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Show aivhalfe of neiv bops.o2 peraduenture tive pounds as the (eth canfe bp the goomntetle gibafenetfe of the Hops,¢ tien it bath Conner in fummer tivo houres & in Winter anboure ¢anbalfe, the friketh tt alfo and referueth it nto mixtore With the ref when time De monken noll to bed tuith bin, ercept his locke -_-be the better. But to my purpofe, An fone places of Cnglann, there ts a hind of Cit, Diinke made of apples, Abtch thep call cider 02 pH Bong fitting Fepzchcnved. mage, but thatof peares ts named pirrte, an both fibeat floiwze, the procerdeth in {uch bluall oder as common bzuing requireth. Some tn fled of arras € bates adde fo muchlong pepper onelie, but in bir opt: forts of drinke, as metheglin is in Ualales, Schereaf Ay the Welf}men make no lefle accompt(and not twith out caufe if it be tuell handled) than the Greekes did -of fheit Ambyolia or Medar, trhich for the pleafante thing is fexticpounds apeate Computatis computands -_withhontcombs and tater,abich the bomelie coun -‘trielvines, putting fome pepper ano a little other {pfce among, call mead, berie gad in mine opinton ai -_-fo {uch as loue tobe lofe bodied at large,op alittle ealed of the cough, othertnite tt oifterett fo mad ft {piteat two pence,fernants toagestinathillingste the true metheglin,as chalke from checfe, Lruliett is nothing elfe but the twathing of the combes, then Hie ‘the Donte is tozong out, and one of the betf things pence with meat and diinke, and the iuearing of mp befiell at twentie pence,fo that foxmyp twentieth lings ¥ bane fen core gallons of bere o2 moze, nots 30 Hat ¥ knoty belonging thereto ts, that they fpend Lfthtanding the lole in feething, bic) fome being _-dutlitle labour and leffe coft in making ofthe fame, lot to fagodm not obferuethetime,and therefore and therefoxe no great loffeif it tvere meneroccw feed thereafter in theit fucceffe,and twozthilie: The pied.Wttherto ofthe dtet of my countefmen,¢ fone continuance ofthe Dyinke ts aliwate determinedaf fer the quantitie of hebops,fo that being tell bomen itlatteth longer, Foz it fedeth bponthe hop,and bol' beth out fo long as the force of the fame continueth, -_abat moveat large peraduenture than mante men _-tvill like of, aherefnxe J thinke god notw tofintth «his tractation, and fo will Z,abenF haue apded a -Felwother things incfdent onto that thich goeth be Labich being ertingntthed the binke mutt be (penta; fore, therebp the tole proceife of the fame shal Elfe if dieth,and becommeth of no value, r tullie be deltuered,¢ mp promite fo mp frend thts Gu this tradealfo our bzuers obferue verie dilf, 40 bebaife performed, Gentlic the nature ofthe water tchich thep datlic. oes ieretofore there hath bette much more time fpent cupie; and folle through whic it patfeth, for all tuar iit! inating and dzinking than commontlie isin3 thele ip Awater is altvaies the bet : fo: although the waters fat run by dhalkeor clengic foiles be gedand nert foxenone, beuerages, or nuntions after Dinter, MO jy? vet the twater that fandeth in elther of thete is the ceed and acuftomettheresf AchenzusalloHe fers are not of like qodnetle, {ith the fattek fanding Dito the Thames water btd)is the mof ercellent befk fox bs that ptvell in the countrie, : as thereon the mrenienlong fate ihishzen. wutof all dales, foiebereas of old tue had -byeakefathstthe jut thereto reare {uppers generallie abhen tt tuas timeld 0 toreft (a tote beought into England bp hardle Reth lib.x, albett Hippocrates {peake butof till' the molt /d.2..e re. infeb, re Srotw thefe oot? Tetfostng tater mertate oe