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Show The hiftorie ofScotland. antl perour ofurkie at the citie of Catre,xho reteined to give occafion of breach of the peace, int the king dim in feruice,and gaue him god interteinement,fo of England denied,that the haughter of apirat (ag that be rentained with him, tilibe beard that the It. be toke Andzew Warton to be) ought to beeake anie uing of Fafkcaffell twas fallen to bim by latwfull bondof peace,pet nenerthelette he peomifen to fena fucceffton ; notivtthffanding that then be oeparted commniftonersto the borders, that fhould intreat of out of Scotland, there twere cight feuerall perfons that matter,and other cnozmities chancen betiveene before bim to fuccerd one after another, trbich in the the tivo reales. meane time ipere all orceafled, dhe 14 of Julie, Prince Fr= 1 Abont this time toas Alerander Yume the ow p.rhe thurdeceffed, Arthur peince of Scotland and the Jles, departed lie gouernn of all the marches of Scotland ( tthic) Buchanan this life it the catfell of Coenburagh.£ too fcorpions 10 before tuere accnfomed fo be diutded into thylibs, wo feorpt= iuere found,the one quicke,and the other dead,in the parts) dectelie beloucd to king James,being aman ons foundin orchard of the caffell of Cragmiller, tbich thing ofa fiercer difpofition than was conuententfox the Hocotiand. twas reputed for a marucllous great wonder, that profit of the common-twealth.This man peomifen to ante fhould be feene twithin the Ze of MBaitaine. Jn the bing (troubled with the cares of twarre, and cares SHtape gat- the moneth of September, an oiiverfallfickenetle full to tvipe atvate the repzoch of late recefucn bp the lantafickies. reigned through all Scotland, thereof manie died, CEnglith)that thortlic he and his folowers with their Zt was beric contagious, and thepcalled it Stape kindzed and aliances , would fo being the matter a, gallant. bout,that the Cngltth Hould as greatlie lament fo, There cane alfo a patting faire tomar into their loffes, as thep bad notin conceiued toics oftheir . Scotland aboutthe fante tiinenaming bir {elfeisars 20 icoaies, Ho the performance fbereof, he gathered tharine Gordon, twife to Perkin Warbecke , that three thoufand fouldiers,tberetwith be entered ng had named bimlelfeduke of 39o2ke, but at length land, and there {poiled feuen totones before ante fuce being brought tothe king , the confelled that fhe twas, and foaucidedtbhe realme. Jn Hbich meane bile, the ladie ikatharine Govdon bir felfe ree Katharine Gozdon, mained in Crgland, and bad right gad maintes nance,(0 that fhe liued there berie tuell and bono. rablic mante pares after. Furthermore , the Che Tum king opon the eighth dap of Poucmber comming bis witho- from Coenburgh to the waterof izale,twke diuers can mifgouerned perfons, ¢bzoughtthemto Zevivorth, "here the painctpall of the Zrumbils, with naked fiva2ds in their bands, and iwiths about their necks Pay Apenifion Thekings battard imaried, SEs England, and the lord Thomas Iatward, fonne and Heire onto the earle of Surrep, twere aypointen by the king of Crglandto goliketwife to fea with cere feine Hips , and met with the fato Andrew as be returned homoetuards nere to the Dotwnes ,bauing {with him onelic one {hip and one barke. ing twith himfromthe pope, andthe kings of France and England, manie gad and pleafantlet. fers: and twith bint came aclearke of Spaine tnany ballage onto the king, « Zhis pecte the eleventh pap 3 pong prince of Apzill,the queene twas deliuered of a pong prince Sn in the palace of Unithgo, tho was (hootli e after : The Cnglitpmen at the fir made figne bnito the Scots as though thep ment none evil , faue onelic camein ambaflagefrom the king of England, Tre French Ponfieur de la Mot cane {vith letter alfo ano s from bingfentto the French king, foperfuade king Xames to aneA Wwarre againft Cngland,pzonifing him moniemake smar a ig : cots nition, andall other neceMarie prouif ions of twarre, Jit bis twaie as be paflen, the feas totvarns Scot: land, be had deolwned the Englith hips, gbzonght feuenatvaie twith him vnto Lieth for er in the hich were but thee Englithmen lett aliue. Shootlie after, maifter James Datlute abbat of Drtburgh caine foo2th of France withletters of the like effect, Foartene piifes of Caghihmen taben, Cheeasne Borke his houfe for atime, and after fent home tnto Lefle, ex ‘ague monea, Barfry Freace, Scotland. Ling James twas fore offended twith this matter, and therebpon fent an herald toith letters, Tequiting redzefle for the Naughter of bis people,and Teffitution of bis Hhips, tith othertwile it might féeme rf (although agatntt the will of manic of re os o2de(ned that benefices 02 prefs a nues bid peerly exceedthe balue of 4° PO pa fea the tiuentie feuenth of Zulic 3 andthe king failed in the BF nauic tent, Piehaell