed, made by matter Uenrie Wharton, and one Wt fire But the mater of Pariwell,with the other Sco- fhopa Scotifhman, fent in pot for that purpote, fib gentleimenandlight boxlemenbozderers,tothe number of foure bundzed, being in compante of the Englith horlemen (as before pe haue heard) had contrived the deftrucion of the Cnglif}inenafore that aypotntment twas Maied; and matfter Wharton fwas at that time made knight, and the fain iBithop _-richlie retwarded for bringing fo ged news. Werer with were letters directed dDotwnefrom the councell band. And the better to lumske their feat, thep bad to the lo2d Wharton , for. the erecution of certeine ith a band of light horemen of the inet letfe bifpleature of the seenchmenand Scots, that pledge,being oneof bis neereft kinfinenof the boufe cuted, of the Herries ,alfo the wardenof the Greie friers tn Dunfreis,the vicar of Carlaucrocke,and afuerfe -other irhidy were erecuted at Carlill, An this meane time were. the forts at Latwder and Padington fhe niils burnt {within foure miles of each band of Godenburgh,and other erploits atchiucd by the Eng Dufdere. lifhmen,, as in the hiftozie of England is moze at fared Scots, tokert, renolted tholie, and tofned themfelues tothe lard of Dzumlanrig and other theft countrie men, € thauff in bettwirt the Cnglith ho2femen ¢ fotmen , to the great peril of diffreffing afwelltheoneas the other. 3fo2 making towarn the place there the earle of Lennor, andtheloWharton twere comming -_armiereadie tocome into Scotland,canten the fame Tae to drat Dotwne fo Iyelk in Weitaine , where the soem (hips ad gallies tuere rigged and made readic to Fare atBret pafle theretwith into Scotland, Dhe chiefe leaversof inaBpitan. tbich avntie tere thele, thich had charge chieflic to commandinthe fame: monfieur de Delle lentes nant general, monfieur Dandelot cozonell of the erect thep bzuted it abzoad , that the Cnglifh bostemen monfieur, Gtauges capteine of the boziemen, fir Scotian were quite overthzowen. The earleof Lennor,bebolding the manerofhis aduerfaries, lighted on fot from bis hoefle, willing the lo2d Wharton to do the like ; for this Dap(faid he) HPicholas de Willegaignona knight of the Rhodes (eirather Malta) capteineof the galltes , and mow fieur Duno connmiflarie of the artillerie: fit Di uerle other iumsthie perfonages,and men of apy Fwill dic.atrue Cnglifoman. At length the Engs ued balfancte. Dele capteins with thefr polwers fimd ,gauearight valiant charge bponthe Scots, countell fo the Scots anfluerable to the time, tic that ffod countenancing thefotmen, and teadie to take theaduantage,if thep mightbauedziuen them vas (to pleafe their cares theriwith)that there thould agreater armie fhortlic come aut of Jfrance, tofue through Gzinking backe into anic diforer. coz their ertremities:| Wut {uch twas the biolence of the fhocke gtuen at: _ Afterwards,with the adutle of the gouertto2, ano the Cnglith horfemen , that the Scots tweretheres Che Sots With put outof arvaie,fcattered,equite put todight; ta befiege adington,andcomming thither,incany ped themfelues in places of aduantage about the gattofight. that infant,with great manhood (budoubtenlic)by. 6o: other ofthe Scottth loads , the Jrench power thelosd.of Daumlanrig being taken p2ifoner, cor toinne, cat trenches, planted theirozdinance, bat rupfedbis taker,andfogotatway. Che matffer of. _tered the rampives, and kept them twithin ftreidtl fundsiefpeares bzoker on bim in the chale as he flea atpaie here were pet taken that bapofthe Scots tothe number of fourehundzed , befivefundzie that, were drotuned in the water of Pith. Amonget the pattoners twere thefe menof name; theabbatof nets, denife toconftreine the Cuglithmen to pald. _-‘ferbare pet togiuea qenerallaflanlt , bicaule they wonld not hazard (as thep banerepo;ted)the lolle of fmaniemen as.might baue bene fatne and mar mcd therebp,to the greattueatenina ofthelt potver Mariel efcaped in great danger oflife, forhe bad, ~ cabbete; Ghriftte Irrewing of onthaw, abzother. Oftheloz of Iempffield,¢ manie other gentlemen Dunfteis Spoiled, ofiname: Dunfreis was rifled and fpoilen, as the carleof Leroy and the Gnglithmen returnen th 1B a ngteo _beffegedon each hano,dfngall the wates thep conld there, bauing,not meanes to{uplie it aben they UID). <= 3 ‘ "nd pet thep haba great amie of Scots twitd them