Monteanbthe clés 5» palis thankebbeGop arebere nell lef, anedvane a maee es nt : ft. Fnthis bufines thers ni pa Mth redeme theiniqués Sipe troubletat ats st bis proportions, ne ve me onelie, but not putarontenn e a aMensdzinke)isnes fuvbenin the bauing Hy a - aS the bere well ataudphoepee cleteanbivelicos ox malucfete, oe tather pelloty as the golo noble as our: patkitahts ca immaner (ercept bere and there fome pong bungels Comath that cannot fat till dinnertime) contented -imifelfe with ninnecr ¢ fomper onclis, Zhe sormans -muifithing the goxmandife of Canutus, o2oeined at ter thet arriuall, that no table {youlo be coucted a -bouedncein the baie, fthicy Huntingdon frnputeth to thete avarice : butin the endeither twaring 12% rie oftheir otvnc frugalttie,ox furtering the c0°t Ghich is not at all 02 berie iconeae of old cuffome to overgro tye god cozme oftit ney conftitution, they fellty. to {uch libertic, thatinol cy Dops,ts moze thicke2,,fulfomte,and of no fachcont contin inus es °° ten feeding thep furmounted Canutus farnanied Oe gat anus tbichare thee notable things to be conGoerca bavvie. 3fo2thereas he couered bis table but thi@ bi in fhatliquo:. Int what for that 2 Certe s ¥ know 03 foure timesin the daie, thefe fpzen theft clothes (a fore aleknights f much aodicen, therebnto that flue o2 fir times, and in (uch toffe as 3 before robert ye? oertwill not ceatie from mozotn ontill evento bifit the fame, clenfing boute after bonfe, till thep vefile Mhermfelnes, andettber fall quite onder the bo2n,. 03 not baring torre from thetr ales, fit Gill pine fed. Zhep brought tall the cuttome of long a fatcliefitting at meat, tbcrebp thete fealts veleilY bled thofe ancientpontificall bankets sryereot Me ninaigh thetr narrow etes as balfe dreping,ti crobius (peakettylib. 3. cCap.1 3. and Plin.lib.1.0.cap oa oth . Dud Aights allo haue.the.alewines and curiofitie Hetued in the fame,erceeded all o l the . Lakemettarte be digetten that he map go btter: eine it uthrotenabateet fhep will mire AION intheale &nevefeL here the bottome N of the 10.anb frhich for fomptuonfnette of fare,long fitting mens featting, hid: fonpnetie ts not pet lett i bg, nottoithftanbing that itpouty berie benefit fox the ybpfictans,tho moft abonnd,tbere mot & _cefle ania nnifgouecniensent of our bodies oe3 Exercet rawcos tertia canfidscos. In quintam varios extendit Romalaboresy Sextagntes lafiss,feptimafinis ertt. Sufficitin nonam netidis ofaua palestris, Inperas extruttosfrangere nond thoras, Horalibellorum decima eft Enpheme meorums Temperat Ambrofias cum tua cura hapes, Et bonus athereolaxatur Neare Cafars none, fo that with mane is an bard matter,to rife front the table to go fo enening pester, and returne from thence to come time inough tofuper. jfo2 mp part Zant perfuadsd that the purpole of the soz mansat the firl twas to reduce the anctent Roman "@hst is at thier of the Ciecke at af= ternonc, Lid.cpig.', Ingentique tenetpoculaparcammant. Tunc admittesocos :grefie timet ire licentt, Admatutinum nostra Thaleia Ionems Thns we fe how the ancfent maner of the Der Socrates, tho faid biito the Atheniens, orsente (ale fils was to féed but once in the Date,and that totvard confiliwmoccidente conwininmeft copstandum, although a little fomething fas alloted in the mozning to Hight, till gluttonite grete on and altered this gad pong chilozer tbtch iwenotv calla breabefatt. Plato called the Sfciliens montkers,for that thep bled to -_neffle thereof, twas {nypofed fo be fuch as the gobs hereof wemaketyebhoggetheadsofgadbere,(uc (Ameane) as ts met for poze men as Zamtoliue 2 fhemfelues vip delite tr. Therets a kindof fvith fvath made alfoin Cifcr, md dfuerfe other places, Withall, thofe {mall maintenance (for that great able fo performe) map indure no Deeper cut, the charges thereof groweth in this manner. F bar tue mp maltat ten thillings, mp twmdatfoureth(b lings thich % buie, mp hops at tiventic pence, the of reprebention. 