himfelfe, till they tere pal the land of aie, ames Gordon fon to George earle of bunt leic being oneof the capteins ofthe fame thip. Tecommifltoners5 met onthe boxders in Zune, » Cornmitfi 2 i o: Accoding to the aypointmrent: but becaute the Cngy ners met at Whmen would not content to make anie tedzeffeo2 tt boaders. reffitution, till the fitte D 45 king by that ee and eeof - ad Mould wnderitand the tate of their kings procee s dings in France, and inthe nreane time reteine iu the time, their bands the Scotifhmens gunstubich thep han ta, en bott bp fea and land (as the Scotith titers at, firme) the king of Scots being thereof aouert ifen fent Lionking of armes bntoking Wenrie then it eng (fore Le A, Conee plaint, e bim grunts commanding ttt) letters of com thatif Ring Wenrie refiy fed to accompliththe contents of bis fain letters, he kingof france badfent dnto the king, laden with s .) a Wht excellent, right high, and Coepatnee our Devvelt broz Tv and colt OX! ron e aS bs bntop OvoU thPer our mail hartte Weer manner, and received fra Ratt Weraulde le Pour letters , qubhar bnttll pe approve and allow the doings of pour commif iouners ©6Of Nouember. Ling James(ent a purfeuantcalled 6 ‘ Cinicomne into France and another into Cngland 5° latelte being with ours at the borders of Lathe the realmes, for making of revzeffe an arubaflado to be fent fromthe king bis maiffer qubilb ts thoughtto pou and pour councell Sem Mae celeron |eermeentee 4 Tipon the fafo Flaies returne, Wonflenrdela Pot was Cent backe into France , and wityhimfir CAalter Dilute, anda meffenger thome the pope bavfentinto Scotland. Dnthe firtenthof ward Hert infuing , Poco: Cet came as ambatlado> into 6o bp fe aughtnot comprere perfonallie,but bP Chetry attourneys . Andin pour letters with our herauld Paice alcertaine bs pe will naught enter in the treur taken be: twoirt the mattt chrittian king and pour fa- that certeine commuffioners theuln mext onthe boy devs fo: redzefle of all quarrels bettwirt the two the hale liege nether thould no2 map take peace ,treur,noz abltinence of warre with ae: mp : - nest infaing . a neeentment las Rept The » bathing He lent geo Formtan coulbbe done,asaGer thall apere. » king of ° : Scots letters, called ¥laie,, which ¥laic requireafafeconou fo, Scotland from the king of England, apointing bribop Murrey inte France, to fignufie onto the eekofae ems 7 enh bing the meflage of the (ain dodo; eff, ab other things. jn the moneth of Maie there came Maen thi ont of of Den Denasarke lavent itl guns, oxime Dac ient te:ot coxteine e thips Denar POUDeT armo7.4 other bind of munition. Alf wor, ~ Gienr dels Sot awed in the welt pactof Scotiam baw a fear the Grtenth of Bate, with foare (hips fraught with "Feeace, boing ano Gotmerano returned againe theninetanth Bhing of arines fent pnco t.ere teot@ngs o Mould denounce twarre ono bin. Whereb pon Lion lant, arrining in the Cnglith armie withbis cote of arms on bis backe,about the midoett of a tiguit, defired to fpeakeWith the hing, and twas toithin a thort {pace bp Garter chiefe king at arms of © ngland bought tothe kings pzefence , hauing bis nobles mo county cellors about bim, ubere, twith due reuerence, tone gtanted. {without anie moze ado in that matter, a prefent, Jn tbhich by the common poice There came a great thip into Scotland, thich the Che fame Mhiplanved at Wlacknefle the nihetenth Organs any againtt bis confeveratfrienos, offering bimle 2 a Of a child , tthich died Mhoptlic after it tuas choiftened. and band renelwed betwirt Scotland and France. Agree and compound anie difference that er al munickefriers, W5atomanie the popes a countrie, Hhe king prepared Agreat nanie tnthis feafon, and therefore the king affembled the Frame? attillerte, powder, and wines, then twasthe league in peace and quietneffe, and not to make amie > perfons at Cpenburgh,in the monatfer® byt James at Coenburgh, thefitof June,oftering his Bif#>fenthip James friendthip and feruice to him before all other a paitts Ces,and {pectallie againf the king of Cngland;aber. bpon be twasthankfullie receiued, honozablie inter, feined,tridlie retarded. Gndfo the band of friend: tip being tuft him concluded, be returnedinto bis 10208 tn Coenburghfor reformation thereof ; and byourbe to be Ubile thep werethere,the queene twas byongbt toben #echte ring bimin botherlie and moft loving wife a= AD , fubich be cante fo2 that time. + Buch aboutthele daics, there was ee pe io uinciall {nopof bifhops,abbats,and sare te DO pg? % e hee greats Doonell of Ireland came to Bittg Ddonett pre2 gwd words firl dttered, he veliuered his letters, the of Atholl deceafled the nineteenth of September, ¢ teno} thereof infueth, . ; Lion Warold king of armes deceaflenthe firft of D yi Sere ters ober, Creat mifrule tas ercrcifey on the bozders 4° he renerthik of 1 the the Ring Ri