fora feafon,and bad mabe. the. hyenasOe, > ? plot of ground for their ale e ke vee Nees -_felues within the fame. Ano becetoith thersiebo at Bate wintle Frenchaes fob antag 7 red themfelues onto eputelbir Hand chy fii oo Gamboa Spaniard, andothers; the whicapuentys ting oner vathlic withindanger of thetbole French -_tabether thep ban no Ithing of the matd)) thep foy D& more -_-baretafet bponthenvin that ground of fo great pit Me™ owes, ¢ fir Zhomas Palmer, witha greatnom-: ber ofother capteins, gentlemen and foulviers'be- tobadington,anvatter homtetwards haning furné then the totyne with nete fyplics ofmen, munition: aduantage for theafaulants, ano fo returnen backe a lina prtfoners, befides thole that were fatie. . and diftelsfuiticient, : et after this ouertiot of thofe hootemen, the Detcis tobe note { Frenchremoned their fiege fromthe places there ting into the Potions easpueeeeeaeck thep hadfirft planted ttjand longed further aft from 30 mie by landasoctaffons might have bene offerep, Tt ad the totone, continuing theres till atlengthbpan‘are Celeriect mic fentforth of England buder the conduc of the Sheotburie erie. of Shetwiburie,the lox Greie,ndothers,thep Fue the Were coniireined foretive from thence, as it the : fon Gnglifh hiffocte pe mapfird move largelie erpret lngtom, fe, to the abich for the further report of the euents dancing ouvinig that fiege,Breferre the reader, Abul this istoberemembzed,that abtletthe fege (Kematied at Badington, byaconuenfion ovate ; But the 1020 admerall petcefuing no likelihon of eomeus battell bp lano,toke byon himto atchitie foine other enterpiifes, and fit comming to Wrent Jland, (ee BtPicto. befentinte: France. Andtheredpon monfenr' de i Millegaignon, twit foure galltes departing from Aetth, made femblancé as though he would haue palle alongit the ore nogthward by the Germane feas 5 that compating the land on theeatt fine, he might patie about by the Stes of Dikencicyand bp the weft Zics, till hecarie toxDunbeeton there the -_fpotle twithin the countrie of Fife," Wut John Crh ache tarvot Bir lardof Dun,as then fomevbat ditcatey, and re? Dan. Mightlie wate) ano ward to be kept, that this enter, -_petfe could not be fo fecretliv contieied bo the Gna -_-Utfhmen, but that the fame was percéfued, and 0 ee en ‘ith -_pzeuented, that bpontheir landing (hep twere forced rermalee to retire withlofe: and hajpie was hethat ritight at feint Apes nem _-firfE get againe to hipbazd, % For James Steward, biother'to the querié Fr.Tho, (bearing of this tumult)came thither in halk With the Buchandlibas, common peopleof faint Andzetis, atid fonie other ‘ponequanelate, This tournie he foxtunatelte at 50 feincitizens thi) Were remaining in the towne, to tee tench SN03 COM: thiued, the fame neuer before (to mans'ventente bance)being made oxatteripten forth gales," - aout the Athis arciuall ¢ conuentent landing at Dinbye Seifia fon; be foundall things readie proulded,tecefaric Datzefiie" fOxtbe trtybarlsingeofthequieie, that he might ‘con bay MephfntntesFrance,for the accomplityment therot 47Lele Se han taken thattouviic mand. ierevpon he be: ~- tg bronghtabasintotiennigs ownegalli¢,aber: pinenr ve Mmonficumde Wersieilis alfwappointedite-be a tubdime' the neighbors aborit Did' al(o' foie' thetit? felues , onderftanding the taule of that alfemblie. : The Cniglifh being notw comeont landabout fiveliie bundzed, todirr warlitie (o3t readie for the battell, ‘ anddith the feare of the artillerie (abich thep di chargebdoutcf ‘their thips)pidcafilte caufe the rade multitude to flic diate) Wut this James Stewato bp litte anv litle faypyetting the feare of (ath as fled) -dID(Lot) fuidy Uiotetice)rHlh dpon bis'entnies, that Daaninithbir.as be that hav beene (ent teitherprete g5 foxthivittyHe otierth2et them , piit thein' to"ight, "e. cCommaudrinenti(te: fe hiv connected into stance, [Rott theioivs (aditaith iefleustibiro.454) oF Ares compelled them to feturne to the fea with isa anghter, thenalmanie of them (as thep fica to' Pereng Kite,anedeuingfton) theladie Fleming,witheer, teinensble maivens namenafter the parigquene! aS Davie' euinatton arte: Fleming, Warie Se, tonjant patie Seton|xhotogither with Gillegaigé their Lyips)were Dyolwriedchides thre Funded that! were Haine, wid dite huitdzed taken.) he earle of Se whbuvie being conie backe frortt! Wadington