302 the nobilitie,gentlemen,ap merdantmen, efpectallic at great meetings dw fit contmortite till tha 02 thee of the clocke at afters and fotvard the evening, as A baue red and noted, And tnoed the Romans had {uch a culfome,smd likes Wile the Grectans,as may aperre bp the tvozds of -_lie Dyinke atali times, but referred brite the delicate tion and mp lhingit is notfoged as the firft,and Prima/falutantesatayealtera continet hora order o2 Danith cuffomein feeding once in the date, , 5 made fo; the nonce, pethferne therefore. Finallie Hen the fetteth bir 1° are grandand piefied in preffes Certes thefe tivo are berie common tn Sufler) prinke fogtther,(he addeth to Hir bracktwozto2 chaty Kent, Worcefter. and other eds, there thete forts fonzt balfe an ounce of arvas, and balfe a quarterite of fruits om abound, botobeit thep are not their one of ai ounce of balberries finelic potvdered,and then putting the fame into bir wort Hithanbandfullof although it be a great erpenfe of time, and inozthie cuffome, J might bere remember allo their maner in pulling off thefr thmes then thep fat dotone to nicat,abereof Martialfat: Depotsfoleds,afferturprotinus ingens eat tiotfein the daic. Among the erfians onelie Inter laLucas oxy, armed, Liber,cr*e. the king died Ghenthe funne was at the bighetf, 29 And Tullic alforemembacth where he fatth sernum a and fhadoty of the file at the Thoztetl: the rett (as tt pedibus ad te mifi, Sich office greto of the fatd cue is repoated) fvent altvates but once to meat fen their fomrachs crauedit, as the Canariens and 31v flonte, as Seruis ad limina dip of keeping the doze, Dians deo timp time (tho if appetite ferne refute not though inmoft houfes both thefe tucre commonlie ne mans office, alfo 24pocula of attending on the fogo to meat at aniehoure of the nfght) anelikes cup.JBut bicaufe the gab toziters of our time hane ‘wile the ancient Cafpfans. 3et Arhianus noteth it as arare thingli.4.cap.16.that theDpzhentans bad obferued thele phrates and (uch like twith thetrcanfes and deferiptions, in theft infinite and feuerall treas faken bp ant ill cuffore to fxd tivife tn a dateot beit at the laf thep fell generallie to allotv of fup fifes, J (hall not need to difconrfe anie farther bpon pers folvard the letting of the funneint all places, 30 them. With bsthe nobilitie,gentrie, and fudents, bicaufe they would baue thet trhole fannilie'to go-to bo ovdinarilie goto Dinter at clenen befoe none, meat fegither, and therebnto they would appoint and to {upper at fiue,o2 bettvantefine and fir at afters thetr guefts fo come atacerteine length of the tha none, Themerchants dine and fup feloome before tivelue at noite, and fir at night efpectallte tn Lone boty, fo be percetuedintheir dials. And this is moze fo be notedof antiquitic, that if anis man (as PluDow, The hufbandnien dine alfo at bigh none as rarch faithoid feed before that time,be tenrren anote they call if,and (up at fenen 02 eight + but ont of ths of reprehenfion as tf be bad bene gluttorous and tearme in onr buiuerfities the {cholers dine at ter. giuen onto the bellie,8. Sympof.6. Theft Hanes in As fh2 the porett fort they generallie dine and fap fihen thep map, fo that to talke of theft over of ree like fozt Wuere glad, thenit gretu to the tenth foot, fo then tere they fure fone after fo goto meat. Gn the 40 paff,it were but a nedlefle matter . 