oF The tenorof tofalute them asfriends;but getting twithin them, betivirt the king of Crgland and the {ald peer thep fet bpon them right fiercelie, and the Scots for 60 She king of England, tho hav alreadie (ent a . Athiledid as baliantlic defend themfelues, fo that to the ladie regentofthe locountries aga" taken bp the oat Duke of Gelderland , mave fach faire an Englifhmen, manic were Maine on both fines: butin the end the Cnglithmen got the viper hand, wounded Andzeto bonito as be thought trod tuith reafon, and © .4s * Barton the chiefe capteine of the Scots, that be chen the ambaflapour backe againe to bis we called the Gnicomne, and the barke called Jennie Peruine,were both taken, tofth all the Scotifymen that remainedaliue in the fame , thich were bad fo London, and flaiedas priforers in the bithop of Affer this Wobert Warton twent to the fea, and in Julie ought into Scotland 14 prifes of Cnglity mentbich he had taken. Aboutthis feafon,the lor of Dzumiveidie was flaine in Cdenburgh by tivoperfons, tuhich toke fans duaric in Wolie rod boufe,and & efcaped. Yohnerle CTwothips diedof the hurts that he there receiued, and the thip meaey named James the fit prince of Scot: and,andof the Fles, that after fucceeded his father in the kingtome.Z he lox Dacres,and doco: Weft backe laden iwtth boties ofall kinds,bis men(being accuftomedto pilfries and robberies) impatient of delate, peefentlie diutded the prete in the hoff, eucris one departing bome to his owne as tt was navel bonito him, et Alerander did not difperte fad) ashe ntight kepe togither : but affembling as manie of o thentas twould tarie , witha fmall compante abode theendof all things, altvaies hauing ancietole if ante purfute fuere mane after them. But aben be percefued no booieto follow, and that there was Donbt of Danger (pallingthe tinte moze carcles than Scotland onfo bing James,requiring bis shame ane again England : but king James nnndUg mainfeite peace and concord bettwirt the Parl' 5) aa fent an ambatfano2 bnito the king of England, ie Rings baffard daughter, in SPouember follow ing, in this prefent were x 5 1 2, of home the honfe of arn is defcended, ahoztlie after came the bithop of Murrey home. , cour might come to refcue them : but as hereturned ambaffadozs from the king of England bir brother, liginto Scotland. tom ftho tuere horozablie recetued, Jnthe peere next trv Lhe French ing and the Duke of Gelderland, Peaee fuing,in June, Andzetw Warton being on the feas to perceining that the king of England was po rep ace meet the Postingals (again® thon be ban a letter though peocurentent ofthe pope eothers , £0 wnt Engst of marque) fic Comund Watward loz admerall of 5° them wares, either of them fent amballavo2s - glue to the king(aben he required) fue ao e as belted to demand; ttbich onto this dapis called the ABaiomane monieo? tar.] Johnlow Gordon,fonne and beire fo Alerander Gordonevle of untleie,re s furned ont of France, and twas maricd pnto the of hips, the pzincipall thereof tuere the Pichacl are baning bene at Xome,in France, and Engla no, i and James . They mane faite towardl,s Bargaret, ome, being the met bim, putting themfelues in the kings mere tie, thich tere fent to Cundzie places to be kept in before) he fellbniwares into the hands of thebub Deed Criglith laid in wait for him, tho (tabing the ward,with diuers other of thofe countrimen,theres by the marejes tvere moze quiet affertvards : and owortunitie of the tinte) dtd fet pon himand bis, and (daluing fhem into ertrente feare)thepbilled and from thence the king patled to faint Johns tone, put to fight all {uch as thepincountered, 3n Sid feere {uftice tuere holden the onek of the winter. Thenert pere in the beginni of Maie, the 4o tumult diners of the Scots were flaine, and two tet queéne went ftom Dunfermling toward faint Dur bunodzed taken,of frome George Yume,byotherof fhois in Rolleand wasall the way tight honozablie the faid Alerander(erchanged for Comarch,erat, Du ambatlage Died ad interteined.Aboutthe tenth of Julie,the res and Ford, taken prffoners , ard long refeined fromtheking tured to Coenburgh,there fhe found the lo2d Dar | Scotland for revenge of the death of Robert Cat sfEngland. eres, and fir Robert Daurte kiight come thither as foas one,and the chiefett,aberebp be departed quict rs11. Lefle, The hiftorie ofScotland. the fenth fo the pope; amd thould ther of Aragoun, becautepe and others of pour common eniunte, without confentof all the confede Andthatthe rats.pea emperor bing of Bragoun, and euery of poube, ? : bounded acuall warre this in ftant omyto make nft ay nev again pour common entmp, Aub that fo to dois concluded and opentie fwo2ne in Paules kirke at London, bpon ).Warkes dap laltbypatt, And farther yaue Denied fafe conduct bpon our requetts that a feruito; of outs might hauereforten to |