bnto Dunglas,ozder tas givenfor the att hontheivenifadpodigente tw atehining' thatentere -_-builoing of afort there , as in the Cnglith biftorie & i frilesthar finally thep avttucn'ith profperous wind farther map appedte! And ih the meane'time'moti- and weather in thebanareh ist in Butaine with fleur de Delley reaihing tn campe at ‘gure a that pang qurerit 9 being asthen betivirt fue and Srpéres oflage!) } 5 oth 1 igsFrom thencebdingaccompanien with the Hob burgh, bearing that the Cnglith atmtt was temas ued howtelwards , 4 how diuerfe netb bands of bos en ‘and fotmen being left in Hadington ; were hin, ~ Sléto, liticof that pruince; the Rept birright courte tothe - 1 certeine thipson fire there , of thechtefett in-the ri: -uersenid faluting the towne of Weith as he patled bp -witheanom Mot, he determined toland fonte of his meiton the nozth fide of the Jfo2th, to make fine blivof the lozos it was necreed,that the queene fyulo go tavned home from the campe,cauited {ach vailic ano failed into France: but hauing pated the month Of the FForth,be tucnénhis courle onthelet hata li bootlemen fetching acompatfe inretiting backe -_being imbarkeat Wreff, failedalongs bythe eal from Dufdere, came nere to the place therethe feas, and at length aboutthe midaell of June came earleand the lovd Wharton Were ranged tn order of so into the rode before Leith, Mbheretheplanvedthelt battell; and thinking nolefte but that their bores people and ozdinance,[A little before irhofe arviuall FT menbabd beene ouerthzowen, tere readte to marcy into France (as faith Lefleus, libro 10.pag.49 1.) backe. fopards Dunfteis. Wut their hoolemen Chapelle Wironne lanoed in Scotland, accompar thus commingin, and perceining hotw the matter nied {with other nobilitie of france, to givegod Wadington wasrarleoby the Cuglith ae ftege ot thintwothou them fiftene thoufand Scotifynten to ate thent, f burg. ialleneno. {hd dernilances,lighthootmen,eharquebutfierson that eben the Englithmen came forwardsto aMfaie mnhiowne, Doatbacke, onderthe leading offir Robert Bowes, 2 them,thep found them fo fronglie imbattelten,that fir Zhomas Paliner, fir Penrice Whatton,capteine -_(ehether their comintiffion did not fo fare eytend 02 French fotnen,the counté Keingravecmonell of thefrend forfward with their fotnien, nere to the old caffell , the Almains, monfieur de Malleraie , monfieat gyrisethat of Daufivinton,fometimethe houle of the Cumins, Doflell , wtetro Htrossie cozonell of the Ftalians, came - & falfe rumozfpzed. (as the queene on of them that had the conuctancethereof. ; But atterthis,there camea power of Gnglith power', ioere ouerthotwne and chaten : fir Kobert The alured, Scots therefore, thinking the enter- 30 large erprelfed, prife to be fuerte inough conueid for theft contriued Gut now the French king, having prepared an , 48, Buh, openlte opon the ficlo neere to Dnfdere, PUrPote,Dpablackepenfill Kherens ting oftheats offing bpon afpeares point fora -_prontden the t ‘"i . tert toith: bis pretence , ama the noble nite aamem bain ten I of Scotlatd,as of other, aypointen to the pong queene,tibich tye ill antenna fore pebaue heard)the Feendinen ehereoe pene Cheng hoofmen tothe number of little lefe billabout ,great numbers of Scotith fotmien,with fpearesandlanceftaues toalift theearle of Angus and bis complices again& the Cnglifhmen. The built , the caffels of efter and Datwhith wane, all cos ‘connie be heh of France, Chen the king toas Werenot aware of thisenterp{ctilitwasdonein thenight feafon, bythe god anvfoxtunatecondudt: come bute Dumlanrig twith a chofen power of men fo: that parpofe . Lere were allo dpon eucrie lard of Dumlanrig witha number of chofen hoafle- feniti cian ee on feabeae onteen move in peeres) bneill eee eI came andputinto the towne ay a8 the might begrew marieo,) GR at ea ae erfetne-number of men totth potwder,and other ne: Bui ingsin S cellaries,greatite to thereliefeof the beficgen, ¢ no eehtvesing,thepineshaa ae procured(as pe baue beard ) the earle of Angusto 20 pledges , that is to fate, the maifter of Mariwels Pledges ees mien {was aduanced forward in fight of the Eng? lithmen, as thep were bufic in firing the totone of time pacifi hingpalacent pptet inthe towne of uals --rreavietocomefwzth to'thirnifly absoab bpott'fight' of the enimie ; be twkedoulle,tottie if he - D3 |