3 might here {criptnre ive readof manie fuypers¢ fetv dinners, take occafion alto to fet boturie the bartetic bfenbp onelie fox that dining tvas not greatlic bled fn antiquitic in their beginnings of thetr diets, tperin Qhiiffs time, but taken asa thing latelie fprang bp, almoff cverie nation bad a fenerall fathton,fome bea frben pampering of the bellie began to fake holo, oc ginning of cuffome(as we do in fummer fime)inith falets at (nyper, and fome ending twith lettice, fome cafionedbp idlenes and great abundance of rides, makingthete entric with egs,and thutting bp thet At is pretic to note im Junenal,botw he tarmteth Marius fo} that be gaue bimfelfe to minke before the tables with mulberies,as tue do foith fruit md cone * ninth boureof the date:for thinking thre houres to ceitsofall forts.Diuerfe(as the old Romans) began be to little foz the filing of bis bellie,be began come twith a fet crops of rue, as the UWenetians pid toith monlie at eight, thich was an boure to fone, Af 50 the fit called Gobius, the Belgies tofth bntter(o2 as terivards fiber gurmanbife increafed pet moze av ive doo pet alfo)twith butter and egs bpon fith bates. mong f the omans, and from them twas difperfeo iBut whereas we commontie begin with the mok bnto all nations tnver their fubiecion, it cameto gvotle fod,and end inith the moff delicate, the Scot thinking mud) toleaue the bef fo, bts mental fers pafle that fir boures onlie tere appointed fo iwozke uants maketh bis entrance at the belt, fo that be is and confaltin,and the other fir of the baie fo fed and fure therbp to leaue the twozft.ale die alfo our wines Dzinkein, as the berfe fatth: Sex hora tantim rebus tribuantur agendisy by vegrees, fo that the hoteft commieth laff to the tar Pinerepoll ilas,listera Xetha monet, ble, but to ffand bpon {uch tofes wwould{pend mud fime,anbd turne to {mall pofit, therfore 4 will bealg @berebnto Maximus ‘Planudes (ercept mrp mee movie faile me)andeth this (cholic after his maner, ¢o toith other things moze neceflavie for this turne. faieng that from mooning onite nonetht) ts fir of the clocke after the bnequall accompt)cad) one doth Oftheir apparell and attire, trauell about bis neceMlarie affaires, that being done,he betaketh him(clfe to the refrething of bis Chap.7. bodie, tbich is noted andfet dotune by the Créeke lettersof the diall (ahereiwith the Romane hozoles gies tere marked,as ours be twith their nomerall letters) therebp the time is delcriben; fox thofe thidy Oe. ¢e/) tite,mate fundzie platfoomes of for bis purpofe, fuypofing by point7,3,9 and ro are totitten twith £ y 6 1, ano bes ing foimed pelo Aci, thle in-Cnalth igntfieth forme of them tofino ont one fteofaf ground tubereon to mud) asline,as if they (hould meanc,eat that thou matt liue.iBut bet Martial Diuided bis date, and butls the famme of bis vif 7 conrfe. Wut in the end (ithe iwith bin the rhole trenpe of the learned ¢ toifer o7t, Shete verles footing bw moze eulventlie peclare; long tofthout escrctfe) ben be fate Ghat B4. 3 ae Rela Seene put into the furnace, iibert fhe fecond isma is Seoopune. then tebath matiyed alto thelattliqua, (and fet the fecondta cole by the frit) fheletteth tt rurine.and then {etheth ttagaine with a poundand 171 The defcription ofEngland. potas poutan put it, pouthall tre fhe rofer cone fa2th banging on the knife, Ss for the forer of falt; itis toell knotwne by the effect, fo2 the moze the azine ‘Ker tipleth,the moze be map,and fo Dath be carrieof Srna Thedefcription of England. |